Keith Houston, Arne Sieber, Clemens Eder, Orazio Vittorio, Arianna Menciassi, and Paolo Dario
Haptic, teleoperation, micro-manipulation, micro-gripper, force feedback
In this paper a modular telemanipulation station for micro-manipulation processes is presented. The master device consists of a
MICROSCRIBETM 3D digitizer and a novel haptic tweezers device
which enables the user to make grasping and probing inputs while
at the same time feeding back the grasping force to the user thus
allowing the user to feel the grasping force at the fingertips. The
slave is a micro-manipulator which is free to move in three degrees of
freedom (DOF), controlled by the movements of the haptic master
device. On this slave micro-manipulator many types of sensorized
micro-tools can be mounted such as three DOF force sensors and
force sensorized microgrippers. The modularity of the system allows
different types of micro-tools to be mounted and connected to the
system electronics with ease, while the visual user interface (developed with National Instruments LABVIEWTM) allows the user to
modify or change the sensorized tools and also modify user variables
in real-time. The haptic input device design, micro-tool specifications and the electronic control software/hardware will be presented,
and preliminary results of micro-manipulation of micro-particles and
biological cells as well as force control experiments with the haptic
system will be detailed.
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