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Vol. 45, No. 1, 1973

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Multipliers of type (p, p) and multipliers of the group Lp-algebras

Kelly Denis McKennon

Vol. 45 (1973), No. 1, 297–302

Let G be a locally compact group with left Haar measure λ and suppose 1 p < . The purpose of this paper is to exhibit an isometric isomorphism ω of the Banach algebra Mp of all right multipliers on Lp = Lp(G,λ) into the normed algebra mp of all right multipliers on the group Lp-algebra Lpt. When G is either commutative or compact, ω is surjective.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 43A22
Received: 15 November 1971
Published: 1 March 1973
Kelly Denis McKennon