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IJAT Vol.17 No.5 pp. 449-457
doi: 10.20965/ijat.2023.p0449

Research Paper:

Anomalous Change Detection in Drilling Process Using Variational Autoencoder with Temperature Near Drill Edge

Haruhiko Suwa*,†, Kazuya Oda**, and Koji Murakami***

*Department of Mechanical Engineering, Setsunan University
17-8 Ikedanaka-machi, Neyagawa, Osaka 572-8508, Japan

Corresponding author

**Division of Industrial Development Engineering, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Setsunan University
Neyagawa, Japan

***Yamamoto Metal Technos Co., Ltd.
Osaka, Japan

February 9, 2023
June 19, 2023
September 5, 2023
anomalous change detection, drilling process, machine learning, variational autoencoder, temperature near drill edge

The different flexibility and diversity requirements for respective manufacturing units have made modern cutting tool management much more crucial and complicated, as a greater variety of tools and more frequent tool changes are required to enhance production efficiency and avoid unplanned manufacturing downtime. Developing in-process anomalous change detection methods has been identified as an essential challenge. Machine learning techniques have been widely applied in tool condition monitoring and anomalous change detection. As anomaly data is rare in manufacturing processes, supervised machine learning approaches (such as regression and classification) are not applied to the anomalous change detection problem. Rather, self-supervised machine learning (a representative type of unsupervised machine learning) is applied. This study describes a variational autoencoder (VAE) neural network and proposes a VAE-based method for tool condition monitoring and change detection in a drilling process using the temperature near a drill edge. The proposed VAE evaluates the drill tool condition based on the reconstruction error between the input temperature and its estimate per a drill unit process through the trained network. Computational simulations demonstrate that the proposed VAE network model can avoid overfitting to the anomaly data and that its expressive power is greater than that of the conventional autoencoder model.

Cite this article as:
H. Suwa, K. Oda, and K. Murakami, “Anomalous Change Detection in Drilling Process Using Variational Autoencoder with Temperature Near Drill Edge,” Int. J. Automation Technol., Vol.17 No.5, pp. 449-457, 2023.
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