En 15316-4-2 (2008)
En 15316-4-2 (2008)
En 15316-4-2 (2008)
Normklasse: D 01
Deze Europese norm EN 15316-4-2:2008 heeft de status van een Belgische norm.
Deze Europese norm bestaat in drie officile versies (Duits, Engels, Frans).
La prsente norme europenne existe en trois versions officielles (allemand, anglais, franais).
ICS 91.140.10
English Version
Systmes de chauffage dans les btiments - Mthode de Heizungsanlagen in Gebuden - Verfahren zur Berechnung
calcul des besoins nergtiques et des rendements des der Energieanforderungen und Nutzungsgrade der Anlagen
systmes - Partie 4-2 : Systmes de gnration de - Teil 4-2: Wrmeerzeugung fr die Raumheizung,
chauffage des locaux, systmes de pompes chaleur Wrmepumpensysteme
CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European
Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the CEN Management Centre or to any CEN member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN Management Centre has the same status as the
official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,
France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal,
Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
2008 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 15316-4-2:2008: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.
NBN EN 15316-4-2 (2008)
EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
Introduction .........................................................................................................................................................6
1 Scope ......................................................................................................................................................6
2 Normative references ............................................................................................................................7
3 Terms, definitions, symbols and units ................................................................................................8
3.1 Terms and definitions ...........................................................................................................................8
3.2 Symbols and units...............................................................................................................................13
4 Principle of the method.......................................................................................................................15
4.1 Heat balance of generation subsystem.............................................................................................15
4.2 Energy input needed to meet the heat requirements ......................................................................18
4.3 Auxiliary energy WHW,gen,aux .................................................................................................................19
4.4 Recoverable, recovered and unrecoverable heat losses ................................................................19
4.5 Calculation periods .............................................................................................................................19
4.6 Calculation by zones ...........................................................................................................................19
4.7 Heat pumps with combined space heating and domestic hot water production .........................20
5 Generation subsystem calculation ....................................................................................................22
5.1 General..................................................................................................................................................22
5.2 Simplified seasonal performance method based on system typology (system typology
5.2.1 Principle of the system typology method .........................................................................................22
5.2.2 Calculation procedure of the system typology method ..................................................................23
5.3 Detailed case specific seasonal performance method based on component efficiency
(bin-method) .........................................................................................................................................24
5.3.1 Principle of the bin method ................................................................................................................24
5.3.2 Input data for the calculation with the bin method ..........................................................................28
5.3.3 Calculation steps to be performed in the bin method .....................................................................29
5.3.4 Heat energy requirements for space heating and domestic hot water mode for the bins ..........33
5.3.5 Heating capacity and COP at full load...............................................................................................34
5.3.6 COP at part load operation .................................................................................................................38
5.3.7 Thermal losses through the generator envelope .............................................................................39
5.3.8 Calculation of back-up heater ............................................................................................................40
5.3.9 Running time of the heat pump..........................................................................................................48
5.3.10 Auxiliary energy...................................................................................................................................55
5.3.11 Total thermal losses and recoverable thermal loss of the generation subsystem.......................56
5.3.12 Calculation of total energy input........................................................................................................58
5.3.13 Summary of output values..................................................................................................................63
Annex A (informative) Example of evaluation of meteorological data.......................................................64
Annex B (informative) Default values of parameters for the case specific seasonal performance
method ..................................................................................................................................................69
B.1 Controller setting of flow temperature (heating characteristic curve)...........................................69
B.2 Temperature correction factor for domestic hot water storage loading .......................................70
B.3 Average water temperature of domestic hot water storages..........................................................70
B.4 Generator envelope .............................................................................................................................70
B.5 Generation subsystem auxiliaries .....................................................................................................71
B.6 Factor fcombi for simultaneous operation ...........................................................................................71
B.7 Temperature reduction factor linked to location..............................................................................71
B.8 Efficiency value of the electrical back-up heater for space heating or DHW operation ..............72
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
Annex C (informative) Calculation method for source and sink temperature correction with
fixed exergetic efficiency....................................................................................................................73
Annex D (informative) Calculation example .................................................................................................77
D.1 Detailed calculation example .............................................................................................................77
D.1.1 System configuration..........................................................................................................................77
D.1.2 Input data for the calculation (according to 5.3.2) ...........................................................................77
D.1.3 Calculation ...........................................................................................................................................80
D.2 Calculation example (spreadsheet format).......................................................................................99
D.2.1 System configuration..........................................................................................................................99
D.2.2 Input data for the calculation (according to 5.3.2) ...........................................................................99
D.2.3 Calculation .........................................................................................................................................100
Annex E (informative) Example for tabulated values of the system typology method as national
annex for the Netherlands ................................................................................................................104
E.1 General ...............................................................................................................................................104
E.2 Scope ..................................................................................................................................................104
E.3 References .........................................................................................................................................104
E.4 Heat pump seasonal performance...................................................................................................104
E.4.1 Residential buildings ........................................................................................................................104
E.4.2 Non-residential buildings .................................................................................................................105
E.5 Heat pump installation efficiency ....................................................................................................106
E.6 Heat pump installation energy consumption .................................................................................108
E.7 Heat pump installation auxiliary energy consumption..................................................................108
Annex F (informative) Example values for parameters to accomplish the case specific heat
pump calculation method (bin method) ..........................................................................................109
F.1 General ...............................................................................................................................................109
F.2 Temperatures.....................................................................................................................................109
F.2.1 Source temperatures.........................................................................................................................109
F.3 Example values for heating capacity and coefficient of performance for electrically
driven heat pumps.............................................................................................................................111
F.3.1 General ...............................................................................................................................................111
F.3.2 Heating capacity ................................................................................................................................111
F.3.3 COP .....................................................................................................................................................114
F.4 Gas engine-driven heat pumps........................................................................................................116
F.4.1 Preface................................................................................................................................................116
F.4.2 Heating capacity ................................................................................................................................117
F.4.3 COP .....................................................................................................................................................119
F.5 Absorption heat pumps ....................................................................................................................121
F.5.1 General ...............................................................................................................................................121
F.5.2 NH3/H20 heat pumps outside air-to-water ....................................................................................122
F.5.3 NH3/H20 heat pumps brine-to-water..............................................................................................123
F.5.4 NH3/H20 heat pumps water-to-water .............................................................................................124
F.5.5 H20/LiBr double effect heat pumps..................................................................................................125
F.6 Heat pumps with domestic hot water production (DHW) - Heating capacity of domestic
hot water heat pumps .......................................................................................................................126
NBN EN 15316-4-2 (2008)
EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
This document (EN 15316-4-2:2008) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 228 Heating
systems in buildings, the secretariat of which is held by DS.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical
text or by endorsement, at the latest by December 2008, and conflicting national standards shall be
withdrawn at the latest by December 2008.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. CEN [and/or CENELEC] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the
European Free Trade Association (Mandate M/343), and supports essential requirements of EU Directive
2002/91/EC on the energy performance of buildings (EPBD). It forms part of a series of standards aimed at
European harmonisation of the methodology for calculation of the energy performance of buildings. An
overview of the whole set of standards is given in CEN/TR 15615 [13].
methods for calculation of the design heat loss and heat loads;
Heating systems also include the effect of attached systems such as hot water production systems.
All these standards are systems standards, i.e. they are based on requirements addressed to the system as
a whole and not dealing with requirements to the products within the system.
Where possible, reference is made to other European or International Standards, a.o. product standards.
However, use of products complying with relevant product standards is no guarantee of compliance with the
system requirements.
The requirements are mainly expressed as functional requirements, i.e. requirements dealing with the
function of the system and not specifying shape, material, dimensions or the like.
The guidelines describe ways to meet the requirements, but other ways to fulfil the functional requirements
might be used if fulfilment can be proved.
Heating systems differ among the member countries due to climate, traditions and national regulations. In
some cases requirements are given as classes so national or individual needs may be accommodated.
In cases where the standards contradict with national regulations, the latter should be followed.
NBN EN 15316-4-2 (2008)
EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
EN 15316 Heating systems in buildings Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system
efficiencies consists of the following parts:
Part 1: General
Part 3-1: Domestic hot water systems, characterisation of needs (tapping requirements)
Part 4-5: Space heating generation systems, the performance and quality of district heating and large volume
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following
countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain,
Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
NBN EN 15316-4-2 (2008)
EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
This European Standard is part of a series of standards on the methods for calculation of system energy
requirements and system efficiencies. The framework for the calculation is described in the general part
(EN 15316-1 [9]).
The energy performance can be assessed by determining either the heat generation sub-system efficiencies
or the heat generation sub-system losses due to the system configuration.
This European Standard presents methods for calculation of the additional energy requirements of a heat
generation sub-system in order to meet the distribution sub-system demand. The calculation is based on the
performance characteristics of the products given in product standards and on other characteristics required
to evaluate the performance of the products as included in the system. Product data, e.g. heating capacity or
COP of the heat pump, shall be determined according to European test methods. If no European methods
exist, national methods can be used.
optimisation of the energy performance of a planned heat generation sub-system, by applying the
method to several possible options;
assessing the effect of possible energy conservation measures on an existing heat generation sub-
system, by calculating of the energy use with and without the energy conservation measure.
Only the calculation method is normative. The user shall refer to other European Standards or to national
documents for input data. Additional values necessary to complete the calculations are to be given in a
national annex, if no national annex is available, default values are given in an informative annex where
1 Scope
This European Standard covers heat pumps for space heating, heat pump water heaters (HPWH) and heat
pumps with combined space heating and domestic hot water production in alternate or simultaneous
operation, where the same heat pump delivers the heat to cover the space heating and domestic hot water
heat requirement.
required inputs,
calculation methods,
resulting outputs,
for heat generation by the following heat pump systems, including control, for space heating and domestic
hot water production:
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
Table 1 Heat sources and heat distribution in the scope of this European Standard
Heat source Heat distribution
Exhaust-air Water
Indirect ground source with brine distribution Direct condensation of the refrigerant in the
appliance (VRF)
Indirect ground source with water distribution
Surface water
Ground water
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 255-3:1997, Air conditioners, liquid chilling packages and heat pumps with electrically driven
compressors Heating mode Part 3: Testing and requirements for marking for sanitary hot water units
EN 308, Heat exchangers Test procedures for establishing performance of air to air and flue gases heat
recovery devices
EN 14511:2007 (all parts), Air conditioners, liquid chilling packages and heat pumps with electrically driven
compressors for space heating and cooling
CEN/TS 14825:2003, Air conditioners, liquid chilling packages and heat pumps with electrically driven
compressors for space heating and cooling Testing and rating at part load conditions
prEN 15203, Energy performance of buildings Application of calculation of energy use to existing
EN 15316-2-3, Heating systems in buildings Method for calculation of system energy requirements and
system efficiencies Part 2-3: Space heating distribution systems
EN 15316-3-2, Heating systems in buildings Method for calculation of system energy requirements and
system efficiencies Part 3-2: Domestic hot water systems, distribution
EN 15316-3-3, Heating systems in buildings Method for calculation of system energy requirements and
system efficiencies Part 3-3: Domestic hot water systems, generation
EN 15316-4-1, Heating systems in buildings Method for calculation of system energy requirements and
system efficiencies Part 4-1: Space heating generation systems, combustion systems (boilers)
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
EN ISO 7345:1995, Thermal insulation Physical quantities and definitions (ISO 7345:1987)
EN ISO 13790 Energy performance of buildings Calculation of energy use for space heating and cooling
(ISO 13790:2008)
EN ISO 15927-6, Hygrothermal performance of buildings Calculation and presentation of climatic data
Part 6: Accumulated temperature differences (degree-days) (ISO 15927-6:2007)
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in EN ISO 7345:1995 and the following
alternate operation
production of heat energy for the space heating and domestic hot water system by a heat generator with
double service by switching the heat generator either to the domestic hot water operation or the space
heating operation
application rating conditions
mandatory rated conditions within the operating range of the unit that are published by the manufacturer or
auxiliary energy
electrical energy used by technical building systems for heating, cooling, ventilation and/or domestic hot
water to support energy transformation to satisfy energy needs
NOTE 1 This includes energy for fans, pumps, electronics, etc. Electrical energy input to the ventilation system for air
transport and heat recovery is not considered as auxiliary energy, but as energy use for ventilation.
NOTE 2 In EN ISO 9488 [15], the energy used for pumps and valves is called "parasitic energy".
NOTE 3 In the frame of this standard, the driving energy input for electrically-driven heat pumps in the system
boundary of the COP according to EN 14511 and an electrical back-up heater is not entitled auxiliary energy but only
additional electrical input not considered in the COP.
balance point temperature
temperature at which the heat pump heating capacity and the building heat load are equal
statistical temperature class (sometimes a class interval) for the outdoor air temperature, with the class limits
expressed in a temperature unit
building services
services provided by technical building systems and by appliances to provide indoor climate conditions,
domestic hot water, illumination levels and other services related to the use of the building
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
calculation period
period of time over which the calculation is performed
NOTE The calculation period can be divided into a number of calculation steps.
calculation step
discrete time interval for the calculation of the energy needs and uses for heating, cooling, humidification and
NOTE 1 Typical discrete time intervals are one hour, one month or one heating and/or cooling season, operating
modes, and bins.
NOTE 2 In the frame of the bin method, calculation steps are based on outdoor temperature classes.
coefficient of performance COP
ratio of the heating capacity to the effective power input of the unit
cumulative frequency
frequency of the outdoor air temperature cumulated over all 1 K bins
cut-out period
time period in which the electricity supply to the heat pump is interrupted by the supplying utility
domestic hot water heating
process of heat supply to raise the temperature of the cold water to the intended delivery temperature
effective power input
average power input of the unit within the defined interval of time obtained from:
the power input for operation of the compressor or burner and any power input for defrosting;
the power input for all control and safety devices of the unit;
the proportional power input of the conveying devices (e.g. fans, pumps) for ensuring the transport of the
heat transfer media inside the unit
electrically-driven heat pump
in the frame of this European Standard, electrically-driven heat pumps denote vapour compression cycle
heat pumps, which incorporate a compressor that is driven by an electric motor
energy need for domestic hot water
heat to be delivered to the needed amount of domestic hot water to raise its temperature from the cold
network temperature to the prefixed delivery temperature at the delivery point, not taking into account the
technical building thermal systems
energy need for heating or cooling
heat to be delivered to or extracted from a conditioned space to maintain the intended temperature during a
given period of time, not taking into account the technical building thermal systems
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
NOTE 2 The energy need can include additional heat transfer resulting from non-uniform temperature distribution and
non-ideal temperature control if they are taken into account by increasing (decreasing) the effective temperature for
heating (cooling) and not included in the heat transfer due to the heating (cooling) system.
energy use for space heating or cooling or domestic hot water
energy input to the heating, cooling or domestic hot water system to satisfy the energy need for heating,
cooling (including dehumidification) or domestic hot water, respectively
NOTE If the technical building system serves several purposes (e.g. heating and domestic hot water) it can be
difficult to split the energy use into that used for each purpose. It can be indicated as a combined quantity (e.g. energy
need for space heating and domestic hot water).
(statistical) frequency of an event is the number of times the event occurred in the sample. The frequencies
are often graphically represented in histograms. In the frame of this European Standard, the frequency of the
outdoor air temperature is evaluated based on a sample of hourly-averaged data for one year
heat generator with double service
heat generator which supplies energy to two different systems, e.g. the space heating system and the
domestic hot water system in alternate or simultaneous combined operation
heat pump
unitary or split-type assemblies designed as a unit to transfer heat. It includes a vapour compression
refrigeration system or a refrigerant/sorbent pair to transfer heat from the source by means of electrical or
thermal energy at a high temperature to the heat sink
heat recovery
heat generated by a technical building system or linked to a building use (e.g. domestic hot water) which is
utilised directly in the related system to lower the heat input and which would otherwise be wasted (e.g.
preheating of the combustion air by flue gas heat exchanger)
heat transfer medium
any medium (water, air, etc.) used for the transfer of the heat without change of state. It can be:
the fluid cooled by the evaporator;
heated space
room or enclosure which for the purposes of the calculation is assumed to be heated to a given set-point
temperature or set-point temperatures
heating capacity g
heat given off by the unit to the heat transfer medium per unit of time
NOTE If heat is removed from the indoor heat exchanger for defrosting, it is taken into account.
heating or cooling season
period of the year during which a significant amount of energy for heating or cooling is needed
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
NOTE The season lengths are used to determine the operation period of technical systems.
internal temperature
arithmetic average of the air temperature and the mean radiant temperature at the centre of the occupied
NOTE This is the approximate operative temperature according to EN ISO 7726 [14].
low temperature cut-out
temperature at which heat pump operation is stopped and the total heat requirements are covered by a back-
up heater
operating range
range indicated by the manufacturer and limited by the upper and lower limits of use (e.g. temperatures, air
humidity, voltage) within which the unit is deemed to be fit for use and has the characteristics published by
the manufacturer
part load operation
operation state of the technical system (e.g. heat pump) where the actual load requirement is below the
actual output capacity of the device
part load ratio
ratio between the generated heat during the calculation period and the maximum possible output from the
heat generator during the same calculation period
primary pump
pump mounted in the circuit containing the generator and hydraulic decoupling, e.g. a heating buffer storage
in parallel configuration or a hydraulic distributor
produced heat
heat produced by the generator subsystems, i.e. the heat produced to cover the energy requirement of the
distribution subsystem and the generation subsystem heat losses for space heating and/or domestic hot
recoverable system thermal loss
part of the system thermal loss which can be recovered to lower either the energy need for heating or cooling
or the energy use of the heating or cooling system
recovered system thermal loss
part of the recoverable system thermal loss which has been recovered to lower either the energy need for
heating or cooling or the energy use of the heating or cooling system
seasonal performance factor SPF
in the frame of this European Standard, the ratio of the total annual energy delivered to the distribution
subsystem for space heating and/or domestic hot water to the total annual input of driving energy (electricity
in case of electrically-driven heat pumps and fuel/heat in case of combustion engine-driven heat pumps or
absorption heat pumps) plus the total annual input of auxiliary energy
NBN EN 15316-4-2 (2008)
EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
set-point temperature of a conditioned zone
internal (minimum intended) temperature, as fixed by the control system in normal heating mode, or internal
(maximum intended) temperature, as fixed by the control system in normal cooling mode
simultaneous operation
simultaneous production of heat energy for the space heating and domestic hot water system by a heat
generator with double service, e.g. by refrigerant desuperheating or condensate subcooling
space heating
process of heat supply for thermal comfort
standard rating condition
mandatory condition that is used for marking and for comparison or certification purposes
system thermal losses
thermal loss from a technical building system for heating, cooling, domestic hot water, humidification,
dehumidification, ventilation or lighting that does not contribute to the useful output of the system
NOTE Thermal energy recovered directly in the subsystem is not considered as a system thermal loss but as heat
recovery and is directly treated in the related system standard.
technical building system
technical equipment for heating, cooling, ventilation, domestic hot water, lighting and electricity production
composed by sub-systems
NOTE 1 A technical building system can refer to one or to several building services (e.g. heating system, space
heating and domestic hot water system).
technical bulding sub-system
part of a technical building system that performs a specific function (e.g. heat generation, heat distribution,
heat emission)
NBN EN 15316-4-2 (2008)
EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
For the purposes of this document, the following symbols and units (Table 2), abbreviations (Table 3) and
indices (Table 4) apply.
Table 3 Abbreviations
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
Table 4 Indices
temperature corrected eng engine nrbl non recoverable
llim lower temperature es storage values accor- on running, in
limit ding to EN 255-3:1997, operation
phase 4
hlim upper temperature ex exergetic opr operating,
limit operation limit
amb ambient f flow out output from
aux auxiliary gen generation subsystem p pipe
avg average H space heating r return
bal balance point hot hot process side rbl recoverable
bu back-up (heater) ho hour rvd recovered
cap lack of capacity hp heat pump st storage
co cut-out i internal sby stand-by
cold cold process side in input to subsystem sk sink
combi combined operation j index, referring to bin j sngl single (operation)
crnt carnot k index sc source
dis distribution subsystem ls loss standard according to standard
des at design conditions ltc low temperature cut-out tot total
e external max maximum w water, heat transfer
eff effective n nominal W domestic hot water
DHW operation
NOTE The indices specifying the symbols in this standard are put in the following order:
the first index represents the type of energy use (H = space heating, W = domestic hot water).
If the equation can be applied for different energy uses by using the values of the respective operation mode,
the first level index is omitted;
the second index represents the subsystem or generator (gen = generation, dis = distribution, hp = heat pump, st =
storage, etc.);
the third index represents the type (ls= losses, gs = gains, in = input, etc.);
other indices can be used for more details (rvd = recovered, rbl = recoverable, i = internal, etc.);
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
System boundary
The system boundary defines the components of the entire heating systems that are considered in this
European Standard. For the heat pump generation subsystem the system boundary comprises the heat
pump, the heat source system, attached internal and external storages and attached electrical back-up
heaters. Auxiliary components connected to the generation subsystem are considered, as long as no
transport energy is transferred to the distribution subsystem. For fuel back-up heaters the required back-up
energy is determined in this European Standard, however, the efficiency calculation shall be accomplished
according to the appropriate other part(s) of EN 15316 (see 4.6). The system boundary is depicted in
Figure 1.
1 heat source system (here: vertical borehole heat 8 DHW hot water outlet
exchanger) 9 heating buffer storage
2 source pump 10 space heating back-up heater
3 heat pump 11 circulation pump space heating distribution
4 DHW storage loading pump subsystem
5 DHW storage 12 heat emission subsystem
6 DHW back-up heater 13 DHW cold water inlet
7 primary pump
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
The calculation method takes into account the following physical factors, which have an impact on the
seasonal performance factor and thereby on the required energy input to meet the heat requirements of the
distribution subsystems:
type of heat pump (driving energy (e.g. electricity or fuel), thermodynamic cycle (VCC, VAC));
space heating and domestic hot water energy requirements of the distribution subsystem(s);
effects of variation of source and sink temperature on heating capacity and COP according to standard
product testing;
effects of compressor control in part load operation (ON-OFF, stepwise, variable speed units) as far as
they are reflected in the heating capacity and COP according to standard testing; or further test results
on part load operation exist;
auxiliary energy input needed to operate the generation subsystem not considered in standard testing of
heating capacity and COP;
system thermal losses due to space heating or domestic hot water storage components, including the
connecting pipework;
Calculation structure
ambient conditions (outdoor air temperature, variation of source and sink temperature in the year);
Based on these input data, the following output data are calculated
required energy input as driving energy EHW,gen,in (electricity, fuel, waste heat, solar heat) to meet the
space heating and/or domestic hot water requirements;
The following heat balance depicted in Figure 2 can be made for the generation subsystem given in Figure 1.
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
1 driving energy input to cover the heat requirement 8 generation subsystem total auxiliary energy
(e.g. electricity, fuel) EHW,gen,in WHW ,gen,aux
2 ambient heat used as heat source of the heat pump 9 generation subsystem recovered auxiliary energy
QHW,gen,in QHW,gen,aux,ls,rvd
3 heat output of the generation subsystem correspon- 10 generation subsystem unrecovered auxiliary energy
ding to the heat requirement of the distribution sub- QHW,gen,aux,ls
system(s) QHW,gen,out = QHW,dis,in 11 generation subsystem recoverable auxiliary energy
4 generation subsystem thermal losses QHW,gen,ls QHW,gen,aux,ls,rbl
5 generation subsystem thermal loss (thermal part) 12 generation subsystem non-recoverable auxiliary
recoverable for space heating QHW,gen,ls,rbl energy QHW,gen,aux,ls,nrbl
6 generation subsystem thermal loss (thermal part) non- 13 generation subsystem
recoverable QHW,gen,ls,nrbl
7 generation subsystem thermal loss recoverable for
space heating QHW,gen,ls,rbl,tot
The numbers indicated in Figure 2 refer to the percentage of the energy flows to cover the distribution
subsystem heat requirement (100 %). They are intended to give an idea of the size of the respective energy
flows. The numbers vary dependent on the physical factors listed before. The numbers given in Figure 2
refer to an electrically-driven ground-source heat pump in monovalent space heating-only operation including
a heating buffer storage.
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
EHW,gen,in is the driving electrical energy, fuel or heat input to cover the heat requirement of the (J)
distribution subsystem;
QHW,gen,in is the ambient heat energy used as heat source of the heat pump; (J)
WHW,gen,aux is the auxiliary energy input to operate the generation subsystem. (J)
the term EHW,gen,in is the electrical energy input to cover the heat requirement of the distribution
subsystem. It comprises the electrical energy input to the heat pump and possibly installed electrical
back-up heaters. Since for electrically-driven heat pumps, the energy input to the heat pump is
calculated based on the standard testing according to EN 14511, EHW,gen,in also includes the fractions of
the auxiliary energies included in the COP. According to EN 14511 the auxiliary energies at the system
boundary of the heat pump are taken into account, i.e. the energy for control and safety devices during
operation, the proportional energy input for pumps and fans to ensure the transport of the heat transfer
media inside the unit as well as eventual energy for defrost operation and additional heating devices for
the oil supply of the compressor (carter heating);
thus, WHW,gen,aux comprises only the fractions not included in the COP according to the EN 14511
standard testing. kgen,aux,ls,rvd describes the fraction of auxiliary energy, which is recovered as thermal
energy, e.g. for pumps where a fraction of the auxiliary energy is directly transferred to the heat transfer
medium as thermal energy. This fraction is already contained in the COP according to EN 14511 for
electrically-driven heat pumps, so kgen,aux,ls,rvd = 0;
for thermal losses QHW,gen,ls, the thermal losses of the heat pump over the envelope are neglected,
unless heat loss values of the heat pump are known, e.g. given in a national annex. For systems with
integrated or external heating buffer or domestic hot water storage, generation subsystem thermal
losses in form of storage thermal losses and thermal losses from the connecting circulation pipes to the
storage are considered.
EHW,gen,in describes the driving energy input to cover the heat requirement of the distribution subsystem.
For combustion engine-driven heat pumps, this driving energy is fuel, e.g. as diesel or natural gas. For
thermally-driven absorption heat pumps, fuel-driven burners as well as solar energy or waste heat can
be the driving energy input;
QHW,gen,out is the heat energy output of the generation subsystems which is equal to the heat requirement
of the distribution subsystems and contains all fractions of heat recovered from the engine or the flue
gas of the engine, i.e. recovered heat from the engine is entirely considered within the system boundary
of the generation subsystem;
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kgen,aux,ls,rvd gives the fraction of the auxiliary energy recovered as thermal energy and depends on the
test method. The fraction kgen,aux,ls,rvd = 0 if the recovered auxiliary energy is already included in the COP.
Auxiliary energy is energy needed to operate the generation subsystem, e.g. the source pump or the control
system of the generator. As for electrically-driven heat pumps, heating capacity and COP in this European
Standard are calculated on the basis of results from product testing, according to EN 14511, and only the
auxiliary energy not included in the test results, e.g. the power to overcome the external pressure drop and
the power in stand-by operation, shall be considered in WHW,gen,aux.
Auxiliary energy is accounted for in the generation subsystem as long as no transport energy is transferred
to the distribution subsystem. Thus, in general the circulation pump is considered in the distribution
subsystem, unless a hydraulic decoupling exists. For a hydraulic decoupling between the generation and
various distribution subsystems, e.g. by a heating buffer or domestic hot water storage in parallel
configuration, the primary pump is considered in the generation subsystem as well.
In this case, the power to overcome the external pressure drop has to be taken into account. If no primary
pump is considered, since there is no hydraulic decoupling between the generation and distribution
subsystem, the COP-values have to be corrected for the internal pressure drop, which is included in the
COP-values by the standard testing.
Not all of the calculated system thermal losses are necessarily lost. Some of the losses are recoverable, and
part of the recoverable system thermal losses is actually recovered. The recovered losses are determined by
the location of the generator and the utilisation factor (gain/loss ratio, see EN ISO 13790).
Recoverable thermal losses QHW,gen,ls,rbl are e.g. heat losses through the envelope of a generation subsystem,
e.g. in form of storage losses when the storage is installed in the heated space. For a generation subsystem
installed outside the heated space, however, the heat losses through the envelope of the generator are not
recoverable. Flue gas losses of fuel engine-driven heat pumps are considered not recoverable, since all
recovered flue gas losses inside the generation subsystem limits are contained in the heat output QHW,gen,out.
Heat pump performance strongly depends on the operating conditions, basically the source and the sink
temperature. As source and sink temperatures vary over the heating period and the year, the heat pump
performance is evaluated in periods of defined source and sink temperature. Thus, calculation periods are
not oriented at the time scale, i.e. monthly values, but on the frequency of the outdoor air temperature.
However, an appropriate processing of the meteorological data may be used to carry out the calculation with
monthly or hourly averaged values, if necessary.
NOTE Exactness of measured COP values according to EN 14511 for electrically-driven heat pumps are in the
range of 5 %. Comparison of a bin calculation described in 5.3 on an annual basis and field monitoring values showed an
exactness of the calculation in the range of 6 %. So, with regard to the expense for the computation, an annual or
monthly approach seems sufficient.
A heating system may be split into zones with different distribution subsystems. A separate circuit may be
used for domestic hot water production.
The total heat requirement of all the distribution subsystems, for instance of the space heating operation,
shall equal the total heat output of the generation subsystems:
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H, gen,out, j = Q
H,dis,in,k [J] (2)
QH,gen,out,, is the space heating heat energy requirement to be covered by generator j; (J)
QH,dis,in,k is the heat energy requirement of space heating distribution subsystem k. (J)
When more generators are available (multivalent system configuration), the total heat demand of the
distribution subsystem(s) QH,dis,in,k shall be distributed among the available generators and the calculation
described in Clause 5 shall be performed independently for each generation subsystem j on the basis of
QH,gen,out,j. This is accomplished in case of an installed back-up heater.
For intermittent heating, the requirements of EN ISO 13790 shall be considered. These are considered
already in the calculation of the heat requirements according to EN 15316-1 [9] or EN 15316-2-1 [10],
4.7 Heat pumps with combined space heating and domestic hot water production
For combined operation of the heat pump for space heating and domestic hot water production, two kinds of
operation modes can be distinguished, alternate and simultaneous operation.
In alternate operation, the heat pump switches from the space heating system to the domestic hot water
system in case of domestic hot water demand, e.g. in the system configuration shown in Figure 1 with a
domestic hot water storage in parallel. Domestic hot water operation is usually given priority, i.e. space
heating operation is interrupted in case of domestic hot water heat demand.
Newer simultaneous operation concepts of heat pumps aim at improving the heat pump cycle to achieve
better overall efficiencies by using temperature adapted heat extraction by means of:
For these simultaneous concepts, space heating and domestic hot water requirements are covered at the
same time. Figure 3 gives a sample of a hydraulic scheme of a simultaneous operating system using a
cascade cycle with condensate subcooling.
simultaneous operation:
both space heating and domestic hot water operation. For the configuration shown in Figure 3, both
stages are in operation. The heat for the lower stage heat pump is taken from the ground source and the
heat for the upper stage heat pump is taken from the condensate subcooling of the lower stage heat
pump (winter operation, DHW storage partly unloaded).
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1 hot water outlet of the DHW system 8 compressor lower stage
2 condenser of upper stage in DHW storage 9 evaporator lower stage
3 cold water inlet of the DHW system 10 heat exchanger to ground source upper stage
4 condensate subcooler as evaporator of the upper 11 vertical borehole ground heat-exchanger
stage 12 circulation pump space heating distribution system
5 compressor upper stage 13 source pump
6 condenser lower stage 14 expansion valve
7 heat emission subsystem 15 non-return valve
Figure 3 Sample system with simultaneous operating heat pump with cascade cycle layout using
condensate subcooling for domestic hot water production
The calculation used in this European Standard implies that both the single operation modes and the
simultaneous operation are tested according to standard testing, so heating capacity- and COP
characteristics of all three respective operation modes are available. As heating capacity- and COP
characteristics of the simultaneous operation may differ significantly from the other two operation modes,
these test results have to be available and taken into account.
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
5.1 General
In this European Standard, two performance calculation methods for the generation subsystem are
described corresponding to different applications (simplified or detailed estimation). The two methods differ
with respect to:
calculation periods.
The two methods and their field of application are shortly described in the following:
Simplified seasonal performance method based on system typology, see 5.2 (tabulated values)
For this method, the considered calculation period is the heating season. The performance is chosen
from tabulated values for fixed performance classes of the heat pump, based on test results according to
heat pump test standards, e.g. EN 14511 for electrically-driven heat pumps. The operating conditions
(climate, design and operation of the heating system, heat source type) are based on typology of
implementation characteristics and are not case specific. This method allows a country/region specific
approach and requires a country/region specific national annex. Therefore, if there is no appropriate
national annex available with the adapted values, this method cannot be used.
The tabulated values are in particular useful if limited information on the generation subsystem exists, as
may be the case for existing buildings, where for instance the COP of the heat pump has to be
Detailed case specific calculation based on component efficiency data, see 5.3 (Bin-method)
This method is also based on the test results according to heat pump test standards, e.g. EN 14511 for
electrically driven heat pumps, but supplementary data are needed in order to take into account the
specific operating conditions of each individual installation. Therefore, the calculation period is split up in
bins dependent on the outdoor air temperature. The calculation is carried out for the corresponding bin
operating conditions of the heat pump. The method shall be carried out with product data for the heating
capacity and the COP. Example values given in the informative Annex F illustrate the data needed to
perform the calculation.
As site specific meteorological conditions and specific test results for an individual heat pump are
considered, this method is suited to prove the compliance with building regulations.
The calculation method to be applied can be chosen dependent on the available data and the objectives of
the user.
climatic conditions,
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design and operation of the heating system, including typical occupancy patterns of the relevant building
have been considered and incorporated in a procedure to convert standard test results of heat pump COP,
e.g. according to EN 14511 for electrically-driven heat pumps, into a seasonal performance factor (SPF) for
the relevant building sector, e.g. domestic and non-domestic.
The steps within the simplified seasonal performance calculation procedure are:
i) adapt test results for uniformity, taking into account the type of heat pump and the type of energy input;
ii) adjust for seasonal performance at installed conditions, taking into account the climatic conditions, the
design and operation of the heating system and the type of heat source;
iii) deliver results (annual energy consumption, generation thermal loss, auxiliary energy, total recoverable
generation thermal loss, optionally SPF).
Thereby, the procedure allows for national characteristics of the relevant building sector.
For some heating systems, buffer storage vessels are applied to diminish heat pump cycling. These storage
systems are considered to be part of the generation subsystem and their losses are taken into account in the
generation subsystem, regardless if the storage vessels are an integral part of a specific heat pump and
included in heat pump testing or are located external. For integral storages, their losses may be included in
the COP/SPF of the heat generation subsystem depending on the testing applied. Storage systems for
domestic hot water are also part of the generation subsystem.
In order to provide consistent values within this part of the standard, the tabulated values of the national
annex shall be produced using the detailed method, e.g. the bin-method described in 5.3 or any other
method for the fixed boundary conditions of the different performance classes and building typologies,
respectively. As the tabulated values are simplified values intended as conservative estimation of the energy
input to the system, the tabulated values of the system typology method shall not deliver better values than
the detailed calculation with the bin-method.
A seasonal performance factor is selected from the appropriate national annex on the basis of the following
If there is no appropriate national annex, this method cannot be used. Annex E (informative) is an example of
a national annex of tabulated values of seasonal performance factors (including consideration of a possibly
installed back-up heater) for residential and non-residential buildings in the Netherlands.
heat pump function (space heating, domestic hot water production, combination);
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test results produced in accordance with standard tests, e.g. according to EN 14511 for electrically-
driven heat pumps;
heating capacity;
5.3 Detailed case specific seasonal performance method based on component efficiency
The required energy input e.g. for the space heating operation mode EH,gen,in according to Equation (1) to
cover the heat requirement of the distribution subsystem, e.g. the electricity input for electrically-driven heat
pumps, can be determined according to the equation
QH,gen,out, j + QH,gen,ls, j
EH,gen,in =
COPH,hp, j
[J] (3)
EH,gen,in is the electrical energy input to cover the heat requirement of the space heating distribution (J)
QH,gen,out,j is the heat energy requirement of the distribution subsystem in bin j (J)
COPH,hp,j is the coefficient of performance of the heat pump for a period of constant operating
conditions. (W/W)
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Equation (3) takes into account that the thermal losses of the generation subsystem QH,gen,ls,j have to be
covered by the generator as well.
However, as the heat pump heating capacity and COP strongly depend on the operating conditions, mainly
on the source and sink temperature, the calculation can be performed for a number of j periods defined by
constant source and sink temperature conditions, and results are summed-up, which is expressed by the
summation in Equation (3). Thus, to determine the required energy input, basically the COP as well as the
heat energy requirement and generation subsystem thermal losses at the defined operating conditions have
to be evaluated.
To evaluate the heat energy requirement of the distribution subsystem, the heat load for space heating and
domestic hot water has to be known. If detailed information on the heat load are not available, e.g. if only
monthly or annual values of the heat energy are given, the energy requirement dependent on the
temperature operating conditions can be estimated by evaluating the outdoor air temperature.
Actually, the bin method is based on an evaluation of the cumulative frequency of the outdoor air
temperature depicted in Figure 4. The annual frequency of the outdoor air temperature based on hourly
averaged values is cumulated and divided into temperature intervals (bins), which are limited by an upper
temperature hlim and a lower temperature llim. Operating conditions of the bins are characterised by an
operating point in the centre of each bin. For the calculation it is assumed that the operating point defines the
operating conditions for the heat pump of the whole bin. The evaluation of the annual frequency and the
cumulative annual frequency from hourly averaged data of an entire year is given in Annex A.
The temperature difference between the outdoor air temperature and the indoor design temperature defines
a heating degree hour (also called time temperature difference (TTD) according to EN ISO 15927-6 for a
base temperature of the design indoor temperature, normally 20 C). It corresponds to the heat load for
space heating. Therefore, the area under the cumulative frequency, the cumulative heating degree hours,
corresponds to the energy requirement for space heating, since the temperature difference (corresponding to
the heat load) is cumulated over the time. The cumulative heating degree hours (DHH) are also called
accumulated time temperature difference (ATTD) in EN ISO 15927-6. Analogously, the DHW load depicted
as constant daily profile in Figure 4 can be cumulated. Although DHW heat energy is not dependent on the
outdoor temperature but may have a connection to the bin time, the operating conditions for the heat pump
are relevant as well. Summarising, the energy requirement for the operating conditions defined by the
operating point can be characterised by the cumulative heating degree hours.
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
1 cumulative bin hours [h] 12 2
2 t3 13 OP2
3 t2 14 2,hlim = 3,llim
4 t1 15 SH2
5 design outdoor temperature 16 DHW 2
6 OP1 17 SH3
7 1,hlim = 2,llim 18 DHW 3
8 SH1 19 OP3
9 DHW 1 20 upper ambient temperature for space heating = 3,hlim
10 outdoor air temperature [C] 21 design indoor temperature
11 direction of cumulating temperature difference (space 22 DHW 4
heating load) and DHW load over time
Figure 4 Bin hours vs outdoor air temperature sample with 3 bins for space heating (SH)
and constant daily domestic hot water (DHW) heat energy requirement (4 bins for DHW)
Another common way to depict the cumulative frequency is a 90 clockwise rotation called duration curve,
which is shown in Figure 5 left hand side. Since this implies a negative temperature (y-) axis, a horizontally
flipped diagram depicted in Figure 5 right hand side is found as well. In the following, the cumulative
frequency is depicted as in Figure 4 in line with the evaluation of frequency of the outdoor air temperature
described in Annex A.
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
1 cumulative bin hours [h] 10 2
2 t3 11 OP2
3 t2 12 2,hlim = 3,llim
4 t1 13 SH2
5 design outdoor temperature 14 OP3
6 OP1 15 SH3
7 1,hlim = 2,llim 16 upper ambient temperature for space heating = 3,hlim
8 SH1 17 design indoor temperature
9 outdoor air temperature [C]
Figure 5 Outdoor air temperature vs bin hours (duration curve) - sample with 3 bins for SH-only
COP values, however, are normally only known at discrete test points based on standard product testing.
The number of bins depends on the type of heat pump, the available information on the heat pump
characteristic according to the standard testing and the calculation period.
operating points shall be spread more or less evenly over the entire operation range;
operating points shall be chosen at the test points as far as possible in order to include the available
information on the heat pump characteristic (e.g. EN 14511) as exact as possible. Bin limits are to be set
approximately in the middle between the operating points;
number of bins shall reflect the changes in source and sink temperature. If both source and sink
temperatures are constant over the whole operation range, one bin may be enough. In the case of big
changes, more bins shall be chosen. For a monthly calculation period, less bins may be required than in
an annual calculation.
On the other hand, 1 K bins can be chosen, so that the heating capacity and the COP is interpolated as
described in In general, number of bins shall at least correspond to the different source
temperatures defined by the test points of EN 14511 (standard and application rating) in order to consider
the relevant impact on the characteristic, e.g. due to defrosting in case of outdoor air-to-water heat pumps. If
more information is available, e.g. according to manufacturer information based on the standard testing,
more bins can be chosen to accommodate the available information. If not enough test points are available,
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the heat pump characteristic is interpolated to the respective source/sink temperatures, see, or the
exergetic efficiency method given in Annex C can be applied. Observe that the operating point temperature
(corresponding to the outdoor air temperature) corresponds directly to the source temperature in the testing
only in case of outdoor air source heat pumps. For ground-coupled heat pumps, for instance, the
dependency of the source temperature on the outdoor air temperature has to be considered in order to
determine the operating points, see
The cumulative frequency is only dependent on the outdoor air temperature, and therefore does not take into
account solar and internal gains. Even though the amount of energy is correct by using the heat energy
requirement of the distribution subsystem according to EN 15316-2-3, the redistribution of the energy to the
bins depends also on the used gains (internal and solar). For existing buildings and newer standard houses,
the approximation with regard to the outdoor air temperature is quite good, while for new solar passive
houses, it may get worse.
For a monthly calculation period, the cumulative frequency evaluated for a monthly data set is a good
approximation of the redistribution of the solar and internal gains. Therefore, for a monthly calculation period,
the cumulative frequency shall be calculated as the accumulated time temperature difference (ATTD)
according to EN ISO 15927-6 with a base temperature of the design indoor temperature, normally 20 C.
This corresponds to the approach of EN ISO 13790 for a monthly calculation period. For each month, the
calculation is accomplished for the bins chosen according to the available information on the heat pump
For an annual calculation period, a correction of the redistribution to the bins can be made by using an upper
temperature limit for heating dependent on the fraction of used solar and internal gains evaluated by the
calculation according to EN ISO 13790. The upper temperature limit for heating can either be derived by the
controller settings or be based on the used gains and building type. The higher the fraction of used gains is,
the lower the heating limit has to be chosen. However, this is an approximation and a more exact
redistribution is delivered by a monthly calculation.
For each bin, the heating capacity and the COP are evaluated from standard testing. The difference between
the heat requirements and the heat energy delivered by the heat pump has to be supplied by the back-up
heater in case of a bivalent system configuration. Storage and other generation subsystem thermal losses
and electricity input to auxiliaries are calculated as well. The total energy input in form of electricity, fuel or
heat is determined by summing-up the results for each bin for the whole period of operation. Depending on
the existence of a back-up system and its operation mode, supplied back-up energy is determined and
summed-up too in order to calculate the overall energy consumption.
5.3.2 Input data for the calculation with the bin method
Boundary conditions:
meteorological data:
frequency of the outdoor air temperature of the site in 1 K resolution or hourly average values of the
outdoor air temperature for an entire year (e.g. test reference year TRY or Meteonorm [1]);
heat energy requirement of the space heating distribution subsystem according to EN 15316-2-3;
type and controller setting of the heat emission subsystem (flow temperature of the heating system
dependent on the outdoor air temperature, e.g. heating characteristic curve or characteristic of room
thermostat), temperature spread at design conditions, upper temperature limit for heating;
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heat pump characteristics for heating capacity and COP according to product test standards (e.g.
according to EN 14511 for electrically-driven heat pumps) and guaranteed temperature level that can be
produced with the heat pump;
results for part load operation, e.g. according to CEN/TS 14825 for electrically-driven heat pumps, if
for the simplified calculation method of the back-up energy, the balance point;
system configuration:
installed back-up heater: operation mode, efficiency (fuel back-up heater according to
EN 15316-4-1);
installed heating buffer storage: stand-by loss value, flow temperature requirements;
power of auxiliary components (source pump, storage loading pump, primary pump, stand-by
heat energy requirement of domestic hot water distribution subsystem according to EN 15316-3-2;
temperature requirements of DHW operation: cold water inlet temperature (e.g. 15 C), DHW design
temperature (e.g. 60 C);
heat pump characteristics for DHW heating capacity and COP according to product test standards (e.g.
according to EN 255-3 for electrically-driven heat pumps);
set temperature for the energy delivery by the heat pump (e.g. at 55 C due to heat pump operating
installed back-up heater: operation mode, efficiency (fuel back-up heaters are calculated according to
EN 15316-4-1).
An overview of the calculation steps to be performed is listed below. A more detailed overview for different
system configurations is given in the flow chart in Figure 6.
The individual steps are explained in detail in the remaining part of 5.3 as indicated. For each step, the
description covers the different operation modes (space heating, domestic hot water) and the different types
of heat pumps (electrically-driven, engine-driven, absorption), if applicable. Additionally, for the back-up
energy calculation, a simplified and a detailed method is given in connection with the calculation of the
running time.
Step 2: Correction of steady state heating capacity/COP (e.g. EN 14511) for bin source and sink
temperature operating conditions (see 5.3.5);
Step 3: If required, correction of COP for part load operation (see 5.3.6);
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Step 5: Determination of back-up energy of the single bins (see 5.3.8, simplified in, detailed in;
Step 6: Calculation of the running time of the heat pump in different operation modes (see 5.3.9);
Step 8: Calculation of generation subsystem thermal loss recoverable for space heating (see 5.3.11);
Step 9: Calculation of the total driving energy input to cover the requirements (see 5.3.12);
Step 10: Summary of resulting and optional output values (see 5.3.13).
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1 input data, see 5.3.2
energy requirement of space heating distribution subsystem
energy requirement of the domestic hot water distribution subsystem
meteo data
product characteristics
design parameters
2 definitions of calculation periods and bins
see 5.3.1
3 monovalent
4 calculation of energy requirements/bin time
see 5.3.4
5 correction of heating capacity/COP for operating conditions
see 5.3.5
6 part load test available
7 yes
8 no
9 correction of COP for part load operation
see 5.3.6
10 bivalent detailed
11 bivalent simplified
12 calculation of generation subsystem thermal losses
see 5.3.7
13 monovalent system
14 evaluation of back-up energy due to operation limit and based on balance point
15 detailed back-up energy calculation
16 calculation of back-up energy for operation limit
17 calculation of running time
18 simultaneous system with 3 operation modes
19 calculation of running time for simultaneous system
20 running time < eff. bin time
21 calculation of additional back-up energy
22 calculation of back-up energy
23 running time = eff. bin time
24 calculation of energy input to cover the heat requirement
see 5.3.12
25 calculation of auxiliary energy
see 5.3.10
26 calculation of thermal loss recoverable for space heating
see 5.3.11
27 output data: see 5.3.13
energy input to cover the heat requirement
generation subsystem total thermal losses
generation subsystem thermal loss recoverable for space heating
total auxiliary energy input
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5.3.4 Heat energy requirements for space heating and domestic hot water mode for the bins
The heat energy requirement of the space heating distribution subsystem QH,dis,in shall be calculated
according to EN 15316-2-3.
The space heating requirement of bin j can be calculated by a weighting factor which is derived from
evaluating the cumulative frequency of the outdoor air temperature by means of cumulative heating degree
hours (DHH). The evaluation of the cumulative heating degree hours from tables based on the hourly outdoor
air temperature is described in Annex A.
kH,j is the weighting factor of the heat pump operation for space heating of bin j; (-)
QH,gen,out,j is the heat energy requirement of the space heating distribution subsystem in bin j; (J)
QH,gen,out is the total heat energy requirement of the space heating distribution subsystem; (J)
DHH,hlim,i is the cumulative heating degree hours up to the upper temperature limit of bin j; (Ch)
DHH,llim,i is the cumulative heating degree hours up to the lower temperature limit of bin j; (Ch)
DHH,tot is the total cumulative heating degree hours up to the upper temperature limit for space
heating. (Ch)
The cumulative heating degree hours for the respective climatic regions shall be given in a national annex or
taken from national standardisation. It is also possible to define weighting factors for a fixed bin scheme and
standard locations in a national annex.
The bin time is calculated as the difference of the cumulative time at the upper and lower bin limit according
to the equation
Nho,hlim,j is the cumulative number of hours up to the upper temperature limit of bin j; (h)
Nho,llim,j is the cumulative number of hours up to the lower temperature limit of bin j. (h)
A summation of all bin times ti for space heating constitutes the heating season. Attention should be paid to
national regulation on the heating season.
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However, for the heat pump operation there may be time restrictions, so that not the entire bin time is
available for the heat pump operation, e.g. a possible cut-out time of the electricity supply on the background
of particular tariff structures for heat pumps by the utility. Thus, the effective bin time is the time in the bin
according to Equation (6) reduced by the cut-out time per day and is calculated by
24 t co
t eff, j = t j [s] (7)
The heat energy requirement of the domestic hot water distribution subsystem QW,dis,in shall calculated
according to EN 15316-3-2.
The domestic hot water heat requirement in bin j is calculated with the weighting factor for domestic hot
water operation according to the equation
QW, gen,out, j tj
k W, j = = [-] (8)
QW, gen,out t tot
and the domestic hot water energy requirement of bin j follows according to the equation
QW, gen,out, j = k W, j QW, gen,out [J] (9)
kW,j is the weighting factor of the heat pump operation for DHW operation of bin j; (-)
QW,gen,out,j is the heat energy requirement of the domestic hot water distribution subsystem in bin j; (J)
QW,gen,out is the total heat energy requirement of the DHW distribution subsystem; (J)
ttot is the total time of DHW operation (e.g. year round operation). (s)
NOTE Instead of a daily constant domestic hot water consumption expressed by the bin time, a profile of the
domestic hot water consumption dependent on the outdoor air temperature can be considered. General
The steady state heating capacity and COP are taken from standard test results of European test methods,
e.g. according to EN 14511 for electrically-driven heat pumps. If European test standards are not available,
e.g. for simultaneous operation, national methods shall be used. According to EN 14511, standard testing is
performed at a standard rating point and several application rating conditions. Since the COP characteristic
has the most significant impact on the heat pump performance, care shall be taken that COP-values are
reliable. All available test points shall be taken into account, at least the test points prescribed by the
standard testing (standard rating and application rating).
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If national methods evaluate the heating capacity and the COP at different conditions as according to the test
conditions of EN 14511, e.g. if the heating capacity and the COP value are related to the outlet temperature
of both evaporator and condenser, this shall be stated clearly in the calculation report.
If flow conditions deviate between testing and operation, the COP characteristic has to be corrected due to
different temperature conditions at the condenser. The method for the correction is given in
To determine data for the whole range of source and sink temperatures, linear inter- and extrapolation
between the test points is applied both for the source and for the sink temperature, if necessary. Interpolation
is performed between the temperatures of the two nearest test points. Extrapolation is performed by the
nearest two points to the target point.
If, nevertheless, only one test point is available, correction for source and sink temperature can be done with
the fixed exergetic efficiency approach described in Annex C instead of interpolating the data, which is not
possible in case of one test point. However, good results are only obtained near the test point.
Some example values for the illustration of the data needed to accomplish the calculation for electrically-
driven heat pumps are given in F.3.
The source of the data shall be stated clearly in the calculation report (e.g. test data from standard test
institutes, manufacturer data, etc.). Preference shall be given to data from test institutes. Correction of the COP characteristic for the temperature spread at the heat pump
Evaluation of the COP dependency on the source and sink temperature is only correct if the mass flow rate
corresponds to the mass flow rate used during the standard testing, since otherwise different temperature
conditions exist at the heat pump condenser. Therefore, the temperature spread of the heat pump, based on
the mass flow rate defined by the design of the emission subsystem, has to be taken into account.
Temperature spread and mass flow rate are linked by the equation
= [K] (10)
m' w c w
is the temperature spread on the condenser side of the heat pump; (K)
m'w is the mass flow rate of the heat transfer medium on the condenser side of the heat pump; (kg/s)
In case of testing according to EN 14511 for electrically-driven heat pumps, the temperature spread at the
standard rating point is fixed to 5 K. With the temperature spread, the mass flow rate for the testing is
determined and applied to all test points. Thus, the temperature spread during testing for the different
operating points can be determined according to Equation (10). The temperature spread in operation can be
determined by the mass flow in operation which is evaluated at outdoor design conditions.
If the temperature spread in testing and operation differs, the average temperature in the condenser during
operation is different from during the testing and therefore COP values have to be corrected. The correction
can be derived based on the method of fixed exergetic efficiency given in Annex C according to the equation
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standard op r
COP = COPstandard 1 2
[W/W] (11)
Tsk - + Tsk (Tsc Tsc )
COP is the COP corrected for a different temperature spread in testing and operation; (W/W)
COPstandard is the COP derived from standard testing (e.g. according to EN 14511); (W/W)
standard is the temperature spread on the condenser side due to standard test conditions; (K)
opr is the temperature spread on the condenser side in operation due to the design (K)
of the heat emission subsystem;
Tsk is the sink temperature; (K)
Tsk is the average temperature difference between heat transfer medium and refrigerant in
condenser; (K)
Tsc is the source temperature; (K)
Tsc is the average temperature difference between heat transfer medium and refrigerant in
evaporator. (K)
The average temperature difference in the condenser and evaporator between the heat transfer medium and
the refrigerant can be approximated by Tsk = Tsc = 4 K for water based components. In the case of air
based components Tsk = Tsc = 15 K is to be set. However, it has to be secured that the minimum
temperature difference between the heat transfer medium and the refrigerant is kept.
NOTE Correction factor can be tabulated based on the combination of temperature spreads in testing and operation.
The results of the correction according to Equation (11) correspond to the correction factors given in the tabulated values
VDI 4650-1 [5] for air-to-water heat pumps and average temperature conditions e.g. the test point A2/W35. Interpolation of heating capacity and COP for the temperature conditions
Based on the respective corrected characteristic of the COP and the heating capacity, interpolation for the
actual temperature conditions at the operating point of the respective bin is performed.
The following source temperature applies for the respective type of heat pump:
for an outdoor air heat pump, the source temperature is given by the outdoor air temperature based on
the meteorological data of the site;
for a ground- or water-source heat pump, the return temperature of the ground-loop or water-loop heat
exchanger or the ground water inlet temperature has to be used, respectively. As ground and water
temperature depend on the site, values shall be given in a national annex. If a national annex is not
available, an example profile for ground source heat pumps is given in F.2.1.3 and an example
temperature for ground water is given in F.2.1.4;
for an exhaust-air heat pump without heat recovery, the source temperature corresponds to the indoor
temperature. In case of an installed heat recovery, either combined test results of the heat pump and the
heat recovery shall be used or an evaluation of the inlet temperature by the temperature change
coefficient of the heat recovery, e.g. according to EN 308, shall be applied.
either the controller settings of the heating system (heating curve, room thermostat);
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If the controller settings of the heating system are not known, typical controller settings for the heating curve
for different kinds of emission subsystems are given in B.1.
Electrically-driven domestic hot water heat pumps are tested as unitary systems, including the domestic hot
water storage in the system boundary, according to EN 255-3. This standard testing determines the COP
value for the extraction of domestic hot water, which is denoted COPt in EN 255-3, at one standard test point,
which depends on the type of the heat pump.
The COPt value is only valid for the extraction of domestic hot water and not for the loading of the storage
without extraction of domestic hot water (stand-by operation), since the temperature conditions are different.
However, the standard testing determines an electrical power input to cover the storage losses, denoted Pes,
so electrical energy consumption to cover storage stand-by losses can be expressed by this value.
The sink temperature conditions of domestic hot water systems may change during the year. However, for
calculation purposes the sink temperature conditions can be considered constant over the whole operation
range as long as the draw-off temperature of the domestic hot water does not change much.
Due to varying source temperatures for the heat pump operation, the operation period and thus COP values
may have to be corrected for these conditions. As only one standard test point depending on the type of heat
pump is defined in EN 255-3, a temperature correction of the COP by interpolation is not possible. Therefore,
a correction based on a fixed exergetic efficiency described in Annex C should be applied. However, the
method shall only be applied near the test point.
If no values according to EN 255-3 are available, the calculation for alternate operating systems is performed
by evaluation of the space heating characteristic at an average domestic hot water temperature calculated
according to the equation
(maximum hot water temperature that can be reached with the heat pump operation).
The temperature correction factor fW,st takes into account that the loading starts at lower temperatures than
the maximum hot water temperature, which can be reached by the heat pump operation (see also,
due to colder water at the storage heat exchanger. The hot water loading temperature increases during the
loading to temperatures slightly above the maximum hot water temperature due to the required temperature
difference for the heat transfer. Therefore, the average temperature for the loading is lower than the
maximum hot water temperature, which can be reached by the heat pump operation. Values of fW,st or the
average loading temperature W,avg shall be given in a national annex. If no national annex is available, a
default value is given in B.2.
Steady state heating capacity and COP are taken from test results. The same considerations concerning
correction according to temperature conditions as described in and apply depending on the
test method used. Example values of the required input data from testing for the space heating operation
mode are given in:
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F.4.2.1 and F.4.3.2 for air-to-water gas engine driven heat pumps;
F.4.2.2 and F.4.3.3 for air-to-air gas engine driven heat pumps;
F.5.5 for H2O/LiBr water-to-water double effect gas absorption heat pumps.
Heat pumps with fixed speed compressor or fixed burner heat input for absorption heat pumps operate at
part load operation by cycling between ON and OFF state. Therefore, at part load operation, losses due to
cycling of the compressor (or the burner for absorption heat pumps) occur and may reduce the heating
capacity and the COP of the heat pump.
Stepwise or continuously controlled variable capacity units, e.g. by means of an inverter for electrically-driven
heat pumps or by modulation of burner heat input for absorption heat pumps, may have a better efficiency at
part load. On the one hand, this may already be reflected in the full load values according to standard
testing, e.g. EN 14511 for electrically-driven heat pumps, on the other hand, part load COP may be more
However, for adequate system design, losses due to ON/OFF cycling are small. They are neglected in the
frame of this calculation, unless they can be quantified by available test data on part load operation or
national values given in a national annex. Standard testing of part load operation for electrically-driven heat
pumps is outlined in CEN/TS 14825 for different types of compressor control. CEN/TS 14825 delivers the
COP50 % which refers to a COP evaluated at 50 % load.
If no values on part load operation are available, only the stand-by auxiliary energy is taken into account,
which contributes to the degradation of the COP in part load operation.
Thus, if a part load correction is done at this place, the stand-by auxiliary energy calculated in 5.3.10 shall
not be considered again.
In case of available measurements of the part load operation, the COP is interpolated to the respective part
load condition in the bins that are characterised by a load factor corresponding to the part load ratio defined
in EN 15316-1 [9]. It is calculated according to the equation
QHW, gen,out, j
j =
hp, j teff, j [-] (13)
QHW,gen,out,j is the heat energy requirement of the distribution subsystem in bin j; (J)
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To accomplish the interpolation, at least one part load test point has to be available, e.g. the COP50 %
according to CEN/TS 14825. Then, the interpolation can be performed between the full load COP and the
part load COP as described in
For electrically-driven heat pumps, start-up losses of the heat pump are already taken into account in the
COPt value according to EN 255-3 due to the system testing.
For engine-driven and absorption heat pumps, start-up losses shall be taken into account depending on the
test procedure applied.
For heat pumps without an integrated storage in the same housing, the thermal losses through the envelope
to the ambiance are neglected in the frame of this European Standard, unless national values are given for
the envelope thermal loss of the heat pump.
For engine-driven heat pumps, the thermal losses of the engine are considered. They shall be evaluated
based on test results or manufacturer data. If no values are available, the thermal losses can be estimated
by the efficiency of the engine and a possible fraction of recovered heat as for the CHP systems treated in
EN 15316-4-4 [12]. For the redistribution of the thermal losses to the bins or operation modes, if required, the
bin time (for stand-by losses) and the running time (for operational losses) of the heat pump shall be
A possibly installed internal or external heating buffer storage causes thermal losses to the ambiance that
can be calculated by a stand-by thermal loss value for the bin j:
N bins
QH,st,ls,tot = Q
j =1
H,st,ls, j [J] (15)
QH,st,ls,j is the thermal loss to the ambiance of the heating buffer storage in bin j; (J)
H,st,avg,j is the average storage temperature of the heating buffer storage in bin j; (C)
st,sby is the temperature difference due to storage stand-by test conditions; (K)
Qst,sby is the stand-by heat loss due to storage stand-by test conditions; (kWh/d)
QH,st,ls,tot is the total storage thermal losses to the ambiance of the heating buffer storage; (J)
If the stand-by heat loss from the storage at test conditions is not available, default values are given in B.4.
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The average storage temperature H,st,avg,j is to be determined according to the storage control. If the storage
is operated dependent on the temperature requirements of the heating system, it is approximated as average
temperature of the flow- and return temperature of the space heating system, according to the equation
H,gen,f, j H,dis,r, j
H,st,avg, j = [C] (16)
H,st,avg,j is the average storage temperature of the heating buffer storage in bin j; (C)
H,gen,f,j is the flow temperature of the space heating generation system in bin j; (C)
H,dis,r,j is the return temperature from the space heating distribution system in bin j. (C)
The flow temperature is evaluated according to the control of the heating system (heating curve, room
thermostat) and the return temperature is calculated by interpolating the temperature spread of flow and
return temperature between the design temperature spread (at outdoor design temperature) and = 0 at
the indoor design temperature.
If data from storage testing are known, the calculation of the storage thermal losses of the domestic hot
water storage shall be accomplished as for space heating buffer storages according to Equations (14) and
(15). The average storage temperature depends on the applied storage control, the position of the heat
exchangers and the temperature sensors, etc. and shall be determined based on the product information. If
no information is available, default values of the average domestic hot water storage temperature are given
in B.3.
If no values on storage testing of stand-by heat losses are available, the calculation shall be carried out
according to Equation (14) and (15) with values based on the volume of the storage vessel given in a
national annex. If no national values are available, default values are given in B.4.
Thermal losses of the primary circulation pipes between the heat generator and the storage vessel shall be
calculated according to the method given for the calculation of thermal losses of pipes in EN 15316-2-3 or in
EN 15316-3-3 and are added to the storage thermal losses. General
Back-up energy may be required for two reasons. One reason is a temperature operating limit of the heat
pump, i.e. the temperature that can be reached with the heat pump, is restricted to a maximum value. This
fraction of back-up energy is treated in The other reason is in case of a multivalent design of the
generator subsystem (see boundary conditions in 4.6), i.e. the heat pump is not designed for the total load.
In this case, a fraction of back-up energy is required due to lack of heating capacity of the heat pump. For
the calculation of the back-up operation due to lack of heating capacity of the heat pump, a simplified method
and a detailed method are given.
The simplified method is based on the evaluation of the cumulative frequency and the balance point and,
depending on the operation mode, the low temperature cut-out. It is described in The method
assumes that the balance point is known and all influencing factors, e.g. power demand for space heating
and domestic hot water operation, cut-out times of the electricity supply, etc.) have been taken into account.
For the detailed method, a 1 K energy balance is accomplished for the range of lower source temperatures
up to the temperature where no back-up energy is needed. This method should be applied if the balance
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point is not known or is difficult to calculate, e.g. for systems with simultaneous operation or if 1 K bins are
chosen for the calculation anyway. The balance point is no longer an input, since it follows from the energy
balance expressed by the required running time. The method is described in in connection with
evaluation of the running time. Back-up energy due to the operation limit temperature of the heat pump
Depending on the refrigerant and the heat pump internal cycle, the maximum temperature level that can be
produced with the heat pump is restricted by an operation limit. If temperatures above this temperature limit
are required, they cannot be produced by the heat pump alone, and reheating by a back-up heater to boost
the temperature is required. Therefore, the fraction of back-up energy due to the operation limit of the heat
pump can be calculated by
kbu,opr,j is the fraction of back-up energy due to the operation limit of the heat pump in bin j; (-)
Qbu,opr,,j is the back-up heat energy due to the operation limit of the heat pump in bin j; (J)
Qgen,out,j is the heat energy requirement of the distribution subsystem in bin j; (J)
m'w is the mass flow rate of the heat transfer medium; (kg/s)
(maximum temperature that can be reached with the heat pump operation);
For space heating operation, the fraction kH,bu,opr,j usually does not occur, i.e. kH,bu,opr,j = 0, since the design of
the heat emission subsystem is usually adapted to required temperature levels below the operation limit of
the heat pump.
For domestic hot water operation, higher temperatures than the operation limit may be required so that the
heat pump delivers the heat up to the operation limit temperature, e.g. 55 C, and the additional temperature
requirement, e.g. up to 60 C, is supplied by the back-up heater. The fraction of back-up heat energy
supplied to the domestic hot water system is given by:
kW,bu,opr,j is the fraction of back-up energy in DHW mode due to the operation limit of the heat pump in bin
j; (-)
QW,bu,opr,j is the back-up heat energy for DHW due to the operation limit of the heat pump in bin j; (J)
QW,gen,out,j is the heat energy requirement of the domestic hot water subsystem in bin j; (J)
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Vw,j is the volume of the hot water draw-off in bin j; (m /s)
(maximum temperature that can be reached with the heat pump operation);
The operation limit temperature shall be taken from manufacturer data or evaluated based on the applied
refrigerant. Simplified back-up calculation: Back-up energy due to lack of heating capacity of the heat
pump General
Operation of back-up heater is determined by the system design criteria and can be characterised by the
operation mode (alternate operation, parallel operation, partly parallel operation) and the respective
temperatures, balance point temperature and, if required, low-temperature cut-out. By these temperatures,
the energy fraction of the heat pump and back-up operation can be determined and energy consumption can
be calculated. Evaluation of the area under the cumulative frequency can be done with tabulated cumulative
heating degree hours of the site. An example for the evaluation of annual hourly averaged data from site
measurements is given in Table A.1.
In alternate operation mode of the back-up heater, the heat pump is switched-off at the balance point
temperature, and only the back-up heater supplies the full heat energy requirement below the balance point.
Figure 7 shows the areas in the cumulative annual frequency diagram of the outdoor air temperature, which
correspond to the energy fractions. The area ABU represents the energy fraction delivered by the back-up
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1 cumulative bin hours 9 OP2
2 Nho,bal 10 outdoor air temperature
3 Nho,hlim,j 11 HP1
4 balance point temperature 12 HP2
5 design outdoor temperature 13 OP3
6 OP1 14 i,des
7 BU 15 upper ambient temperature for heating
8 bal 16 design indoor temperature
Figure 7 Bin hours for alternate operation mode of the back-up heater sample with 3 bins
If the balance point transcends the bin limit as in Figure 7, the fractions of the back-up heater for alternate
operation in the lowest bin j and the subsequent bin j + 1 are calculated.
For bal > hlim,j
In case of a balance point below the bin limit, the fraction of the back-up heater for alternate operation in the
lowest bin j is calculated.
For bal < hlim,j
Abu, j DH H,bal
kH,bu,cap, j = = [-] (21)
Aj DH H,h lim, j
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kH,bu,cap,j is the fraction of space heating heat energy covered by the back-up heater in the lower bin j; (-)
kH,bu,cap,,j+1 is the fraction of space heating heat energy covered by the back-up heater in the subsequent
bin j + 1; (-)
Aj is the total area of bin j (between upper and lower temperature limit of bin j); (Ch)
DHH,bal is the cumulative heating degree hours up to the balance point temperature bal; (Ch)
DHH,llim,j is the cumulative heating degree hours up to lower temperature limit of bin j llim,j; (Ch)
DHH,hlim,j is the cumulative heating degree hours up to upper temperature limit of bin j hlim,j. (Ch)
In parallel operation mode of the back-up heater, the heat pump is not switched-off at the balance point
temperature, but runs at the respective heating capacity and contributes thus to cover the energy
requirement. The back-up heater supplies only the part of the energy requirement that the heat pump cannot
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1 cumulative bin hours [h] 10 outdoor air temperature [C]
2 Nho,bal 11 HP1
3 Nho,hlim,j 12 HP2
4 balance point temperature 13 HP3
5 design outdoor temperature 14 OP3
6 OP1 15 I,des
7 BU 16 upper ambient temperature for heating
8 bal 17 design indoor temperature
9 OP2
Figure 8 Bin hours for parallel operation mode of the back-up heater sample with 3 bins
Figure 8 shows the areas in the cumulative annual frequency diagram of the outdoor air temperature, which
correspond to the energy fractions. The area Abu represents the energy fraction delivered by the back-up
heater. If the balance point transcends the bin limit as in Figure 8, the fractions of the back-up heater for
parallel operation in the lowest bin j and the subsequent bin j + 1 are approximated.
For bal > hlim,j
Abu, j DH H,hlim, j (i,des bal ) N ho,hlim, j
kH,bu,cap, j = = [-] (22)
Aj DH H,h lim, j
In case of a balance point below the bin limit, the fraction of the back-up heater for parallel operation in the
lowest bin j is approximated.
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kH,bu,cap,j is the fraction of space heating heat energy covered by the back-up heater in the lower bin j; (-)
kH,bu,cap,j+1 is the fraction of space heating heat energy covered by the back-up heater in the subsequent
bin j + 1; (-)
Aj is the total area of bin j (between upper and lower temperature limit of bin j); (Ch)
Nho,bal is the cumulative number of hours up to the balance point temperature; (h)
Nho,hlim,j is the cumulative number of hours up to the upper temperature limit of bin j; (h)
DHH,bal is the cumulative heating degree hours up to the balance point temperature bal; (Ch)
DHH,llim,j is the cumulative heating degree hours up to the lower temperature limit of bin j llim,j; (Ch)
DHH,hlim,j is the cumulative heating degree hours up to the upper temperature limit of bin j hlim,j. (Ch)
NOTE The vertical limit of Abu in Figure 8 is an approximation, since the heating capacity of the heat pump is not
constant and decreases with decreasing source temperature, thus the line is inclined to higher temperatures of the
outdoor air. For high balance points and air-source heat pumps, the inclination gets stronger and may lead to higher
back-up fractions. However, the boundary condition for the running time given in indicates whether the
approximation is sufficiently exact or a correction is required according to Equation (40).
In partly-parallel operation mode of the back-up heater, the heat pump is not switched-off at the balance
point temperature, but runs up to the low-temperature cut-out, where the heat pump is switched-off and only
the back-up heater is operated to supply the total heat energy requirement of the space heating distribution
subsystem. Figure 9 shows the areas in the cumulative annual frequency diagram of the outdoor air
temperature, which correspond to the energy fractions. The area Abu represents the energy fraction delivered
by the back-up heater.
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1 cumulative bin hours [h] 11 ltc
2 Nho,bal 12 OP2
3 Nho,hlim,j 13 outdoor air temperature [C]
4 Nho,ltc 14 HP1
5 balance point temperature 15 HP2
6 design outdoor temperature 16 HP3
7 low temperature cut-out 17 OP3
8 OP1 18 i,des
9 BU 19 upper ambient temperature for heating
10 bal 20 design indoor temperature
Figure 9 Bin hours for partly parallel operation mode of the back-up heater sample with 3 bins
If the balance point transcends the bin limit as in Figure 9, the fractions of the back-up heater for partly
parallel operation in the lowest bin j and the subsequent bin j + 1 are approximated.
In case of a balance point below the bin limit, the fraction of the back-up heater for partly parallel operation in
the lowest bin j is approximated.
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kH,bu,cap,j is the fraction of space heating heat energy covered by the back-up heater in lower bin j; (-)
kH,bu,cap,j+1 is the fraction of space heating heat energy covered by the back-up heater in subsequent bin
j + 1; (-)
Aj is the total area of bin j (between upper and lower temperature limit of bin j); (Ch)
Nho,bal is the cumulative number of hours up to the balance point temperature; (h)
Nho,hlim,j is the cumulative number of hours up to the upper temperature limit of bin j; (h)
DHH,bal is the cumulative heating degree hours up to the balance point temperature bal; (Ch)
DHH,llim,j is the cumulative heating degree hours up to the lower temperature limit of bin j llim,j; (Ch)
DHH,hlim,j is the cumulative heating degree hours up to the upper temperature limit of bin j hlim,j. (Ch) General
The running time of the heat pump depends on the heating capacity, given by the operating conditions, and
on the heat requirement, given by the distribution subsystem. The running time can be calculated by the
Qhp, j
thp,on, j =
hp, j [s] (28)
Qhp,j is the produced heat energy by the heat pump in bin j (J)
(energy requirement of the distribution subsystem and generation subsystem thermal losses);
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The produced heat energy by the heat pump can be calculated by the equation
Qhp,j is the produced heat energy by the heat pump in bin j (J)
(energy requirement of the distribution subsystem and generation subsystem thermal losses);
Qgen,out,j is the heat energy requirement of the distribution subsystem in bin j; (J)
kbu,cap,j is the fraction of heat energy covered by the back-up heater in bin j. (-)
These equations can be applied for the different operation modes. Following items have to be considered.
Back-up calculation
If the simplified calculation of the back-up energy is applied, the fractions for space heating kH,bu,cap,j and the
fraction for domestic hot water operation due to the temperature operation limit of the heat pump kW,bu,opr,j are
known from the calculation in 5.3.8 and are to be applied in Equation (29).
If the detailed calculation of the back-up energy is applied, only the fraction of back-up energy for domestic
hot water operation due to the operation limit temperature of the heat pump has to be taken into account,
since the fraction of back-up energy due to lack of heating capacity of the heat pump follows from the energy
balance (see That means only the fractions kbu,opr,j due to the operation limit temperature are
Operation mode
For heat pumps operating in SH-only mode or DHW-only mode, the energy requirement is given by the
actual space heating or domestic hot water heat requirement respectively, i.e. the energy requirement of the
distribution subsystem and the generator losses.
For heat pumps operating alternately on the SH and DHW system, total running time of the heat pump is
determined by the sum of the space heating and domestic hot water heat energy requirements, produced at
the respective heating capacity of the heat pump.
For heat pumps operating simultaneously for heat production for SH and DHW, the running time has to be
distinguished according to the state of operation. As the heat pump characteristic by simultaneous operation
may differ significantly from the heat pump characteristic by the two single operation modes, the three
following operation modes may have to be evaluated:
space heating-only operation: running time is determined by the heat requirement of the space heating
system and the respective characteristic of the heat pump in space heating-only mode;
DHW-only operation: running time is determined by the domestic hot water requirement and the
respective characteristic of the heat pump in DHW-only mode;
simultaneous operation: running time is determined by the energy produced by simultaneous operation.
The heating capacity of the heat pump in simultaneous operation has to be applied.
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However, depending on the system configuration, not all three operation modes may occur in simultaneous
operating systems. There are system configurations, for instance, where only simultaneous operation takes
place in wintertime, so no space heating-only operation occurs. This is the case for instance in combined
operating systems with desuperheating that work on a combi-storage for space heating and DHW. In this
case, only two characteristics, DHW-only and simultaneous combined, have to be taken into account and the
time period of simultaneous operation is given by the heating season. The running time is evaluated based
on these two characteristics.
Additional calculations of the energy fractions and the running times for systems where all three operation
modes occur are given in
The total running time in the bin j can be calculated by the equation
thp,on,tot,j is the total running time of the heat pump in bin j; (s)
Depending on the type of system, only some of different contributions exist, while the others are zero, e.g.
the running time for space heating in DHW-only systems. Additional calculations for simultaneous operating heat pumps with three operation
For the system depicted in Figure 3, for instance, all three operation modes occur, so the running time of the
different operation modes has to be determined.
Since simultaneous operation only takes place in times of space heating and domestic hot water load, the
running time is evaluated to characterise simultaneous operation. The maximum possible simultaneous
operation is characterised by the minimum of required running time for space heating and DHW operation.
Subsequently, the resulting maximum running time in simultaneous operation may then be corrected with a
correction factor in order to take further controller impact into account.
After the estimation of the running time in simultaneous operation, the respective energies produced in
simultaneous operation are calculated, and then the energy produced in SH-only and DHW-only can be
determined by energy balances. As a last step, the running time in SH-only and DHW-only operation is
calculated based on these energies.
Since running time is related to produced energy, but storage losses of the DHW system may be expressed
by the electricity input according to EN 255-3, the net energy to cover the heat requirement is calculated for
the DHW system by subtracting the storage losses.
Calculation steps
The maximum running time in simultaneous operation is calculated by the equation
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QW, hp, j
t W, hp,on, j =
W, hp,combi, j [s] (32)
QH,hp, j
tH,hp,on, j =
H,hp,combi, j [s] (33)
tHW,hp,on,combi,max,j is the maximum possible running time in simultaneous operation in bin j; (s)
QW,hp,j is the produced heat energy by the heat pump for DHW in bin j; (J)
W,hp,combi,j is the DHW heating capacity of the heat pump in simultaneous operation in bin j; (W)
QH,hp,j is the produced heat energy by the heat pump for space heating in bin j; (J)
H,hp,combi,j is the space heating heating capacity of the heat pump in simultaneous operation in bin j. (W)
The running time in simultaneous operation mode may also be influenced by the control and the load profiles.
However, controller impact depends strongly on the setting and the system configuration and can be taken
into account by a specific correction factor according to the equation
tHW,hp,on,combi,max,j is the maximum possible running time in simultaneous operation in bin j; (s)
fcombi is the correction factor taking into account the impact of the control system. (-)
Adequate factors for typical controller setting shall be given in a national annex based on a specific evaluation
of the system configuration. If no national values are given, a default value is given in B.6.
The energy produced in simultaneous operation for domestic hot water and space heating, respectively, is
calculated by the equation
Qhp,combi,j is the produced heat energy in simultaneous operation of the respective operation mode in
bin j; (J)
hp,combi,j is the heat pump heating capacity in simultaneous operation of the respective operation (W)
mode in bin j;
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
The rest of the heat energy is produced in SH-only and DHW-only operation and is determined by the
equation for the respective operation modes
Qhp,sngl,j is the produced heat energy by the heat pump in the respective single operation in bin j; (J)
Qhp,j is the produced heat energy by the heat pump in bin j; (J)
Qhp,combi,j is the produced heat energy by the heat pump in simultaneous operation in bin j. (J)
Since EN 255-3 gives the electricity to cover the heat losses of the DHW storage in form of an electrical
stand-by power input, the DHW heat energy requirement has to be evaluated by subtracting the storage
losses. If no values according to EN 255-3 are available, the subtraction of the storage losses is not
The allocation of the DHW-storage losses to the single and simultaneous operation modes is done by fcombi.
So, the DHW heat energy requirement in DHW-only operation can be calculated by subtracting the storage
losses according to the equation
QW, hp,out,sngl, j = QW, hp,sngl, j QW, st,ls, j (1 k W, bu, j ) (1 f combi ) [J] (37)
QW,hp,out,sngl,j is the heat requirement of the DHW distribution subsystem covered by the heat pump (J)
QW,hp,sngl,j is the produced DHW energy by the heat pump in DHW-only operation in bin j; (J)
QW,st,ls,j is the DHW storage losses in bin j (calculated according to; (J)
fcombi is the correction factor to take into account controller effect, (-)
kW,bu,j is the fraction of DHW heat energy covered by the back-up heater in bin j. (-)
Similarly for simultaneous operation, the DHW heat energy requirement can be calculated according to the
QW, hp,out,combi, j = QW, hp,combi, j QW, st,ls, j (1 k W,bu, j ) f combi [J] (38)
QW,hp,out,combi,j is the heat requirement of the DHW distribution subsystem covered by the heat pump (J)
QW,hp,combi,j is the produced DHW energy by the heat pump in simultaneous operation in bin j; (J)
QW,st,ls,j is the DHW storage losses in bin j (calculated according to; (J)
fcombi is the correction factor to take into account controller effect, (-)
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kW,bu,j is the fraction of DHW heat energy covered by the back-up heater in bin j. (-)
The respective running time in SH-only and DHW-only operation modes are calculated according to
Equation (28).
NOTE Testing according to EN 255-3 does not deliver a heating capacity for the domestic hot water operation as an
output. However, required data to evaluate an average heating capacity are provided by the testing in phase 2 of
EN 255-3:1997.
The total running time shall not be longer than the effective bin time, thus the total running time has to fulfil
the boundary condition
thp,on, tot, j = min( teff, j , tH,hp,on,sgnl, j + t W, hp,on,sgnl, j + tHW, hp,on,combi, j ) [s] (39)
thp,on,tot,j is the total running time of the heat pump in bin j; (s)
If the calculated total running time is longer than the effective bin time, this is due to lack of heating capacity
of the heat pump. In this case, the effective bin time is the running time; and the missing back-up energy is
calculated according to Detailed back-up calculation: Back-up energy due to lack of heating capacity of the heat
The detailed evaluation of the back-up energy is based on the evaluation of the running time according to the
boundary conditions given in, but on the basis of 1 K bins. The comparison of the running time is
accomplished, until the outdoor air temperature is reached, at which the effective time in the bin is longer
than the required running time. The sample balance and the required calculations are summarised in Table 5.
If the system is of alternate type, the running time in simultaneous operation is zero.
For the bins with a lack of running time, i.e. required running time is longer than the effective bin time, the
heating capacity of the heat pump is not sufficient to cover the total requirement. The resulting back-up
energy can be calculated based on the control strategy by Equation (40), i.e. the back-up heater supplies
heat either to the space heating system or to the domestic hot water system according to
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
Table 5 Table containing the required calculation for the detailed determination of back-up energy
according to
according to
Heating capacity SH combined H,hp,combi,j according
Energy to be produced for DHW QW,hp,j according to
according to
Heating capacity SH H,hp,sngl,j according to heat
pump characteristic
Equation (29)
Equation (29)
Equation (34)
Equation (30)
Equation (40)
Equation (7)
e,min + 1
The additional back-up energy due to lack of heating capacity of the heat pump is calculated by multiplying
the missing running time with the heating capacity of the heat pump in SH-only or DHW-only operation
according to the equation
Qbu,cap,i is the additional back-up energy due lack of heating capacity of the heat pump; (J)
thp,on,tot,j is the total (calculated) running time of the heat pump in bin j; (s)
hp,sngl,j is the heating capacity of the heat pump in the respective single operation mode. (W)
The control strategy determines whether the back-up energy is supplied to the space heating system or the
domestic hot water system. If the control strategy is not known, it is assumed that the back-up heater
supplies 50 % of the back-up energy to the space heating system and 50 % of the back-up energy to the
domestic hot water system.
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
The total fraction of back-up energy can be calculated according to the equation
kbu,j is the fraction of heat energy covered by the back-up heater in the respective operation (-)
mode in bin j;
Qbu,cap,j is the back-up energy due to lack of heating capacity of the heat pump; (J)
Qgen,out,j is the heat energy requirement of the distribution subsystem in bin j; (J)
kbu,opr,j is the fraction of back-up energy due to temperature operation limit; (-)
kbu,cap,j is the fraction of back-up energy due to lack of heating capacity of the heat pump
thp,on,tot,j is the total (calculated) running time of the heat pump in bin j; (s)
hp,sngl,j is the heating capacity of the heat pump in single operation. (W)
To derive the fraction of back-up energy for the respective operation modes, the respective values (energy,
heating capacity) for the operation mode have to be set in Equation (41).
The fraction kbu,cap,j in Equation (41) only exists if the simplified back-up calculation according to is
applied. If the detailed back-up calculation according to is applied, the fraction is contained in the lack
of running time and kbu,cap,j = 0. General
To calculate the auxiliary energy, the respective power consumption of the auxiliary components has to be
given as input. For heat pump systems, auxiliary energy is basically used for pumps, fans, controls,
additional oil supply heating (carter heating) and other electrical components like transformers.
WHW, gen,aux = P
gen,aux,k t gen,aux,on,k [J] (42)
tgen,aux,on,k is the relevant running or activation time of the respective auxiliary component k. (s)
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Depending on the system configuration (e.g. with or without hydronic decoupling), the components described
in Clause 4 are considered in the generation subsystem.
Moreover, it has to be taken care which auxiliary energies are already included in the COP values according
to the standard testing of the heat pump, e.g. EN 14511 for electrically-driven heat pumps. For instance, in
EN 14511 auxiliary energy for control during the running time of the heat pump is taken into account in the
COP value. However, COP covers only the operation time, so stand-by operation has to be taken into
account by the nominal power consumption of the auxiliary components and the stand-by time, unless a part
load correction to the COP is applied according to Correction shall be accomplished depending on
the respective test standard.
The running time of the auxiliary components depends on the control of the generation subsystem:
source pump running time is normally linked to the running time of the heat pump evaluated in 5.3.9 for
the different operation modes;
for primary pumps, control depends on the installed systems, e.g. linked to storage control in case of a
heating buffer storage and thereby linked to the running time of the generator as well. In case of a
hydronic distributor, primary pump may be switched on periodically or even run through;
stand-by time can be calculated by the difference of the total activation time of the generator, e.g. the
heating season for space heating operation, and the running time evaluated according to 5.3.9. If a
correction for part load operation of the COP is applied according to 5.3.6, the stand-by auxiliary energy
is already considered and does not have to be considered here;
for domestic hot water operation of electrically-driven heat pumps, the storage loading pump is already
entirely included in the COPt value according to EN 255-3 due to the system testing.
Depending on how the testing for engine-driven heat pumps and absorption heat pumps is accomplished for
the space heating operation mode and the domestic hot water operation mode, the respective part of
auxiliary energy (e.g. pumps, fans for burners) shall be considered.
5.3.11 Total thermal losses and recoverable thermal loss of the generation subsystem
Auxiliary energy is transformed partly to used energy and partly to thermal loss. Energy recovered as thermal
energy transmitted to the heat transfer medium is considered totally recovered according to Equation (1) and
is calculated by:
kgen,aux,ls,rvd,k is the fraction of auxiliary energy of component k totally recovered as thermal energy. (-)
The fraction kgen,aux,ls,rvd,k is already considered in the COP value according to standard testing of EN 14511
for electrically-driven heat pumps, and in this case kgen,aux,ls,rvd,k = 0.
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Thermal loss to the ambiance of auxiliary components is calculated according to the equation
QHW, gen,aux,ls = W
gen,aux,k k gen,aux,ls,k [J] (44)
QHW,gen,aux,ls,rbl is the recoverable thermal loss to the ambiance of auxiliary components; (J)
kgen,aux,ls,k is the fraction of auxiliary energy of component k transmitted to the ambiance. (-)
These values should be defined in a national annex. If no national values are specified,
default values are given in B.5;
bgen,aux,k is the temperature reduction factor for component k linked to location of the component. (-)
The values of bgen,aux,k shall be given in a national annex. If no national values are specified,
default values are given in B.7.
The total envelope thermal losses of the generation subsystem can be obtained by a summation over the
components, basically heat pump envelope losses, if considered, losses from the engine of engine-driven
heat pumps, storage losses for the heating buffer and DHW storage, respectively, and losses of the
connecting piping between generator and storage.
The total thermal losses to the ambiance of the generation subsystem comprise envelope thermal losses and
thermal losses of auxiliary components, according to the equation
QHW,gen,ls,tot is the total generation subsystem thermal losses to the ambiance; (J)
QHW,gen,ls is the generation subsystem envelope thermal losses to the ambiance; (J)
Qgen,ls,k is the envelope thermal losses to the ambiance of the generation subsystem component k; (J) Recoverable thermal loss due to generation subsystem envelope thermal losses
Envelope thermal losses are considered recoverable for space heating and can be calculated with a
temperature reduction factor according to the equation
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QHW,gen,ls,rbl is the recoverable envelope thermal loss of the generation subsystem; (J)
Qgen,ls,k is the envelope thermal losses to the ambiance of the generation subsystem component k; (J)
bgen,k is the temperature reduction factor linked to location of the component k. (-)
The values should be given in a national annex. If no national values are specified, default
values are given in B.7.
The total recoverable thermal loss of the generation subsystem comprises the recoverable envelope thermal
loss and the recoverable thermal loss to the ambiance of auxiliary components according to the equation
QHW,gen,ls,rbl,tot is the total recoverable thermal loss of the generation subsystem; (J)
QHW,gen,ls,rbl is the recoverable envelope thermal loss of the generation subsystem; (J) Electricity input to the heat pump for space heating operation
The electricity input to the heat pump for space heating operation can be calculated by summing-up the
electricity input of the respective bins according to:
N bins N bins
QH,hp,sngl, j QH,hp,combi, j
EH,hp,in = + [J] (49)
j =1 H,sngl, j j =1 H,combi, j
EH,hp,in is the electrical energy input to the heat pump in space heating mode; (J)
QH,hp,sngl,j is the produced energy by the heat pump in space heating-only operation in bin j; (J)
QH,hp,combi,j is the produced energy by the heat pump for space heating in simultaneous operation (J)
in bin j;
COPH,sngl,j is the coefficient of performance in space heating-only operation at the operating point (W/W)
NBN EN 15316-4-2 (2008)
EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E) Electricity input to the heat pump for domestic hot water operation
The electricity input to the heat pump for domestic hot water operation can be calculated according to
N bins N bins
QW, gen,out,sngl, j QW, gen,out,combi, j
EW, hp,in = + Pes,sgnl t W, sngl, tot + +Pes,combi t W, combi, tot [J] (50)
j =1
COPt,sngl, j j =1
COPt,combi, j
EW,hp,in is the electrical energy input to the heat pump in DHW mode; (J)
QW,gen,out,sngl,j is the heat energy requirement of the DHW distribution subsystem in bin j covered (J)
Q W,gen,out,combi,j is the heat energy requirement of the DHW distribution subsystem in bin j covered (J)
COPt,sngl,j is the coefficient of performance for the extraction of domestic hot water of bin j (W/W)
in DHW-only operation according to EN 255-3, taken as performance
factor for the whole bin;
COPt,combi,j is the coefficient of performance for the extraction of domestic hot water of (W/W)
bin j in simultaneous operation, taken as performance factor for the
whole bin;
Pes,sgnl is the electricity power input to cover storage losses according to EN 255-3 (W)
for DHW-only operation;
Pes,combi is the electricity power input to cover storage losses according to EN 255-3 (W)
for simultaneous operation;
tW,sngl,tot is the total time of all calculation periods in DHW-only operation; (s)
tW,combi,tot is the total time of all calculation periods in simultaneous operation; (s)
Allocation of the total time to DHW-only operation and simultaneous operation is done by the fraction of
simultaneous operation as for the storage losses in
NOTE If no values according to EN 255-3 are available, the calculation is accomplished in the same way as for the
space heating operation mode, but only for alternate operating systems. For COP values to use, see
The calculation of the energy input (fuel or waste heat, solar heat, respectively) to the generation subsystem
depends on the applied test method for the COP characteristic with regard to considered heat recovery from
the engine and the auxiliaries.
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If a possible heat recovery from the engine cooling fluid and/or the engine flue gas and the auxiliaries is
taken into account in the COP values, the driving energy can be calculated as for electrically-driven systems
according to Equation (49). This approach corresponds to the system boundary given in 4.1.
If the COP values only take into account the heat decoupled at the heat pump condenser, the produced heat
based on the heat energy requirement of the distribution subsystem has to be reduced by the recovered
energy from the engine and auxiliaries. The fuel or heat energy input to the engine-driven or absorption heat
pump respectively can be calculated by the following equation, which is applied for space heating operation
and domestic hot water operation, respectively, as well as for single operation and combined operation,
respectively, if required:
N bins
Qhp, j Qeng,rvd, j k gen,aux,ls,rvd WHW, gen,aux, j
Ehp,in = j =1
COPj [J] (51)
Ehp,in is the fuel or heat energy input to the engine-driven or absorption heat pump in the respective (J)
operation mode;
Qeng,rvd,j is the recovered energy from the combustion engine in bin j (only engine-driven heat pumps); (J)
kgen,aux,ls,rvd is the fraction of auxiliary energy recovered as thermal energy (depending on testing); (-)
COPj is the coefficient of performance at the operating point of bin j, taken as performance (W/W)
factor for the whole bin for the respective operation mode;
The recovered energy Qeng,rvd shall be calculated based on test results or manufacturer data. Whether the net
or the gross calorific value is to be used depends on which of these values is considered in the testing of the
engine-driven heat pump. Definitions of other standards e.g. prEN 15203 shall be taken into account as far
as possible.
The redistribution of the recovered heat to the respective operation modes, if required, is to be evaluated for
the individual system configuration based on installed components and controls.
N bins
(QH,gen,out, j + QH,gen,ls, j ) kH,bu, j (QW, gen,out, j + QW, gen,ls, j ) k W, bu, j
EHW, bu,in =
j =1
W, bu [J] (52)
EHW,bu,in is the total electrical energy input to operate the back-up heater; (J)
QH,gen,out,j is the heat energy requirement of the space heating distribution subsystem in bin j; (J)
QH,gen,ls,j is the thermal losses of the generation subsystem due to space heating operation in bin j; (J)
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kH,bu,j is the fraction of space heating heat energy covered by the back-up heater in bin j; (-)
H,bu is the efficiency of the electrical back-up heater for space heating mode; (-)
QW,gen,out,j is the heat energy requirement of the DHW distribution subsystem in bin j; (J)
QW,gen,ls,j is the thermal losses of the generation subsystem due to DHW operation in bin j; (J)
kW,bu,j is the fraction of DHW heat energy covered by the back-up heater in bin j; (-)
W,bu is the efficiency of the electrical back-up heater for DHW mode; (-)
The efficiency of the electrical back-up heater shall be given in a national annex or be determined based on
the system configuration and the product. If no values are given, a default value is given in B.8.
Fuel back-up heaters are calculated in the same way as the electrical back-up heaters. However, the
efficiency of the back-up heater shall be determined according to EN 15316-4-1 for combustion boiler back-
up heaters. Total driving and back-up energy input to cover the heat requirement
The total energy input to cover the heat requirement is the sum of the single energy inputs:
EHW,gen,in is the total energy input to heat pump and back-up heater; (J)
EH,hp,in is the energy input to the heat pump in space heating mode; (J)
EW,hp, in is the energy input to the heat pump in DHW mode; (J)
EHW,bu,in is the total energy input to operate the back-up heater. (J)
The amount of ambient heat used for the produced heat energy of the heat pump to cover the space heating
and/or domestic hot water requirement and generation subsystem losses is calculated according to
Equation (1), where the recovered auxiliary energy is to be set to zero (kgen,aux,ls,rvd = 0) for electrically-driven
heat pumps tested according to EN 14511. For engine-driven and gas heat pumps, the factor kgen,aux,ls,rvd
depends on the fraction taken into account during testing. Seasonal performance factor and expenditure factor of the generation subsystem General
For the seasonal performance factor, two characteristic values are defined based on different system
boundaries, i.e. for the generation subsystem and for the heat pump as generator itself.
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
The total seasonal performance factor of the generation subsystem (incl. the heat pump and the electrical
back-up heater) can be calculated according to the equation
QH,gen,out is the heat energy requirement of the space heating distribution subsystem; (J)
QW,gen,out is the heat energy requirement of the domestic hot water distribution subsystem; (J)
EHW,gen,in is the total electrical energy input to heat pump and back-up heater; (J)
The seasonal performance factor of the heat pump can be evaluated with regard to the produced heat
characterising the performance of the heat pump as generator.
The heat pump performance with regard to produced heat is calculated according to the equation
QH,hp + QW,hp
SPFHW,hp = [-] (55)
E HW,hp,in + Wgen,aux,sc + Wgen,aux,sby
QH,hp is the produced heat energy by the heat pump in space heating mode; (J)
QW,hp is the produced heat energy by the heat pump in domestic hot water mode; (J)
EHW,hp,in is the total electrical energy input to the heat pump to cover the heat requirement; (J)
Wgen,aux,sby is the auxiliary energy for the heat pump in stand-by operation. (J)
As the seasonal performance factor is the reciprocal value of the expenditure factor, it can be calculated by
the equation
eHW, gen = [-] (56)
SPFHW, gen
NBN EN 15316-4-2 (2008)
EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E) Total heat produced by the heat pump and the back-up heater
The total heat delivered by the back-up heater can be calculated according to the equation
N bins
QHW, bu,out = (Q
j =1
H,gen,out, j + QH,gen,ls, j ) kH,bu, j + (QW, gen,out, j + QW, gen,ls, j ) k W, bu, j [J] (57)
and the total heat produced by the heat pump can be calculated according to the equation
[(Q ]
N bins
QHW,hp,out = H,gen,out, j + QH,gen,ls, j ) + (QW,gen,out, j + QW,gen,ls, j ) QHW,bu,out [J] (58)
j =1
kH,bu,j is the fraction of space heating heat energy covered by the back-up heater in bin j; (-)
QH,gen,out,j is the heat energy requirement of the space heating distribution subsystem in bin j; (J)
QH,gen,ls,j are the thermal losses of the generation subsystem due to space heating operation in bin j; (J)
kW,bu,j is the fraction of DHW heat energy covered by the back-up heater in bin j; (-)
QW,gen,out,j is the heat energy requirement of the DHW distribution subsystem in bin j; (J)
QW,gen,ls,j are the thermal losses of the generation subsystem due to DHW operation in bin j; (J)
Resulting outputs
energy input to cover the heat requirement of the distribution subsystems (see, Equation (53));
total thermal losses of the generation subsystem (see, Equation (46));
total generation subsystem thermal losses recoverable for space heating (see, Equation (48));
total auxiliary energy input to the generation subsystem (see 5.3.10, Equation (42)).
Optional outputs
total heat produced by the back-up heater (see, Equation (57));
total heat produced by the heat pump (see, Equation (58));
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
Annex A
For the calculations, the annual cumulative frequency of the outdoor air temperature of the site has to be
evaluated. The procedure to derive the required tabulated values based on hourly values of the outdoor air
temperature is given in this annex.
If hourly-averaged values of the site are not available, for instance the Software Meteonorm [1] can deliver
hourly averaged values of site of the whole world based on a statistical evaluation.
Input data:
1 annual frequency of the outdoor air temperature
2 outdoor air temperature [C]
3 number of hours of outdoor air temperature in 1 K bins [h]
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
The input data are sorted in temperature classes of 1 K bins beginning with the minimum outdoor air
The 1 K bin time corresponds to the time period (number of hours) in the respective 1 K bins.
1 cumulative annual frequency of the outdoor air temperature
2 outdoor air temperature [C]
3 cumulative number of hours below the respective outdoor air temperature [h]
The annual frequency of the outdoor temperature is summed up bin-by-bin to derive the cumulative annual
N ho,k = N ho, j [-] (A.1)
j =1
Nho,k is the cumulated number of hours up to bin k (1 < k < Nbins); (h)
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The heating degree hours for each bin can be derived from the respective temperature difference of bin
temperature and indoor design temperature according to:
The cumulative heating degree hours for a given bin, k, is calculated by summing up the heating degree
hours for each bin 1 to k:
DH H,j= DH H, j [Ch] (A.3)
j =1
DHH,k is the cumulative heating degree hours up to temperature k corresponding to bin k (Ch)
(1 < k < Nbins);
DHH,j is the heating degree hours for bin j; (Ch)
j is the number of the actual bin; (-)
Nbins is the number of bins. (-)
With the cumulative heating degree hours, the weighting factors for the heat pump operation can be
calculated according to the equations above.
For a monthly calculation period, the frequency and the cumulative frequency for each month are determined
according to the above equations for a monthly data set. Samples for January and August are shown in
Figure A.3.
NBN EN 15316-4-2 (2008)
EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
1 cumulative annual frequency of the outdoor air temperature in January
2 outdoor air temperature [C]
3 cumulative number of hours below the respective outdoor air temperature [h]
4 cumulative annual frequency of the outdoor air temperature in August
Figure A.3 Monthly cumulative frequency of January (left) and August (right)
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
- 11 3 3 93 93 0,00 0,000
- 10 7 10 210 303 0,00 0,001
-9 8 18 232 535 0,00 0,001
-8 12 30 336 871 0,00 0,001
-7 24 54 648 1 519 0,01 0,003
-6 33 87 858 2 377 0,01 0,004
-5 31 118 775 3 152 0,01 0,004
-4 26 144 624 3 776 0,01 0,003
-3 72 216 1 656 5 432 0,02 0,008
-2 114 330 2 508 7 940 0,03 0,013
-1 207 537 4 347 12 287 0,06 0,024
0 250 787 5 000 17 287 0,07 0,029
1 243 1 030 4 617 21 904 0,06 0,028
2 306 1 336 5 508 27 412 0,08 0,035
3 368 1 704 6 256 33 668 0,09 0,042
4 230 1 934 3 680 37 348 0,05 0,026
5 295 2 229 4 425 41 773 0,06 0,034
6 331 2 560 4 634 46 407 0,06 0,038
7 314 2 874 4 082 50 489 0,06 0,036
8 293 3 167 3 516 54 005 0,05 0,033
9 281 3 448 3 091 57 096 0,04 0,032
10 376 3 824 3 760 60 856 0,05 0,043
11 336 4 160 3 024 63 880 0,04 0,038
12 373 4 533 2 984 66 864 0,04 0,043
13 341 4 874 2 387 69 251 0,03 0,039
14 322 5 196 1 932 71 183 0,03 0,037
15 341 5 537 1 705 72 888 0,02 0,039
16 426 5 963 1 704 74 592 0,049
17 371 6 334 1 113 75 705 0,042
18 393 6 727 786 76 491 0,045
19 376 7 103 376 76 867 0,043
20 295 7 398 0 76 867 0,034
21 291 7 689 0 76 867 0,033
22 246 7 935 0 76 867 0,028
23 171 8 106 0 76 867 0,020
24 163 8 269 0 76 867 0,019
25 100 8 369 0 76 867 0,011
26 103 8 472 0 76 867 0,012
27 74 8 546 0 76 867 0,008
28 67 8 613 0 76 867 0,008
29 56 8 669 0 76 867 0,006
30 42 8 711 0 76 867 0,005
31 26 8 737 0 76 867 0,003
32 8 8 745 0 76 867 0,001
33 11 8 756 0 76 867 0,001
34 2 8 758 0 76 867 0,000
35 2 8 760 0 76 867 0,000
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Annex B
1 heating characteristic curve 4 flow temperature [C]
2 radiators 5 outdoor air temperature [C]
3 floor heating system
Figure B.1 Heating curves for radiators and floor heating system
The heating characteristic can be calculated according to the equation given in [7]
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i,des is the indoor design temperature (in case of night setback average temperature); (C)
n is the exponent to characterise the type of emission system (see Table B.1). (-)
Table B.1 Parameters of the heating curve for different heating emission systems
Type of emission system Temperature combination Exponent n
Radiators 55/45 1,2 to 1,4
Convectors 55/45 1,2 to 1,4
Floor heating 40/30 1,0
B.2 Temperature correction factor for domestic hot water storage loading
The default value for the temperature correction factor for storage loading is fW,s = 0,95.
Hot water temperature at storage outlet [C] Average temperature of the stored hot water [C]
60 54
55 49,5
50 45
The default values for the maximum heat loss values of the storage are given in the Table B.3 (taken from
the Swiss Energy directive [2]). The values refer to systems with max. 2 water-filled pipe connections. For
each further water-filled connection, the values increase by 0,1 kWh/24 h up to a maximum of 0,3 kWh/24 h.
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
Table B.3 Default values for maximum storage losses with an average water temperature of 65 C
and an ambient temperature of 20 C without hot water draw-off [2]
Nominal storage volume [liters] Maximum heat loss [kWh/24 h]
30 0,75
50 0,9
80 1,1
100 1,3
120 1,4
150 1,6
200 2,1
300 2,6
400 3,1
500 3,5
600 3,8
700 4,1
800 4,3
900 4,5
1 000 4,7
1 200 4,8
1 300 5,0
1 500 5,1
2 000 5,2
for other auxiliary components, i.e. auxiliary components for which no energy is transferred to the heat
transfer medium, e.g. control:
kgen,aux,ls = 1.
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
B.8 Efficiency value of the electrical back-up heater for space heating or DHW
If no information is available, the efficiency of the electrical back-up heater is set to bu = 0,95.
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Annex C
The idea of the method is that the thermodynamic quality of the process stays constant over the whole
operating range. Thermodynamic quality of a process can be expressed by the exergetic effiiciency as ratio
between the real COP of the process and an ideal COP of the Carnot process. However, in real processes,
the exergetic efficiency does not stay constant over the entire operating range, so the correction is only an
approximation which shows good results near the standard test point. Accuracy deteriorates with increasing
distance from the test point, and therefore the method is best suited for temperature correction where
temperatures are not too far from the test point.
ex = [-] (C.1)
COPcrnt is the coefficient of performance of the Carnot cycle Carnot COP. (W/W)
For electrically-driven heat pumps, the Carnot COP is calculated according to the equation
Thot + 273.15
COPcrnt = = sk
Thot Tcold sk sc [W/W] (C.2)
Thot is the temperature on the hot heat pump process side (sink); (K)
Tcold is the temperature on the cold heat pump process side (source); (K)
For thermally-driven heat pumps, e.g. absorption heat pumps, however, three temperature levels exist: the
hot level of the generator heat input, the warm level of the used heat energy and the cold level of the heat
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
Tgen,in Tcold
Tgen,in Tcold + 273.15 gen,in sc
COPcrnt = = sk [W/W] (C.3)
Thot Tcold gen,in + 273.15 sk sc
Thot Tcold
Tgen,in is the temperature on the generation side (burner, boiler, heat exchanger); (K)
Thot is the temperature on the hot heat pump process side (sink); (K)
Tcold is the temperature on the cold heat pump process side (source); (K)
gen,in is the temperature on the generation side (burner, boiler, heat exchanger); (C)
Both source and sink temperature (and generator temperature in the case of thermally-driven heat pumps)
can be considered by this approach. The advantage of the method is that only one test point is needed. In
case of testing according to EN 255-3 or EN 12309-2 [8], for instance, where only one test point is defined,
an interpolation to correct the COP values for different source or sink temperature is not possible, but a
correction with the exergetic efficiency is still applicable.
The effective COP for a different source or sink temperature can be calculated according to the equation
COPopr = COPstandard = COPstandard f T [W/W] (C.4)
COPcrnt, standard
For electrically-driven heat pumps, the correction factor fT taking into account the impact of different
temperatures can be calculated according to the following equations:
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
fT is the correction factor for temperature deviation from measured standard test point; (-)
Tsk,out,standard is the outlet temperature on sink side at measured standard test point; (K)
Tsk,in,standard is the inlet temperature on sink side at measured standard test point; (K)
sc,in,standard is the inlet temperature on source side at measured standard test point; (C)
sk,out,standard is the outlet temperature on sink side at measured standard test point; (C)
sk,in,standard is the inlet temperature on sink side at measured standard test point. (C)
For thermally-driven heat pumps it is assumed that gen,in is the same in both cases, so calculation is
accomplished by the following equations:
fT is the correction factor for temperature deviation from measured standard test point; (-)
Tsk,out,standard is the outlet temperature on sink side at measured standard test point; (K)
Tsk,in,standard is the inlet temperature on sink side at measured standard test point; (K)
gen,in is the temperature on the generation side (burner, boiler, heat exchanger); (C)
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
sk,out,standard is the outlet temperature on sink side at measured standard test point; (C)
sk,in,standard is the inlet temperature on sink side at measured standard test point; (C)
sc,in,standard is the inlet temperature on source side at measured standard test point. (C)
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
Annex D
Calculation example
Simultaneous combined operating electrically-driven VCC brine-to-water heat pump with cascade cycle
according to Figure 3 for space heating and domestic hot water production.
Bivalent design with electrical back-up heater, heating buffer storage in parallel, i.e. primary pump included in
the system boundary, external DHW-storage, i.e. storage loading pump included in the system boundary.
Table D.1 gives the boundary conditions of the site for the calculation. For the calculation, the data of the
outdoor air temperature and the respective evaluated data of Table A.1 are used. Table D.2 gives the
parameters of the space heating system.
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
Table D.3 gives the parameters of the DHW system. Table D.4 contains general parameters of the heat pump,
and Table D.5, Table D.6 and Table D.7 contain the characteristics of the heat pump for the different
operation modes according to standard testing.
Table D.3 DHW operation mode
Input data DHW
DHW energy requirement QW,gen,out [kWh] (according to EN 15316-3-2) 3 300
Cold water inlet temperature W,st,in [C] 15
Hot water temperature at storage outlet W,st,out [C] 60
Volume DHW storage VW,st [l] 300
Factor simultaneous operation fcombi [-] 0,7
Back up heater has the same parameters as for space heating system
Piping between generator and DHW storage has the same parameters
as for the space heating system
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
Table D.5 Characteristic of the heat pump for space heating-only operation (EN 14511)
Space heating-only (EN 14511)
Source temperature at test point sc [C] -5 0 5
Sink temperature at first test point sk [C] 35
Sink temperature at second test point sk [C] 45
COP at sink temperature 35C [W/W] 4,5 5,2
COP at sink temperature 45C [W/W] 3,0 3,5 4,0
Heating capacity at sink temperature 35 C H,hp,sngl [kW] 9 10,3
Heating capacity at sink temperature 45 C H,hp,sngl kW] 7,7 8,7 9,9
Table D.6 Characteristic of the heat pump for DHW-only operation (EN 255-3)
DHW-only (EN 255-3)
Hot water reference temperature W,st,out [C] 55C
Source temperature at test point sc [C] -5 0 5
COPt (EN 255-3) [W/W] 2,36
Power input for storage stand-by losses Pes,sngl [W] (EN 255-3) 62
Heating capacity DHW-only W,hp,sngl [kW] 0,7 1,05 1,4
NOTE 1 Presently, EN 255-3 does not deliver a DHW heating capacity of the heat pump as an output. However, based
on the test procedure an average heating capacity of the cycle performed in phase 2 can be calculated according to the
equation without extension of the testing.
Q W,gen,out
W,hp = [W] (D.1)
t tot
NOTE 2 At the time of writing, EN 255-3 was under revision in CEN/TC 113/WG 10.
Presently, there is no European test standard for simultaneous operating heat pump systems, thus a national
method shall be used until a European Standard is available. This example has been calculated based on
testing where the DHW cycle according to EN 255-3 has been performed during the heating operation.
The COP in combined operation has been evaluated according to the equation
QHW, gen,out
COPcombi = [W/W] (D.2)
EHW, gen,in
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
D.1.3 Calculation
D.1.3.1 General
The calculation is accomplished step by step. For each step, calculation of the lowest bin is presented by
means of the appropriate equations of the normative part of this standard, while the results of the calculations
for the other bins are contained in a summarising table at the end of the step.
NOTE Due to rounding of the results, slight deviations between results presented by the equations and results
presented in the summarising tables may occur.
Operating points and number of bins have been chosen the same as for the test points of an air-to-water heat
pump (3 bins for combined space heating/DHW, 1 bin for DHW-only), see also NOTE below.
Lower limits and upper limits are calculated as approximate midpoint temperature between the operating
points rounded to an integer value.
The lower bin limit of the first bin is the lowest outdoor temperature which occurs in the meteorological data
set. The upper bin limit of the last bin for space heating is the upper outdoor temperature limit for heating.
NOTE Since return temperatures from the ground heat exchanger depend on the characteristics of the ground, the
test point temperatures are not directly related to an outdoor air temperature. Therefore, the same operating points as for
the test points of air-to-water heat pumps have been chosen for this example, since these points are more or less evenly
spread over the operating range. By the evaluation of the return temperature of the ground heat exchanger, this results in
an operating point of the lowest bin 1 which is close to the test point B0. The operating point at 20 C outdoor air
temperature is close to the test point B5. The two operating points in between have been set to reflect the change in the
sink temperature due to the heating curve and have to be interpolated. Meteorological data given in Annex A have been
24 h tco 24h 3h
teff, j = teff, j = 330h = 289h [h] (D.4)
24 h 24h
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D. Calculation of weighting factors and heat energy requirements for space heating operation
according to Equation (4), Equation (5) and Table A.1
QH,gen,out, j = k H, j QH,gen,out = 20158kWh = 2196kWh [kWh] (D.6)
D. Calculation of weighting factors and heat energy requirements for domestic hot water
operation according to Equation (8) and Equation (9)
tj 330h
k W, j = = = 0.04 [-] (D.7)
t tot 8760h
QW, gen,out, j = k W, j QW, gen,out = 3300kWh = 124kWh [kWh] (D.8)
Table D.9 summarises the calculation of energy requirements for all bins.
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
D.1.3.3 Step 2: Calculation of heating capacity and COP at full load (see 5.3.5)
Calculation of source temperature (Polynomfit of sample profile, see F.2.1.3, Figure F.1)
The source temperature, i.e. the return temperature from the ground heat exchanger is deduced from the
profile given in Figure F.1 for the dependency of the return temperature of the ground heat exchanger on the
outdoor air temperature according to the linear fit.
so,in = 0.15 oa + 1.5 = 0.15 (7C) + 1.5 = 0.5C [C] (D.9)
Calculation of flow temperature at test points (heating curve, see B.1, Equation (B.1)
For the calculation of the flow temperature f = si,out, the heating curve is evaluated according to the equation
H,gen, fdes H,dis,r,des i,des e e 1/ n
H,gen, f = i,des + + ( avg i,des ) ( i,des )
2 i,des e,des i,des e,des [C] (D.10)
NOTE For the lower range of outdoor air temperatures below e = - 8 C, the required flow temperature exceeds the
operation limit temperature of hp,opr = 55 C. In this case, back-up energy due to the operation limit would have to be
considered. However, in this case, the back-up is already in operation due to lack of heating capacity of the heat pump in
the lower temperature range (see Table D.12), implying that temperature requirement can be met.
Linear interpolation of the heating capacity in direction of the source temperature according to
For different mass flow rates during standard testing and operation, different temperature conditions at the
condenser of the heat pump occur, and so the standard COP characteristic has to be corrected, incorporating
the following calculations to determine the flow and temperature conditions during testing and operation.
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
EN 14511 defines a temperature spread on the condenser side of 5 K for the standard rating point (B0/W45)
for radiator emission systems, thus the mass flow follows according to Equation (10) after rearranging for the
mass flow rate.
H,hp,sngl (B0/W45) 8.7kW
m'standard = = = 0.42kg / s [kg/s] (D.13)
standard cw 5K 4.182kJ / kg / K
This mass flow of the standard rating point is used for all test points, so the respective temperature spread
during testing at test points can be calculated by Equation (10).
Mass flow rate in operation (evaluated at design outdoor temperature e,des) according to Equation (10)
Temperature spread with effective mass flow rate at test point according to Equation (10)
Correction for different temperature spreads during testing and in operation according to Equation (11)
Since the condenser and the evaporator use brine and water respectively, both average temperature
differences between refrigerant and heat transfer medium are set to Tsk = Tsc = 4 K.
standard op r
COP = COPstandard 1 2
[W/W] (D.17)
Tsk - + 4[ K ] (Tsc 4[ K ])
4.4 K 9.2 K
= COP( B 5,W 45) 1
(( 273.15 + 45)K 4.4 K
+ 4[ K ] ( 273.15 + ( 5))K 4[ K ]))
= 3.0 1.04 = 3.1
Based on the corrected COP characteristic, the COP is linear interpolated in direction of the source
temperature and the sink temperature in the same way as the heating characteristic.
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
Since only one test point at B0 is delivered by testing according to EN 255-3, the COPt is corrected by the
method of constant exergetic efficiency given in Annex C. Correction factors are calculated with the Equation
(C.5). The equation can also be applied for the correction of different sink temperatures in testing and
operation, e.g. testing at 55 C hot water temperature and operation at 60 C. However, the method is only
exact near the test point and exactness decreases with increasing distance to the test point.
COPcrnt,opr T ( )
fT = = sk, out, opr sk, out, standard sc,in,standard
COPcrnt,standard Tsk, out,standard (sk, out, opr sc,in, opr ) [-] (D.18)
The COPt for the operating conditions is thus calculated by the equation
If only one test point is available, heating capacity for DHW cannot be corrected for changing temperature
conditions. However, in this case, testing at three source temperatures was carried out, so the DHW heating
capacity can be interpolated as done for the space heating.
The COP and heating capacity for combined operation are calculated as done for the space heating mode.
For this system, the heating capacity in SH-only and simultaneous operation does not change significantly,
and the same correction factors for the correction of different temperature spreads can be used.
Due to the condensate subcooling, the DHW heating capacity is dependent on the temperature requirement of
the space heating system and has to be interpolated based on the flow temperature of the space heating
Table D.10 summarises the calculation of heating capacity and COP at full load for all bins.
NOTE Lines in Table D.10 marked in italic are only required in case of simultaneous combined operating systems
with three operation modes. The DHW operation is much more efficient in simultaneous combined operation, thus it is
important to consider all three operation modes. The higher values of the combined DHW heating capacity and combined
COP are due to the higher temperatures of the condensate subcooling, i.e. the return temperature of the space heating
system (see Figure 3) in comparison to the ground source.
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
Since for this example, no test data according to CEN/TS 14825 are available, cyclic losses are neglected and
only the auxiliary energy during stand-by operation is used for the consideration of part load operation.
Since no heat loss value for the heat pump envelope loss is given, the envelope thermal losses of the heat
pump are neglected.
The average storage temperature s,avg,i is approximated as average temperature of the flow and return
temperature according to Equation (16)
( 49 15)K 330h
= 2.3( kWh / 24h) = 23.9kWh
45K 24h
Thermal losses of the piping between the generator and the heating buffer storage (see, according
to Equation A.1 of EN 15316-3-3:2007)
1 1 QH,gen,out, j + QH
QH,pi,ls, j = U lj L j ( sk,out, j gen,amb ) t H,hp,on = U lj L j ( sk,out, j gen,amb )
1000 1000 H,hp,sngl, j [kWh] (D.22)
1 ( 2196 + 24)kWh
= 0.2W / mK 10m (54 15)K = 20.4kWh
1000 8.5kW
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
The losses of the DHW storage are calculated with the default value based on the storage size according to
Table B.3. The maximum storage losses for a storage size of 300 l are 2,6 kWh/24 h for a temperature
difference of 45 C. Corrected losses for the temperature conditions can be calculated according to Equation
The average storage temperature is evaluated as follows: The heat exchanger is positioned at the lower third
of the storage. Around the heat exchanger, the average temperature is 30 C, and for the rest of the storage,
the required DHW temperature at storage outlet is assumed. Thus, the average storage temperature is
calculated according to
Thermal losses of the piping between the generator and the DHW storage (see, according to
Equation A.1 of EN 15316-3-3:2007)
1 Q + QW,st,ls, j
QW,pi,ls, j = U lj Lj ( W,st,out, j W,st,amb ) W,gen,out, j [kWh] (D.26)
1000 W,hp,sngl, j
1 (124 + 28)kWh
= 0.2W / mK 10m (60 15)K = 12.4kWh
1000 1.1kW
Table D.11 summarises the calculation of total envelope thermal losses for all bins.
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NOTE For the calculation of pipe losses, the running time for space heating and DHW operation has been estimated
by single operation in order to avoid iterations.
Total envelope thermal losses of the generator subsystem 84 332 634 370 1 420
D. Back-up energy due to temperature operation limit of the heat pump
Space heating
Maximum system temperature requirements are below the operation limit of 55 C, so no back-up operation
due to operation limit temperature is required in space heating mode.
The fraction of back-up heater operation for DHW due to the operation limit of the heat pump is calculated
according to Equation (18).
D. Back-up energy due to lack of heating capacity of the heat pump
For this calculation example, the detailed calculation method for determining the back-up energy due to lack of
heating capacity of the heat pump is applied, see
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
For the detailed calculation of the back-up energy, the running time is evaluated in 1 K bins, i.e. all energies,
losses and heating capacities for the respective operation modes have to be determined in 1 K steps until no
back-up energy is required anymore. Table D.12 gives a shortened overview of the resulting table for the
detailed calculation of the back-up energy.
For the bins with a lack of running time, the heating capacity of the heat pump is not sufficient to cover the
total requirement. The resulting back-up energy can be calculated based on the control strategy. Here it is
assumed that control supplies the back-up energy to the space heating system.
Heating capacity
SH H,hp,sngl [kW]
W,hp,combi [kW]
H,hp,combi [kW]
(1 K bin)
- 11 26 1 8,3 1,0 8,3 2,0 0,5 2,7 0,4 3,6 2,6 1,0 8
- 10 59 3 8,3 1,1 8,3 1,9 1,1 6,0 0,9 8,0 6,1 1,9 16
-9 65 4 8,4 1,1 8,4 1,9 1,3 6,5 1,0 8,8 7,0 1,8 15
-8 95 5 8,5 1,1 8,5 1,9 1,9 9,3 1,5 12,7 10,5 2,2 18
-7 183 11 8,5 1,1 8,5 1,9 3,8 17,6 2,9 24,3 21,0 3,3 28
-6 242 15 8,6 1,1 8,6 1,9 5,3 22,8 4,0 32,1 28,9 3,2 28
-5 218 14 8,7 1,1 8,7 1,9 5,0 20,2 3,7 28,9 27,1 1,8 15
-4 176 11 8,7 1,1 8,7 1,9 4,2 15,9 3,1 23,2 22,8 0,4 4
-3 466 32 8,8 1,1 8,8 1,9 11,6 41,3 8,5 61,4 63,0 0,0 0
The resulting back-up energy for the 1 K bin is calculated according to Equation (40)
The back-up energy can be summed up over the 1 K bins for the bin limits, and the fraction of back-up energy
in the respective bin can be calculated with the Equation (41)
QH,bu,opr, j + QH,bu,cap, j
kH,bu, j = [-] (D.31)
QH,gen,out, j
= = 0.06
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
Table D.13 summarises the calculation of back-up energy for all bins.
D.1.3.7 Step 6: Calculation of the running time for simultaneous operating systems with three
operation modes
For simultaneous operation with three operation modes, SH-only, DHW-only and simultaneous SH/DHW, the
running time in simultaneous operation is evaluated as comparison of the running time for both operation
modes. The boundary condition for the time in simultaneous operation is the minimum of the running time due
to the SH and DHW energy requirements.
Running time for DHW operation is thus calculated with the DHW heating capacity in simultaneous operation
according to Equation (32), taking into account also the thermal losses of the piping between the generator
and the DHW-storage.
QH, hp, j (QH,gen,out, j + QH,st, ls, j + QH, pi, ls, j ) (1 kH, bu, cap, j )
tH, hp, on, j = = [s] (D.33)
H, hp,combi, j H, hp, combi, j
(2196kWh + 24kWh + 20kWh) (1 0.06)
= = 247 h
And therefore the maximum running time in simultaneous operation follows according to Equation (31).
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However, load shift and controller impact may reduce simultaneous operation which is considered in a
correction factor fcombi depending on the applied control strategy. For the system in Figure 3, the factor has
been evaluated for the particular system configuration to fcombi = 0,7, so the effective running time in
simultaneous operation is calculated according to Equation (34).
The rest of the DHW-energy is produced in single operation and is determined according to Equation (36)
The space heating energy produced in simultaneous operation is calculated analogously according to
Equation (35)
The rest of the space heating energy is produced in single operation and is determined according to Equation
The allocation of the storage losses to the single and simultaneous operation mode is done by the fraction of
simultaneous operation which corresponds to fcombi.
Since EN 255-3 delivers the electricity input to cover the storage losses, the DHW energy requirement in
simultaneous and DHW-only operation, respectively, can be calculated by subtracting the storage losses,
taking into account also the thermal losses of the piping between the generator and the DHW storage,
according to Equation (38)
QW, hp,out, combi, j = QW,hp, combi, j (QW,st, ls, j + QW, pi, ls, j ) (1 kW, bu, j ) f combi [J] (D.40)
= 102kWh (28 + 12)kWh (1 0.11) 0.7 = 77 kWh
and according to Equation (37)
QW, hp,out,sngl, j = QW, hp,sngl, j (QW,st, ls, j + QW, pi, ls, j ) (1 k W, bu, j ) (1 f combi )
[J] (D.41)
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QW,hp,sngl, j
t W,hp,on,snglj = [s] (D.42)
W,hp,sngl, j
= = 40h
And respectively the running time in space heating-only operation by Equation (28)
QH,hp,sngl, j
tH,hp,on,snglj = [s] (D.43)
H,hp,sngl, j
= = 195h
The total running time can be calculated by Equation (30)
The total running time of the heat pump is limited by the effective bin time. Due to the detailed calculation for
the back-up energy, no correction due to the limit of running time has to be applied.
Table D.14 summarises the calculation of the running time and the produced energies in the different
operation modes for all bins.
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NOTE The rows in italic occur only for simultaneous operating systems.
Primary pump in configurations with storage systems is linked to the generator operation as well.
Stand-by operation is only considered during the time when the generator is not running, i.e. bin time reduced
by the time of generator operation.
Since values according to EN 255-3 are used, the storage loading pump for the DHW shall not be considered,
since it is included in the COPt. However, thermal losses of the storage loading pump shall be considered (see
Table D.16).
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Table D.15 summarises the calculation of auxiliary energy for all bins.
NOTE For the power values given, it is assumed that these are the power values not taken into account by standard
testing. For pumps, for instance, the fraction to overcome the internal pressure drop in the evaporator is already taken into
account. For electrically-driven heat pumps which are tested according to EN 14511, this can be taken into account by the
At the time of writing, efficiency gen,aux was fixed to 0,3 in EN 14511. The nominal power of the source pump would be
120 W + 28 W = 148 W.
D.1.3.9 Step 8: Generation subsystem total thermal losses and recoverable thermal loss
For mechanical auxiliary components like pumps and fans where thermal losses are partly transferred to the
heat transfer medium (considered entirely recovered), the losses to the ambiance are described by a default
values of kgen,aux,ls = 0,2. For auxiliary components that produce heat (electrical devices like controls or
transformers and supplementary auxiliary heating devices), it is assumed that the total auxiliary energy is lost
to the ambiance, e.g. the default value for kgen,aux,ls = 1.
Thermal losses to the ambiance from auxiliary component k, e.g. the primary pump, are calculated according
to Equation (44)
The total thermal losses of the generation subsystem are calculated according to Equation (46)
QHW, gen, ls, tot, j = QHW, gen, ls, j + QHW,gen, aux, ls, j = Qgen, ls, k, j + QHW, gen, aux, ls, j [J] (D.47)
= ( 44kWh + 40kWh) + 12kWh = 96kWh
It is assumed that the generator (the heat pump), the storages (heating buffer storage and DHW-storage) and
the auxiliary components are installed outside the heated space. Therefore, the temperature reduction factor
is bgen = bgen,aux = 1 for all components.
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Thermal losses to the ambiance from auxiliary component k, e.g. the primary pump, are considered
recoverable and are calculated according to Equation (45)
Thermal losses through the generator envelope are considered recoverable and are calculated according to
Equation (47)
Table D.16 summarises the calculation of the total thermal losses and the recoverable thermal loss for all bins.
The electricity input to the heat pump for space heating can be calculated by summing up the electricity input
for SH-only operation and for simultaneous operation according to Equation (49)
The electricity input to the heat pump for domestic hot water can be calculated by summing-up the electricity
input for DHW-only operation and for simultaneous operation according to Equation (50)
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
QW,gen,out,sngl, j QW,gen,out,combi, j
EW,hp,in, j = + Pes,sngl t W,sngl,tot, j + + Pes,combi t W,combi,tot, j [J] (D.51)
COPt,sngl, j COPt,combi, j
33kWh 77kWh
= + 0.062kW 330h (1 0.7 ) + + 0.036kW 0.7 330h = 14kWh + 6kWh + 27kWh + 8kWh = 55kWh
2.4 2.85
Table D.17 summarises the calculation of energy input to the heat pump to cover the heat requirement for all
Electrical energy input to the back-up heater is calculated according to Equation (52)
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
energy input to cover the heat requirement EHW,gen,in according to Equation (53)
EHW,gen,in = EHW,hp,in + EHW,bu,in = 6 471 kWh + 648 kWh = 7 119 kWh;
total thermal losses of the generation subsystem QHW,gen,ls,tot according to Equation (46)
QHW,gen,ls,tot = QH,gen,ls + QW,gen,ls + QHW,gen,aux,ls = 392 kWh + 1 028 kWh + 208 kWh = 1 629 kWh;
recoverable thermal loss of the generation subsystem QHW,gen,ls,rbl,tot according to Equation (48)
QHW,gen,ls,rbl,tot = QHW,gen,ls,rbl + QHW,gen,aux,ls,rbl = 0 kWh + 0 kWh = 0 kWh;
total auxiliary energy to operate the generation subsystem WHW,gen,aux according to Equation (42)
WHW,gen,aux = 717 kWh.
total heat energy produced by the back-up heater QHW,bu according to Equation (52)
total heat energy produced by the heat pump system QHW,hp according to Equation (29)
QHW,hp = QH,gen,out + QH,gen,ls + QW,gen,out + QW,gen,ls QHW,bu
= 20 158 kWh + 392 kWh + 3 300 kWh + 1 028 kWh 608 kWh = 2 4271 kWh;
overall seasonal performance SPFHW,gen according to Equation (54)
Table D.19 summarises the resulting and optional output values of the calculation of the generation
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
Alternate combined operating electrically-driven VCC air-to-water heat pump according to Figure 1 for space
heating and domestic hot water production.
Bivalent design with electrical back-up heater and DHW-storage, i.e. storage loading pump included in the
system boundary.
Table D.20 gives the boundary conditions of the site for the calculation. For the calculation, the data of the
outdoor air temperature and the respective evaluated data of Table A.1 are used.
Table D.21 gives the parameters of the space heating system. Table D.22 gives the parameters of the DHW
system. Table D.23 contains general parameters of the heat pump and Table D.24 contains the characteristic
of the heat pump for the space heating-only operation mode according to the former test standard EN 255-2.
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
Table D.24 Characteristic of the heat pump for space heating-only operation (EN 255-2)
E Space heating-only (EN 255-2)
E1 Source temperature at test point sc [C] -7 2 7 20
E2 Lower sink temperature at test points sk [C] 35
E3 Upper sink temperature at test points sk [C] 50
E4 COP at sink temperature 35 C [W/W] 2,9 3,3 3,6 4,6
E5 COP at sink temperature 50 C [W/W] 3,0 3,5 2,7 3,4
E6 Heating capacity at sink temperature 35 C H,hp,sngl [kW] 3,4 4,2 4,7 6,5
E7 Heating capacity at sink temperature 50 C H,hp,sngl kW] 7,7 8,7 9,9 5,7
Table D.25 contains the electrical power input to the auxiliary components and the parameters for the
calculation of thermal losses of auxiliary components. The ventilator for the outdoor air source is included in
the COP values given in Table D.24. The space heating circulation pump is accounted for in the distribution
system, since no hydraulic decoupling between the generation and the distribution subsystem is installed.
D.2.3 Calculation
The calculation is accomplished for three bins for space heating and 4 bins for DHW operation. The operating
points correspond to the test points given in Table D.24.
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
For the back-up calculation, the simplified method is used based on the balance point given in Table D.21 and
the parallel operation mode. Since design temperatures for both space heating and DHW are below the
operation temperature limit of the heat pump, there is no back-up energy due to the operation limit. Since no
test results according to EN 255-3 were available for the DHW operation and the heat pump system
configuration is of alternate type, the DHW is calculated using the space heating characteristic evaluated at an
average sink temperature of the storage loading (see
Values from part load testing according to CEN/TS 14825 were not available either, so no explicit part load
correction is done and only the stand-by auxiliary consumption is taken into account.
Table D.26 gives the calculation in spreadsheet format. In the second column, references to equations in the
normative part of this standard and references within Table D.26 and to other tables of D.2 are given.
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Table D.26 Spreadsheet of the calculation according to the bin method (continued)
Equation/reference Bin 1 Bin 2 Bin 3 Bin 4 Total
Auxiliary energy (see 5.3.10)
G33 Auxiliary stand-by [kWh] F2 (G6 - G30) 0 6 20 34 60
G34 Auxiliary storage loading [kWh] F1 G28 1 4 7 5 17
NOTE The calculation of the system has been compared to year-round field monitoring values. The difference in the
seasonal performance factor between monitoring and calculation is about 6 %, which is in the range of the exactness of
the COP values.
NBN EN 15316-4-2 (2008)
EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
Annex E
E.1 General
The following tables constitute an example of a possible national annex containing output tables provided by
the Dutch Standardisation Institute NEN for the Netherlands [4].
Seasonal efficiency and auxiliary energy consumption for heat pump installations in residential and non-
residential buildings in the Netherlands.
E.2 Scope
This procedure gives the calculation procedure to estimate the seasonal performance factor (SPF), gross
seasonal efficiency, primary energy consumption and auxiliary energy consumption of heating installations
with one or more heat pumps.
The procedure is developed for residential and non-residential buildings in the Netherlands.
E.3 References
All references to test data for electrically-driven heat pumps are to the European heat pump test standard
EN 14511.
For all heat pumps in a residential building, SPF and seasonal efficiency are determined using Table E.1, E.2
and E.3.
Heat pump type / test results Gross seasonal heat pump efficiency
System design flow temperature flow;design flow;design 35 C 35 < flow;design 45 C
First performance level for individual or collective electric
heat pump, without any performance requirements, with heat
3,8 el 3,4 el
a a
4,5 el 4,1 el
a a
3,7 el 3,3 el
a a
Outside air
NOTE For el, flow;design and a, see Table E.2.
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
Table E.2 Gross seasonal heat pump efficiency in residential buildings for single heat pump with
index i, second performance level
Heat pump type / test results Gross seasonal heat pump efficiency (hp;i)
System design flow temperature flow;design flow;design 35 C 35 < flow;design 45 C
Second performance level for individual or collective
electric heat pump, fulfilling performance requirements of
Table E.3, with heat source:
4,4 el 4,1 el
a a
5,0 el 4,6 el
a a
Ground water
3,8 el 3,5 el
a a
Outside air
el is the efficiency of electricity generation;
flow;design is the design flow temperature C.
The result of this multiplication should be rounded down to a multiple of 0,025. The energy consumption of a source
pump or fan is included in these figures.
Table E.3 Minimal required COP-values for second performance level, determined according to
NEN- EN14511 for test conditions according to these standards
Heat source Test conditions according to EN 14511 Minimal COP
according to
EN 14511
Soil / water (B0/W45) 3.4
(brine / water) (B0/W35) 4.0
A is the air as heat source, with its temperature level during test;
(y) is the air as heat source, with its wet bulb temperature level during test;
B is the soil as heat source, with its temperature level during test;
W is the ground water as heat source, with its temperature level during test;
B0/W35 is the brine as heat source, with brine inlet temperature at 0 C and a water distribution system
with a flow temperature of 35 C. The temperature spread of the heat transfer medium over
the condenser is 5 K according to EN 14511.
For all heat pumps in non-residential buildings, seasonal COP and efficiency is determined using Table E.4.
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
For heat pump installations with two or more heat pumps or other heat generators with different efficiencies,
the individual efficiencies are weighted.
First determine the ratio of the nominal capacity of the preferential heat pump to the nominal capacity of all
heat generators:
P hg ; pref
heat = [-] (E.2)
P hg ;i
Then take the share of the preferential heat pump in the heat supply, fpref, from Table E.5 for residential
buildings or Table E.6 for non-residential buildings.
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
Table E.5 Share of the total heat demand, generated with the preferential heat generator, fpref, as
function of the capacity ratio heat for residential buildings
heat fpref
Preferential heat generator Boiler or heat pump co-
other heater generation
From 0 to 0,1 0 0 0,15
From 0,1 to 0,2 0 0,48 0,45
From 0,2 to 0,3 0,5 0,79 0,60
From 0,3 to 0,4 0,8 0,93 0,60
From 0,4 to 0,6 1,0 0,97 0,60
From 0,6 to 0,8 1,0 0,98 0,60
Equal to or larger than 0,8 1,0 1,00 0,60
For intermediate values of heat the adjacent lower value has to be taken.
Table E.6 Share of the total heat demand, generated with the preferential heat generator, fpref, as
function of the capacity ratio heat for non-residential buildings
heat fpref
Preferential heat generator Heat pump, boiler, Co-generation
other heat generator
From 0 to 0,05 0 0
From 0,05 to 0,1 0,25 0,25
From 0,1 to 0,2 0,48 0,48
From 0,2 to 0,3 0,79 0,6
From 0,3 to 0,4 0,93 0,6
From 0,4 to 0,6 0,97 0,6
From 0,6 to 0,8 0,98 0,6
Equal to or larger than 0,8 1,0 0,6
For intermediate values of heat the adjacent lower value has to be taken.
g =
( 1 - f pref ) f pref [-] (E.3)
hg ,npref hg ;pref
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Qin;g;prim is the annual primary energy consumption of the heat generator installation;
Qin;d is the annual heat demand of the building / distribution installation, to be fulfilled by the
heat generator installation.
Table E.7 Primary energy consumption due to pumps and controls for residential buildings
Heater type Conditions Qin;g;aux;el [kWh]
Heat generator pump No pump control 2,2 A
Pump control 1,1 A
System pump in collective heating installation - 1,1 A
Heat pump controls - 0,88 A
A is the heated area of the building, in m .
For heating installations in non-residential buildings, additional primary energy consumption due to pumps,
fans and controls is given by:
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
Annex F
F.1 General
This annex contains examples for values needed to accomplish the case specific calculation method (bin
method) to illustrate what kind of data is required. For the calculation, values from standard testing are to be
used. If no European Standard testing exists, national methods are to be used.
F.2 Temperatures
For air-to-water heat pumps, the source temperature corresponds to the outside air temperature.
For exhaust air-to-water heat pumps, the source temperature corresponds to the indoor design temperature.
A standard profile for the temperature during the heating period and a fit depending on the outdoor air
temperature are given in [6].
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
1 heating season 5 source temperature [C]
2 simulation values 6 time (days from the first September)
3 approximation] 7 outdoor air temperature [C]
4 1. January 8 brine temperature [C]
Figure F.1 Standard profile for the return temperature of the ground heat exchanger of brine-to-
water heat pump (top: temperature profile by simulation, bottom: fit)
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
Fit of the dependency of the source temperature on the outdoor air temperature
Ground water temperature is considered constant throughout the year and the example value for the ground
water temperature is 10 C.
F.3 Example values for heating capacity and coefficient of performance for
electrically driven heat pumps
F.3.1 General
The characteristics provided are only given as example values. When carrying out the calculation, care shall
be taken to use as input data from standard testing according to EN 14511. If no test data from testing
institutes are available, data of the manufacturers can be used for the calculation under their responsibility.
F.3.2.1 General
The relative heating capacity is the ratio of the heating capacity to the reference heating capacity, e.g. at the
standard rating point of EN 14511, for A/W heat pump A7/W35, for B/W heat pumps B0/W35 and for W/W
heat pumps W10/W35.
The following data are based on a statistical analysis of data provided by the Swiss national test centre WPZ
(WPZ Bulletin [3]). The data are based on testing according to the standard EN 255-2. EN 255-2 was replaced
by EN 14511 in 2004 and different test conditions were introduced. However, at the time of writing, only few
measurements according to EN 14511 were available and therefore the values according to EN 255-2 are
given as examples. Therefore, in the following figures, the reference point is set to T1 according to the former
standard EN 255-2, corresponding to A7/W50, B0/W50 and W10/W50.
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
Figure F.3 Average heating capacity of brine to water electrical heat pumps vs source and sink
temperatures (reference point T1 according to EN 255-2)
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
Figure F.4 Average heating capacity of water to water electrical heat pumps vs source and sink
temperatures (standard rating point according to EN 255-2)
F.3.3 COP
F.3.3.1 General
The following data are based on a statistical analysis of data provided by the Swiss national test centre WPZ
[3] according to EN 255-2. EN 255-2 was replaced by EN 14511 in 2004 and different test conditions were
introduced, which depending on the test point determines an about 5 % lower COP value. However, at the
time of writing, only few measurements according to EN 14511 were available and therefore the values
according to the EN 255-2 are given as examples.
Actual test results according to the actual test standards can be downloaded for instance at the Swiss heat
pump test centre at the URL http://www.wpz.ch.
NBN EN 15316-4-2 (2008)
EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
1 sink temperature sk = 35 C 3 COP
2 sink temperature sk= 50 C 4 source temperature
Figure F.5 COP values of air-to water electrically-driven heat pumps vs source temperatures
(black line average values, grey area scatter band of the values)
F.3.3.3 Brine-to-water
1 sink temperature sk = 35 C 3 COP
2 sink temperature sk = 50 C 4 source temperature
Figure F.6 COP values of brine-to water electrical heat pumps vs source temperatures
(black line average values, grey area scatter band of the values)
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
F.3.3.4 Water-to-water
1 sink temperature sk = 35 C 3 COP
2 sink temperature sk = 50 C 4 source temperature
Figure F.7 COP values of water-to water electrical heat pumps vs source temperatures
(black line average values, grey area scatter band of the values)
F.4.1 Preface
Characteristics provided here are based on very few measurements. They are only given as example values.
When carrying out the calculation, care shall be taken to use as input data features provided by
manufacturers under their responsibility.
The following data are based on the average values of technical features provided by different manufacturers.
Attention shall be paid that the COP values indicated in this annex are referring to the used energy (i.e. the
energy delivered at the interface of the building).
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The data refer to the overall heating capacity (heat pump condenser and heat recovery from the engine).
Figure F.8 Average overall heating capacity of air-to water gas engine driven heat pumps
vs source and sink temperatures
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
F.4.3 COP
F.4.3.1 General
Following data are based on the average values of technical features provided by manufacturers.
Relative COP
Key Inlet source Outlet sink temperature
1 air-to-water gas engine driven heat pump temperature 40 C 45 C 50 C 55 C
2 relative COP - 5 C 1,00 0,93 0,87 0,83
3 inlet source temperature [C] 0 C 1,02 0,95 0,90 0,85
4 COP reference point: (7 C/45 C) 5 C 1,06 0,99 0,93 0,88
5 outlet sink temperature: 40 C
(y = 0,00027 x + 0,00605 x 1,02207) 7C 1,08 1,00 0,94 0,89
6 outlet sink temperature: 45 C 1,03
(y = 0,0002 x + 0,00564 x 0,95026) 10 C 1,11 0,97 0,92
7 outlet sink temperature: 50 C 1,08
(y = 0,00017 x + 0,00555 x 0,89747) 15 C 1,17 1,02 0,96
8 outlet sink temperature: 55 C
(y = 0,00015 x + 0,00533 x 0,84945)
Figure F.10 Typical COP of air-to water gas engine driven heat pumps
vs source and sink temperatures
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
Relative COP
Key Inlet source Outlet sink temperature
1 air-to-air gas engine driven heat pump temperature 20 C
2 relative COP [W/W] - 7 C 0,85
3 inlet source temperature [C] - 5 C 0,87
4 COP reference point 7 C/20 C - 3 C 0,89
5 outlet sink temperature: 20 C 0 C 0,92
(y = 0,00018 x + 0,01106 x + 0,92806) 2 C 0,94
3 C 0,96
5 C 0,98
6 C 0,99
7 C 1,00
9 C 1,02
11 C 1,04
12 C 1,06
13 C 1,07
15 C 1,09
Figure F.11 Typical COP of air-to air gas engine driven heat pumps
vs source and sink temperatures
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
F.5.1 General
Characteristics provided here are based on very few measurements. They are only given as example values.
When carrying out the calculation, care shall be taken to use as input data features provided by
manufacturers under their responsibility.
Typical relations of heating capacity and COP versus source and sink temperatures are given below for
ammonia/water and water/lithium bromide Vapour Absorption Cycle (VAC) heat pumps. Relative heating
capacity and relative COP show the same ratio, thus the below diagrams are valid for relative heating capacity
and COP. All values have been derived for heat pumps using gas as fuel.
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
Figure F.12 Average relative heating capacity and COP of outside air-to water NH3/H20 absorption
heat pumps vs source and sink temperatures
NBN EN 15316-4-2 (2008)
EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
2 relative heating capacity and relative COP - 2 C 1,028 0,999 0,958 0,910 0,855
3 inlet source temperature [C] 0 C 1,033 1,009 0,976 0,930 0,873
4 reference point heating capacity an COP: 1,017
(10 C/50 C) 2 C 1,037 0,989 0,947 0,890
5 outlet sink temperature: 35 C
2 4 C 1,040 1,023 1,000 0,963 0,906
(y = - 0,00006 x + 0,00147 x + 1,03309)
6 outlet sink temperature: 40 C 1,028
2 6 C 1,041 1,009 0,976 0,924
(y = - 0,00012 x + 0,00399 x + 1,00850)
7 outlet sink temperature: 45 C 1,033
2 8 C 1,041 1,017 0,989 0,942
(y = - 0,00019 x + 0,00682 x + 0,97475)
8 outlet sink temperature: 50 C 1,036
(y = - 0,0002 x + 0,00908 x + 0,92927) 10 C 1,041 1,023 1,000 0,956
9 outlet sink temperature: 55 C 1,039
2 12 C 1,041 1,028 1,009 0,972
(y = - 0,00011 x + 0,00943 x + 0,87246)
14 C 1,041 1,041 1,031 1,016 0,984
16 C 1,041 1,041 1,033 1,023 0,997
18 C 1,041 1,041 1,036 1,028 1,009
20 C 1,041 1,041 1,036 1,031 1,016
Figure F.13 Average relative heating capacity and COP of brine-to water NH3/H20 absorption
heat pumps vs source and sink temperatures
NBN EN 15316-4-2 (2008)
EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
2 relative heating capacity and relative COP 6C 1,069 1,048 1,003 0.942 0,888
3 inlet source temperature [C] 8C 1,075 1,057 1,026 0,973 0,918
4 reference point heating capacity and COP
(10 C/50 C) 10C 1,076 1,066 1,042 1,000 0,947
5 outlet sink temperature: 35 C
2 12C 1,076 1,069 1,053 1.019 0,973
(y = - 0,00007 x + 0,00210 x + 1,06078)
6 outlet sink temperature: 40 C
2 14C 1,076 1,071 1,059 1,032 0,996
(y = - 0,00023 x + 0,00746 x + 1,01198)
7 outlet sink temperature: 45 C
2 16C 1,076 1,071 1,062 1,044 1,014
y = - 0,00048 x + 0,01656 x + 0,92272)
8 outlet sink temperature: 50 C
(y = - 0,0006 x + 0,02330 x + 0,82474) 18C 1,076 1,071 1,063 1,050 1,030
9 outlet sink temperature: 55 C
2 20C 1,076 1,071 1,063 1,053 1,041
(y = - 0,00041 x + 0,02180 x + 0,87246)
Figure F.14 Average relative heating capacity and COP of water-to water NH3/H20 absorption
heat pumps vs source and sink temperatures
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
Figure F.15 Average reletive heating capacity and COP of water-to water H20/LiBr absorption
heat pumps vs source and sink temperatures
NBN EN 15316-4-2 (2008)
EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
F.6 Heat pumps with domestic hot water production (DHW) - Heating capacity of
domestic hot water heat pumps
For the heating capacity of domestic hot water heat pumps in alternate operation, the heating capacity of the
heating mode can be used as example value for the average loading temperature defined in Equation (12).
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EN 15316-4-2:2008 (E)
[2] Swiss Energy directive EnV of 7. December 1998 (actual status on 30. November 2004), 730.01
[3] WPZ Bulletin, Wrmepumpen-Testzentrum Tss, July 2003, (download of actual WPZ Bulletin
available on http://www.wpz.ch)
[4] Arie de Jong, Part 2 of NEN reaction to CEN/TC 228 N373 Draft resolution C 112 (N374),
Nederlands Normalisatie Instituut, Dec. 2003
[5] VDI 4650, Blatt 1: Calculation of heat pumps short procedure for the calculation of the seasonal
performance factor (SPF) of heat pumps Electric heat pumps for room heating
[7] SIA 384/2, Wrmeleistungsbedarf von Gebuden, Swiss Engineers and Architects Association, 1982
(meanwhile replaced by SN 12831:2003)
[8] EN 12309-2, Gas-fired absorption and adsorption air-conditioning and/or heat pump appliances with a
net heat input not exceeding 70 kW Part 2: Rational use of energy
[9] EN 15316-1, Heating systems in buildings Method for calculation of system energy requirements
and system efficiencies Part 1: General
[10] EN 15316-2-1, Heating systems in buildings Method for calculation of system energy requirements
and system efficiencies Part 2-1: Space heating emission systems
[11] EN 15316-3-1, Heating systems in buildings Method for calculation of system energy requirements
and system efficiencies Part 3-1: Domestic hot water systems, characterisation of needs (tapping
[12] EN 15316-4-4, Heating systems in buildings Method for calculation of system energy requirements
and system efficiencies Part 4-4: Heat generation systems, building-integrated cogeneration
[13] CEN/TR 15615, Explanation of the general relationship between various European standards and the
Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) - Umbrella Document
[14] EN ISO 7726, Ergonomics of the thermal environment Instruments for measuring physical
quantities (ISO 7726:1998)