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See also: aiz-






  1. Romanization of 𐌰𐌹𐌶





From Proto-Baltic *žō (with an extra formative a-: *a-źō > *ažuo > *ažu), from Proto-Indo-European *ǵʰō (behind, under, out of, because of), itself perhaps a pronominal instrumental form from the *gʰe, *gʰo, a stem found in several particles, like Latvian nedz (neither, nor) < *ne-gi. In Latvian, the final vowel was lost, yielding az, still dialectally attested, and also in some place names (Azpurve) and as a prefix in some words in the literary language (azaids (meal), azote (bosom)). Some dialects have a longer, and more recent, form āz. The standard form, aiz, has an unexpected i, possibly the result of convergence between az and iz (from). Cognates include Lithuanian dialectal , ažù (behind, out of, about), Proto-Slavic *za (behind, out of, about, by, after, because of), Russian за (za).[1]


  • IPA(key): [àjs]
  • Audio:(file)



aiz (with genitive)

  1. behind
    paslēpties aiz liela kokato hide behind a large tree
    aiz stūraaround (lit. behind) the corner
    atstādams aiz sevis garu putekļu grīstileaving behind himself a long trail of dust
    apspriede notika aiz slēgtām durvīmthe discussion took place behind closed doors
  2. behind, under, into (so that it is covered)
    saule aizgrimst aiz mākoņiemthe sun sank behind the clouds
    puisēns aizbaza īkšķus aiz bikšu lencēmthe boy inserted his thumbs behind, under his suspenders
    aiz īsajiem cimdiem zvejniekiem tek sāļais ūdensthe salty water was leaking into, under the fishermen's short gloves
  3. on the other side of, across, beyond
    māja ir aiz ezerathe house is on the other side of the lake
    šodien pļauj aiz mežatoday they are harvesting on the other side of the forest
    Ivanovas darbs pazīstams tālu aiz mūsu zemes robežāmIvanova's work is known far beyond the borders of our country
  4. by (indicates touching, seizing, holding)
    paņemt, vest aiz rokasto take, to lead (someone) by the hand
    satvert zēnu aiz apkaklesto grab the boy by the collar
    saķert suņu aiz astesto grab the dog by the tail
  5. after (indicating a sequence)
    viņi gāja cits aiz citathey went one after the other
    Lilija nāk; aiz viņas pa pēdām mammaLily is coming; after her, mum's footsteps
    aiz' tankiem nāca kājniekiafter the tanks came the infantry
  6. out of, of, because of, for (indicates a reason, a motive, a goal)
    gavilēt aiz priekato shout, exult out of joy
    raudāt aiz bēdāmto cry (out) of grief
    viņi smējās aiz cita iemeslathey were laughing for another reason
    aiz dusmām viņš nevar parunātout of anger he could not speak

Derived terms



  1. ^ Karulis, Konstantīns (1992) “aiz”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca[1] (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, →ISBN