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IEICE Transactions on Communications
Online ISSN : 1745-1345
Print ISSN : 0916-8516
Special Section on Emerging Technologies and Applications for Ad Hoc and Wireless Mesh Networks
RING: A Cross-Layer P2P Group Conferencing Mechanism over Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
Jun-Li KUOChen-Hua SHIHCheng-Yuan HOMing-Ching WANGYaw-Chung CHEN
Author information

2012 Volume E95.B Issue 9 Pages 2759-2768

In the infrastructure-less disaster environment, the application of the peer-to-peer (P2P) group conference over mobile ad hoc network (MANET) can be used to communicate with each other when the rescue crews search the survivors but work separately. However, there still are several problems of in-time multimedia delivery in P2P-MANET: (1) MANET mobility influences the maintenance of P2P overlay. (2) P2P overlay is not proximal to MANET topology, this leads to the inefficient streaming delivery. (3) The unreliable wireless connection leads to the difficulty of multi-source P2P group conferencing. Therefore, P2P conferencing cannot work well on MANET. To overcome the above disadvantages, in this paper, we present a cross-layer P2P group conferencing mechanism over MANET, called RING (Real-time Intercommunication Network Gossip). The RING uses the ring overlay to manage peers and utilizes the cross-layer mechanism to force the ring overlay to be proximal to MANET topology. Therefore, RING can lead efficient in-time multimedia streaming delivery. On the other hand, the ring overlay can deal with peer joining/leaving fast and simply, and improves the delivery efficiency with the minimum signaling overhead. Through mathematical theory and a series of experiments, we demonstrate that RING is workable and it can shorten the source-to-end delay with minimal signaling overhead.
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© 2012 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
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