years together

Strasbourg, France - 2004 ©Getty Images | FREDERICK FLORIN
Strasbourg, France - 2004 ©Getty Images | FREDERICK FLORIN
Twenty years ago, our European family grew bigger. On 1 May 2004, the citizens of Cyprus, Czechia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia became citizens of the EU. With the great enlargement of 2004, the EU has become one of the world’s largest single markets. We have witnessed growth and prosperity.
Over the past 20 years, continental-scale modern infrastructure and connections have been built across the 27 Member States, thanks to EU investments and funds.
European society has benefitted from more innovations, public and private investments, the free movement of goods, services, capital and people, higher standards and greater opportunities.
"Welcome to the new Europe. Five decades after our great project of European integration began, the divisions of the Cold War are gone once and for all and we live in a united Europe."
former European Commission President Romano Prodi, 1 May 2004

450 million Europeans have enjoyed freedom of movement across a larger Union. Citizens have stronger rights and freedoms. Democracy and the rule of law have been reinforced, despite being tested at times. Opportunities for both people and business have grown.
Since 2004, we have made significant progress together, jointly setting high standards for environmental and health protection, consumer rights and product safety, among others. Today, people in the EU are benefitting from better healthcare, higher quality products, and cleaner cities.

Nicosia, Cyprus - 2003 ©Getty Images | -
Nicosia, Cyprus - 2003 ©Getty Images | -

Enlargement has been a source of prosperity for all. People living in countries that joined our Union in 2004 have seen a remarkable economic growth. Those living in countries that were already members of the EU have also experienced greater growth and prosperity.
We all have witnessed this growth in our lives, with 26 million new jobs created across the EU in the past 20 years, including 6 million jobs in the 10 new countries.

Riga, Latvia - 2004 ©Kaparkalējs
Riga, Latvia - 2004 ©Kaparkalējs

Enlargement has provided people and business with more opportunities and choices. This is the European economic success story.
From the Polish electronics business to the German car manufacturing sector, industry has grown due to the economies of scale offered by an enlarged single market. European industry has gained greater access to key inputs like critical raw materials. Companies can now easily source copper in Cyprus, cobalt in Czechia, rare earths in Lithuania and nickel in Slovakia.
And more opportunities for businesses mean better choice for consumers. Thanks to the different farming traditions, crops, and livestock of the 10 countries that joined, Europeans can now enjoy a wider range of high-quality foods, drinks, and agricultural products.

Valetta, Malta - 2003 ©Getty Images | GABRIEL BOUYS
Valetta, Malta - 2003 ©Getty Images | GABRIEL BOUYS

Over the past 20 years, our investments in highways, pipelines, public transport, connectivity, data centres and cross-border infrastructure have brought Europeans closer together and made the European Union a better place to live and work.
Today, we are taking things further with NextGenerationEU. Worth more than €800 billion, it is funding hundreds of projects that will deliver real results for citizens, from offshore wind farms to electric trains, from top-notch digital services to world-class medical centres.
Enlargement is also an investment in our security. EU countries are ramping up defence capabilities to keep Europeans safe and at peace.

Budapest, Hungary - 2004 ©Getty Images | ATTILA KISBENEDEK
Budapest, Hungary - 2004 ©Getty Images | ATTILA KISBENEDEK

In the past 20 years, the European Union has recorded numerous research breakthroughs and creative innovations – in disease prevention and cancer treatment, for instance.
Thanks to greater cooperation among European scientists and EU financial support, we are researching more and advancing further. We are now pooling our skills and resources to achieve scientific breakthroughs in disease prevention and cancer treatments, so that people have healthier and better lives.

Riga, Latvia - 2004 ©Kaparkalējs
Riga, Latvia - 2004 ©Kaparkalējs

We became a larger European family 20 years ago. When one of us is in need, the others come to the rescue. From floods to forest fires, from earthquakes to medical emergencies, EU countries have given vital assistance to each other when disasters strike.
Today we are more equipped than ever to support each other, anywhere. Since the first day of Russia's war of aggression, all 27 EU countries have stepped up to provide aid and shelter to the Ukrainian people.
This is European solidarity.

Prague, Czechia - 2003 ©Getty Images | MICHAL RUZICKA
Prague, Czechia - 2003 ©Getty Images | MICHAL RUZICKA

The pace of change across the European Union over the past two decades has been remarkable. It was not always easy. Despite some challenges, both in Europe and globally, enlargement has been one of our biggest success stories.
While the financial crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic, Russia’s aggression in Ukraine and most recently the situation in Gaza have at times tested our unity, together the EU has managed to work out a response - and to deliver.

Warsaw, Poland - 2004 ©Getty Images | Jean-Luc LUYSSEN
Warsaw, Poland - 2004 ©Getty Images | Jean-Luc LUYSSEN

From climate change to conflicts, we still need to address many global challenges. The EU’s ability to defend its interests in the world depends on the size of its voice.

Vilnius, Lithuania - 2003 ©Getty Images | PETRAS MALUKAS
Vilnius, Lithuania - 2003 ©Getty Images | PETRAS MALUKAS

"It was not just the birth of a larger Union; it was the birth of a new era. It was a night of promise, because Europe is a promise: the promise that all Europeans can be masters of their own destiny. The promise of freedom and stability, peace and prosperity. And in the twenty years that followed, this promise has been fulfilled."
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, 24 April 2024

Prague, Czechia - 2004 ©Getty Images | Sean Gallup
Prague, Czechia - 2004 ©Getty Images | Sean Gallup

The data used in the ’20 years together’ campaign are based on Eurostat statistics as well on other official information sources and subject to updates.
The surveys referred to are taken from the Eurobarometer.