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PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 395 - 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2021) - NU - Neutrinos & Muons
Positioning system for Baikal-GVD
A. Avrorin*, V. A.Allakhverdyan, А. D.Avrorin, A. V.Avrorin, V. M.Aynutdinov, R. Bannasch, Z. Bardаčová, I. A.Belolaptikov, I. V.Borina, V. B.Brudanin, N. M.Budnev, V. Y.Dik, G. V.Domogatsky, A. A.Doroshenko, R. Dvornicky, A. N.Dyachok, Z. -A.M.Dzhilkibaev, E. Eckerová, T. V.Elzhov, L. Fajt, S. V.Fialkovsky, A. R.Gafarov, K. V.Golubkov, N. S.Gorshkov, T. I.Gress, M. S.Katulin, K. G.Kebkal, O. G.Kebkal, E. V.Khramov, M. M.Kolbin, K. V.Konischev, K. A.Kopański, A. V.Korobchenko, A. P.Koshechkin, V. A.Kozhin, M. V.Kruglov, M. K.Kryukov, V. F.Kulepov, P. Malecki, Y. M.Malyshkin, M. B.Milenin, R. R.Mirgazov, D. V.Naumov, V. Nazari, W. Noga, E. N.Pliskovsky, M. I.Rozanov, V. D.Rushay, E. V.Ryabov, G. B.Safronov, B. A.Shaybonov, M. D.Shelepov, F. Šimkovic, A. E.Sirenko, A. V.Skurikhin, A. G.Solovjev, M. N.Sorokovikov, I. Štekl, A. P.Stromakov, E. O.Sushenok, O. V.Suvorova, V. A.Tabolenko, B. A.Tarashansky, Y. V.Yablokova, S. А.Yakovlev and D. N.Zaborovet al. (click to show)
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Pre-published on: July 31, 2021
Published on: March 18, 2022
Baikal-GVD is a kilometer scale neutrino telescope currently under construction in Lake Baikal.
Due to water currents in Lake Baikal, individual photomultiplier housings are mobile and can drift away from their initial position.
In order to accurately determine the coordinates of the photomultipliers, the telescope is equipped with an acoustic positioning system.
The system consists of a network of acoustic modems, installed along the telescope strings and uses acoustic trilateration to determine the coordinates of individual modems.
This contribution discusses the current state of the positioning in Baikal-GVD, including the recent upgrade to the acoustic modem polling algorithm.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.395.1083
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