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ERA Talent Platform
ERA Talent banner
ERA Talent Platform

The one-stop-shop gateway for researchers and innovators in Europe and beyond.


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A unique web portal offering tailored information, job opportunities, career development guidance, free tools and much more for researchers and research performing organisations in Europe and beyond.
HR Excellence in Research logo
HR Excellence in Research
The HR Excellence in Research award is granted to the institutions and funding organisations striving to align their human resources policies to the principles of the European Charter for Researchers.
RESAVER is a pan-European occupational pension solution designed for R&I organisations and their employees. It enables mobile workers to protect their pension rights while allowing organisations to manage and attract talent throughout Europe.
Research Career Observatory (ReICO) image
Research Career Observatory (ReICO)
ReICO is the main living information repository for monitoring trends in research and innovation talent development and in particular researchers’ careers, skills and working conditions.
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Innovation Talent Platform
An EU-wide matching tool to help businesses and entrepreneurs across Europe and beyond to find the talent they need or their way to the European market.
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ResearchComp is the European Competence Framework for Researchers. It supports the assessment and development by researchers of transversal skills that can offer them more career opportunities by fostering inter-sectoral mobility.
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RM Comp
RM Comp is the European Competence Framework for Research Managers. It identifies the essential skills required for effective research management, fosters career development opportunities, and enables organisations to align with European standards, promoting consistency across roles and institutions.


ERA talent
The Commission’s Communication on A New ERA for Research and Innovation emphasises the importance of fostering career development conditions to attract and retain researchers in Europe. This is vital in the global competition for talent and for the functioning of the European Research Area (ERA).

The ERA Talent Platform serves as a comprehensive online gateway for researchers and research and innovation institutions. It provides direct access to a range of services, including EURAXESS networks and portals, the HR Excellence in Research award, the RESAVER pension scheme, the Innovation Talent Platform and the Research and Innovation Careers Observatory.

To read more about The European Research Area platform and how it provides space for researchers, innovators, citizens, and policymakers to connect, collaborate, and access the latest information, data and resources, explore the ERA Policy Platform here.