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Re: Finding my Blogging Voice

August 9th, 2024
· 3 min read ·
Writing Online

Hi Hidden Person,

I discovered your blogpost via a reply by Robert. It popped up in my RSS feed and sounded interesting. I read through his post and thought, “let’s check out this new blog, and who the person behind it is.”

You write about plenty of things that I also doubt myself on regularly when it comes to writing. Is my writing good enough? Am I making silly grammar mistakes? Is it too complicated or too mundane? Will anyone bother to even read this?

This is my first post and I don’t expect it to make a splash, but rather just a drop in the sea of writers online. My real goal with this post and others are to find my “blogging voice”, a version of myself who can write freely without worrying so much about the particulars.

Two things here: First, while a simple blog post might probably not make a splash in 99.9% of cases, you got at least two people reacting to it with their own blogpost. Inspiring only one person is already way more than the average writer achieves with his/her first post, let alone two. So kudos on that.

Secondly, in my opinion, this is undoubtedly the beauty of online writing. I’m still working on it as well, but I find that with every blog post I publish, no matter how big or small, it gets easier. I find my flow. My inner critic gets quieter. I just write1. And that’s just a wonderful feeling. I hope you’ll feel the same overtime.

Even though I don’t really know anything about you and your site currently has two posts, I immediately added it to my RSS reader. When reading just that one paragraph on your homepage, it just resonated with me. Because, from what I can tell, we’re in a pretty similar place in life: We’re both 23, we’re both interested in Computer Science (I’m going to uni this fall to study it as well, after having worked in the web industry for the past four years) and we’re both trying to express ourselves online, through the words we publish on our own page.

It feels great discovering someone like you. It’s rare to find someone in our generation who shares the same passion for creating and sharing things online just for the sake of it. Views, likes, or replies don’t matter. What matters are the real friends and connections we make along the way.

I found your site essentially through pure randomness: Hadn’t I subscribed to Robert’s blog, I wouldn’t have ever known about the existence of your blog. But still – I’m here and typing out these words. What are the chances?

I hope this post reaches you somehow as well. Maybe it will, maybe it won’t. It’ll be a surprise – for both of us.

Cheers ✌️


  1. You might want to check out this website: https://writinghabit.com/. It finally made sense to me that I don’t fear the act of writing itself, but the act of publishing said writing. Separating the two in the initial stage of writing is golden.

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    @tl Thanks Toni, we're really starting a blogger-inspires-another-blogger-chain over here

    Looking forward to your first post!

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    @dominik reader 1 - inspired ✅

    Your post resonated with me, as I’m in the process of writing my first blog post. Lots of doubts, but it’s just a process of finding your inner voice. Keep them coming Domi!

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