Armenian proverbs

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Proverbs from all Armenian speaking parts of the world.


  • Արևն ամպի տակ չի մնայ։
    • Transliteration: Arevn ampi tak chi mnay.
    • Translation: The sun won't stay behind the cloud.
    • Meaning: The truth won't stay hidden and will come out.
    • English equivalent: A lie has short legs.
    • "Any fool can tell the truth, but it requires a man of some sense to know how to lie well."
    • Samuel Butler, The Note-Books of Samuel Butler (1912)
    • Književnost. 1986. 


  • Խնձորը ծառից հեռու չի ընկնում։
    • Transliteration: Khndzorë tsarits' heru chi ënknum.
    • Translation: The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
    • Meaning: Children observe daily and — in their behaviour — often follow the example of their parents.
    • Այգեկցի, Ավագյան (2004). Առյուծը, աղվեսնուարջը: Առակ: Նախադպր. եւկրտսերդպր. տարիքիհամար. Արեւիկ. pp. 16. 
    • Source for meaning: Paczolay, Gyula (1997). European Proverbs in 55 languages. p. 259. ISBN 1-875943-44-7. 



  • Ուշ լինի, (ա)նուշ լինի։
    • Ush lini, (a)nush lini.
    • Translation: Let it be late, let it be good.
    • Meaning: It does not matter if something takes long to complete, as long as the end result is desirable.
    • Pinter (2006). Art, Truth \& Politics: The Nobel Lecture. Faber \& Faber. pp. 24. ISBN 0571233961. 
