FRS Download Summary and Data Element Dictionary

ECHO incorporates data from the Facility Registry Service (FRS) to link records representing data about the same facility across different programmatic database systems. On this page:

 FRS Description

EPA's Facility Registry Service (FRS) is a centrally managed database that identifies facilities, sites, or places (program interest) subject to environmental regulations or of environmental interest. It assigns a unique identifier to each program interest, and provides a cross-reference (linkage) to data records about that interest which reside in many of EPA’s programmatic data management systems.

Using the FRS program interest linkage, records included in ECHO's FRS Facilities and Linkages file are those with a valid FRS ID and which are cross-referenced by ID number to data contained in ICIS-Air, ICIS FE&C, ICIS-NPDES, TRI, NEI, GHG (E-GGRT), RCRAInfo, SDWIS, RMP, CEDRI, CAMD, EIS, TSCA, or Superfund Enterprise Management System (SEMS).

Note that this is not a complete FRS download; users interested in such should refer to the FRS Data Resources.

 FRS File Data Elements

The ZIP file contains the following download files:

  • Facilities contains FRS Name and Address information along with "Registry_ID," the unique FRS Facility identifier.
  • Program Links contains the linkages between program record (identified by Program Acronym and Program System Identifier) to the FRS Facility (identified by the Registry ID).
  • NAICS and SIC contain the industrial classification codes for each facility in FRS.

 Facilities (FRS_FACILITIES.csv)

Element NameData TypeLengthLong Name
FAC_NAMEChar200Facility name
FAC_STREETChar200Street address
FAC_STATEChar2State abbreviation
FAC_ZIPChar10Postal ZIP code
REGISTRY_IDChar36FRS Registry ID [Primary Key]
FAC_COUNTYChar100County name
LATITUDE_MEASURENum22Latitude Coordinate
LONGITUDE_MEASURENum22Longitude Coordinate


 Program Links (FRS_PROGRAM_LINKS.csv)

Element NameData TypeLengthLong Name
PGM_SYS_ACRNMChar60Program System Acronym [Primary Key]
PGM_SYS_IDChar90Program System Identification Number [Primary Key]
PRIMARY_NAMEChar200Facility name in the program system
LOCATION_ADDRESSChar200Street address (physical location)
SUPPLEMENTAL_LOCATIONChar200Supplemental address information
CITY_NAMEChar100City Name
COUNTY_NAMEChar100County Name
FIPS_CODEChar10Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) county code
STATE_CODEChar2State abbreviation
STATE_NAMEChar100State name
COUNTRY_NAMEChar100Country name
POSTAL_CODEChar10Postal ZIP code


North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) (FRS_NAICS_CODES.csv)

Element NameData TypeLengthLong Name
PGM_SYS_IDChar90Program System Identification Number [Primary Key]
PGM_SYS_ACRNMChar60Program System Acronym [Primary Key]
NAICS_CODEChar6Six-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code


Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) (FRS_SIC_CODES.csv)

Element NameData TypeLengthLong Name
PGM_SYS_IDChar90Program System Identification Number [Primary Key]
PGM_SYS_ACRNMChar60Program System Acronym [Primary Key]
SIC_CODEChar4Four-digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code