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Electronic transport in reactively sputtered Mn3GaN films prepared under optimized nitrogen flow

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Published 29 August 2024 © 2024 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd
, , Citation Christoph Sürgers et al 2024 J. Phys. Mater. 7 045004 DOI 10.1088/2515-7639/ad71f5



Mn-based nitrides with antiperovskite structures have several properties that can be utilized for antiferromagnetic spintronics. Their magnetic properties depend on the structural quality, composition and doping of the cubic antiperovskite structure. Such nitride thin films are usually produced by reactive physical vapor deposition, where the deposition rate of N can only be controlled by the N2 gas flow. We show that the tuning of the N content can be optimized using low temperature resistivity measurements, which serve as an indicator of the degree of structural disorder. Several Mn3GaNx films were prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering under different N2 gas flows. Under optimized gas flow conditions, we obtain films that exhibit a metal-like temperature dependence of the resistivity, a vanishing logarithmic increase of the resistivity towards zero, the highest resistivity ratio, and a lattice contraction of 0.4% along the growth direction when heated above the Néel temperature $T_\textrm{N}$. The retarded formation of an additional magnetic phase appearing at a temperature $T^{\ast} \ll T_\textrm{N}$ gives rise to a large thermal hysteresis of the resistivity and anomalous Hall effect.

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1. Introduction

Intermetallic compounds with antiperovskite structures provide several interesting physical and chemical properties that can be exploited for technical purposes such as advanced batteries, magnetoresistance, adjustable thermal expansion behavior, and luminescence [1, 2]. In particular, Mn-based antiperovskites Mn3AX (A = Co, Ni, Zn, Ga, Ge, Ag, Zn; X = N,C) are multifunctional materials with strong magnetostructural and magnetoelastic coupling that give rise to considerable magnetovolume effects, piezomagnetism, enhanced barocaloric response, and giant magnetostriction [1, 37]. In Mn3AX, the Mn atoms in the (111) planes of the cubic structure are arranged in a kagome lattice with antiferromagnetically coupled magnetic moments. The geometrical frustration between the moments leads to coplanar but noncollinear $\Gamma^{4g}$ or $\Gamma^{5g}$ magnetic structures with very low magnetization [2, 810]. Noncollinear antiferromagnetic order is often the origin of important magnetic properties like the anomalous Hall effect (AHE), spin Hall effect, and spin torque switching that can be utilized in future antiferromagnetic spintronic devices [1113]. The magnetic configuration strongly affects the AHE, where $\Gamma^{4g}$ and $\Gamma^{5g}$ have a finite or zero AHE, respectively [14]. These magnetic antiperovskites are often susceptible to biaxial strain and tetragonal distortions which can lead to the appearance or enhancement of a AHE [15].

However, small variations in stoichiometry can lead to substantial changes of the structural and magnetic properties [1619]. N deficiency often leads to an increase of the Néel temperature $T_\textrm{N}$ and a broadening of the phase transition observed in the thermal expansion [16, 20]. Usually, structural analysis by x-ray or neutron diffraction is used for tuning and optimizing the alloy composition to obtain the structural or magnetic properties. Recently, detailed structural analysis demonstrated that the displacement of Mn atoms lowers the symmetry of the system, thereby allowing the generation of a nonzero AHE, which would otherwise cancel out in a perfect crystal by spin rotation of different antiferromagnetic domains [21].

While much work has been done on bulk compounds obtained by solid-state reactions at high temperatures, the synthesis of films with reasonable structural order is challenging, particularly when performed in a reactive environment necessary for the preparation of nitride films. In this respect, electrical resistance is a physical property that is easy to measure, albeit often difficult to interpret, and sensitive to the effects of disorder and structural and magnetic phase transitions. It provides a method to optimize the N content to obtain the desired film composition. In this work we have investigated Mn3GaNx films obtained by reactive magnetron sputtering in Ar atmosphere under different N2 flows Φ. Mn3GaN is an noncollinear antiferromagnet with $T_\textrm{N}$ between 280 and 380 K [10, 17, 20, 22]. $T_\textrm{N}$ = 300 K observed for bulk Mn3GaN is shifted to 380 K by strain in Mn3GaN/Pt bilayers [23] and electrical current switching of the magnetization has been demonstrated [22]. By analyzing the temperature dependence of the resistivity $\rho(T)$ at low temperatures, we obtain optimized gas flow conditions for synthesis of thin films with minimized structural disorder.

2. Experimental

Substrates were cleaned and heated to 500 C in a vacuum chamber with a base pressure in the low 10−6 mbar range. Films were deposited at 500 C by dc magnetron sputtering from a single Mn75Ga25 alloy target.

Reactive magnetron sputtering is a complex process where the reactive gas reacts at the target, the substrate surface, and at the chamber walls. The stoichiometric and physical properties of the film substantially depend on the type of the reactive gas, the gas flow, and deposition power. The gas flow affects the compound formation of the film due to different deposition modes, i.e. compound formation on the substrate (metal mode) or on the target (poisoned mode), non-linear dependencies of the deposition rate on the flow rate, etc [24, 25]. Due to the number of parameters that influence film growth and compound formation, films reported in this study were deposited always at a total pressure of 10−2 mbar, constant dc power of 81 W, constant flow of 40 sccm Ar but with different N2 gas flows Φ = 0 - 5 sccm. Typical growth rates were 0.03 nm s−1. Deposition rates were calibrated by thickness measurements with a stylus profilometer on thicker samples. Some films were patterned for resistivity measurements by sputtering through a mechanical mask in direct contact with the substrate.

Structural characterization was done by x-ray scattering using a Bruker D8 Discover diffractometer with Cu Kα radiation and the sample temperature was varied by $\pm20 \,\,\,^{\circ}$C around room temperature by means of a home-built Peltier cooler attached to the sample holder. Measurements of the longitudinal and transverse resistivity were performed in a physical property measurement system (PPMS, Quantum Design). Resistivity measurements were done with a four-point probe on patterned films or in a van der Pauw configuration on planar films. The magnetization was measured in a SQUID magnetometer for magnetic fields up to 5 Tesla applied perpendicular to the film surface.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Structural characterization

Sputtering without N2 flow results in the formation of Mn3Ga with tetragonal structure. Figure 1(a) shows a symmetrical $\theta/2\theta$ x-ray scan of 25 nm Mn3Ga deposited on MgO (001). The Bragg reflection observed at $2\theta = 51.23 ^{\circ}$ corresponds to a lattice plane distance d = 0.1783 nm. By comparison with previous studies we assign this peak to the (004) reflection of the tetragonal $D0_{22}$ phase of Mn3Ga with a lattice constant c = 0.711–0.7133 nm along the growth direction [2630]. Mn3Ga is ferrimagnetic with an easy axis along the crystallographic c axis and a high Curie temperature of 730 K [28, 29].

Figure 1.

Figure 1. (a) $\theta/2\theta$ x-ray scan of a 25 nm thick Mn3Ga film on MgO (001). (b) $\theta/2\theta$ x-ray scans of 25 nm thick Mn3GaNx films deposited at different N2 flows Φ on MgO (001). Each sample has been tilted away by 0.5–1 from the symmetric θ position to reduce the intensity of the strong substrate reflection. Scans have been shifted upward with respect to each other for clarity. Inset shows a φ-scan of the $\left\lbrace 311 \right\rbrace$ planes for the film with Φ = 0.6 sccm confirming the fourfold symmetry of the film and substrate. (c) $\theta/2\theta$ x-ray scan of a 25 nm thick Mn3GaNx film deposited at $\Phi = 1$  sccm on MgO(111).

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Supplying a flow Φ = 0.6 sccm N2 results in a change of the x-ray diffraction diagram with a Bragg peak around 46.91, see figure 1(b) for films deposited on MgO (001) substrates. The variation of the peak intensities from sample to sample is due to the different tilt angles to reduce the strong reflection from the single-crystalline substrate. We identify this peak as the (002) reflection from the cubic Mn3GaN antiperovskite structure corresponding to a lattice constant c = 0.3874 nm along the growth direction in good agreement with bulk Mn3GaN [31]. The epitaxial growth of the cubic antiperovskite phase is confirmed for Φ = 0.6 sccm by a φ-scan of the $\left\lbrace 311 \right\rbrace$ planes at 2θ = 82.55 (d = 0.1172 nm) around the [001] surface normal, see inset figure 1(b). This results in a ratio c/a = 0.999 suggesting an almost perfect cubic lattice with negligible tetragonal distortion as reported earlier for a similar low deposition rate of 0.02 nm s−1 [18]. Due to the large lattice mismatch of 8% between MgO (a = 0.4215 nm) and Mn3GaN the film is fully relaxed. Increasing the N2 flow leads to a shift of the (002) peak to lower scattering angles and to a gradual expansion of the Mn3GaN lattice.

On MgO (111), Mn3GaN grows along the $\left[ 111 \right]$ direction with a lattice plane distance d(111) = 0.2235 nm corresponding to a lattice constant c = 0.3871 nm, similar to the lattice constant for films grown on MgO(001).

3.2. Optimization of nitrogen flow

In the following we focus on the resistivity measurements performed on films prepared under different N2 gas flows. The temperature dependence of the resistivity ρ, figure 2(a), shows a metallic behavior for all films except for Φ = 3.0 sccm. $\rho(T)$ exhibits a broad and shallow kink around 270 K representing $T_\textrm{N}$ of the antiferromagnetic $\Gamma ^{5g}$ phase [10]. The residual resistivity at low temperatures increases with increasing N2 gas flow. Note that the film with zero flow represents tetragonal Mn3Ga with a different structure and should not be compared to the Mn3GaNx films. However, a similar metallic-like behavior with a smaller residual resistivity of 30 $\mu \Omega$cm was reported earlier for 240 nm thick films [30].

Figure 2.

Figure 2. (a) Resistivity ρ vs temperature T of 25 nm thick Mn3GaNx films deposited under different N2 flows Φ on MgO (001) substrates. (b) Semi-logarithmic plot of $\rho-\rho(T_\textrm{min})$, where $T_\textrm{min}$ is the temperature where $\rho (T)$ has a minimum as indicated by the arrow for, e.g. the sample Φ = 3.0 sccm. Solid lines indicate a $\rho \propto \textrm{log}T$ behavior. (c) $\rho - \rho(T_\textrm{min})$ vs log T for the film deposited at Φ = 2.2 sccm in different applied magnetic fields H. Solid line indicates a $\rho \propto \textrm{log}T$ behavior.

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Except for the film deposited with Φ = 1.0 sccm, $\rho(T)$ in figure 2(b) does not reach a temperature-independent value at low temperatures but instead increases again when cooling to below a temperature $T_\textrm{min}$, where $\rho(T_\textrm{min })$ is considered as the residual resistivity. For Φ = 1.0 sccm (blue squares) we do not observe an increase toward the lowest achievable temperature 1.8 K

The semi-logarithmic plot of $\Delta \rho = \rho(T)-\rho(T_\textrm{min})$ in figure 2(b) clearly shows that $\Delta \rho(T)$ follows a logarithmic temperature dependence $\Delta \rho(T) = \alpha\, \textrm{log}(T/T_\textrm{min})$ below $T_\textrm{min}$ with a negative slope $\alpha = \mathrm d\rho/\mathrm d\textrm{log}(T/T_\textrm{min})$. It is important to note that this logarithmic behavior does not depend on the magnetic field perpendicularly applied to the sample surface, see figure 2(c).

An earlier study on the electronic transport in ferromagnetic Mn5Si3Cx films revealed a similar dependence of the low-temperature resisitvity behavior on the carbon concentration [32]. The logarithmic increase of the resistivity towards lower temperatures was attributed to the scattering of conduction electrons by structural two-level systems (TLS) [33] and not to other quantum corrections like weak localization or enhanced electron-electron interaction. The latter are expected to change in a magnetic field [34], in contrast to the independence of the logarithmic slope α on an applied magnetic field as large as 6 T shown in figure 2(c).

The behavior can be theoretically described by an orbital Kondo effect that gives rise to a logarithmic $\rho(T)$ dependence around the Kondo temperature $T_\textrm{K}$ [3538] as experimentally observed in ThAsSe and NixNb$ _{1-x}$ metallic glasses [39, 40]. The logarithmic increase of $\rho(T)$ toward low temperatures is due to the increasing coupling between dynamical scatterers and conduction electrons. For further details we refer to [32].

Therefore, we ascribe the logarithmic increase of $\rho(T)$ toward low temperatures of Mn3GaNx films to the presence of dynamical scatterers, e.g. atomic vacancies, displaced or interstitial atoms or atoms located in grain boundaries. We use the slope α and the temperature $T_\textrm{min}$ as indicators for the degree of structural disorder. The lower the slope and $T_\textrm{min}$, the higher the structural quality.

The characteristic parameters from x-ray diffraction and electronic transport are summarized in figure 3. Films prepared with $\Phi \approx$  1 sccm are characterized by the lowest residual resistance ρmin, almost zero slope $-\alpha$, and highest residual resistance ratio RRR = $\rho(300\, \textrm{K})/\rho_\textrm{min}$. Results obtained on films grown with an optimized gas flow are discussed in the following.

Figure 3.

Figure 3. Characteristic parameters of 25 nm thick Mn3GaNx films on MgO (001) substrates vs N2 flow Φ, see text for details. Solid lines serve as guides to the eye.

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3.3. Coexisting magnetic phase below $T^{\ast}$

The previous data have been obtained while cooling the samples from 350 K down to 2 K. A different temperature dependence was observed when the samples were heated up from 2 K to 350 K. Figure 4(a) shows data of two films prepared under similar conditions on MgO (001) and (111) substrates. For both films, a broad hysteresis of the two datasets appears between 40 K and 140 K, which is stronger for the film deposited on MgO(111). In antiferromagnetic metals, a magnetic phase transition often gives rise to a sudden decrease of the resistivity with an inflexion point representing $T_\textrm{N}$, corresponding to a local minimum in the derivative $\mathrm d\rho/\mathrm dT$ [41]. In the present case, $\mathrm d\rho/\mathrm dT$ of the films (inset figure 4(a)) exhibits a broad step at $T_\textrm{N}$ = 270 K which we attribute to the Néel temperature of the antiferromagnetic $\Gamma ^{5g}$ phase mentioned before [10, 20]. The resistivity above $T_\textrm{N}$ is only weakly temperature dependent for $T \gt T_\textrm{N}$ so that only a broad step of $\mathrm d\rho/\mathrm dT$ survives at $T_\textrm{N}$.

Figure 4.

Figure 4. (a) $\rho(T)$ of Mn3GaNx films on MgO(001) (Φ = 1.2 sccm) and on MgO(111) (Φ = 1.0 sccm) while cooling down and heating up. Inset shows the derivatives $d\rho(T)/dT$ with indicated temperatures $T_\textrm{N}$ and $T^{\ast}$. (b) Resistivity increase $\Delta \rho(T)$ while heating the sample from $T_\textrm{cool}$ indicated by large symbols, with respect to the resistivity measured while cooling down from 140 K to $T_\textrm{cool}$. Inset shows the maximum resistivity increase $\Delta \rho_\textrm{max}$ vs $T_\textrm{cool}$.

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Furthermore, a local minimum appears in $\mathrm d\rho/\mathrm dT$ at a transition temperature $T^{\ast} \approx$ 120 K. The transition at $T^{\ast}$ was observed previously in Mn3GaN films [22, 23] and was assigned to a ferromagnetic-like transition, presumably due to the coexistence of the $\Gamma ^{5g}$ phase and a M-1 phase of tetragonal symmetry and noncollinear and noncoplanar magnetic order. This coexistence was first discovered by neutron powder diffraction analysis below 109 K [5]. The M-1 phase of Mn3GaN is particularly interesting because it has been recently suggested as a potential candidate for p-wave magnetic order, where inversion symmetry is broken but the combined translational and time-reversal symmetry is maintained [42]. However, earlier ac susceptibility measurements on Mn3GaN indicated the formation of a spin-glass state below a freezing temperature around 133 K [43].

Therefore, we have investigated the thermal hysteresis of $\rho(T)$ of the sample on MgO(111) with the more pronounced hysteresis by performing resistivity measurements with different thermal cycles. Figure 4(b) shows the difference $\Delta \rho (T)$ between the resistivity measured while cooling from 140 K to a temperature $T_\textrm{cool}$ and subsequently heating up again to 140 K for various temperatures $T_\textrm{cool}$. $\Delta \rho (T)$ gradually grows with decreasing $T_\textrm{cool}$ and reaches a maximum for $T_\textrm{cool} \unicode{x2A7D}$ 20 K, see inset figure 4(b). Apparently, the phase transition in the resistivity is fully established only after cooling to temperatures to below 20 K. This suggests that the M-1 phase continuously develops while cooling over a wide temperature range by reformation of the $\Gamma^{5g}$ phase in agreement with the increasing M-1 phase fraction observed by neutron powder diffraction [5].

The two magnetic phases of Mn3GaNx film are also observed in magnetization measurements. As the magnetization of the thin films is very small, the SQUID magnetometer records strong fluctuations of the signal as soon as the magnetic moment m of the sample (film and substrate) vanishes, see raw data (open circles) around $m (T) \approx$  0 in figure 5. Therefore, we measured m of the bare substrate (black open symbols) and subtracted these data from the raw data. The magnetization $M (T)-M (300\,\textrm{K})$ of the film on MgO(111) increases continuously with decreasing temperature in the $\Gamma ^\textrm{5g}$ phase below 300 K. Below ≈ 100 K, we observe a steeper rise of the magnetization toward lower temperatures which we attribute to the additional contribution from the M-1 phase below $T^{\ast}$. An increase of 30 mµB/f.u. corresponds to 0.01 µB/Mn, much smaller than 0.2 µB/Mn and 0.08 µB/Mn previously reported for bulk and thin film Mn3GaN, respectively, which is presumably due to the smaller M-1 phase fraction in the present case [5, 23].

Figure 5.

Figure 5. Magnetic moment m (open symbols) and magnetization difference $M-M(300\,\textrm{K})$ (solid symbols) vs temperature T.

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In the two-phase region below $T^{\ast} \approx$  120 K we observe an AHE, see figure 6, where the insets show the saturation value at µ0H = 2 T. Because of the small AHE for the 50 nm film (figure 6(a)) we subtracted the linear-in-field contribution $\rho_{yx}^0 = R_\textrm{H} \mu_0H$ arising from the ordinary Hall effect and obtain $\rho_{yx}^\textrm{A} = \rho_{yx} - \rho_{yx}^0 = 0.036\, \mu\Omega \textrm{cm}$ and $R_\textrm{H} = 0.9 \times 10^{-4} \textrm{cm}^3$/As at 50 K. The temperature below which the AHE emerges agrees with the transition temperature $T^{\ast}$ determined from the $\rho(T)$ behavior, figure 4. Similar to the temperature dependence of $\rho(T)$ (figure 4) we observe a strong thermal hysteresis of ρyx(2 T) between cooling down and heating up the sample, see inset figure 6(b). Below 40 K both data sets merge in agreement with the saturation of $\Delta \rho_\textrm{max}$ in figure 4(b). The occurrence of a AHE below $T^{\ast}$ confirms that the phase transition at $T^{\ast}$ is of magnetic origin, possibly coupled to a change of the crystalline structure. However, the fact that the AHE does not vanish in the M-1 phase below $T^{\ast}$ requires additional tilting or disordering of the magnetic moments to break the combined translational and time-reversal symmetry that would otherwise prevent an AHE in the perfectly ordered M-1 phase.

Figure 6.

Figure 6. Hall resistivity ρyx vs applied magnetic field H at different temperatures T for Mn3GaNx films on (a) MgO(001) and on (b) MgO(111). Insets show the AHE at µ0H = 2 T vs temperature.

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For $T \gt $  120 K, only the comparatively small ordinary Hall effect appears. This is in line with the fact that for cubic and structurally relaxed antiperovskite Mn3GaN with $\Gamma ^{5g}$ magnetic structure no AHE is expected [14, 15].

Finally, we mention that for the ferrimagnetic Mn3Ga film ($\Phi = 0)$ we observe an AHE with a broad hysteresis and a coercivity $\mu_0H_c \approx$ 2 T that barely shrinks between 50 K and 300 K due to the high $T_\textrm{C}$ = 730 K [28, 29], similar to results previously reported for 240 nm thick films on Mg (001) substrates [30].

3.4. Lattice distortion at $T_\textrm{N}$

Mn3GaN is known to exhibit a distortion of the cubic lattice by 0.4% when the temperature changes across $T_\textrm{N}$ [20, 31, 44]. For resolving this lattice distortion in the Mn3GaNx films we performed x-ray diffraction at various temperatures close to $T_\textrm{N}$.

Figures 7(a) and (b) show the (002) and (111) Bragg reflections of Mn3GaN for films deposited on MgO(001) and amorphous SiO2, respectively. In both cases, the Bragg reflections shift to higher diffraction angles with increasing temperature corresponding to a decrease of the lattice parameter along the surface normal. From the temperature dependence of the lattice parameters d(002) and d(111), figure 7(c), a strong compression of the crystalline lattice along the surface normal is observed between 275 K and 300 K. We attribute this compression to the transition from the antiferromagnetic $\Gamma ^{5g}$ phase to the paramagnetic phase above $T_\textrm{N}$ and the strong coupling between the crystalline lattice and the magnetic order. Note that this temperature dependence is opposite to what is expected from the usually observed thermal expansion for solid materials. We mention that similar results have been obtained for Mn3GaNx films deposited under optimized conditions on other substrates like Si (100) and diamond. For the film on SiO2, a compression of $\unicode{x2A7E}$ 0.4% similar to the result for bulk Mn3GaN is observed. The apparently smaller compression of 0.1% for the film on MgO(001) is due to the slightly reduced transition temperature $T_\textrm{N}$ and the inaccessibility of lower temperatures in the experimental setup in ambient air.

Figure 7.

Figure 7. $\theta/2\theta$ x-ray scans of Mn3GaNx films on (a) MgO(001) and (b) SiO2 substrates at different temperatures T. (c) Lattice parameters d determined from the (002) and (111) Bragg reflections vs temperature. (d) Resistivity $\rho(T)$ near the phase transition at $T_\textrm{N}$ for different applied magnetic fields H.

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The structural phase transition accompanied with the magnetic phase transition is also observed as a pronounced step in $\rho(T)$ for the thickest film deposited on SiO2, figure 7(d), with a thermal hysteresis of similar magnitude as observed for the lattice distortion, figure 7(c). We did not observe a clear dependence on the applied magnetic field except that the transition takes place at different temperatures in subsequent thermal cycles possibly due to supercooling/superheating effects in a regime of metastable states.

4. Conclusion

Mn3GaNx films of antiperovskite structure were grown by reactive dc magnetron sputtering. The detailed study of the resistivity of films prepared under different N2 gas fluxes Φ shows that the N content can be optimized to obtain films with the required magnetic and structural phase transitions by relying on parameters such as resistivity, the residual resistivity ratio and, in particular, a vanishing increase in resistivity toward low temperatures. In the present case, a N2 flow $\Phi \approx$  1 sccm has been found to be beneficial for obtaining Mn3GaNx films with minimized structural disorder. We propose that this path can be followed in search for optimal conditions for the growth of other antiperovskite nitrides. For films grown under an optimized N2 gas flow, a broad thermal hysteresis in the resisitivity and AHE below a temperature $T^{\ast}$ is observed, indicating a retarded formation of the magnetic M-1 phase.


This work was supported by the Sino-German Mobility Programme No. M-0273.

Data availability statement

The data that support the findings of this study are openly available at the following URL/DOI: https://doi.org/10.35097/gq6y1xwnj6cf6dqk.

Conflict of interest

The authors declare no competing interests.

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