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许恒周. 市场失灵与耕地非农化过程中耕地生态价值损失研究——以江苏省为例[J]. 中国生态农业学报(中英文), 2010, 18(6): 1366-1371. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1011.2010.01366
引用本文: 许恒周. 市场失灵与耕地非农化过程中耕地生态价值损失研究——以江苏省为例[J]. 中国生态农业学报(中英文), 2010, 18(6): 1366-1371. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1011.2010.01366
XU Heng-Zhou. Market failure and loss of ecosystem service value of farmland in the process of farmland conversion —A case study of Jiangsu Province[J]. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 2010, 18(6): 1366-1371. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1011.2010.01366
Citation: XU Heng-Zhou. Market failure and loss of ecosystem service value of farmland in the process of farmland conversion —A case study of Jiangsu Province[J]. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 2010, 18(6): 1366-1371. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1011.2010.01366


Market failure and loss of ecosystem service value of farmland in the process of farmland conversion —A case study of Jiangsu Province

  • 摘要: 在城市化进程中, 大量耕地资源被转化为城市建设用地, 但在此过程中, 耕地的正外部性在评价时却往往被忽略, 因而, 有必要对耕地的生态服务功能进行详尽的分类研究及价值估算。为此, 以江苏省为例, 在总结前人研究的基础上, 将耕地生态服务功能分为供给、调节、支持和文化4大类, 运用价值量评价法评估各生态服务价值, 并估算在非农化过程中损失的耕地资源生态服务价值。结果表明, 江苏省耕地生态价值为213 859.9元·hm-2, 1997~2004年期间, 因耕地非农化导致的耕地生态服务总价值损失量达3 370 404.85万元。同时, 由于各区域条件差异, 其耕地生态价值也具有一定的区域差异性,总体趋势为从苏南到苏北逐次递减。最后, 从实施生态补偿机制、重新认识耕地价值、规范政府行为和价值评估方法创新等方面提出了耕地保护和生态服务价值核算的相关建议。


    Abstract: In the process of urbanization, much farmland has been changed into urban construction land, however, the non-market value of farmland is always be neglected. It is necessary to classify and quantify the ecological value of farmland. Taking Jiangsu Province as example, this paper classified the ecosystem service of farmland into four categories such as supplying, regulation, sustaining and culture. The value-appraising method was used to estimate ecosystem service value, loss of ecological value of farmland during process of farmland conversion. The results show that farmland ecosystem service value in Jiangsu Province is 213 859.9 Yuan·hm-2, and its loss is 3 370 404.85 million Yuan from 1997 to 2004. Difference in environment and economy among different regions causes regional variation of farmland ecosystem service value in Jiangsu Province. The spacial distribution of farmland ecosystem service value characterizes reducing progressively from South Jiangsu to North Jiangsu. Finally, the paper suggests implementing ecological compensation mechanism, reconsidering farmland value, normalizing government behavior and innovation of appraising methods etc to protect farmland and properly estimate farmland ecological value.


