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QoT estimation using EGN-assisted machine learning for multi-period network planning

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The rapidly growing traffic demands in fiber-optical networks require flexibility and accuracy in configuring lightpaths, for which fast and accurate quality of transmission (QoT) estimation is of pivotal importance. This paper introduces a machine learning (ML)-based QoT estimation approach that meets these requirements. The proposed gradient-boosting ML model uses precomputed per-channel self-channel-interference values as representative and condensed features to estimate non-linear interference in a flexible-grid network. With an enhanced Gaussian noise (GN) model simulation as the baseline, the ML model achieves a mean absolute signal-to-noise ratio error of approximately 0.1 dB, which is an improvement over the GN model. For three different network topologies and network planning approaches of varying complexities, a multi-period network planning study is performed in which ML and GN are compared as path computation elements (PCEs). The results show that the ML PCE is capable of matching or slightly improving the performance of the GN PCE on all topologies while reducing significantly the computation time of network planning by up to 70%.

© 2022 Optica Publishing Group

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