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RETRACTED: Genetic Susceptibility Model of Parkinson’s Disease Resulting from Exposure of DJ-1 Deficient Mice to MPTP: Evaluation of Neuroprotection by Ubisol-Q10


IOS Press and the Editors were contacted by Pubpeer of suspected image manipulation of Figure 1, where a western blot image is turned and repeated (https://pubpeer.com/publications/6DCC9037670DD855DE16341C5842A3#1). After detailed considerations including discussion with the author, reviewers and editorial office, in the end the editorial office decided the scientific integrity could not be guaranteed. In this light the journal cannot condone publication of this paper and has decided to retract it from its online catalogue. The author states: “It was an error and an oversight on my behalf. We stand by all the corrected data, and we have all the slides, we confirmed similar findings in other models. This project was approved from our Animal Care Committee.”