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Intro (puters)

x86_64, sometimes called amd64, x64, or Intel 64, is a CPU instruction set found in most consumer PCs. If you're reading this on an *actual* PC, not a phone, and it was made in the past like 10 years or so, it's probably x86_64. If it's older, it might be x86, which is the 32-bit predecessor of x86_64. x86 and x86_64 are pretty close. An x86_64 CPU can run 32-bit x86 code, but not vice versa. x86 was the 32-bit extension of the 16-bit Intel 8086 or something that came out in like the 1970s. Idk. x86_64 has a lot of legacy stuff since it's still backwards-compatible a really long way. Neat

"Machine code" refers to the code that the CPU actually runs, the individual 1s and 0s at the very lowest level. While it's not practical nor very useful for most people to program at such a level (unless you're writing an assembler, compiler, OS (maybe), or just wanna know more about your puter), it's FUN and has good novelty value. Most people are very, very, very far removed from it. Oh well. This page is about encoding x86_64 instructions (and x86 and maybe even the 16-bit versions, by extension); going from assembly statements to the 1s and 0s that the CPU runs. If you don't know assembly, you should learn it.

I do not like the cia

Kinda useless background

I'll assume you know what electricity is: that force of, like, opposing electrical charges or something. I dunno. Anyways, conductors conduct electricity through them while insulators don't really conduct electricity. Metals are usually good conductors, and rubber and plastic are usually good insulators. Power cables are just usually a thick metal wire surrounded by some rubber. One day, though, people found out that the element silicon is weird with electricity. Sometimes it conducts electricity, but other times it doesn't. They called it a semiconductor. And thus mankind devolved. They discovered that you can use these semiconductors to make logic gates: litle circuits that take separate electrical signals as input, and whether or not they output an electical signal is dependent on the inputs. Like, an AND gate would output a signal if both of its inputs have a signal. There's also some stuff about analog vs digital: in analog, the 'strength' of the signals might be taken into account, but in digital, every signal is only ON or OFF, and there's no in between. As numbers, this ON and OFF would come to be known as true and false, or 1s and 0s. Don't forget about 1s and 0s here. They're really important. For some reason, digital electronics absolutely bodied analog electronics I think. So everything now is digital.

Those logic gates can get pretty wild. Individually, there's not many more than simple logical gates whose name and functions are the same as regular words: AND, OR, NOT. There's also XOR, which is important, and NAND, NOR, and XNOR which are just NOT combined with the previous ones. Ehh let's throw in some truth tables for them. Truth tables are tables that show the output of a gate for each state of its inputs.

AND truth table
1 AND 1 = 1
0 AND 1 = 0
1 AND 0 = 0
0 AND 0 = 0

OR truth table
1 OR 1 = 1
0 OR 1 = 1
1 OR 0 = 1
0 OR 0 = 0

NOT truth table
NOT 1 = 0
NOT 0 = 1

XOR gate
1 XOR 1 = 0
0 XOR 1 = 1
1 XOR 0 = 1
0 XOR 0 = 0

Don't get all scared and confused by words like XOR or XNOR and them being capitalized and accompanied by a bunch of philosophical asides about logic. That's what the CIA wants. Just realize that they're EXTREMELY SIMPLE. "what's a NOT gate? what does logical NOT mean?" It's so simple, people might be confused by it. NOT is true when its input is false. NOT is false when its input is true. Should I rephrase? NOT true = false; NOT false = true. It's so simple! Don't be a CIA cattle.

Pretty soon, people realized that they could combine these logic gates to make some crazy stuff that's actually quite complicated. They made new manufacturing processes that could put tons and tons of logic gates on a little chip. By putting together logic gates, you can add numbers, represented by 'trues' and 'falses'. You can store your 'trues' or 'falses' in some kind of medium, and use logic gates to retreive them from wherever. So they got on some crazy shit. Adding, and arithmetic with numbers, is one of the main functions of a computer's CPU. Storing memory in the form of 1s and 0s sounds a lot like drives or RAM. And so they made the computer...

All in all, a computer is just a bunch of electronics: integrated circuits all hooked up and working together thanks to a motherboard, the green plate-looking-thing with all the traces going between various black rectangles and electrical components. This stuff is called the hardware. It's physical and is comprised of all those logic gates. Many of those logic gates are in the CPU; those logic gates are responsible for decoding instructions to it (of course in the form of 1s and 0s), telling it what operation to do, and doing the operation. It's logic gates all the way down.

These logic gates provided what you could consider a programming language: a language that programs the CPU (programming as in telling it what to do). But as programs (something that's run (something a CPU "does" I guess?)) got bigger, people got tired of coding in their CPU's machine code, so they made up assembly. Assembly tries to make it a little more readable to humans; in a process called assembling, a program called an assembler takes assembly code as input and outputs machine code. Then programmers got tired of assembly, too, so they invented what were called "high level programming languages", which were becoming increasingly independent of the CPU, more readable, and more approachable. This spawned C long ago. The trend continues still today, where people aren't happy with C, so they came up with languages like Python and JavaScript which are usually so far removed from the actual CPU that it's not even funny anymore.

To show what this is like, consider that we want to write a program that compares 2 numbers and prints out either "higher", "lower", or "equal" depending on the numbers. The only specifics of this program is that the 2 numbers should only be used once (stored somewhere in memory), and that the output is displayed to the user. I'll show how it might look in x86_64 assembly, what it'd look like in a higher-level language (HolyC; still low-level compared to what JS frontend webdevs use), and what it'd look like in a really high-level langauge (Python). Note that "level" in this context just refers to how far removed something is from the hardware it's ultimately running on.

Even if you don't know much about coding, that should still seem like a lot of code just to compare 2 numbers and tell the user if the first one is greater, lesser, or equal to the second one. And it is! The last 2 lines are technically HolyC, but they're only there to actually run the code. This is on TempleOS btw, so I don't have to mess with any linker shit. To get a glimpse of what it'd look like on Linux or Windows, check out this NASM tutorial, which is a good tutorial to learn assembly from.

Anyways, next is the same program in HolyC (really similar to C):

It's a lot shorter, isn't it? And not only that, but it's so much more readable. There's variable names, math symbols to compare the numbers, and not nearly as many crazy strange 2-4 letter phrases. Also note that in both the above examples, the text in green is a comment and not technically part of the program. It's just cosmetic. In most syntax highlighting, green means comment. But if easiness is all you care about, you can do better.

That's in Python. Pretty much the only thing there is to figure out is that 'elif' just means 'else if'. It's easy. Wanna see it in JavaScript, the programming language that the front-end of pretty much ALL websites are coded in? The language that most all client-side ads and trackers are coded in? The language that has unironically ruined humanity because of how it's allowed the Internet to run amok and do all the crazy shit it has? The only language that companies really seem to care about anymore since they exclusively hire JavaScript front-end webdevs to make their corporate-looking website have a smooth scrolling function? The THRALL PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE? It's here. I don't even wanna take a screenshot of it to give it glory with syntax highlighting. I hate JavaScript and the modern internet. I'm aware that the internet isn't JavaScript's fault but rather the fault of the companies who are so enthralled by fucking PR and superficial "sleekness and minimalism" that they hire spineless JavaScript front-end webdevs to bloat everything up the fuck up just to have a smooth scrolling transition and shit, but still. (Although I guess that's the fault of the public for being so thrallish as to be obsessed with superficial shit like the appearance of a website and wanting it to be fucking SOULLESS).

So all these higher level languages look so much easier and better, right? Well yeah obviously they are easier, and I'm not saying that assembly is better. But look at all the "things" in the assembly code: RAX, RDX, MOV, CMP, JL, JG, CALL, and RET. Those make sense to the CPU. (Not the literal text of "RAX" and whatnot, but rather what they stand for in the machine code after the assembly is assembled). The CPU doesn't really know the word "if", but it's in most prorgamming languages. Because high-level programming languages don't have to worry about all that CPU stuff! Well they do; if it's a compiled language like HolyC or C, the compiler needs to in order to compile it to machine code. But registers, labels, and CPU instructions are *generally* not something you have to think about when writing code in that language. You sometimes can worry about them if you want, but probably not when the language is interpreted, LOL.

So yeah. The CIA has gotten people so scared of low-level shit. When they code in compiled languages on non-TempleOS operating systems, linking is so convoluted that they don't know what on earth is happening anymore. They see a computer BIOS and they think it's a bug. This has distracted them from low-level programming, especially at the level of CPU instruction encoding. So they stay on superficial front-end web technologies like a bunch of cattle, where Google implements web environment integrity and boom there goes your illusion of web browser freedom (such a thing doesn't exist anymore, there's only chromium and the firefox one; the HTML spec and shit is so complicated that there'll probably never be another web browser, when Google puts whatever tf they want into chromium, all your "privacy focused" browsers using chromium will probably be forced to choose between using an outdated chromium (won't let you browse on all the latest and greatest corporate sites since they want the HTML69 CSS cum-margin-double-webkit-animate@thrall property to make their corporate memphis fade in as you scroll down to look at all their wild claims about their cloud SaaS (the cloud is just someone else's computer)) and incorporating Google features.

Sorry I keep getting sidetracked and cynical about the modern state of computers. I won't do it anymore now. The intro is over now, so it's time to get what you came here for: X86_64 INSTRUCTION ENCODING. So let's get into it. Starting now, the site will proceed as though you're an average computer person. You aren't someone's grandma, maybe you have a bit of coding experience, maybe you booted an OS from a flash drive. Nothing too crazy, but nothing too tame. Feel free to skip some of the following sections if you already know them.


I programmed in Lua for years without ever once having to care about binary. Like everyone else, I knew that computers use binary for numbers, but I never encountered anything where that would actually come into play in my coding. I was blind in a sense. Imo now, if you program, you should know binary. You'll need it eventually. Anyways pretty much everything a computer works with is just 1s and 0s, or ONs and OFFs, or trues and falses; all those terms are interchangeable and called bits. Numbers, then, are obviously represented like that. The only other information the numbers really have besides the state of the bits are the "positions" of the bits.

01110010. That's how a computer could represent the number 114. There's 8 different states (represented by digits from 0-1 here: binary), and which ones are on or off is what determines the number it represents. But how can you know the number? You just have to read it like it's base 2. WHat does that mean? Well the numbers we normally use are in base 10. Each digit is a 'place' 10 times higher than the last. There's a ones place, a tens place, a hundreds place, etc. Each place/digit can hold numbers 0-9. After 9, it overflows, adding 1 to the next digit and being set to 0.

Here's counting to 15:

You should get the pattern. Everyone knows how to count. But how does it relate to base 2? Well it's literally the same except a digit overflows when it reaches 2.

Here's counting to 15 in binary (or base 2):
   0	(0)
   1	(1)
  10	(2)
  11	(3)
 100	(4)
 101	(5)
 110	(6)
 111	(7)
1000	(8)
1001	(9)
1010	(10)
1011	(11)
1100	(12)
1101	(13)
1110	(14)
1111	(15)
You see it, right? You can use binary to count to 31 on just 1 hand: having a finger up is a 1, and having a finger down is a 0. Or if you use 2 hands, you can count to 1023. But how to convert binary to regular decimal (meaning base 10)? Notice that in binary there's a 1s place, a 2s place, a 4s place, an 8s place, a 16s place, a 32s place, etc. In base 10, each place is 10x bigger than the last; in base 2, it's 2x bigger than the last. I'm sure you know lots of powers of 2: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768, 65536, just to name a few. So to convert from binary to decimal, look at each place starting at the least significant one (the rightmost one here), and if it has a 1 in it, then add the place's value to a total. Now look at the binary number 01001110. Can you convert it yourself? Just go right to left through the digits/places:
|||||||1s place: 0    = 0
||||||2s place:	 1    + 2
|||||4s place:   1    + 4
||||8s place:    1    + 8
|||16s place:    0    + 0
||32s place:     0    + 0
|64s place:      1    + 64
128s place:      0    + 0
                   2+4+8+64 = 78
So that's not bad at all. If it doesn't make sense, try this wikihow article.

Too lazy to put much here on how to convert from decimal to binary. It's not as important. Just take your number and subtract powers of 2 from it: starting at the highest, then descending down to 1; if it would stay positive, then subtract it and add a 1 into the corresponding place in the digit, and if it would become negative, skip it and add a 0 into the corresponding place in the binary digit. Here's converting 78 back into binary:

  78    =  78
-128 fails:    0   [128s place]
 -64    =  14: 1   [64s place]
 -32 fails:    0   [32s place]
 -16 fails:    0   [16s place]
 -8     =   6: 1   [8s place]
 -4     =   2: 1   [4s place]
 -2     =   0: 1   [2s place]
 -1 fails:     0   [1s place]

finished: 01001110
Converting binary to/from hexadecimal is really important, though. Bitwise operators are too... there's kind of a lot to go through. I had this other page that's all about binary and goes through a bit of bitwise operators. It's here. Man, I keep repeating myself.

Binary numbers are prefixed with '0b' in many programming languages, so you can type 78 as '0b01001110'. You can also that for conversion since the language should let you print out that number in decimal even though you typed it in binary. Usually in math, a binary number is denoted with a subscript of 2 that comes after it: 010011102. Or to distinguish decimal numbers from binary numbers where there's a chance for confusion between them (hardly ever, but still), use a subscript of 10: 7810


Hexadecimal, sometimes called just 'hex', is a base 16 numbering system. That means that each digit can range in value from 0-15 unlike base 10's 0-9. But because 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 can't be written in 1 digit because of base 10, hexadecimal numbers use A, B, C, D, E, F respectively. So counting from 0 to 19 in hex looks like this:

 A   (10)
 B   (11)
 C   (12)
 D   (13)
 E   (14)
 F   (15)
10   (16)
11   (17)
12   (18)
13   (19)
Which at first seems pretty stupid. It's confusing because sometimes hex numbers look like decimal numbers even when their values are different. Also it's silly: why does hex even exist? But it's super easy to convert between hex and binary. As long as you know your hex digits and the binary representations of 0-15, you can do it in your head in not much time at all. Each group of 4 bits just corresponds to a hex digit! (4 bits is the number you need to represent 0-15, btw). So, to convert 010011102 to hex:

chunk, decimal value, hex digit
0100: 4:   4
1110: 14:  E

010011102 = 78 = 4E
It's painless once you get the hang of it. I don't think there's much else to say about hex, but so much stuff involving x86 or anything relativively low level uses it.

In programming languages, hex numbers are usually prefixed with 0x, like 0x4E. Usually it's case-insensitive. In other places, hex numbers have an 'h' at the end of them, like 4Eh. H isn't a valid hex digit, so there's no ambiguity. In some other places, though, especially in the documentation of x86_64 stuff, numbers being in hex is implicit, so make sure you know the number format of what you're reading, because a 20 in hex is very different from a 20 in decimal.

The x86_64 Architecture

Can't really encode x86_64 instructions if you don't know what goes on in x86_64, though. Maybe you could, I dunno, but it'd be kinda silly. In most (all?) CPUs, there are small areas of memory called registers. They're stored inside the CPU, so they're *much* faster than RAM. A lot of what a CPU does is just moving data between registers and RAM. x86 defines 8 32 bit general purpose registers that you can store whatever you want in, although 2 of them are used for stack stuff, so you probably wouldn't want to. x86_64 increases their size to 64 bits and also adds 8 more 64 bit general purpose registers. Each of them can store 64 bits of data, usually in the form of a number.

Instructions are the smallest unit of CPU execution. They're... instructions that tell the CPU what to do. For example, there's an add instruction that can add one register or memory location to another. A "memory location" just means something stored in RAM. There's a move instruction, usually called mov, that copies data from a register or memory location to another. And so on. There are lots of different instructions. The easiest way to see these instructions is through something called assembly language. Assembly language is a programming language composed of statements; each statement corresponds one-to-one with a machine code instruction. It's specific to each CPU architecture, too, and maybe the OS depending on what you do with it. This page is dedicated to x86_64 instruction encoding, which means going from the assembly statements to the machine code that the CPU will directly execute. As such, the specific OS isn't relevant, except maybe in a few examples of assembly code; if it at all matters, all assembly examples on this page are in TempleOS/HolyC, and the syntax is similar to regular NASM (using Intel syntax) except:

If you don't know what any of that means yet, that's ok. They're just differences between TempleOS-style assembly and the style of assembly that might pop up anywhere else.

Assembly isn't easy at all! Shit. It's a huge pain to try and explain, too, so here's a list of random free x86 assembly tutorials since I probably won't do a good job (remember that x86 and x86_64 assembly are sort of the same thing; x86_64 is just the 64 bit extension of x86, blah blah):

Most of my experience with assembly comes from TempleOS and messing around with trying to make a bootloader with NASM. It seems to be one of those things that just takes time. But it's not too bad once you get it kinda down. Anyways, if you do any x86_64, you need to know the REGISTERS. As said before, there are 16 general purpose 64 bit registers, and each of them have 32, 16, and 8 bit subregisters. The 32 and 16 bit subregisters are the least significant bits of the larger register.

X86_64 Registers

Code Register name (64 bit) 32 bits 16 bits high 8 bits* low 8 bits
000 RAX EAX AX AH (code: 100) AL
001 RCX ECX CX CH (code: 101) CL
010 RDX EDX DX DH (code: 110) DL
011 RBX EBX BX BH (code: 111) BL
100 RSP ESP SP none SPL[1]
101 RBP EBP BP none BPL[1]
110 RSI ESI SI none SIL[1]
111 RDI EDI DI none DIL[1]
1.000 R8 R8D R8W none R8B
1.001 R9 R9D R9W none R9B
1.010 R10 R10D R10W none R10B
1.011 R11 R11D R11W none R11B
1.100 R12 R12D R12W none R12B
1.101 R13 R13D R13W none R13B
1.110 R14 R14D R14W none R14B
1.111 R15 R15D R15W none R15B
*: high 8 bits of the 16 bit subregister
[1]: only encoded when REX prefix is present; x86_64 only
Note: for the register code, a 1 before the . means the bit must be set in REX.R, REX.X, or REX.B

Tricky stuff. Note that none of the 64 bit registers are in plain x86. Also, anything talking about a REX prefix is just info on how it's encoded into the machine code, and shouldn't be too important if you're only programming in assembly. But this is a guide to x86_64 instruction encoding, so soon we'll talk about the REX prefix. Anyways, in assembly, you refer to the registers by name. Like, you can do "add rax, rcx" to set rax equal to rax + rcx. Or you can do "add eax, ecx" to do the same thing but with the 32 bit subregisters, clearing the higher bits. But in assembly, the register operands must be the same size. "add rax, ecx" is invalid and will error.

Instructions are composed of, in this order:

  1. Optional prefixes: some, like the address/operand size overrides 66h and 67h, will be put here implicitly by the assembler, while others, like 'lock', can be declared explicitly in assembly before the mnemonic. Of course in instruction encoding, all must be done explicitly.
  2. The opcode: this is determined by the menmonic. At a lower level, each assembly mnemonic may have more than 1 opcode it can become, and the one that gets picked depends on the types of the operands.
  3. Bytes that specify the operands. Also other bytes. These include the ModR/M byte, the SIB byte, and any immediate values.
Here's a slightly more in-depth diagram:

Remember, each statement in assembly corresponds to 1 machine code instruction. There's traditionally 1 statement per line, too, and usually anything after a semicolon is a comment and not even considered part of the code. Although in TempleOS, comments in assembly come after // or in between /* and */. They're green. Comments in all programming languages are usually either green or gray.

So now that we kinda know all this stuff, how can we encode a simple instruction like "add rax, rcx"? Well that uses 64 bit registers, which would require the REX prefix and complicate it a bit, so lets start with "add eax, ecx", the 32 bit registers. What do we know? The 'add' mnemonic must become an opcode, and the "eax, ecx" register operands must be encoded in the bytes that come after the opcode. Hmm. But what opcode would such an add become? And what about the bytes to encode the operands?

Before going any further, you should get a copy of some x86 or x86_64 technical reference. The Intel software developer manuals are available here and is what I'll refer to a lot here; some other resources include:

They're all free. Some of them are kinda hard to find your way around at first, though, but once you can read them, they'll contain pretty much everything you need to know to encode x86 instructions. I like to use the complete Intel SDM, which you can download here.

OKAY, so to sort out the opcode part, we're looking for an add opcode that takes 2 32 bit registers as operands. I found that the easiest way to get this stuff is by going to the Intel SDM volume 2, appendix B, and finding the "B.2 general-purpose instruction formats and encodings for non 64-bit modes" table; in the complete manual, this is on page 2871. Here's its location in the outline of the Firefox browser's PDF viewer:

*Hopefully you can navigate large PDFs. The google chrome PDF viewer is very bad... maybe use firefox instead, also because google is shit for privacy. Or try some PDF viewer like zathura, or if you're on Windows, maybe sumatraPDF (version 3.1.2 if on Windows XP). I won't be showing a screenshot of the PDF outline and the current location every time I refer to the Intel SDM.*

So I really like that B.2 table. Check out the parts for the add mnemonic:

It actually, more or less, gives the full encoding for such an instruction. It's in binary, but there are random letters and phrases mixed in; these are called fields, and their values will affect the operation. Each colon delineates bytes, and usually anything with a field will contain 1 byte, so 8 bits. The first group of bits is the opcode (although note that an opcode may be 2 bytes large, and it may extend into the reg field of the ModR/M byte. But we'll worry about that when we get to it), but we'll probably wanna know what the w field is, right?

The w field of an opcode tells what size of a register to use. When it's 0, it'll be byte-sized (using the 8-bit subregisters!). When it's 1, the register size will be either 16, 32, or 64 bits; the selected size will depend on the prefixes and the default operand size. The default operand size is 32 bits even in 64 bit mode! This information can be found in Intel SDM volume 2, appendix b, b.1.4.1 (page 2866-2867 in the complete PDF). In our example we wanna encode, "add eax, ecx", we're using 32 bit registers, so w will be... 1

Now we have our opcode: 00000001 or 00000011. In hex, it would be 01 or 03. We can use either one of these to add one 32 bit register's value to another. The only difference between them is which reg field is treated as the source and which one is the destination. This can lead to 2 perfectly valid encodings for the same instruction! Let's just choose 01 as our opcode. (NOTE THAT THESE ARE IN HEX). It means "add register1 to register2". The actual meat of the instruction, the selection/encoding of the registers, are in the byte after the opcode: "11 reg1 reg2".

We want register 2 to be eax since it's being added to, so register 1 will be ecx. Obviously, then, the reg1 field must be ecx, and the reg2 field must be eax. But it's all in binary, so how do we specify those registers? Refer to the table of registers on this page; the code is the 3 digit binary code we use to specify registers! So, reg1 will be 001, and reg2 will be 000. Plugging those codes in to the instruction, we get:

"add eax, ecx" (add ecx to eax)
add register1 to register2 = 0000000w : 11 reg1 reg2     [FROM TABLE]
w = 1 (meaning not 8 bit operands)
reg1 = 001 (code for ecx)
reg2 = 000 (code for eax)
00000001 11001000
or, converted to hex...
01 C8

00000001 11001000 is machine code for "add ecx to eax"? How can we check this? You can use a program called an unassembler. An unassembler (sometimes called a disassembler) does the opposite of an assembler: it turns machine code back into assembly statements. Check out this site for an online assembler and unassembler. Its unassembler takes hex input, though, so make sure to convert your binary machine code to it. But we can confirm that our machine code is correct:

That site's assembler will output its assembled code in hex format, too, so you can see how other instructions are encoded. It's a good tool. There are a few differences between x86 and x64, though. (Remember that x64 is synonynmous with x86_64 and amd64). First of all, x86 is 32 bit, so it won't work with 64 bit registers. Inc or dec mnemonics also might get messed up. (In x86, many inc/dec opcodes begin with 0100 in binary; but in x86_64, the REX prefix begins with 0100 too, so it replaces those inc/dec opcodes).

Anyways, you should now notice that it's easy to take that same instruction and switch the reg1 and reg2 fields to make it act on different registers. We can't yet encode any of the extended registers (R8-R15), or any other sizes, but EAX, ECX, EDX, EBX, ESP, EBP, ESI, and EDI are fair game. So mess around with that and see what other add reg32 reg32 instructions you can make. "add ecx, edx"? "add ebp, edi"? "add esp, esp"?

But there will come a time when people want to use the 16 bit or 8 bit subregisters instead of only the 32 bit ones. Up till now, the default operand size has been 32 bits, but how can we encode 16 bit or 8 bit subregisters? The 16 bit subregisters are easy; there's a prefix called the "operand size override" you can put before the opcode, and it'll switch between 16 bit and 32 bit operand sizes. It's value is 66 (IN HEX), or 01100110 in binary. So, to make our previous 01 C8 (add eax, ecx) become 16 bit, just add 66 before it, and boom, it's now: "add ax, cx". Not too bad.

add eax, ecx = 01 C8
add ax, cx = 66 01 C8
But hmm, what about 8 bit subregisters? Well, remember the w field in some opcodes, including the add opcodes? Simply set that to 0. No prefixes needed. So now our opcode for 'add reg1 to reg2' is 00000000. Note that some registers have funky codes for 8 bit sizes. Having a code of 110 when w=0 will NOT encode SIL but rather DH (high 8 bits of DX). Encoding SIL and others needs a REX prefix (will go over later). Make sure to have the register codes handy
add eax, ecx = 01 C8
add al, cl = 00 C8
So, to summarize: The top one was included for completeness. The REX prefix, including using the extended and/or 64 bit registers, will be covered now.

The REX prefix is a byte new/exclusive to x86_64 and has the form 0100WRXB, where W, R, X, and B are 0 or 1. Information on it can be found at the Intel SDM volume 2, chapter 2, 2.2.1: REX Prefixes (page 532 in the complete SDM).

So, to use 64 bit registers in an instruction, all we have to do is add the REX prefix to that instruction and have its W field be set to 1. The REX prefix must come immediately before the opcode. But as long as we do that, it's not that bad:

add eax, ecx = 01 C8
add rax, rcx = 48 01 C8
Because 0100 is fixed in the REX prefix, and 0100 in decimal is 4, all REX prefixes written in hex will begin with 4. The 3 other fields in the REX prefix specify whether to use extended registers. But before we go into that, we should look at the ModR/M byte, because we've actually been using it this whole time!

Sometimes I call the ModR/M byte the "ModRegR/M byte". I don't know why. But assume I mean ModR/M.

In our instruction encoding for 'add' given to us by the table, "0000000w : 11 reg1 reg2", the first byte is the opcode, but the second is actually the modr/m byte. In it, mod is 11 (meaning register-direct addressing), reg1 is the reg field, and reg2 is the r/m field. The modr/m byte is used to specify memory addressing; when mod=11, though, it's just plain register to register. But now that we know that reg1 is reg and reg2 is r/m in our example, we can set REX.R and/or REX.B to 1 to extend them respectively. After all, REX.R, REX.X, and REX.B are extensions of the register code.

:::::::::::::::REX        opcode   modr/m byte
               |          |        |
add rax, rcx = 01001000 00000001 11001000
RAX is encoded in the reg field of ModR/M, so to extend it to R8 (which has otherwise the same 000 code), set REX.R to 1
RCX is encoded in the R/M field of ModR/M, so to extend it to R9 (which has otherwise the same 001 code), set REX.B to 1

add r8, r9 = 01001101 00000001 11001000
In hex: 4D 01 C8
One thing to note is that if REX.W is 0, then the operands aren't 64 bit sized. By making it 0 but still extending the registers, you can access the subregisters of R8-R15 as though they're any other register: this is how to encode R8D-R15D, R8W-R15W, and R8B-R15B. Additionally, if REX is 01000000 (40h), then it's present, but doesn't really do anything. However, since SPL, BPL, SIL, and DIL can only be encoded when REX is present, they can now be encoded rather than AH, CH, DH, or BH respectively (when w=0 in the opcode, of course), despite having the same code.


The following are all general valid forms of memory addressing that can be done in an instruction:

[reg]: ModRM with Mod=00 and reg in RM field
[reg + disp8]: ModRM with Mod=01 and reg in RM field
[reg + disp32]: ModRM with Mod=10 and reg in RM field
[disp32] (constant address in x86, RIP-relative address in x64):
    ModRM with Mod=00 and RM=101

When RM=100:
[reg + reg2]: SIB byte with Scale=00, Index=reg, Base=reg2 (or equivalent)
[reg * (1|2|4|8) + reg2]: SIB byte with Scale != 00, Index=reg, Base=reg2
[reg * (1|2|4|8) + reg2 + disp8]: ModRM with Mod=01, SIB byte
[reg * (1|2|4|8) + reg2 + disp32]: ModRM with Mod=10, SIB byte
[disp32] (both x86 and x64): ModRM with Mod=00, SIB byte with Index=100, Base=101

Reg and reg2 generally refer to a register, but a few registers act as "escapes" and cannot be used
in certain addresses in certain ways. The only registers/codes used in this way in this context
are: 100 (RSP) and 101 (RBP)

Can't do much without addressing. Many X86/X64 instructions can take a memory operand in place of a register operand; this is true wherever there's a 2-operand instruction that uses a ModRM byte, such as ADD (ex: add register to value in memory) or MOV (move register value to/from memory). The Mod field of ModRM is what specifies the type of memory addressing to be used. When it's 11, it's register-direct, meaning it doesn't address memory and only deals with the contents of the registers, but with it's 00, 01, or 10, it's now what's called register-indirect. As an example, check out these ModRM bytes and "operand parts" they correspond to, assuming that the opcode is for a 2 operand instruction (such as "add reg, r/m") and the opcode's d bit is 1 (making Reg the destination and R/M the source):

OPCODE.D=1, so R/M --> Reg

ModR/M byte;
value: 0xC1
Mod = 11
Reg = 000
R/M = 001
: rax, rcx
ModR/M byte;
value: 0xEF
Mod = 11
Reg = 101
R/M = 111
: rbp, rdi Register-indirect:
ModR/M byte;
value: 0x1
Mod = 00
Reg = 000
R/M = 001
: rax, [rcx]
ModR/M byte;
value: 0x2F
Mod = 00
Reg = 101
R/M = 111
: rax, [rdi]

Having a ModRM byte with Mod=00 is the simplest way to address memory by using (or in conjunction with) ModRM. When Mod=00 and RM has a register code (that isn't 100 or 101, which are used for more advanced addressing), then the value that gets passed as an operand (if it's the source) or operated on (if it's the destination) is the value stored at the register-th byte of ram. Look at this instruction, the encoding for "add ebx, [eax]":

00000011 : 
ModR/M byte;
value: 0x18
Mod = 00
Reg = 011
R/M = 000
00000011 :
ModR/M byte;
value: 0x18
Mod = 00
Reg = 011
R/M = 000

This will add to EBX the value pointed at by EAX. In other words, the 32-bit number at the EAX-th byte of RAM will be added to EBX. While to some this may seem too low-level to be useful at all ("it's too tricky having to manually manipulate bytes of RAM when my computer has billions of them!") remember that it's pretty much just a pointer from C! A pointer in C is just an address of something stored in memory. If a value in a register is the address of something in memory, then you could call it a 'pointer', and doing this type of register-indirect addressing could be considered dereferencing that pointer.

So now this seems pretty okay, right? With the exception of RSP/R12 (RM=100) and RBP/R13 (RM=101), now memory can be accessed or manipulated by putting the address inside of a register and using register-indirect addressing in this way. It's not too difficult either. But... there are more ways to address memory in x86/x64, and using these modes involves setting RM to either 100 or 101

Mod=00 RM=101

When Mod=00 and RM=101 in a ModRM byte, it means that the effective address will be just a [disp32] that follows. Disp32 is a 4-byte-long displacement that comes after the ModRM byte (refer to this diagram for the layout of a full instruction and where this displacement goes in it) and represents a number that's the address. What this means is that the memory address is, in a way, baked directly into the instruction instead of being contained in a register. This can be used when the memory address is a constant, like when there's a string included in the program and an instruction wants to use the address of that string for any reason, like to print it. You could always just put the address into a register and then use the addressing mode above, of course, but doing it this way encodes it in a single instruction instead of 4+ (pushing register, loading address into register, actual instruction, popping register).

Here's an example of this kind of addressing in action; it's an assembly function that stores 'H ' in memory, loads it into RAX (from its address), and prints it. The encoding of the MOV instruction will use this addressing:

But there's an additional complication in how exactly that displacement is translated to an actual memory address... and how the bytes that make it up are encoded. In 32-bit x86, the displacement will represent a memory address; if the displacement is 123, then the memory it addresses will be the 123th byte of RAM. However, x64 introduced what's called RIP-relative addressing, which is where the RIP register gets added to the displacement to get the memory address. To this end, if you'd like to assemble an instruction like in that example above (ex. assemble "MOV RAX, [H]"), you'll need to know a few things to assemble the instruction with a [disp32] so that it'll address the memory you actually want (the "H"):

So in x64, the Mod=00 RM=101 mode of addressing denotes that a [disp32] follows, and the actual address it represents is [RIP + disp32]. RIP is a special register that always points at the address of the next instruction to be executed.

If 'thing' is something in memory (like a string) known at compile time,
then it can be addressed with Mod=00 and RM=101 in the following ways:

32-bit x86:
disp32 = address of thing

64-bit x86 (x64) using RIP-relative addressing:
disp32 = address of thing - instruction's address - instruction's size

It's still possible, however, using SIB addressing (explained next) with base=101 and index=100 to address memory through a disp32 without using RIP-relative addressing. Relevant Intel SDM sections (volume 2) include:

It should also be noted that in the formula given above to find the displacement needed to address a specific thing in memory with RIP-relative addressing, the addresses of the thing and of the instruction are really only needed to find what to add to RIP to get there; you don't need to know the addresses of the instruction and the thing after the program is loaded into memory, only the distance (in bytes) between the thing and the instruction (as well as the size of the instruction).

It's pretty easy to go "hey, when Mod=00 and RM=101, then the only address used is a 32-bit displacement", but explaining how to use that in practice is a bit harder, especially with this difference between 32-bit and 64-bit operation. But oh well.

SIB Addressing (RM=100)

When RM=100 in the ModRM byte, then what immediately follows is a SIB Byte. SIB is short for "scale-index-base" and is used for a more advanced memory addressing mode. The SIB byte is a byte long and consists of 3 fields:

A SIB byte should only be present in an instruction when RM=100 in a ModRM byte. It allows you to encode memory addresses such as "[rax*4 + rdx]" directly into the instruction! But what's the advantage of that when you can just multiply RAX by 4, add RDX to RAX, then use RAX by itself to address memory as in the register-indirect addressing from before? Well, probably mostly just code size: the SIB byte only adds 1 byte to the instruction, while addressing using the latter method would require a bunch more instructions.

To use a SIB byte, figure out the registers and scale you want in the following formula: Index*Scale + Base, where Index and Base are both registers, and Scale is 1, 2, 4, or 8. If you don't want an Index, set it equal to 100 (RSP) and it won't be used. This means that RSP can't be used as an index, however. In the context of SIB bytes, the phrase "scaled index" refers to Scale*Index.

If Base=100 (RBP), then the following address modes apply:

Now let's encode some instructions that use memory addresses trickier than [reg]!
add rcx, [rax + rdx]

 0x48     0x03     0x0C      0x02
01001000 00000011 
ModR/M byte;
value: 0xC
Mod = 00
Reg = 001
R/M = 100
00000010 REX opcode ModRegRM SIB 1. In this instruction, we're adding to a 64-bit register, so we need a REX prefix where REX.W=1, to denote 64-bit operand size. 2. Next comes the opcode for ADD. Since a memory address is being added TO a register (and memory addresses can only be in the RM field of ModRM), the d bit (2nd bit; bit 1) needs to be set to 1 to denote that RM->reg 3. Then there's the ModRM byte. Mod=00 since memory needs to be addressed, but no constant displacement is needed (like disp8 with Mod=01 or disp32 with Mod=11). 001 is put in the Reg field since that's RCX. 100 is put in the RM field since that denotes that a SIB byte follows... 4. Next is the SIB byte. Scale is 00 since no scale is needed. Index is 000 for RAX and Base is 010 for RDX. So the computed address will be [RAX + RDX]. And you're done!! * Note that the Index and Base fields in the SIB byte can be swapped. add [rbx*4 + rdx], rsi 0x48 0x01 0x34 0x9A 01001000 0000001
ModR/M byte;
value: 0x34
Mod = 00
Reg = 110
R/M = 100
10011010 The process for this instruction is the same except the registers are switched around, the d bit in the opcode is set to 0 (since now, reg is being added TO a memory location), and scale is set to 10 for the *4.

If the Mod field in the ModRM byte is 01 or 10, it denotes a constant displacement (disp8 or disp32 respectively) that gets added to the address. This displacement is encoded into the instruction in the 'displacement' part of the instruction, and can be there IN ADDITION TO a SIB byte address. This allows for a full addressing scheme of [reg*scale + reg2 + displacement], for example: [rax*8 + rcx + 3200].

add ecx, [rax*8 + rcx + 3200]

ModR/M byte;
value: 0x8C
Mod = 10
Reg = 001
R/M = 100
11000001 10000000 00001100 00000000 00000000

Operand size
override prefix

ADD opcode;
value: 0x03
d = 1
w = 1

ModR/M byte;
value: 0x8C
Mod = 10
Reg = 001
R/M = 100

SIB byte;
value: 0xC1
Scale = 11
Index = 000
Base = 001

Full binary encoding: 01100110 00000011 10001100 11000001
Full hex encoding: 66 03 8C C1