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Curriculum Vitae

Eastern Illinois University, History, Faculty Member
Lee E. Patterson Department of History Eastern Illinois University 600 Lincoln Ave. Charleston, IL 61920 Office phone: (217) 581-6372 AREAS OF INTEREST: History: Greek, Roman, Armenian, Arsacid (Parthian), Sasanian; political uses of Greek myth; constructed identities; Strabo EDUCATION: University of Missouri-Columbia, Ph.D. in Classical Studies (2003) Dissertation: “The Use of Kinship Myth in Greek Interstate Relations,” Prof. Eugene N. Lane, Director University of Chicago, Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations (graduate study, 1996-1997) University of Mississippi, M.A. in Classics (1996) Arkansas State University, M.A. in English (1993) Fairleigh Dickinson University, Summa Cum Laude, B.A. in English (1991) ACADEMIC EMPLOYMENT: 2019-present: Professor, Dept. of History, Eastern Illinois University 2013-2019: Associate Professor, Dept. of History, Eastern Illinois University 2009-2013: Assistant Professor, Dept. of History, Eastern Illinois University 2008-2009: Lecturer, Dept. of Classics, Howard University 2006-2008: Visiting Assistant Professor, Classics Program, Centre College 2005-2006: Visiting Assistant Professor, Dept. of Classics, German, Italian, Japanese, and Russian, College of Charleston 2003-2005: Visiting Lecturer and Faculty Fellow, Dept. of Spanish and Classics, University of California, Davis 2001-2002: Acting Assistant Professor, Dept. of Classics, University of Mississippi 2 PUBLICATIONS: Book Kinship Myth in Ancient Greece. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2010. [Reviews: M. Osmers, H-Soz-u-Kult 05.09.2011; N. Mac Sweeney, BMCR 2011.08.26; A. J. Papalas, Choice 49.1 (Sept. 2011); C. Clark, Mnemosyne 65.3 (Jan. 2012); E. Varto, JHS 132 (Nov. 2012); A. Kühr, Gnomon 85.2 (Feb. 2013); K. L. Gaca, The Historian 75.3 (Fall 2013); N. Gresens, (Nov 2017)] Articles “Augustus and the Nobility of Armenia.” L’Antiquité Classique 92 (2023): 67-92. “Justin II and the Armenian Revolt of 572.” HiMA, Revue Internationale d’Histoire Militaire Ancienne 10 (2021): 265-87. “Mithridates II’s Invasion of Armenia: A Reassessment.” Revue des Études Arméniennes 39 (2020): 187-98. “Nero, the Reign of Tigranes VI, and the Annexation of Armenia.” Latomus 79.3 (2020): 76178. “Antony and Armenia.” TAPA 145.1 (2015): 77-105. “Caracalla’s Armenia.” Syllecta Classica 24 (2013): 173-99. “Strabo, Local Myth, and Kinship Diplomacy.” Hermes 138.1 (2010): 109-18. “Alcman’s Partheneion and Eliade’s Sacred Time.” Classical and Modern Literature 25.1 (2005): 115-27. “An Aetolian Local Myth in Pausanias?” Mnemosyne 57.3 (2004): 346-52. “Pompey’s Albanian Connection at Justin XLII,3,4.” Latomus 61.2 (2002): 312-25. “Rome’s Relationship with Artaxias I of Armenia.” Ancient History Bulletin 15.4 (2001): 15462. Book Chapters “Mythography and Politics.” The Oxford Handbook of Greek and Roman Mythography. Eds. R. Scott Smith and Stephen Trzaskoma. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022. 428-42. 3 “Heracles as Ancestor.” The Oxford Handbook of Heracles. Ed. Daniel Ogden. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021. 418-31. “Minority Religions in the Sasanian Empire: Suppression, Integration, and Relations with Rome.” Sasanian Persia: Between Rome and the Steppes of Eurasia. Ed. Eberhard Sauer. Edinburgh Studies in Ancient Persia. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2017. 181-98. “Myth as Evidence in Strabo.” The Routledge Companion to Strabo. Ed. Daniela Dueck. London and New York: Routledge, 2017. 276-93. “Geographers as Mythographers: The Case of Strabo.” Writing Myth: Mythography in the Ancient World. Studies in the History and Anthropology of Religion 4. Eds. R. Scott Smith and Stephen M. Trzaskoma. Leuven: Peeters, 2013. 201-21. Encyclopedia Entries “Aristonicus,” “Armenia,” “Commagene,” “Hyrcani,” “Meherdates,” “Perseus,” “Pharasmanes,” “Phraates,” “Tigranes,” “Tiridates,” “Vardanes,” “Vologaeses,” “Vonones,” “Zeno.” The Tacitus Encyclopedia. Ed. Victoria Emma Pagán. Wiley-Blackwell, 2023. “Armenia,” “Caucasus,” “Parthia.” The Virgil Encyclopedia. Eds. Richard Thomas and Jan Ziolkowski. Wiley-Blackwell, 2014. Book Reviews Gareth Sampson, Rome & Parthia: Empires at War. Ventidius, Antony and the Second RomanoParthian War 40-20 BC. ( Francesca Gazzano, Lara Pagani, and Giusto Traina, eds., Greek Texts and Armenian Traditions: An Interdisciplinary Approach. ( Warwick Ball, Rome in the East: The Transformation of an Empire, 2nd edition. ( D. W. Roller, trans., The Geography of Strabo. Classical Review 65.2 (October 2015): 608. leId=S0009840X15001456 4 D. T. Potts, ed., The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Iran. Classical Journal Online (2014.10.08). df Sviatoslav Dmitriev, The Greek Slogan of Freedom and Early Roman Politics in Greece. History: Reviews of New Books 41.1 (January 2013): 25. Alan M. Greaves, The Land of Ionia: Society and Economy in the Archaic Period. ( PROJECTS FORTHCOMING OR IN PROGRESS: “Social and Diplomatic Relations in Greater Armenia.” Problems and Sources of the History of Ancient Armenia. Eds. Giusto Traina and Anahide Kéfélian. Brill. (in progress) The Roman Presence in Armenia. (book project in progress) PRESENTATIONS: 2020: “The Role of the Nakharars of Armenia in Fourth-Century Roman-Sasanian Diplomacy.” AAH. (via Zoom). 2020: “Augustus and the Nakharars of Armenia.” SCS. Washington DC. 2019: “The Historiography of Artaxias I: A Comparative Approach to Greek and Armenian Sources.” CAMWS. Lincoln, NE. 2016: “The Armenian Causes of Justin II’s Sasanian War.” CAMWS. Williamsburg, VA. 2015: “The Armenian Factor in Constantine’s Foreign Policy.” SCS. New Orleans, LA. 2013: “The Role of Religion in Romano-Sasanian Relations.” The Sasanian Empire and Rome (Day One of Persia & Rum). Organized by the British Institute of Persian Studies. Rome, Italy. 2012: “Shapur II’s Plans for Armenia in the Romano-Persian Treaty of 363.” CAMWS. Baton Rouge, LA. 2011: “Myth as Evidence in Strabo.” CAMWS. Grand Rapids, MI. 2009: “Geographers as Mythographers: The Case of Strabo.” APA. Philadelphia, PA. 2007: “Trapped by Tradition: Strabo, Arrian, and the Geography of India.” CAMWS. 5 Cincinnati, OH. 2005: “The Making of ‘Foreigners in the Ancient World,’ a Course at UC Davis.” At the invitation of the California Classical Association, Northern Section. Hillsborough, CA. 2005: “Alexander’s Use of Kinship Myth.” Classical Association of England and Wales. Reading, UK. 2004: “Credulity and Kinship Diplomacy in Ancient Greece.” Sponsored by the Classics Program and the Classical Studies Association, UC Davis. 2004: “Strabo as a Source of Local Myth.” APA. San Francisco, CA. 2003: “Alcman’s Maidens in Sacred Time.” CAMWS. Lexington, KY. 2002: “Pausanias, Local Myth, and Kinship Diplomacy.” CAMWS. Austin, TX. 2001: “The Hellenocentric Point of View of Herodotus at 7.150.” CAMWS. Provo, UT. 1999: “Pompey and the Albani at the Crossroads of Mythology.” East Meets West: Expanding the Horizons of the Classical World. University of Pittsburgh. OTHER SCHOLARLY ACTIVITIES/SERVICE: 2020: User Tester for “Analysis and Visualisation of Complex Familial Relationships in Greek Mythology” (on MANTO) (Project Facilitator: Yaya Lu; Project Supervisor: Greta Hawes) 2017-present: Contributor, Modelling Ancient Narratives, Territories, Objects (MANTO) (Project Managers: Greta Hawes and R. Scott Smith) 2012: Contributor, Cyrus’ Paradise (online commentary on Xenophon’s Cyropaedia: 2008: In-house Evaluator of Ken Dowden, The Uses of Greek Mythology, for Routledge 2002: Anonymous Referee, Ancient History Bulletin SERVICE: Eastern Illinois University 2021-present: Department Personnel Committee, Department of History 6 2021-2022: Search Committee (chair), Latin American/Latinx History, Department of History 2020-2022: History Careers Day Committee, Department of History 2018-present: Graduate Coordinator, Department of History 2018-2021: Council on Graduate Studies (chair: 2020-2021; vice-chair: 2019-2020) 2018-2020: Library Advisory Board (Graduate School rep) 2018-2020: Online Programs Board 2018-2020: Teacher Education Committee, Department of History 2017-present: Recruitment Committee (chair: 2017), Department of History 2016-2017: Asian Studies Awards Committee 2016: College of Arts and Humanities CU Pool 2015-present: Asian Studies Committee 2015-2020: Social Media Committee, Department of History 2015-2017: Honorary Degree Committee 2015-2016: Asian Heritage Month Faculty Committee 2014-2016: Curriculum Review Subcommittee for History 1500 (chair), Department of History 2014: Open Access Task Force 2013-2016: Department Personnel Committee, Department of History (chair: 2015-2016) 2013-present: MA Grad Committee (chair: 2018-present), Department of History 2013: Honors Council 2011-2012: Co-advisor, History Club, Department of History 2011-2012: Search Committee, Modern Islam/Middle East, Department of History 2010-2016: Publications Board 2009-2020: Computer Committee (chair: 2010-2012), Department of History 2009-present: Premodern Global Studies Committee (formerly Medieval Studies Committee) 2009-2013: Curriculum Committee, Department of History 2009-2013: Webmaster, Department of History Centre College 2007-2008: Faculty Academic Advisor 7 2007-2008: College Council Committee on ADA Services 2007-2008: College Council Committee on Instructional Resources UC Davis 2004-2005: Senior Honors Thesis Committee member, Department of History 2004-2005: McNair Scholars Mentor, Department of Spanish and Classics 2004: Faculty Advisor, Nota Bene: The Journal of Classical Studies at UC Davis University of Missouri 1999, 2000: Summer Orientation Academic Advisor, Honors College ACADEMIC AWARDS AND HONORS: 2023: Nina G. Garsoïan Research Grant for Ancient and Early Mediaeval Armenian History, Society for Armenian Studies 2022-2023: Council on Faculty Research Grant, Eastern Illinois University 2022: Achievement and Contribution Award in Balanced (Teaching, Research, and Service), Eastern Illinois University 2020: Achievement and Contribution Award in Research, Eastern Illinois University 2020: Interdisciplinary Center for Global Diversity Travel Award, Eastern Illinois University 2020: College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Travel Award, Eastern Illinois University 2019: CU Pool Award (3 CU’s for research), College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Eastern Illinois University 2018: Summer Research/Creative Activity Award (Council on Faculty Research), Eastern Illinois University 2017-2018: Redden Fund Grant, Eastern Illinois University 2016: Achievement and Contribution Award in Balanced (Teaching, Research, and Service), Eastern Illinois University 2016: Summer Research/Creative Activity Award (Council on Faculty Research), Eastern Illinois University 2015: CU Pool Award (3 CU’s for research), College of Arts and Humanities, Eastern 8 Illinois University 2014-2015: Redden Fund Grant, Eastern Illinois University 2014: Achievement and Contribution Award in Research, Eastern Illinois University 2014: Interdisciplinary Center for Global Diversity Travel Award, Eastern Illinois University 2014: College of Arts and Humanities Travel Award, Eastern Illinois University 2013-2014: Redden Fund Grant, Eastern Illinois University 2013: Faculty Development Support Grant, Eastern Illinois University 2013: Visiting Scholar, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University 2012-2013: Council on Faculty Research Grant, Eastern Illinois University 2012: Visiting Scholar, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University 2011-2012: Council on Faculty Research Grant, Eastern Illinois University 2011-2012: Redden Fund Grant, Eastern Illinois University 2010-2011: Redden Fund Grant, Eastern Illinois University 2002-2003: Walter Miller Fellowship, Department of Classical Studies, University of Missouri 2001: Professional Presentation Travel Fellowship, Graduate School, University of Missouri 2001: Graduate Professional Council Travel Scholarship, University of Missouri 1997-2001: G. Ellsworth Huggins Fellowship, University of Missouri 1996: Eta Sigma Phi Prize in Greek, University of Mississippi 1995-1996: Lipsey-Rubright Scholarship, University of Mississippi 1995: Eta Sigma Phi Prize in Latin, University of Mississippi 1994: Eta Sigma Phi, University of Mississippi 1991: Phi Omega Epsilon, Fairleigh Dickinson University 1990: Phi Zeta Kappa, Fairleigh Dickinson University 9 COURSES TAUGHT: History Capstone Seminar (undergraduate) Summer Institute in Graduate History Capstone in Graduate History Proseminar in Premodern History (graduate) Roots of the Modern World: Society and Religion (F2F, online, honors) World History: Empires in Global History (honors) Greek History Roman History Ancient Egypt Ancient Iraq and the Near East Ancient Iran Alexander the Great The Trojan War: History and Archaeology Bronze Age Aegean (graduate seminar) Ancient Persia: From the Achaemenids to the Sasanians (graduate seminar) Roman Frontiers (graduate seminar) History of Armenia (graduate seminar) Greek (Beginning through Advanced) Latin (Beginning through Advanced) Sallust (in Latin) Livy (in Latin) Mythology (Greek, Roman, Near Eastern) Uses and Perceptions of Myth Myth and Science Fiction Greek Civilization Roman Civilization Homer and Ancient Epic (in translation) 10 Foreigners in the Ancient World Introduction to Humanities I and II Introduction to Medieval Studies (team taught) Independent Studies (Graduate Level) The Roman Near East Religion and Identity in the Roman Near East Army and Society in the Roman World Foreign Queens in the Roman World Church and Society in Roman Egypt Modern Society in Premodern Contexts Power, Politics, and Religion in Pharaonic Egypt Honors Research Courses Religion and Culture in Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt The Roman Caucasus and Beyond Athens Before and After the Peloponnesian War Funerary Evidence of Subaltern Social Contexts in Ancient Greece AFFILIATIONS: Society for Classical Studies (formerly American Philological Association) Classical Association of the Middle West and South Association of Ancient Historians American Research Institute of the South Caucasus Society for Armenian Studies American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Summer Session I, 2007