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JRM Vol.32 No.1 pp. 254-263
doi: 10.20965/jrm.2020.p0254


Mobile Robot Utilizing Arm Rotations – Performance of Mobile Robot Under a Gravity Environment –

Ryota Hayashi*, Yasuyuki Setoyama**, Tetsuya Kinugasa*, and Koji Yoshida*

*Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering, Okayama University of Science
1-1 Ridai-cho, Kita-ku, Okayama 700-0005, Japan

**Department of Electronic Control Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Kagoshima College
1460-1 Shinko, Hayato-cho, Kirishima 899-5193, Japan

May 20, 2019
December 4, 2019
February 20, 2020
mobile robot, arm rotation, hopping, a gravity environment, collision impact

In this research, we have considered a mobile robot that can start to move by utilizing rotations of the two arms. This robot consists of two rotating arms and a body. Additionally, it has a device that can fix the body to a platform constructed on a certain wall or floor. In our previous study, we investigated the performance of a robot that could move in a planar space without friction or gravity through several numerical simulations. In this study, we investigate the performance of the mobile robot under a gravity environment. While the body is fixed to a starting platform, the mobile robot can store kinetic energy by rotating its arms. When the body is released from the starting platform, the mobile robot hops to the subsequent platform. We consider a scheme to control the hopping direction of the mobile robot and a scheme to reduce the collision impact against the subsequent platform. Thereafter, we verify the feasibility of the proposed schemes through numerical simulations.

Hopping of the robot using arm rotations

Hopping of the robot using arm rotations

Cite this article as:
R. Hayashi, Y. Setoyama, T. Kinugasa, and K. Yoshida, “Mobile Robot Utilizing Arm Rotations – Performance of Mobile Robot Under a Gravity Environment –,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.32 No.1, pp. 254-263, 2020.
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