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Licínio Gomes Roque, Prof Dr

Personal Data

Name                          Licínio Gomes Roque

Birth                           December 28th, 1968

Nationality                  Portuguese

Address:                      Dep. Eng. Informática

            Polo II - Universidade de Coimbra

                                    3030-290 Coimbra, Portugal

Phone:                         +351-239790023

e-mail:                         lir@dei.uc.pt

URL:                           http://eden.dei.uc.pt/~lir

Academic Degrees

PhD on Informatics Engineering, from the University of Coimbra (FCTUC), with a thesis titled "Contribution for a Context Engineering", a socio-technical approach to Information Systems Development Methodology, January 2004.

Informatics Engineering Degree (5yr) from University of Coimbra, June 1993.

Academic Positions

Adjunct Associate Teaching Professor, Master on Software Engineering Programs, Carnegie Mellon University, since 2009.

Assistant Professor at FCTUC, University of Coimbra, since 2004.

International Relations/Departmental Erasmus Coordinator, 2006-2008.

Assistant Lecturer at FCTUC, University of Coimbra, from 1997 to 2004.

Permanent Member of FCTUC Pedagogical Committee from 1997 to 1999.

Research Positions

Senior Researcher at CISUC - Center for Informatics and Systems of the University of Coimbra.

Assistant Director of the Informatics and Systems Laboratory at the Instituto Pedro Nunes, the UC technology transfer agency, from 1996 to 1997.

Researcher at CISUC - Center for Informatics and Systems, University of Coimbra, from 1994 to 2004.

Current Research Interests

Information Systems Development Methodology (ISD); Socio-Technical Approaches in IS Research & Development; Context Modeling and Context Engineering in Government, Learning and Entertainment; Information System Architectures for Agile Business Environments; Technology Assessment, Innovation and Adoption; Business Modeling.

Human-Computer Interaction, Participatory Media Design and Digital Games Research: Games Development Methodology; Ludic Contexts and the Design of Learning Games; Experience Design and Evaluation; Participatory Media Design; Contextual and End-User Design; Collaborative Creative Authoring Environments; Models and Architectures for Participatory Media and, in particular, Multiplayer Online Games; Sound Design in Games; Games in Multisensory Stimulation and Ageing Well.

Current research projects include: Soundscapes in user experience design, computer games as multi-sensory stimulation environments for children with disability, characterization and evaluation of user experience in games, gameplay experience metrics, design of games as learning contexts, design of participatory media for end-user game creation, alternate and augmented reality game design and evaluation.

Scientific Supervision

PhD Thesis Delivered:

Cristiano Maciel, "A Method for Measuring the Maturity in e-Democratic Decision-Making" in cooperation with Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, PhD finished 2008.

Valter Alves, "User Experience Enrichment through Soundscape Design", started September 2007, delivered September 2012.

PhD Thesis Ongoing:

Nuno Castelhano, "Multi-sensory Stimulation Environments - Praxis acknowledgment and integration of the computer-mediated ludic experience", PhD started September 2007.

Filipe Penicheiro, "Study of Videogames in the Context of Learning Complex Historical Phenomena" (co-advisor with Joaquim Ramos de Carvalho, FLUC), PhD started September 2007.

Luís Lucas Pereira, "Study of the Game Design and Evaluation relationships", PhD started September 2008.

Samuel de Jesus Almeida, "Análise do Movimento Ocular na Concepção e Desenvolvimento dos Videojogos" (co-advisor with Ana Isabel Veloso, DECA-UAveiro), PhD started January 2010.

Rui Craveirinha, "Author-oriented Adaptive Game Design ", PhD started September 2011.

Hélio Cavalcante, "Exploring Games in Active Ageing Contexts", PhD started September 2012.                     

Masters thesis:

Supervisor and Jury under the European Masters for Media Arts and Cultural Heritage Studies - EuroMACHS - involving U. Coimbra, U. Turky, U. Cologne, U. Salento, U. Graz.

Supervision and Jury in more than 50 Informatics Engineering Master dissertations, over the last 10 years, in the areas of Informations Systems Development, Human-Computer Interaction and Digital Games Research.

Teaching Experience

Ludic Contexts - PhD course on Digital Games Research, part of the ICT Doctoral Program at University of Coimbra.

Socio-Technical Systems Development - PhD course on Information Systems Research, with a special emphasis on socio-technical development approaches, part of the ICT Doctoral Program at University of Coimbra.

Game Studies and Design - International course on designing games as a format for turning cultural heritage into learning and cultural products, for the joint European Master on Digital Arts and Cultural Heritage Studies - EUROMACHS, with University of Coimbra, Portugal, University at Cologne, Germany, University of Turku, Finland, University of Lecce, Italy, University of Graz, Austria.

Software Engineering Methods - International course on the joint Masters of Software Engineering program  with Carnegie-Mellon University.

Studio Mentoring - International course on the joint Masters of Software Engineering program  with Carnegie-Mellon University.

Software Measurement - International course on the joint Masters of Software Engineering program  with Carnegie-Mellon University.

Human Computer Interaction - Master course on Interaction Design, analysis, design, and evaluation methods for usability in interactive systems.

Game Studies and Development - Master course giving an overview on interdisciplinary game studies and a specific practical focus on the design and development of digital games and associated technologies.

Software Engineering - Introductory course on Software Engineering methods and tools, from 1997 to 2006.

Organizational Behaviour, Knowledge and Innovation - a management course on Organizational Behaviour and associated issues, from 2006 to 2008.

Information Systems and Information Systems Management - courses on Information Systems Development and Management methodology, 2007, 2008.

Compilers - a course on compiler design and construction, from 2003, 2004.

Research & Development Projects

2012 Transcreativa - INTERREG project with UC, CMC, IPN, SINERGIAK, TECNALIA; Donostia 2016, ESTIA, antic, BEM, KEDGE, Competencies and technologies for promoting employment in Creative Industries, 100K€.

2012 iCIS - Intelligent Computing in the Internet of Services, QREN project for enhancing CISUC's international research profile, task-leader, 1.1M€.

2012 Adventure Pilot - Pilot testing Augmented Reality Gaming, by contract with Portugal Telecom Inovação SA, 20K€.

2011 AdVenture - A study of Augmented Reality Gaming using smartphones, by contract with Portugal Telecom Inovação SA, 20K€.

2010 Looking for the Heart of Interactive Media - designing and building a real-time emotional states classifier for video game experiences, using an eMotive prototype EEG headset, self-funded.

2009 Design and Prototype of Sagres - a Discoveries themed 3d video game experience for training in systematic discovery, reflection and documentation (mapping) skills and attitudes through game play, self-funded.

2007-2009 Scientific Direction of the Yourgame project, a QREN Individual I&DT project from Tapestry Software Lda for the design and implementation of participatory media in the form of an end-user online game editing service, 70K€ funded of 170K€ total.

2007 Directed the project – Floresta Viva - Design and development of a learning game based on a playable simulation of eco-socio-economic forest systems, for the Centro Ciência Viva da Floresta, an interactive Science Museum dedicated to Forests located at Proença-a-Nova. Project developed in cooperation with Tapestry Software Lda, ESAC/IPC and IPN, 50K€.

2006-2007 Cooperation in the “D3 – third sector digitization” EQUAL project – implementing ICT solutions in the social sector as IT consultant and internal independent evaluator, 30K€ of 150K€.

2003-2008 Researcher in the INTERREG project Admitron - ICT in public administration: a cooperation with Instituto Pedro Nunes - for the study and deployment of ICTs in local and regional administration, together with Deputation Provincial de Jaén, Gibraltar government, Conseil Insular de Menorca, and ARMINES-LGI2P, 150K€ of 1,1M€ total.

2004-2006 Zarabatana MOG platform - Research project focused on designing a participatory multiplayer online games platform that can foster a diversity of "player-as-author" profiles and creative collaborations and, a rapid game development and playtest cycle by enabling play-time editing while achieving scalable and secure distribution/coordination on a P2P service architecture, self-funded.

2004-2008 Researcher in FCT project: SchoolSenses@Internet: children as multisensory geographic information creators through the use of information and communication technologies: to improve the quality of primary school learning through the use of ICT activities in meaningful contexts that involves the production of geo-referenced multisensory information by kids using interdisciplinary approaches, 100K€.

2001-2003 Researcher in FCT project: Sapiens MAPP - Models and Algorithms for Production Planning in Small and Medium Enterprises operating a Make-To-Order business model. Researched the application of WorkLoad Management techniques for decision support systems in production planning in fast changing environments and their support with ICT, 50K€.

Member of the KALEIDOSCOPE network, a EU/FP6 project for the creation of a comprehensive European Research Area for Technology Enhanced Learning.

Industry Cooperation

From 1994 to 2012 Directed several Innovation and Technology Transfer projects, ranging from pure research to information systems prototyping and development in various application domains, as a collaborator of IPN - Instituto Pedro Nunes - Association for Innovation, Development and Technology Transfer. 

Co-founder of startup Tapestry Software that focuses on "media design" by developing multiplayer online game technologies and custom learning and promotional games, 2006.

Cooperation in the "D3 - third sector digitization" project - implementing ICT solutions in the social sector as consultant and independent evaluator.

Research and development of an information system prototype based on the WorkLoad Management Methodology for production planing and customer relationship management in the rapid prototyping mould making industry, in cooperation with DEM/FCTUC for the company 3Dtech, 2003.

Developed model information system for Portuguese lumber mills' operational management under commission from AIMMP, the sector's association, 2000.

Developed Information Systems strategic plan for ARCIL, the largest Portuguese social sector organization, 1998.

Analisys, design and development plan of the initial Intranet for the Portuguese branch of Siemens, spaning all areas of the organization, 1997.

Developed extranet for Soporcel, a Portuguese paper company, for the management of international customer relationships, 2005.



Roque, L., "Contribuição para uma Engenharia do Contexto", Ph.D thesis, Departamento de Engenharia Informática da Universidade de Coimbra, January 2004



Licinio Roque and Valter Alves editors (2011) Proceedings of the AM'11 Audio Mostly 2011 - 6th Conference on Interaction with Sound, Coimbra, Portugal — September 07 - 09, ACM New York, NY, USA, 2011, ISBN: 978-1-4503-1081-9

Ricardo Nakamura, Licínio Roque, Rodrigo Bonifácio editors (2012) Computing Track Proceedings of the SBGames 2012 - Anais do Simpósio Brasileiro de Jogos e Entretenimento Digital, , Brasília, Brasil, October 2 - 4, Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2012, ISSN: 2179-2259



Nuno Castelhano, Licínio Roque, Márcia Resende, et al (2013 pending) "Ludic Content in Multisensory Stimulation Environments: an exploratory study about practice in Portugal", Occupational Therapy International, Willey-Blackwell, OTI-RA-2012-0385.R3 approved for publication.

Cristiano Maciel, Licínio Roque and Ana Cristina Bicharra Garcia, (2010) Interaction and communication resources in collaborative e-democratic environments: The democratic citizenship community, in Government 2.0: Making Connections between citizens, data and government issue, Information Polity, Soon Ae Chun, Stuart Shulman, Rodrigo Sandoval and Eduard Hovy Editors, Volume 15, Number 1-2 / 2010, Pages 1-173, IOS Press, DOI10.3233/IP-2010-0197

Silva, C. and Roque, L. and Almeida, A. , "MAPP-A web-based decision support system for the mould industry", Decision Support Systems, Vol. 42, # 2, pp. 999-1014, Elsevier, November 2006



Valter Alves, Licinio Roque, Capacitação dos criadores de jogos independentes para o exercício de desenho de som, Revista Prisma, Nº 14, 2010

Rui Craveirinha, Licínio Roque, Drama Online - a New Interactive Narrative Model designed for Online Play, Revista Prisma Nº10.

Valter Alves, Licinio Roque, Notas sobre a adopção de linhas orientadoras para áudio no desenho de um jogo, Revista Prisma Nº 10.



Alves, V. and Roque, L. , "Guidelines for sound design in computer games", in Game Sound Technology and Player Interaction: Concepts  and Developments, Mark Grimshaw ed., 2010.

Maciel, C. and Roque, L. and Garcia, A. , "Applying the Discourse Theory to the Moderator's Interferences in Web Debates", in Enterprise Information Systems (LNBIP), Vol. 24, LNBIP, pp. 882-893, January 2009

Roque, L. and Figueiredo, A. D. , "Context Engineering for Learning: A Sociotechnical Approach", in Managing Learning in Virtual settings: The Role of Context, Information Science Publishing (Idea Group), ISBN 1-59140-488-6, 1-59140-489-4, 1-59140-490-8, October 2005



Luís Lucas Pereira and Licinio Roque (2012), Towards a Game Experience Design Model Centered on Participation, The 30th ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems CHI2012 Extended Abstracts, Austin, Texas, USA, ISBN 978-1-4503-1016-1, 2012.

Valter Alves, Licinio Roque (2011), A deck for sound design in games: enhancements based on a design exercise, in ACE '11: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology, Pages: 15-22, Lisbon, Portugal - September 2011, ACM New York, NY, USA, 2011.

Valter Alves, Licinio Roque (2011), An inspection on a deck for sound design in games, in Proceedings of the AM'11 Audio Mostly 2011 - 6th Conference on Interaction with Sound, Licinio Roque and Valter Alves editors, Coimbra, Portugal — September 07 - 09, ACM New York, NY, USA, 2011.

Valter Alves, Licinio Roque (2010), A pattern language for sound design in games, Proceedings of AM '10 The 5th Audio Mostly Conference, Piteå, Sweden, September 15 - 17, 2010.

Craveirinha R. and Roque L. (2010), Looking for the Heart of Interactive Media - Reflections on Video Games Emotional Expression, Proceedings of Fun and Games Conference, Leuven, 2010.

Alves, V. and Roque, L. (2009), "A Proposal of Soundscape Design Guidelines for User Experience Enrichment", in Proc. of the Audio Mostly 2009, Audio Mostly 2009, Glasgow, UK, September 2009

Castelhano, N. and Roque, L. (2009), "The integration of the Computer-mediated Ludic Experience in Multisensory Environments", in Proc. of the DiGRA 2009 - Breaking New Ground: Innovation in Games, Play, Practice and Theory, Newport, UK, September 2009

Araújo, M. and Roque, L. (2009), "Modeling Games with Petri Nets", in Proc. of the DIGRA2009 - Breaking New Ground: Innovation in Games, Play, Practice and Theory, West London, United Kingdom, September 2009

Pereira, L. and Roque, L. (2009), "Design Guidelines for Learning Games: the Living Forest Game Design Case", in Proc. of the DIGRA2009 - Breaking New Ground: Innovation in Games, Play, Practice and Theory, West London, United Kingdom, September 2009

Maciel, C. and Roque, L. and Garcia, A. (2009), "Identifying discourse mistakes in web debates: moderation in the DCC", in Proc. of the Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, pp. 690-691, Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Hawaii, January 2009

Maciel, C. and Roque, L. and Garcia, A. (2009), "Democratic Citizenship Community: a social network to promote e-Deliberative process", in Proc. of the International Digital Government Research Conference, 10th International Digital Government Research Conference (dg.o), Puebla, Mexico, January 2009

Maciel, C. and Roque, L. and Garcia, A. (2008), "Struturing e-Deliberative Process with Online Surveys: Methodology and Evaluation", in Proc. of the 7th International Conference of Electronic Government, pp. 99-106, 7th International Conference of Electronic Government, Torino, IT, August 2008

Maciel, C. and Roque, L. and Garcia, A. (2008), "Measuring the e-Participation in Decision-Making Processes Through Online Surveys", International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Barcelona, Spain, June 2008

Maciel, C. and Roque, L. and Garcia, A. (2007), "Democratic Citizenship Community: an e-Democratic application", ESF-LiU Electronic Democracy: Achievements and Challenges, Vadstena, Sweden, November 2007

Alves, T. and Roque, L. (2007), "Because Players Pay: The Business Model Influence on MMOG Design", in Proc. of the DIGRA2007 - Situated Play, DiGRA2007 - Digital Games Research Association, Tokyo, September 2007

Alves, T. and Roque, L. (2005), "Using Value Nets to Map Emerging Business Models in Massively Multiplayer Online Games", in Proc. of the Ninth Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, PACIS 2005, Bangkok, Thailand, July 2005

Roque, L. (2005), "A Sociotechnical Conjecture about the Context and Development of Multiplayer Online Game Experiences", DiGRA 2005 Conference: Changing Views - Worlds in Play, Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 2005

Gil, R. and Tavares, J. and Roque, L. (2005), "Architecting Scalability for Massively Multiplayer Online Gaming Experiences", DiGRA 2005 Conference: Changing Views - Worlds in Play, Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 2005

Tavares, J. and Gil, R. and Roque, L. (2005), "Players as Authors: Conjecturing Online Game Creation Modalities and Infrastructure", DiGRA 2005 Conference: Changing Views - Worlds in Play, Vancouver, Canada, June 2005

Roque, L. and Almeida, A. and Figueiredo, A. D. (2004), "Context engineering: An IS Development Research Agenda", in Proc. of the ECIS 2004, European Conference on Information Systems, ECIS 2004, Turku, Finland, June 2004

Roque, L. and Almeida, A. and Figueiredo, A. D. (2003), "Context Engineering: An IS Development Approach", in Proc. of the Action in Language, Organisations and Information Systems, ALOIS'2003, Linkoping, Sweden, 2003, pp. 107-122, Action in Language, Organisations and Information Systems, ALOIS'2003, Linkoping, Sweden, March 2003

Roque, L. (2002), "Teaching and learning engineering design through active socio-technical contexting", in Proc. of the International Conference on Engineering Education, International Conference on Engineering Education, Manchester, UK, August 2002

Roque, L. and Almeida, A. (2002), "The Context Engineering Approach", in Proc. of the 4th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, ICEIS2002, Ciudad Real, Spain, April 2002

Almeida, A. and Roque, L. (2002), "Some Reflections on IS development as Operator of Organisational Change - A perspective based on Activity Theory and Expansive Learning", in Proc. of the 4th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, ICEIS2002, Ciudad Real, Spain, April 2002

Almeida, A. and Roque, L. (2000), "Simpler, Better, Faster, Cheaper, Contextual: requirements analysis for a methodological approach to Interaction Systems development", in Proc. of the ECIS - European Conference on Information Systems, Wien, Austria, pp. 17-26., May 2000

Roque, L. and Almeida, A. , "Towards the Design of Context" (2000), Research Directions in Situated Computing Workshop at CHI 2000, The Hague, The Netherlands, April 2000

Almeida, A. and Roque, L. and Figueiredo, A. D. (1995), "Cyberspace: The HCI Frontier? A new model in Human-Computer Interaction", Proceedings of the HCI'95, Huddersfield, UK, August 1995

Almeida, A. and Roque, L. and Figueiredo, A. D. (1994), "Cyberspace: Beyond Sensorial Immersion", Workshop IFIP TC 5 WG 5.10, Coimbra, May 1994



Rui Craveirinha, Licinio Roque (2011), Zero Lecture in Game Design, in Proceedings of X Simpósio Brasileiro de Games e Entretenimento Digital, Salvador - Bahia, Brasil, 7 a 9 de Novembro de 2011.

Luis Lucas Pereira, Licinio Roque (2011), Um Modelo de Game Design orientado à Participação, in Proceedings of X Simpósio Brasileiro de Games e Entretenimento Digital, Salvador - Bahia, Brasil, 7 a 9 de Novembro de 2011.

Samuel Almeida, Ana Veloso, Licinio Roque, Oscar Mealha (2011), The Eyes and Games: A Survey of Visual Attention and Eye Tracking Input in Video Games, in Proceedings of X Simpósio Brasileiro de Games e Entretenimento Digital, Salvador - Bahia, Brasil, 7 a 9 de Novembro de 2011.

Nuno Castelhano, Licinio Roque (2011), LED-ME Project - A Game Design Report, in Proceedings of X Simpósio Brasileiro de Games e Entretenimento Digital, Salvador - Bahia, Brasil, 7 a 9 de Novembro de 2011.

Filipe Penicheiro, Licinio Roque, Joaquim Carvalho (2011), Contributos metodológicos para a implementação de uma aprendizagem baseada em jogos na aula de história, in Proceedings of X Simpósio Brasileiro de Games e Entretenimento Digital, Salvador - Bahia, Brasil, 7 a 9 de Novembro de 2011.

Alves, V. and Roque, L. (2010) "Empowering independent game developers to perform sound design", in Proceedings of the Videojogos 2010, Videojogos 2010, IST Taguspark, Portugal, September 2010

Licínio Roque (2010), Early Game Design Rehearsal with Paper Prototyping, Proceedings of SBGames 2010, Florianopolis, SC, Brazil.

Filipe Penicheiro, Joaquim Ramos de Carvalho, Licinio Roque (2010), Um estudo das dinâmicas de apropriação do jogo Portugal 1111 - A Conquista de Soure em contexto escolar, Proceedings of SBGames 2010, Florianopolis, SC, Brazil.

Sérgio D. do Santos, Licínio G. Roque (2010), Ensaio de Reescrita de Comportamentos em Videojogos com Base no Ajuste e Computação de Modelos de Petri Net, Proceedings of SBGames 2010, Florianopolis, SC, Brazil.

Alves, V. and Roque, L. (2009), "Notes on adopting auditory guidelines in a game design case", in Proc. of the Videojogos 2009, Videojogos 2009, Aveiro, Portugal, November 2009

Pereira, L. and Roque, L. and Ribeiro, B. (2009), "Classificação da estratégia de jogo utilizando Radial Basis Function e Support Vector Machines", in Proc. of the Videojogos 2009, Videojogos 2009, Aveiro, November 2009

Sousa, J., Craveirinha, R. and Roque, L. (2009), "Games as Interactive Art - a Design Experiment", in Proc. of the Videojogos 2009, Videojogos 2009, Aveiro, Portugal, November 2009

Craveirinha, R. and Roque, L. (2009), "Drama Online - a New Interactive Narrative Model designed for Online Play", in Proc. of the Videojogos 2009, Videojogos 2009, Aveiro, Portugal, November 2009

Araújo, M. and Roque, L. (2009), "Uma proposta metodológica para organizar o desenvolvimento de jogos originais", in Proc. of the Videojogos 2009, Videojogos 2009, Aveiro, Portugal, November 2009

Maciel, C. and Roque, L. and Garcia, A. (2009), "Princípios para o projeto de comunidades virtuais governamentais com fins e-Democráticos", in Proc. of the XXIX Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (CSBC2009), I Workshop de Computação Aplicada em Governo Eletrônico, Bento Gonçalves, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, July 2009

Maciel, C. and Roque, L. and Garcia, A. (2008), "Comunidade Democrática Cidadã (CDC): um ambiente para consulta e votação na Web", in Proc. of the VIII Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, pp. 278-321, Simpósio Brasileiro de Fatores Humanos em Sistemas Computacionais, Porto Alegre, Brasil, October 2008

Tavares, J. and Roque, L. (2007), "Games 2.0: Participatory Game Creation", in Proc. of the VI Simposium Brasileiro de Jogos para Computador e Entretenimento Digital, SBGames2007, Porto Alegre, Brasil, November 2007

Roque, L. (2004), "Creative Grips and Emancipatory Movements: a Sociotechnical Conjecture about Development Approaches and Online Game Experiences", Games2004 - Workshop Entretenimento Digital e Jogos Interactivos, Lisboa, Portugal, July 2004

Participation on Review Boards

Reviewer/evaluator for Agência de Inovação, SA. - Public Portuguese agency for promoting technological innovation.

Reviewer for CHI, EICS, AudioMostly, and other SIGCHI conferences.

Reviewer for Interacting with Computers International Journal.

Review board for International Journal on Game-Based Learning.

Reviewer for Videojogos, SBGames and IHC conferences.

Recent Invited Talks

Talk on "Lições das Trincheiras do Design Research em Pervasive Augmented Reality Games" at the IV WAIHCWS - Workshop sobre Aspectos da Interação Humano-Computador para a Web Social, part of IHC2012.

Plenary talk, "On the Design of Learning Games", SBGames 2007 - The Brasilian Symposium on Games Research and Development, Porto Alegre, Brasil, October 2007.

Talk on "Engineering Socio-Technical Contexts", at joint 4S/EASST, Paris, 2005.

Plenary talk, Creative Grips and Emancipatory Movements a Conjecture about the State of the Art in the Games Industry", Games2004 - Workshop Entretenimento Digital e Jogos Interactivos, Lisboa, Portugal, July 2004


2010 Menção Honrosa na Trilha de Cultura da SBGames 2010: Filipe Penicheiro, Joaquim Ramos de Carvalho, Licinio Roque, Um estudo das dinâmicas de apropriação do jogo Portugal 1111 - A Conquista de Soure em contexto escolar, Brazilian Computer Society (SBC)

2009 Menção Honrosa no WCGE 2009 - XXIX Congresso da SBC, Sociedade Brasileira de Computação

2009 Adjunct Associate Teaching Professor certification by Carnegie Mellon University


Jan 30th, 2013