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PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 395 - 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2021) - NU - Neutrinos & Muons
Development of the Double Cascade Reconstruction Techniques in the Baikal-GVD Neutrino Telescope
E. Eckerová*, V.A. Allakhverdyan, А.D. Avrorin, A.V. Avrorin, V.M. Aynutdinov, R. Bannasch, Z. Bardačová, I.A. Belolaptikov, I.V. Borina, V. Brudanin, N.M. Budnev, V.Y. Dik, G.V. Domogatsky, A.A. Doroshenko, R. Dvornicky, A.N. Dyachok, Z.A.M. Dzhilkibaev, T.V. Elzhov, L. Fajt, S.V. Fialkovsky, A.R. Gafarov, K.V. Golubkov, N.S. Gorshkov, T.I. Gress, M.S. Katulin, K.G. Kebkal, O.G. Kebkal, E.V. Khramov, M.M. Kolbin, K.V. Konischev, K.A. Kopański, A.V. Korobchenko, A.P. Koshechkin, V.A. Kozhin, M.V. Kruglov, M.K. Kryukov, V.F. Kulepov, P. Malecki, Y.M. Malyshkin, M.B. Milenin, R.R. Mirgazov, D.V. Naumov, V. Nazari, W. Noga, D.P. Petukhov, E.N. Pliskovsky, M.I. Rozanov, V.D. Rushay, E.V. Ryabov, G.B. Safronov, B.A. Shaybonov, M.D. Shelepov, F. Šimkovic, A.E. Sirenko, A.V. Skurikhin, A.G. Solovjev, M.N. Sorokovikov, I. Štekl, A.P. Stromakov, E.O. Sushenok, O.V. Suvorova, V.A. Tabolenko, B. Tarashansky, Y.V. Yablokova, S. Yakovlev and D.N. Zaborovet al. (click to show)
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Pre-published on: August 01, 2021
Published on: March 18, 2022
The Baikal-GVD is a neutrino telescope under construction in Lake Baikal. The main goal of the Baikal-GVD is to observe neutrinos via detecting the Cherenkov radiation of the secondary charged particles originating in the interactions of neutrinos. In 2021, the installation works concluded with 2304 optical modules installed in the lake resulting in effective volume $\sim$ 0.4 km$^{3}$. In this paper, the first steps in the development of double cascade reconstruction techniques are presented.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.395.1167
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