Specific documentation on a few topics is available at:
- Acronym Dictionary
- Addressing a performance regression
- Architecture Decisions
- Architecture Overview
- Crash Monitoring
- Creating a release branch
- Data practises
- Development Test Plan
- Fennec Legacy: Migration
- Firebase Cloud Messaging for WebPush
- Firefox for Android Team Processes
- Home
- Implementing Telemetry
- Implementing a Nimbus Experiment
- List of Fenix Threads
- Logging Crash Information
- Metric Feature Tags
- Debug settings menu instructions
- Telemetry - Implementation, Reviews, Renewals
- Creating Glean Annotations
- Data review
- Renewing existing telemetry
- Test Telemetry Pings
- Working with Strings
- Adjust
- Certificates
- Crash Reporting
- Experiments
- Manual Testing
- Metrics Definitions
- Release Checklist
- Substituting Local GeckoView
- Sync Integration Tests
- Telemetry
- UI Tests