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Functional Plant Biology Functional Plant Biology Society
Plant function and evolutionary biology

Desiccation of leaves after de-submergence is one cause for intolerance to complete submergence of the rice cultivar IR 42

Timothy L. Setter A C D , Panatda Bhekasut B and Hank Greenway C
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A Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia, 3 Baron-Hay Court, South Perth, WA 6151, Australia.

B Deep Water Rice Research Station of the Department of Agriculture of Thailand, Prachinburi, Thailand.

C School of Plant Biology, Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, The University of Western Australia, 35 Stirling Highway, Crawley, WA 6009, Australia.

D Corresponding author. Email: tsetter@agric.wa.gov.au

Functional Plant Biology 37(11) 1096-1104 https://doi.org/10.1071/FP10025
Submitted: 6 February 2010  Accepted: 14 June 2010   Published: 22 October 2010


This paper presents evidence that severe water deficits, following de-submergence after flash flooding of rice, contribute to submergence intolerance of IR 42, a rice cultivar that rapidly elongates during submergence. In glasshouse experiments, 13-day-old rice seedlings were completely submerged for 3–5 days. The main experiments were with IR 42, a cultivar intolerant to transient complete submergence. During submergence the 3rd leaf expanded, and after 5 days submergence its sheath was 4-fold longer than in non-submerged seedlings. After de-submergence, this leaf rapidly desiccated, its water potential dropped below –2 MPa, while the stomatal conductance was very low. Excision experiments showed the water deficits after de-submergence were due mainly to a large reduction in the hydraulic conductivity in the leaf sheath. The water deficits are an important cause in the sequence of events rather than a mere result of injury: when plants were de-submerged at 100% rather than at 50% RH, water potentials remained high. However, when, after another 5 days, these plants were transferred to 50% RH, the 3rd leaf rapidly desiccated, indicating little repair of the lesion causing the low hydraulic conductivity.

Additional keywords: hydraulic conductivity, stomatal conductance, submergence, water potential.


For review of an advanced draft: John Boyer, Abdel Ismail and Tim Colmer. For stimulating comments: on xylem development in aquatic plants, Margaret McCully, on resistances to water flow, Mike Jackson; for obtaining leaf areas, Vangie Ella. AusAid for a PhD scholarship for Panadta Bhekasut.


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1 1Assessment of the amount of respiration which can be attained from non-soluble carbohydrates. For 1% non-structural carbohydrates on a DW basis: (1) 1% hexose units equals 55 μmol g–1 DW. (2) Taking a FW : DW ratio of 5.7 there would be 9.6 μmole hexose g–1 FW. (3) For rice coleoptiles the amount of ATP required for cell maintenance has been assessed at 3.8–5.0 μmol g–1 FW h–1 (Greenway and Gibbs 2003). (4) ATP production per μmole of glucose is between 24 and 32 μmol. Therefore, 1% of hexose would provide 45–80 h substrate for cell maintenance.