How to Add Members to a Nintendo Account Family Group

Applies to:  Nintendo Switch Family, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch Lite, Nintendo Switch - OLED Model, Nintendo Account

Steps for inviting other people to your Nintendo Account family group, or adding new child accounts.

Complete these steps

  1. Visit the Nintendo Account website and sign in to the admin Nintendo Account for the family group, or create a new admin Nintendo Account if you don't have one.
  2. Select Family group.
  3. Select Add a member or, if you don't have any other members in your family group yet, Create family group.
  1. What do you want to do?
    1. Select Invite someone to your family group.
    2. Read the information about only inviting people you know to your family group and what may happen if you or someone in your family group is banned, then select Confirm.
    3. Enter the email address that is registered to the Nintendo Account that you want to add, then select Submit. An invitation email will be sent to the email address that you entered.
    4. The owner of the Nintendo Account you invited to join will need to complete a few steps to join the family group.
      • How to join the family group
        1. The invitee should open the invitation email and select the verification link.
        2. They will be prompted to sign in to their Nintendo Account.
        3. They can then select Join family group to move the Nintendo Account into your family group.
    5. Once the Nintendo Account owner has agreed, their account will appear in your family group and you can assign them a role.
    1. Select Create an account for a child.
      • "A system error has occurred" message appears

        This may occur if you are located in Canada, but never selected a specific region for your Nintendo Account. Perform the following:

        1. Return to the main page of the Nintendo Account website.
        2. Select User Information.
        3. Select Edit User Information.
          • If you are using a desktop PC, in the "Profile" section select Edit.
        4. In the "Region" dropdown, select Quebec or Not Quebec based on where you live.
        5. Select Save Changes.
        6. Try creating the account for the child again.
      • "Create an account for a child" does not appear

        Nintendo Accounts for children with ages that make them subject to verifiable parental consent laws can only be added by an admin aged 18+. Perform the following:

        1. Transfer the admin rights to a family group member aged 18+.
        2. Once the rights have been transferred, the new admin can add a Nintendo Account for a child, then transfer the admin rights back to you.
    2. Enter the birthdate for the child you would like to add, then select OK.
    3. Enter your Nintendo Account password, then select OK.
    What region is your Nintendo Account in?
    1. If you have not added a child account to this family group before, you may be prompted to provide verifiable parental consent to create the account due to COPPA.
      • How to provide consent to create a child account
        1. Read through the information about credit card consent, and select Acknowledge.
        2. Enter the required credit card information to continue and process the one-time $0.50 charge.
          • We are aware of an issue that may prevent PC users from mouse-selecting into the credit card entry field(s). If this happens, you can use the Tab Button on your PC keyboard to access the fields, or set up the account using a smart device's web browser instead.
        3. Once the charge is approved, select Create an account for a child.
    2. Enter the following information into the fields:
      • Nickname: 10 characters or less
      • Child account Sign-In ID: This is the username the child will use to log in with. It must be at least 6 characters long, cannot start with a number, and cannot contain capital letters, spaces, or punctuation other than dashes or underscores.
      • Child account password: Passwords must be at least 8 characters long and include a combination of characters from 2 of the following categories: letters, numbers, and punctuation.
      • Gender: Choose your child's gender, or select Choose not to answer.
    3. Review the Nintendo Account User Agreement and check the box to agree to it.
    4. Review the Nintendo Privacy Policy and check the box to indicate that you have read it.
    5. Select Submit.
    6. Select OK to create the account.
    7. Provide the Sign-In ID and password to the child so that they can use the account.
      • The child’s Nintendo Account will now appear in the Family group area of your account settings, and you can adjust various settings (password, parental controls, etc) from there.
    1. If you have not added a child account to this family group before, you may be prompted to provide verifiable parental consent to create the account due to Law 25.
      • How to provide consent to create a child account
        1. Read through the information about credit card consent, and select Acknowledge.
        2. Enter the required credit card information to continue and process the one-time $0.50 charge.
          • We are aware of an issue that may prevent PC users from mouse-selecting into the credit card entry field(s). If this happens, you can use the Tab Button on your PC keyboard to access the fields, or set up the account using a smart device's web browser instead.
        3. Once the charge is approved, select Create an account for a child.
    2. Enter the following information into the fields:
      • Nickname: 10 characters or less
      • Child account Sign-In ID: This is the username the child will use to log in with. It must be at least 6 characters long, cannot start with a number, and cannot contain capital letters, spaces, or punctuation other than dashes or underscores.
      • Child account password: Passwords must be at least 8 characters long and include a combination of characters from 2 of the following categories: letters, numbers, and punctuation.
      • Gender: Choose your child's gender, or select Choose not to answer.
    3. Review the Nintendo Account User Agreement and check the box to agree to it.
    4. Review the Nintendo Privacy Policy and check the box to indicate that you have read it.
    5. Select Submit.
    6. Select OK to create the account.
    7. Provide the Sign-In ID and password to the child so that they can use the account.
      • The child’s Nintendo Account will now appear in the Family group area of your account settings, and you can adjust various settings (password, parental controls, etc) from there.
    1. If you have not added a child account to this family group before, you may be prompted to provide verifiable parental consent to create the account.
      • How to provide consent to create a child account
        1. Read through the information about providing consent for the account creation via email.
        2. When you receive the Parental Consent email, select the I consent link in the body of the email.
        3. Once the consent is approved, select Continue to child account creation.
    2. Enter the following information into the fields:
      • Nickname: 10 characters or less
      • Child account Sign-In ID: This is the username the child will use to log in with. It must be at least 6 characters long, cannot start with a number, and cannot contain capital letters, spaces, or punctuation other than dashes or underscores.
      • Child account password: Passwords must be at least 8 characters long and include a combination of characters from 2 of the following categories: letters, numbers, and punctuation.
      • Gender: Choose your child's gender, or select Choose not to answer.
    3. Review the Nintendo Account User Agreement and check the box to agree to it.
    4. Review the Nintendo Privacy Policy and check the box to indicate that you have read it.
    5. Select Submit.
    6. Select OK to create the account.
    7. Provide the Sign-In ID and password to the child so that they can use the account.
      • The child’s Nintendo Account will now appear in the Family group area of your account settings, and you can adjust various settings (password, parental controls, etc) from there.
    1. Enter the following information into the fields:
      • Nickname: 10 characters or less
      • Child account Sign-In ID: This is the username the child will use to log in with. It must be at least 6 characters long, cannot start with a number, and cannot contain capital letters, spaces, or punctuation other than dashes or underscores.
      • Child account password: Passwords must be at least 8 characters long and include a combination of characters from 2 of the following categories: letters, numbers, and punctuation.
      • Gender: Choose your child's gender, or select Choose not to answer.
    2. Review the Nintendo Account User Agreement and check the box to agree to it.
    3. Review the Nintendo Privacy Policy and check the box to indicate that you have read it.
    4. Select Submit.
    5. Select OK to create the account.
    6. Provide the Sign-In ID and password to the child so that they can use the account.
      • The child’s Nintendo Account will now appear in the Family group area of your account settings, and you can adjust various settings (password, parental controls, etc) from there.

Additional information

Nintendo Accounts that are already included in a family group can be removed from the group or added to a different family group.

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