Advances in Photopletysmography Signal Analysis for Biomedical Applications
<p>Mortality rates by NTCD per 100,000 habitants, all ages, for region of WHO, 2012 [<a href="#B9-sensors-18-01894" class="html-bibr">9</a>].</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Comparative of 20 years (1997–2017) of PPG publications. Data were obtained from Web of Science <math display="inline"><semantics> <msup> <mrow/> <mrow> <mi>T</mi> <mi>M</mi> </mrow> </msup> </semantics></math> using “photoplethysmography” as topic (accessed on 20 February 2018).</p> "> Figure 3
<p>PPG signal analysis.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Different measurement points of PTT [<a href="#B45-sensors-18-01894" class="html-bibr">45</a>].</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Representation of the operation of photoplethysmography sensors for finger application, by transmission (<b>a</b>) and by reflection (<b>b</b>). Adapted from [<a href="#B58-sensors-18-01894" class="html-bibr">58</a>].</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Working principle of PPG sensors [<a href="#B19-sensors-18-01894" class="html-bibr">19</a>].</p> "> Figure 7
<p>PPG instrumentation.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Photoplethysmography
- Maximum first derivative: Equals the maximum positive pulse gradient, i.e., the maximum rate of upswing of the pulse wave signal corresponding to the peak velocity of the vessel wall. This is determined numerically from the maximum positive value of the first derivative of the pulse wave.
- Maximum second derivative: Equals the maximum positive rate of change of the gradient, i.e., the maximum acceleration of the vessel wall. This is determined from the calculation of the maximum positive value of the second derivative of the pulse wave.
PPG Sensor
3. Photoplethysmography Signal Processing and Analysis
3.1. Time Domain—Statistical Indicators
- SDNN—standard deviation of all intervals read in a time interval, expressed in ms;
- SDANN—standard deviation of the means of the intervals , every 5 min, in a time interval, expressed in ms;
- SDNNi—the mean of the standard deviation of the intervals every 5 min, expressed in ms;
- rMSSD—the square root of the square mean of the differences between adjacent intervals , in a time interval, expressed in ms; and
- pNN50—the percentage of the adjacent intervals with duration difference greater than 50 ms.
3.2. Time Domain–Geometric Indices
- Triangular index (RRtri);
- Triangular interpolation of RR intervals (TINN); and
- Plot of Poincaré.
- Figure similar to a comet, in which an increase in the scattering of the beat-to-beat intervals is analyzed, characteristic of a normal plot;
- Figure similar to a torpedo, with slight global beat-to-beat scattering (SD1) and without increasing the scattering of long-term beat-to-beat intervals; and
- Parabolic or complex figure, in which two or more distinct ends are separated from the main body of the plot, with at least three points included in each end.
3.3. Frequency Domain
- High frequency (HF) (0.15 to 0.40 Hz), modulated by the parasympathetic nervous system and generated by breathing;
- Low frequency (LF) (0.04 to 0.15 Hz); and
- Very low frequency (VLF) (0.01 to 0.04 Hz), modulated by both the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system.
- (1)
- The HF component corresponds to the respiratory rhythm and is a vagal modulation marker.
- (2)
- The LF component indicates the sympathetic activities.
- (3)
- The reciprocal relationship between the two characterizes the simpato-vagal balance.
3.4. Nonlinear Methods
4. Instrumentation
5. Related Work and Clinical Applicability
6. Discussion and Open Issues
7. Learned Lessons
8. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Method | Domain | Evaluated Indices |
Linear | Time domain | Statistical indices: SDNN, SDANN, |
SDNN, rMSSD, pNN50. | ||
Linear | Time domain | Geometric indices: RRtri, TINN and |
plot of Poincaré. | ||
Linear | Frequency domain | HF, LF and VLF. |
Nonlinear | - | Correlation function, hurst exponent, |
fractal dimension and the | ||
Lyapunovexponent. |
Reference | Year | Disease | Evaluated Indices | Results |
[70] | 2013 | Pneumonia | HRV and PPG signal | Mean squared error of 3.0 breathing/minute. |
[108] | 2005 | Peripheral arterial occlusive disease of the lower limbs (PAOD) | PPG signal | 90% of accuracy and 100% of sensitivity. |
[109] | 2011 | Obesity | HF, LF and VLF | Low levels of excess fat in eutrophic young increase cardiovascular risk. |
[110] | 2012 | Respiratory sleeping disorders in patients with severe cardiovascular disease | PPG, EEG, ECG and EMG | Sensitivity of 98%, and specificity of 96%. |
[111] | 2011 | Chronic heart failure (CHF) | Frequency and time domain | 89.74% sensitivity and 100% of specificity. |
[112] | 2002 | Coronary heart disease | SDNN, HF | HRV can be used for identifying differences in the cardiac autonomic balance of healthy adults. |
[113] | 2015 | Childhood pneumonia | Respiratory rate, HRV and SPO2 | 96.6% of sensitivity, 96.4% of specificity. |
[106] | 2007 | Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) | SDNN, RMSSD, HF, LF | Reduced HRV with decreased sympathetic and vagal activity. |
[114] | 2011 | Respiratory sinus arrhythmia | HF | Mean error in RR detection of 0.05 to 4.23 breathing/minute for PPG and 1.59 to 3.70 breathing/minute for ECG. |
[115] | 2008 | Renal insufficiency | SDNN, LF | Chronic renal patients not undergoing dialysis have reduced HRV. |
[116] | 2015 | Cardiovascular risk (CR) | Pulse, SpO2 and PPG signal | Technical error of 0.8% and 1.0%. |
[2] | 2011 | Peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAOD) | Time domain | The PPG signal amplitude and distortion increases with disease severity. |
Reference | Year | Technique | Proposal |
[105] | 2012 | ECG | Application to assist in remote |
monitoring of cardiac patients. | |||
[117] | 2010 | ECG e PPG | Device for measuring the level |
of stress of an individual. | |||
[11] | 2006 | PPG | Low-cost prototype for blood |
pressure measurement. | |||
[119] | 2012 | PPG | A new prototype fiber–optic |
probe was developed for | |||
investigating PPG signals | |||
from various splanchnic organs. | |||
[25] | 2016 | PPG | Measurement of HRV through |
hand image. | |||
[64] | 2012 | PPG | Wireless system for monitoring |
and training cyclists. | |||
[70] | 2013 | PPG | Portable oximeter to aid in the |
diagnosis of childhood pneumonia. | |||
[27] | 2016 | PPG | Measurement of HRV by |
facial detection. | |||
[71] | 2014 | PPG | Obtainment of HRV in beef cattle. |
[118] | 2008 | PPG | Oxygen saturation and heart rate |
monitoring system for rodents. |
© 2018 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
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Moraes, J.L.; Rocha, M.X.; Vasconcelos, G.G.; Vasconcelos Filho, J.E.; De Albuquerque, V.H.C.; Alexandria, A.R. Advances in Photopletysmography Signal Analysis for Biomedical Applications. Sensors 2018, 18, 1894.
Moraes JL, Rocha MX, Vasconcelos GG, Vasconcelos Filho JE, De Albuquerque VHC, Alexandria AR. Advances in Photopletysmography Signal Analysis for Biomedical Applications. Sensors. 2018; 18(6):1894.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMoraes, Jermana L., Matheus X. Rocha, Glauber G. Vasconcelos, José E. Vasconcelos Filho, Victor Hugo C. De Albuquerque, and Auzuir R. Alexandria. 2018. "Advances in Photopletysmography Signal Analysis for Biomedical Applications" Sensors 18, no. 6: 1894.
APA StyleMoraes, J. L., Rocha, M. X., Vasconcelos, G. G., Vasconcelos Filho, J. E., De Albuquerque, V. H. C., & Alexandria, A. R. (2018). Advances in Photopletysmography Signal Analysis for Biomedical Applications. Sensors, 18(6), 1894.