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Articles | Volume 13, issue 2
Research article
15 Feb 2013
Research article |  | 15 Feb 2013

Assessment of the warning system against floods on a rural area: the case of the lower Siret River (Romania)

F. Salit, L. Zaharia, and G. Beltrando

Abstract. The development of non-structural measures such as an early warning system, across the Europe, in flood risk management, requires a better understanding of the public involved and of the territory threatened. This paper aims to conduct an assessment of early warning and information to people with an analysis of the population's behaviour, presented in a form of an event tree. The objective is to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the warning system during a deadly flood in the lower Siret River (Romania) in 2005 and to demonstrate that each warning system has to be adapted to the territory in which it is effective. The behavioural model aims to determine to what extent the warning system can be improved but also to suggest ways to adapt risk education to the study area.
