Digital Sustainability in Information Systems Research: Conceptual Foundations and Future Directions
In this editorial, we develop the concept of digital sustainability for the IS community. By systematically reviewing the Green IT and Green IS literatures, we show that the IS field has lagged behind current discourse in practice and therefore lacks the conceptualization of the relationships between digital technologies and sustainability. Digital sustainability is defined in this editorial as the development and deployment of digital resources and artifacts toward improving the environment, society, and economic welfare. We hope that this editorial motivates IS researchers to engage in digital sustainability as an emerging research area.
Recommended Citation
Kotlarsky, Julia; Oshri, Ilan; and Sekulic, Nevena
"Digital Sustainability in Information Systems Research: Conceptual Foundations and Future Directions,"
Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 24(4), 936-952.
DOI: 10.17705/1jais.00825
Available at:
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