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IJAT Vol.11 No.1 pp. 104-111
doi: 10.20965/ijat.2017.p0104


Effects and Application of Current Feedback in Servo System with Current Limiter

Masatoshi Hikizu, Hiroaki Seki, and Yoshitsugu Kamiya

Kanazawa University
Kakuma-machi, Kanazawa, Ishikawa 920-1192, Japan

Corresponding author

April 8, 2016
November 24, 2016
January 5, 2017
current feedback, saturation element, servo driver
A manufactured servo system has both current feedback and saturation elements in the servo driver (amplifier). The current feedback is thought to be effective only in reducing the electric time constant of the motor. However, the effects of current feedback are not only the reduction of electric time constant. In this study, the effect of current feedback is clarified by comparing it to a velocity control system without current feedback. In particular, the contribution of the current feedback to saturation elements in servo drivers is clarified. As a result, the influence of the saturation of the operation amount existing in servo drivers cannot be clarified easily, showing that the current feedback is indispensable in motor control by suppressing the flow of over-current to the motor. This demonstrates the possibility of force control that is compatible with trajectory control of a load by exploiting the characteristic of saturation of operation amount.
Cite this article as:
M. Hikizu, H. Seki, and Y. Kamiya, “Effects and Application of Current Feedback in Servo System with Current Limiter,” Int. J. Automation Technol., Vol.11 No.1, pp. 104-111, 2017.
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