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Please try again."); //__doPostBack('LBTNlogIn',''); } } else { //document.getElementById("chkloghometop").checked=true; __doPostBack('LBTNlogIn', ''); } } } else if (objID == "BTNlogInOnHP") { //Changed by Shyam 07-Feb-2014 //Revome Passowrd validation //if (document.getElementById("TBuserNameOnHP").value != "" & document.getElementById("TBpasswordOnHP").value != "") { // if (document.getElementById("TBuserNameOnHP").value.indexOf("@") == -1) { // var obj = emailidupd(document.getElementById("TBuserNameOnHP").value, document.getElementById("TBpasswordOnHP").value); if (document.getElementById("TBuserNameOnHP").value != "") { if (document.getElementById("TBuserNameOnHP").value.indexOf("@") == -1) { var obj = emailidupd(document.getElementById("TBuserNameOnHP").value); //alert(obj); if (obj != undefined && obj == true) { document.getElementById("TBuserNameOnHP").value = ''; document.getElementById("TBpasswordOnHP").value = ''; alert("Please use valid email address to login. Please try again."); //__doPostBack('LBTNlogInOnHP',''); } } else { //document.getElementById("chkloghome").checked=true; __doPostBack('LBTNlogInOnHP', ''); } } } else if (objID == "quickSearch") { var searchString = document.getElementById("TBsearchText").value; var obj = /^(\s*)([\W\w]*)(\b\s*$)/; if (obj.test(searchString)) { searchString = searchString.replace(obj, '$2'); } var obj = / +/g; searchString = searchString.replace(obj, " "); if (searchString == " ") { searchString = ""; } if (searchString != "") { window.navigate("?target=search&type=" + document.getElementById("DDLsearchCatagory").value + "&string=" + searchString); } } else if (objID == "BTNforUsersLogIn") { if (document.getElementById("TBforUsersUserName").value != "" & document.getElementById("TBforUsersPassword").value != "") { __doPostBack('LBTNforUsersLogIn', ''); } } else if (objID == "BTNfortocccancelUsersLogIn") { if (document.getElementById("TBforToccancelUsersUserName").value != "" & document.getElementById("TBforToccancelUsersPassword").value != "") { __doPostBack('LBTNfortoccancelUsersLogIn', ''); } } else if (objID == "BTNforAssociatesLogIn") { if (document.getElementById("TBforAssociatesUserName").value != "" & document.getElementById("TBforAssociatesPassword").value != "") { __doPostBack('LBTNforAssociatesLogIn', ''); } } else if (objID == "BTNforLibrariansLogIn") { if (document.getElementById("TBforLibrariansUserName").value != "" & document.getElementById("TBforLibrariansPassword").value != "") { __doPostBack('LBTNforLibrariansLogIn', ''); } } else if (objID == "BTNchangePasswordUpdatePassword") { if (document.getElementById("TBchangePasswordOldPassword").value != "" & document.getElementById("TBchangePasswordNewPassword").value != "" & document.getElementById("TBchangePasswordConfirmPassword").value != "") { __doPostBack('LBTNchangePasswordUpdatePassword', ''); } } } function GetDate(CtrlName) { /**************************************************** Use Javascript method (window.open) to PopUp a new window which contain a Calendar Control. In the meantime, we'll pass the Parent Form Name and Request Control Name in the QueryString! *****************************************************/ //use showModalDialog() ChildWindow = window.open('Calendar1.aspx?FormName=' + document.forms[0].name + '&CtrlName=' + CtrlName, "PopUpCalendar", "width=270,height=300,top=200,left=200,toolbars=no,scrollbars=no,status=no,resizable=no"); //ChildWindow.focus(); } // function GetemailidupdWindow() // { //use showModalDialog() // ChildWindow = window.showModalDialog('ijor.aspx?target=emailidupd', "Update Email ID", "dialogwidth=270,dialogheight=300,dialogtop=200,dialogleft=200,toolbars=no,scrollbars=no,status=no,resizable=no"); // ChildWindow.focus(); // } function sendMsg() { event.returnValue = "Logoff"; window.location.href = "http://deepak/ijor1/sessionout.aspx"; }
[ij] [ij] [ij] 
Email id

Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management
Year : 2017, Volume : 7, Issue : 8
First page : ( 298) Last page : ( 309)
Online ISSN : 2249-7307.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2249-7307.2017.00146.3

Green Marketing: A Study of Consumer Perception on using Eco-Friendly Products

Mokha Anupreet Kaur

Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi, Delhi, India, anupreetmokha.6@gmail.com

Online published on 21 August, 2017.


Green marketing refers to the marketing of products and services that are presumed to be environmentally safe. Green marketing is different from traditional marketing, as green marketing focuses on promoting environmental friendly products. It is also known as Environmental or Ecological marketing. These activities are rapidly growing across the globe and have an important role in creating awareness among the consumers regarding the eco-friendly products and their impact on the environment which helps the consumers in their buying decisions. This paper attempts to analyze the usage of eco-friendly products among customers with different age groups and educational qualifications. ANOVA and post hoc tests are applied for analyzing both the objectives. This paper finds that the young generations are more inclined towards the use of eco-friendly products as compared to the middle or senior age groups and also finds that there is a statistical difference between the educational qualifications of high school students and professional people. Therefore, more awareness towards eco-friendly products is need to be created across the various age groups and educational qualifications.



Green marketing, Eco-friendly products, ANOVA, post hoc analysis.


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