Albumentations: Fast and Flexible Image Augmentations
<p>Exemplar applications of image transformations available in Albumentations.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Grid distortion and elastic transform applied to a medical image.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>An example of geometry-preserving transforms applied to satellite images (<b>top row</b>) and ground truth binary masks (<b>bottom row</b>) from the Inria Aerial Image Labeling dataset [<a href="#B62-information-11-00125" class="html-bibr">62</a>].</p> "> Figure 4
<p>An example of applying a combination of transformations available in Albumentations to the original image, bounding boxes, and ground truth masks for instance segmentation.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>An example of applying a custom augmentation using <tt>A.lambda</tt> operator to an image (<b>left</b>) and a corresponding segmentation mask (<b>right</b>).</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Community-developed tools to visualize the results of image transforms implemented in Albumentations: (<b>left</b>) visualization of a single transform with the ability for parameter tuning [<a href="#B71-information-11-00125" class="html-bibr">71</a>]; and (<b>right</b>) visualization of a chained number of transforms [<a href="#B72-information-11-00125" class="html-bibr">72</a>].</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Library adoption shown as: (<b>left</b>) the number of stars in the Albumentations GitHub repository over time; and (<b>right</b>) the number of daily installations of the library using PyPI: <span class="html-italic">pip install albumentations</span>.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Background
2.1. Approaches to Image Augmentations
2.2. Performance Considerations
2.3. Augmentations of Complex Targets
3. Design Principles
3.1. Performance
3.2. Variety
3.3. Conciseness
3.4. Flexibility
3.5. High Open Source Development Standards
4. Key Features
4.1. Declarative Definition of Parameters
- import albumentations as A
- aug = A.RandomSizedCrop(min_max_height=(128, 256),
- height=224, width=224, p=0.3)
- image = cv2.imread("test.png")
- augmented_dict = aug(image=image)
- image_out = augmented_dict["image"]
4.2. Composition
- transform = A.Compose([
- A.OneOf([
- A.ShiftScaleRotate(..., p=0.5),
- A.ElasticTransform(..., p=0.5),
- A.OpticalDistortion(..., p=0.5),
- A.GridDistortion(..., p=0.5),
- A.NoOp()
- ]),
- A.RandomSizedCrop(..., p=0.3),
- A.ISONoise(p=0.5),
- A.OneOf([
- A.RandomBrightnessContrast(..., p=0.5),
- A.RandomGamma(..., p=0.5),
- A.NoOp()
- ]),
- A.OneOf([
- A.FancyPCA(..., p=0.5),
- A.RGBShift(..., p=0.5),
- A.HueSaturationValue(..., p=0.5),
- A.ToGray(p=0.2),
- A.NoOp()
- ]),
- A.ChannelDropout(p=0.5),
- A.RandomGridShuffle(p=0.3),
- A.RandomRotate90(p=0.5),
- A.Transpose(p=0.5)
- ])
4.3. Complex Target Support
4.3.1. Image and Mask Target Support
4.3.2. Bounding Box Support
- transform = A.Compose([...],
- bbox_params=A.BboxParams(format="coco", ...))
- ...
- data = transform(image=original_image,
- bboxes=original_bboxes, labels=original_labels)
4.3.3. Keypoint Support
- aug = A.Compose(
- [A.ShiftScaleRotate(..., always_apply=True)],
- keypoint_params=A.KeypointParams(format="xyas"))
- ...
- aug(image=original_image, keypoints = [[10,20,45,20], [30,40,70,30]])
4.3.4. Multiple Targets
4.4. Data-Dependent Augmentations
4.5. Serialization and Replay Mode
- transform = A.Compose([
- A.RandomCrop(...),
- A.OneOf([
- A.RGBShift(),
- A.HueSaturationValue()
- ]),
- ])
-, ’/tmp/transform.json’)
- loaded_transform = A.load(’/tmp/transform.json’)
4.6. Custom Augmentations
- def custom_aug_img(image, **kwargs):
- image_orig = image.copy()
- cv2.putText(image, "A", ...)
-, ...)
- return cv2.addWeighted(image_orig, 0.5, image, 0.5, 0)
- def custom_aug_mask(mask, **kwargs):
- cv2.putText(mask, "A", ...)
-, ...)
- return mask
- custom_aug = A.Lambda(image=custom_aug_img, mask=custom_aug_mask)]
4.7. Performance
5. Evaluation
5.1. Benchmarks
5.2. Ablation Study
- No augmentations: After cropping and tile, no changes to the image were made.
- Light augmentations: Random horizontal flips, change of brightness, contrast, color, and random affine and perspective changes.
- Medium augmentations, an extended set of augmentations in addition to the Light scenario: Gaussian blur, sharpening, coarse dropout, removal of some buildings, and randomly generated fog.
- Hard augmentations, extending the Medium set with: Random rotation by 90 degrees, image grid shuffle, elastic transformations, gamma adjustments, and contrast-limited adaptive histogram equalization.
5.3. Visualization
5.4. Adoption
6. Discussion and Future Work
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
API | Application Programming Interface |
CPU | Central Processing Unit |
GPU | Graphics Processing Unit |
IoU | Intersection over Union |
JSON | JavaScript Object Notation |
LUT | Look-Up Table |
PCA | Principal Component Analysis |
PyPI | Python Package Index |
RGB(A) | Red, Green, and Blue (Alpha) |
SIMD | Single Instruction, Multiple Data |
YAML | YAML Ain’t Markup Language |
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A 0.4.2 | Imgaug 0.3.0 | Torchvision 0.4.1 | Keras 2.3.1 | Augmentor 0.2.6 | Solt 0.1.8 | |
HorizontalFlip | 2183 | 1403 | 1757 | 1068 | 1779 | 1031 |
VerticalFlip | 4217 | 2334 | 1538 | 4196 | 1541 | 3820 |
Rotate | 456 | 368 | 163 | 32 | 60 | 116 |
ShiftScaleRotate | 800 | 549 | 146 | 34 | - | - |
Brightness | 2209 | 1288 | 405 | 211 | 403 | 2070 |
Contrast | 2215 | 1387 | 338 | - | 337 | 2073 |
BrightnessContrast | 2208 | 740 | 193 | - | 193 | 1060 |
ShiftRGB | 2214 | 1303 | - | 407 | - | - |
ShiftHSV | 468 | 443 | 61 | - | - | 144 |
Gamma | 2281 | - | 730 | - | - | 925 |
Grayscale | 5019 | 436 | 788 | - | 1451 | 4191 |
RandomCrop64 | 173,877 | 3340 | 43,792 | - | 36,869 | 36,178 |
PadToSize512 | 2906 | - | 553 | - | - | 2711 |
Resize512 | 663 | 506 | 968 | - | 954 | 673 |
RandomSizedCrop64_512 | 2565 | 933 | 1395 | - | 1353 | 2360 |
Equalize | 759 | 457 | - | - | 684 | - |
Augmentations | Train IoU | Valid IoU | Best Epoch | Data Time (sec/batch) | Model Time (sec/batch) |
None | 84.67 | 73.89 | 45/100 | 0.09 | 0.6 |
Light | 84.84 | 77.50 | 90/100 | 0.09 | 0.6 |
Medium | 83.52 | 76.94 | 96/100 | 0.11 | 0.6 |
Heavy | 79.78 | 78.34 | 95/100 | 0.13 | 0.6 |
© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
Share and Cite
Buslaev, A.; Iglovikov, V.I.; Khvedchenya, E.; Parinov, A.; Druzhinin, M.; Kalinin, A.A. Albumentations: Fast and Flexible Image Augmentations. Information 2020, 11, 125.
Buslaev A, Iglovikov VI, Khvedchenya E, Parinov A, Druzhinin M, Kalinin AA. Albumentations: Fast and Flexible Image Augmentations. Information. 2020; 11(2):125.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBuslaev, Alexander, Vladimir I. Iglovikov, Eugene Khvedchenya, Alex Parinov, Mikhail Druzhinin, and Alexandr A. Kalinin. 2020. "Albumentations: Fast and Flexible Image Augmentations" Information 11, no. 2: 125.
APA StyleBuslaev, A., Iglovikov, V. I., Khvedchenya, E., Parinov, A., Druzhinin, M., & Kalinin, A. A. (2020). Albumentations: Fast and Flexible Image Augmentations. Information, 11(2), 125.