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Information and Media Technologies
Online ISSN : 1881-0896
ISSN-L : 1881-0896
Media (processing) and Interaction
Named Entity Recognition from Speech Using Discriminative Models and Speech Recognition Confidence
Katsuhito SudohHajime TsukadaHideki Isozaki
Author information

2009 Volume 4 Issue 2 Pages 475-484

This paper proposes a discriminative named entity recognition (NER) method from automatic speech recognition (ASR) results. The proposed method uses the confidence of the ASR result as a feature that represents whether each word has been correctly recognized. Consequently, it provides robust NER for the noisy input caused by ASR errors. The NER model is trained using ASR results and reference transcriptions with named entity (NE) annotation. Experimental results using support vector machines (SVMs) and speech data from Japanese newspaper articles show that the proposed method outperformed a simple application of text-based NER to the ASR results, especially in terms of improving precision.
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© 2009 by Information Processing Society of Japan
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