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Published 2015 July 9 © 2015. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.
, , Citation M. Ackermann et al 2015 ApJ 807 169 DOI 10.1088/0004-637X/807/2/169



Supernovae (SNe) exploding in a dense circumstellar medium (CSM) are hypothesized to accelerate cosmic rays in collisionless shocks and emit GeV γ-rays and TeV neutrinos on a timescale of several months. We perform the first systematic search for γ-ray emission in Fermi Large Area Telescope data in the energy range from $100\;\mathrm{MeV}$ to $300\;\mathrm{GeV}$ from the ensemble of 147 SNe Type IIn exploding in a dense CSM. We search for a γ-ray excess at each SNe location in a one-year time window. In order to enhance a possible weak signal, we simultaneously study the closest and optically brightest sources of our sample in a joint-likelihood analysis in three different time windows (1 year, 6 months, and 3 months). For the most promising source of the sample, SN 2010jl (PTF 10aaxf), we repeat the analysis with an extended time window lasting 4.5 years. We do not find a significant excess in γ-rays for any individual source nor for the combined sources and provide model-independent flux upper limits for both cases. In addition, we derive limits on the γ-ray luminosity and the ratio of γ-ray-to-optical luminosity ratio as a function of the index of the proton injection spectrum assuming a generic γ-ray production model. Furthermore, we present detailed flux predictions based on multi-wavelength observations and the corresponding flux upper limit at a 95% confidence level (CL) for the source SN 2010jl (PTF 10aaxf).

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The Large Area Telescope (LAT) on board the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope mission unanticipatedly detected γ-ray emission from five Galactic novae (Abdo et al. 2010; Cheung et al. 2013; Hays et al. 2013; Hill et al. 2013). The origin of the γ-ray emission is still unclear. Shocks produced by an expansion of the nova shell into the wind provided by the companion star or internal shocks within the ejecta might be responsible for the acceleration of particles to relativistic energies and ensuing high-energy γ-ray emission. A similar mechanism but with much larger energy output is hypothesized to produce γ-rays in supernovae (SNe), yielding potentially detectable γ-ray emission even from extragalactic sources. Murase et al. (2011, 2014) and Katz et al. (2011) showed that if the SN progenitor is surrounded by an optically thick circumstellar medium (CSM), then a collisionless shock is necessarily formed after the shock breakout. The collisionless shock may accelerate protons and electrons to high energies, which emit photons from the radio-submillimeter through GeV energies and TeV neutrinos. Such conditions appear in shocks propagating through dense circumstellar matter (e.g., wind). Recently several candidates for such SNe powered by interactions with a dense CSM were found (e.g., Ofek et al. 2007, 2014b; Smith et al. 2009; Zhang et al. 2012) and some superluminous SNe were suggested to be powered by interactions (e.g., Chevalier & Irwin 2011; Quimby et al. 2011). Such interaction-powered SNe may also be Pevatrons, implying their importance for the origin of the knee structure in the cosmic-ray spectrum (Sveshnikova 2003; Murase et al. 2014). Both γ-rays and neutrinos originate from pp and pγ interactions producing pions, which in the neutral case decay to γ-rays and in the charged case produce neutrinos in the decay chain. Thus, the initial neutrino and γ-ray spectra have the same shape. Contrary to neutrinos, γ-rays might be affected by absorption in the CSM and/or two-photon annihilation with low-energy photons produced at the forward shock (Murase et al. 2011). However, arguments made in Murase et al. (2014) suggest that GeV γ-rays can escape the system without severe attenuation if the shock velocity is in the right range, especially late after the shock breakout.

Motivated by the fact that the LAT has detected γ-ray emission from novae, we are presenting the first systematic search for γ-ray emission from SNe IIn in Fermi LAT data from $100\;\mathrm{MeV}$ to $300\;$ GeV. Considering current theoretical uncertainties we are aiming for a model-independent search. SNe positions and explosion times are given by optical surveys such as the Palomar Transient Factory (PTF; Law et al. 2009; Rau et al. 2009).

We present the sample of SNe used in the γ-ray data analysis in Section 2. Section 3 describes the Fermi LAT data analysis followed by an interpretation of our results in Section 4, and conclusions in Section 5.


SNe IIn and Ibn are the best candidates to be found interacting with a dense CSM. Their long-lasting bright optical light curves are believed to be powered by the interaction of the ejecta with a massive CSM (Svirski et al. 2012). SNe of these types are often accompanied by precursor mass-ejection events (Ofek et al. 2014a). Here we mainly use the PTF SN sample along with publicly available SNe IIn discovered since the launch of Fermi in 2008. Appendix A lists all of the 147 SNe of this sample that we consider in our γ-ray search, i.e., all sources with an estimated explosion time later than 2008 August 4 and before 2012 May 1 (this is one year before the end of the studied γ-ray data sample). The apparent R-band peak magnitude (m) as a function of the peak time is shown in Figure 1. Note that throughout this paper we refer to m as the peak magnitude; for sources where the peak magnitude is not determined we use the discovery magnitude instead. The subsample of bright ($m\lt 16.5$) and/or nearby (with a redshift $z\lt 0.015$) SNe used for the joint likelihood analysis is detailed in Table 1.

Figure 1.

Figure 1. Apparent R-band peak (detection) magnitude as a function of the peak (detection) time shown in red (blue) for all 147 SNe in our sample. For some SNe the peak time and magnitude is not determined; in those cases we use the detection time and magnitude.

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Table 1.  List of Nearby and/or Bright SNe—with Redshift $z\lt 0.015$ and/or R-band Magnitude $m\lt 16.5$

Name R.A. (°)a Decl. (°)a Date z m TS (p-value)
SN 2008gm 348.55 −2.78 2008 Oct 22b 0.012 17.00c 3.2 (0.169)
SN 2008ip 194.46 36.38 2008 Dec 31b 0.015 15.70c 0.0 (0.572)
SN 2009au 194.94 −29.60 2009 Mar 11b 0.009 16.40c 0.0 (0.572)
PTF 10ujc 353.63 22.35 2009 Aug 05 0.032 16.20 0.0 (0.572)
SN 2009kr 78.01 −15.70 2009 Nov 06b 0.006 16.00c 4.7 (0.104)
SN 2010bt 192.08 −34.95 2010 Apr 17b 0.016 15.80c 14.4 (0.0065)
PTF 10aaxf 145.72 9.50 2010 Nov 18 0.011 13.20 7.1 (0.039)
SN 2010jl            
PTF 10aaxi 94.13 -21.41 2010 Nov 23 0.010 18.00 0.0 (0.572)
SN 2010jp            
SN 2011A 195.25 −14.53 2011 Jan 02b 0.009 16.90c 0.0 (0.572)
PTF 11iqb 8.52 −9.70 2011 Aug 06 0.013 15.20 0.3 (0.469)
SN 2011fh 194.06 −29.50 2011 Aug 24b 0.008 14.50c 1.9 (0.262)
PSNJ 10081059+5150570 152.04 51.85 2011 Oct 29 0.004 14.50 0.0 (0.572)
SN 2011ht            
PTF 11qnf 86.23 69.15 2011 Nov 01b 0.014 19.80c 1.4 (0.320)
SN 2011hw 336.56 34.22 2011 Nov 18b 0.023 15.70c 0.0 (0.572)
SN 2012ab 185.70 5.61 2012 Jan 31b 0.018 15.80c 0.0 (0.572)
PSNJ 18410706-4147374 280.28 -41.79 2012 Apr 25b 0.019 14.50c 0.0 (0.572)
SN 2012ca            

Notes. The colums contain the name of the SN, its direction in equatorial coordinates (right ascension, R.A., and declination, decl.), its peak date and peak R-band magnitude, its redshift, its test statistic (TS), and p-value. See Section 3.1 for details on the TS and p-value calculation. Note that if the peak date and magnitude are not available in the catalog, the discovery date and magnitude are quoted instead.

aEpoch J2000.0. bDiscovery date. cDiscovery magnitude.

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The Fermi LAT is a pair-conversion telescope, sensitive to γ-rays with energies from 20 MeV to greater than 300 GeV (Atwood et al. 2009). It has a large field of view and has been scanning the entire sky every few hours for the last 6 years. Thus it is very well suited for searches for transient γ-ray signals on the timescale of months. Bright SN events may be detectable at distances $d\lt 30$ Mpc (Murase et al. 2011) depending on the properties of the source. Margutti et al. (2014) searched for γ-rays from a single SN in the case of SN2009ip, located at a distance of 24 Mpc. No γ-ray excess was identified in Fermi LAT data at the SN position; this is consistent with the picture of ejecta colliding with a compact and dense but low-mass shell of material. For a detection of a single source, closer and/or brighter SNe are needed (i.e., reached by larger dissipation and larger CSM masses). The properties of the ejecta and CSM can be estimated from multi-wavelength observations in a few cases (e.g., SN2009ip, Ofek et al. 2013), but are uncertain or not known in most cases.

In this analysis we use 57 months of Fermi LAT data recorded between 2008 August 4 and 2013 May 1 (Fermi Mission Elapsed Time 239557418–389092331 s), restricted to the Pass 7 Reprocessed Source class.62 We select the standard good time intervals (e.g., excluding time intervals when the field of view of the LAT intersected the earth). The Pass 7 Reprocessed data benefit from an updated calibration that improves the energy measurement and event-direction reconstruction accuracy at energies above 1 GeV (Bregeon et al. 2013). To minimize the contamination from the γ-rays produced in the upper atmosphere, we select events with zenith angles $\lt 100^\circ $. We perform a binned analysis (i.e., binned in space and energy) using the standard Fermi LAT ScienceTools package, version v09r32p05, available from the Fermi Science Support Center63 (FSSC) using the P7REP_SOURCE_V15 instrument response functions. We analyze data in the energy range of 100 MeV to 300 GeV, binned into 20 logarithmic energy intervals. For each source we select a $20^\circ \times 20^\circ $ region of interest (ROI) centered on the source localization binned in 0fdg2 size pixels. The binning is applied in celestial coordinates and an Aitoff projection was used.

We use four different approaches in our analysis.

  • 1.  
    We perform a likelihood analysis to search for γ-ray excesses that are consistent with originating from a point source coincident with the position of each SNe IIn in our sample over a one-year time scale. We assume that their γ-ray emission follows a power-law spectrum. This approach is sensitive to single bright sources.
  • 2.  
    In a model-independent approach (i.e., no prior assumption on the SN γ-ray spectral shape) we compute the likelihood in bins of energy (bin-by-bin likelihood). We use the bin-by-bin likelihood to evaluate 95% confidence level (CL) flux upper limits in 20 energy bins for the 16 closest and optically brightest SNe in our sample.
  • 3.  
    In order to increase the sensitivity for a weak signal, we combine individual sources in a joint likelihood analysis using the composite likelihood tool, Composite2, of the Fermi Science Tools.
  • 4.  
    We repeat the joint likelihood analysis using the composite likelihood tool, but limit the sample to those SNe IIn that exhibit additional indications of strong interactions with their CSM. Not all SNe IIn might be surrounded by a massive CSM. This clean sample of SNe with a confirmed massive CSM might produce a strong γ-ray signal and should provide an enhanced signal-to-background ratio.

Accurate SN positions are given by optical localizations. Theoretical predictions of the duration of the γ-ray emission are uncertain and motivate a search in several time windows. We test three different time windows: ${\rm{\Delta }}T=1$ year, 6 months, and 3 months. The optical light curve is produced by the interaction of the SN ejecta with the dense CSM and is thus correlated with the expected γ-ray emission. Most of the γ-ray emission is expected during the interactions after the shock breakout. The optical light curve peak is reached around the end of the breakout (see, e.g. Ofek et al. 2010). We collected the SN properties from the PTF sample, Astronomer's Telegrams,64 and the Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams.65 Most PTF sources are unpublished and the other events were drawn from ATEL and CBET. Full details and final analysis of the PTF SN IIn sample will be provided in a forthcoming publication. In some cases the known SN properties include the optical flux peak time while in other cases this information is missing and only the optical detection time is available. To account for the uncertainty in the determination of the peak time and to make sure no early γ-ray emission is missed, we start the time window 30 days before the peak time (or the detection time in case the peak time is not provided). In the case of the three novae, the reported γ-ray light curves (see Figure 1 in Hill et al. 2013) have very similar durations, justifying a similar time window for all sources. However, the duration of the novae detected by Fermi were ∼20 days, while SN IIn typically last longer, ${\mathcal{O}}$(100 days–1 year).

3.1. Source Specific Analysis

We analyze the $20^\circ \times 20^\circ $ ROI around each source in our SN sample in a one-year time window in a binned likelihood analysis. We construct a model whose free parameters are fitted to the data in the ROI. This model includes a point-like source at the SN position; its γ-ray spectrum is represented as a power-law function with both index and normalization free to vary. In addition we have to model the point sources in the ROI and the diffuse γ-ray emission. We consider all the 2FGL sources (Nolan et al. 2012) included within a larger region of radius, $R=20^\circ $, to allow for the breadth of the LAT point-spread function that may cause a significant signal from sources outside the ROI to leak into it. The positions and spectral parameters of all 2FGL sources within $15^\circ \lt R\lt 20^\circ $ from the center of the ROI are fixed to the values reported in the 2FGL catalog; those are on average 21 sources. For the sources within $5^\circ \lt R\lt 15^\circ $ with $\gt 15\sigma $ detection significance in 2FGL only the flux normalization is left free to vary and all the other parameters are fixed to the values reported in the 2FGL catalog. The parameters for all the other sources within $5^\circ \lt R\lt 15^\circ $ are fixed to the 2FGL catalog values. Finally, for sources within $R\lt 5^\circ $ all parameters (index and normalization in case of a power-law spectrum; index, cutoff, and normalization in case of a power-law with exponential cutoff and normalization; spectral slope and curvature in case of a log-parabola source spectrum) are free to vary if the source significance exceeds $4\sigma $, otherwise all source parameters are fixed. On average 3 sources per ROI have all parameters free, while 6 sources have a free normalization and 18 sources are fixed to the 2FGL values.

We determine the best values for all the free parameters, fitting our source model together with a template for the isotropic and Galactic interstellar emission66 to the LAT data with a binned likelihood approach as described in Abdo et al. (2009). To quantify the significance of a potential excess above the background, we employ the likelihood-ratio test (Neyman & Pearson 1928). We form a test statistic

Equation (1)

where ${{\mathcal{L}}}_{0}$ is the likelihood evaluated at the best-fit parameters under a background-only, null hypothesis, i.e., a model that does not include a point source at the SN position, and ${\mathcal{L}}$ is the likelihood evaluated at the best-fit model parameters when including a candidate point source at the SN position.

The distribution of the TS values obtained for all the SNs using a one-year time window is displayed in Figure 2 (left), compared to the TS distribution obtained from performing a similar analysis at random positions in the sky. We require the random ROI centers to be separated by at least 3fdg5 and to lie outside of the Galactic plane, i.e., $| b| \gt 10^\circ $. The analysis in the Galactic plane region is complicated by the intense Galactic diffuse emission and none of the SNe in our sample are located close to the plane. Those requirements limit the number of independent ROIs; we use 1140 ROIs in our analysis. The distribution of SN-position TS values is similar to the distribution of random-position TS values (see Figure 2 left). The highest TS value found among the SN positions is 14.4, which corresponds to a p-value of 0.0065 (obtained from the random position analysis), which is below $3\sigma $ for a single trial (see Figure 2 right). Given the number of SNe in our sample a trials factor needs to be applied, which increases the p-value to 0.6.

Figure 2.

Figure 2. Left: distribution of TS values for a test source modeled by a power-law energy spectrum located at an SN position (red), compared to TS for a similar test source located at a random position (gray). Right: cumulative distribution of random-position TS values. The blue dashed (dotted) line indicates a Gaussian equivalent one-sided $3\sigma $ ($2\sigma $) probability of finding a larger TS than the TS indicated by the intersection of the blue line with the gray distribution. The red solid line shows the largest TS found in the source-specific analysis, which has a p-value of 0.0065 (red dotted line) and thus lies below $3\sigma $. Considering the trials factor, the p-value increases to 0.6.

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Optically bright SNe are expected to produce a brighter γ-ray signal than optically dim ones and nearby SNe are expected to be brighter than sources at large distance. However, we do not find an obvious correlation of TS value with redshift or magnitude (see the left and right panels of Figure 3, respectively), indicating that the γ-ray signals of individual SNe, if present, are weak.

Figure 3.

Figure 3. TS of a test source located at the SN position as a function of redshift (left) and as a function of magnitude (right). Note that the largest TS value was 14.4 (corresponding to a p-value of 0.009), which does not exceed the detection threshold of $5\sigma $.

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Three of the 147 SNe have a 2FGL source in their close vicinity with an angular distance of less than 0fdg4. In each case the nearest 2FGL source is associated with an active galactic nucleus through multi-wavelength data. Since the spectral parameters of the nearby source are left free to vary in the fit, a possible SNe flux could have been absorbed by the background source. Those sources are PTF 10weh, LSQ 12by and SN 2012bq, which are optically dim and distant sources and thus not part of the subsample of nearby and/or bright SNe.

3.2. Model-independent Analysis of Nearby and/or Bright SNe

The γ-ray spectral shape resulting from particle acceleration in the interaction of SN ejecta with a dense CSM is not known a priori. It is determined by the initial proton spectrum and could be altered by the absorption of the γ-rays in the surrounding medium. Therefore, we study the closest and/or optically brightest sources, which are the most promising sources in terms of expected γ-ray emission, in an approach independent of an SN spectral model assumption. The sources chosen for this analysis have to fulfill the criteria of $z\lt 0.015$ or $m\lt 16.5$, and are listed in Table 1. We fix the spectral parameters of the background sources and the diffuse templates to their global values obtained from the source-by-source analysis over the entire energy range described in Section 3.1 (without including the SN itself). Following the procedure described in Ackermann et al. (2014) we calculate the likelihood in each of the 20 energy bins after inserting a test source at the SN position at various flux normalization values:

Equation (2)

where ${{\mathcal{D}}}_{j}$ is the photon data, ${{\mathcal{L}}}_{j}$ is the Poisson likelihood, and $\{{{\boldsymbol{\mu }}}_{j}\}$ is a set of independent signal parameters in energy bin j. The symbol ${\boldsymbol{\theta }}$ represents the nuisance parameter (i.e., free parameters of background sources and diffuse templates) and $\hat{{\boldsymbol{\theta }}}$ indicates that they have been fixed to their global values. The bin-by-bin likelihood allows us to find the upper limits at 95% CL,67 defined as the value of the energy flux, where the log-likelihood decreases by $2.71/2$ from its maximum (the "delta-log-likelihood technique"—Bartlett 1953; Rolke et al. 2005). An example is shown in Figure 4 for SN 2010jl (PTF 10aaxf—Zhang et al. 2012; Fransson et al. 2014; Ofek et al. 2014b), while similar plots for all nearby sources can be found in Appendix B. Any SN model predicting a certain γ-ray spectrum can be tested using those results (see Ackermann et al. 2014, for more details on the bin-by-bin likelihood) by recreating a global likelihood by tying together the signal parameters over the energy bins:

Equation (3)

with ${\boldsymbol{\mu }}$ denoting the global signal parameters.

Figure 4.

Figure 4. Histogram of the bin-by-bin LAT likelihood function used to test for a putative γ-ray source at the position of supernova SN 2010jl (PTF 10aaxf). The bin-by-bin likelihood is calculated by scanning the integrated energy flux of the SN within each energy bin (equivalent to scanning in the spectral normalization of the source). When performing this scan, the flux normalizations of the background sources are fixed to their optimal values as derived from a maximum likelihood fit over the full energy range. Within each bin, the color scale denotes the variation of the logarithm of the likelihood with respect to the best-fit value of the SN flux using a 1 year time window. Upper limits on the integrated energy flux are set at 95% CL within each bin using the delta-log-likelihood technique and are largely independent of the SN spectrum. The black arrows indicate the 95% CL flux upper limits for ${\rm{\Delta }}T=1$ year, where the shown log-likelihood decreases by 2.71/2 from its maximum. For completeness we overlay the 95% CL upper limits for $\;{\rm{\Delta }}T=6$ months and ${\rm{\Delta }}T=3$ represented by dotted–dashed and dotted lines respectively. For the particular case of SN 2010jl we repeated the analysis for an extended time window spanning 4.5 years. The results are overlaid as cyan dotted line.

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For the most promising source of our sample, SN 2010jl, we repeat the analysis for an extended time window ending in 2015 May, i.e., spanning 4.5 years. This is motivated by the fact that in some cases SN Type IIn emission lasts for 3–5 years after the explosion (Cooke et al. 2009).

3.3. Joint Likelihood Analysis

For greater sensitivity to a weak γ-ray signal from interaction-powered SNe, we combine the 16 closest and/or brightest sources in a joint likelihood analysis. To be independent from any spectral shape assumption we perform the analysis in energy bins (see Section 3.2 for details of the bin-by-bin likelihood analysis). In each energy bin we tie the SN flux normalization for all 16 SNe together resulting in one free parameter per energy bin. The likelihood values for the individual sources, i, are multiplied to form the joint likelihood

Equation (4)

However, we have to make some assumption about a common scaling factor of the γ-ray flux in order to tie the SNe flux normalizations together (i.e., we want to give a larger weight to SNe with greater expected γ-ray fluxes in the joint likelihood). We use two different approaches: first, we assume that all SNe have the same intrinsic γ-ray luminosity; therefore, the observed γ-ray flux for each SN scales with a factor inversely proportional to the square of the luminosity-distance d. The redshift is measured for each SNe and since we only consider nearby SNe we use a simple linear approximation for the relation between redshift and distance: $d=z\times c/H$, with H = 67.8 km s−1 Mpc−1 (Ade et al. 2014). We do not apply a redshift-dependent energy rescaling for SNe at different redshifts, since the energy shift is negligible at the small redshifts (i.e., $z\lt 0.015$) considered in this analysis. We weight the flux normalization in each energy bin of each source with ${w}_{d}={(10\;{\rm{Mpc}}/d)}^{2}$. We then tie those weighted normalizations together. The exact value of H does not influence our results since the combined normalization of all sources is free in the fit of the model to the data in each energy bin. Note that only the SN flux normalization is free while the background source parameters as well as the diffuse template parameters are fixed to their global values obtained from a fit to the entire energy range.

Alternatively, we assume that the γ-ray flux is correlated with the optical flux, i.e., we use a weight proportional to the optical flux68 or ${10}^{-0.4m}$. We chose the weight to be

Equation (5)

where m is the apparent R-band magnitude provided by the SN catalog and C = 13 is a normalization constant. Again, the exact choice of C does not influence our results since the combined normalization of all sources is free in the fit. We chose to neglect a correction for Galactic dust extinction, which is at most 0.28 mag and thus smaller than the uncertainty in the peak magnitude determination.

We perform the joint likelihood analysis for three time windows: 1 year, 6 months, and 3 months since the R-band maximum light. Figure 5 shows the likelihood profiles of the combined γ-ray flux. Table 2 summarizes the results from the combined likelihood analysis and shows the sum of TS over all energy bins. No significant improvement in the likelihood by including the SNe in the fit could be found in the joint likelihood analysis. The largest TS value of 8.8 is found in case of assuming the γ-ray flux scales with the optical flux for the one-year time windows. According to Wilks' theorem, TS is distributed approximately as ${\chi }^{2}$ with the degrees of freedom equal to the number of parameters characterizing the additional source. Taking into account the number of free parameters (20, one for each energy bin) the probability that this is a statistical fluctuation is $98.5\%$. This significance would be further decreased by taking into account trial factors for the two different weighting schemes and 3 different time windows.

Figure 5.

Figure 5. Similar to Figure 4, but for the composite likelihood instead of the single-source likelihood. Left: composite likelihood profile for each energy bin weighting each source with ${(10\mathrm{Mpc}/d)}^{2}$. Right: composite likelihood profile for each energy bin weighting each source with ${10}^{-0.4m+5.2}$. The black arrows indicate the 95% upper limits for ${\rm{\Delta }}T=1$ year, while the dotted–dashed and dotted lines represent the 95% upper limits for $\;{\rm{\Delta }}T=6$ months and ${\rm{\Delta }}T=3$ months, respectively.

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Table 2.  Sum over Bin-by-bin TS Values Obtained from the Joint Likelihood Analysis

Weighting TS TSPL (p-value)
  1 year 6 months 3 months 1 year 6 months 3 months
${(10\;\mathrm{Mpc}/d)}^{2}$ 2.2 2.1 2.4 0.0 (1.0) 0.0 (1.0) 0.0 (1.0)
${10}^{-0.4m+5.2}$ 11.7 7.8 9.0 2.9 (0.23) 1.6 (0.45) 0.0 (1.0)

Note. TSPL is the TS obtained by assuming a power-law spectral shape.

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However, if we assume a spectral model for the SN flux, we can greatly reduce the number of free parameters. For illustration we fit a power-law spectral shape to the bin-by-bin likelihood following Equation (3). The index and normalization of the power-law function are left free to vary in the fit. The resulting TS values and corresponding p-values (not including trials factors) are summarized in Table 2; none of them are significant. A more physical spectral model is fitted to the bin-by-bin likelihood in Section 4.

3.4. Joint Likelihood Analysis of SN Subsample with Confirmed Massive CSM

We select a subsample of 16 SNe from the SNe IIn catalog for which we have additional evidence through multi-wavelength observations for the existence of a massive CSM. We select SNe that show Balmer emission lines and continuum in both early and late times. The SNe in this sample are: PTF 12csy, PTF 11oxu, PTF 11mhr, PTF 11fzz, PTF 11fuu, PTF 10aaxf, PTF 10ptz, PTF 10scc, PTF 10jop, PTF 10fei, PTF 10qaf, PTF 10tel, PTF 10tyd, PTF 10gvf, PTF 10cwl, PTF 09drs. We repeat the joint likelihood analysis described above for this subset with the optical flux weighting scheme for three time windows (1 year, 6 months, and 3 months). The results are displayed in Figure 6. The TS values of the composite fit are 11.3, 17.5, and 10.3 for the time windows of 1 year, 6 months, and 3 months, respectively. Taking into account the 20 free parameters, the chance probability for a TS of 17.5 is 62%.

Figure 6.

Figure 6. Joint likelihood analysis of the SN subsample with a confirmed massive CSM: joint likelihood profile for each energy bin weighting each source with ${10}^{-0.4m+5.2}$. The black arrows indicate the 95% upper limits for ${\rm{\Delta }}T=1$ year, while the dotted–dashed and dotted lines represent the 95% upper limits for $\;{\rm{\Delta }}T=6$ months and ${\rm{\Delta }}T=3$ months, respectively.

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Figure 7.

Figure 7. Left: predicted γ-ray energy spectrum for SN 2010jl assuming ${{\rm{\Gamma }}}_{{\rm{p}}}=-2$ and a normalization of the γ-ray flux yielding $0.01\lt {L}_{\gamma }/{L}_{R}\lt 0.1$ shown as the green shaded region compared to the 95% flux upper limit (blue). Right: likelihood profile for the spectral normalization parameter N relative to the flux prediction yielding ${L}_{\gamma }/{L}_{R}=0.1$. The dashed green line indicates an increase of the negative delta log-likelihood by 2.71/2 compared to its minimum.

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Murase et al. (2011) suggested that γ-ray emission is produced by cosmic rays accelerated at the early collisionless shock between SN ejecta and circumstellar material. For the scenario described by Murase et al. (2014), γ-ray emission can be predicted when the model parameters are determined by optical and X-ray observations. We defer such model-dependent analyses to future work. Instead, in this work, we take a model-independent approach, where we aim to constrain the γ-ray luminosity as a function of the proton spectral index. We assume that the spectrum of CR protons is given by a power law (in momentum) with minimum and maximum proton momenta of 0.1 and ${10}^{8}$ GeV c−1, respectively. Then, we calculate the γ-ray flux following Kelner et al. (2006). In the calorimetric limit, which is expected for SNe like SN 2010jl (Murase et al. 2014), the γ-ray spectral index follows the proton spectral index, although the resulting limits (shown in Figure 9) are similar to what would be obtained for non-calorimetric cases, for which the resulting shape of the γ-ray spectrum is slightly harder than the proton spectral shape due to the energy dependence of the pp cross section. For simplicity we do not take into account γ-ray absorption; Murase et al. (2014) showed that GeV γ-rays can escape from the system without severe matter attenuation if the shock velocity is high enough.

Figure 8.

Figure 8. Gamma-ray energy spectra assuming a total γ-ray energy of 1050 erg, a source distance of 10 Mpc and a duration of 1 year for various proton spectral indices ${{\rm{\Gamma }}}_{{\rm{p}}}$. The shaded gray region shows the energy range covered by this analysis.

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Figure 9.

Figure 9. Left: 95% CL upper limit on the γ-ray luminosity as a function of the proton spectral index based on the results obtained from the joint likelihood analysis with $1/{d}^{2}$ weighting shown in blue compared to the limit obtained from the closest single source SN 2011ht in green. Right: 95% CL upper limit on the ratio of γ-ray and optical luminosity ${L}_{\gamma }/{L}_{R}$ as a function of ${{\rm{\Gamma }}}_{{\rm{p}}}$ assuming a proportionality between optical and γ-ray flux shown in blue compared to the limit obtained from a single source analysis of SN 2010jl considering a one year time window (in green). The results of the analysis with an extended time window of 4.5 years for SN 2010jl are shown in dashed green.

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The diffusive shock acceleration theory predicts that the proton acceleration efficiency is ${\epsilon }_{{\rm{p}}}\sim 0.1$. In the calorimetric limit, all the proton energy is used for pion production, and $1/3$ of pions are neutral pions that decay into γ-rays. Then about half of the γ-rays are absorbed deep inside the ejecta, so we expect ${L}_{\gamma }\approx (1/6){\epsilon }_{{\rm{p}}}{f}_{\mathrm{esc}}{L}_{\mathrm{kin}}$, where ${L}_{\mathrm{kin}}$ is the kinetic luminosity and ${f}_{\mathrm{esc}}$ is the escape fraction of γ-rays. The γ-ray attenuation due to the Bethe–Heitler process is relevant when the shock velocity is lower than $\sim 4500\;\mathrm{km}\;{{\rm{s}}}^{-1}$, while the two-photon annihilation process is relevant when the shock velocity is high enough (Murase et al. 2014). Although γ-rays can escape late after the shock breakout, the attenuation can be relevant around the shock breakout so we assume ${f}_{\mathrm{esc}}\sim 0.1$−1 to take into account uncertainty of the γ-ray flux. The radiation energy fraction is given by ${\epsilon }_{\gamma }\equiv {L}_{\mathrm{rad}}/{L}_{\mathrm{kin}}$, where ${L}_{\mathrm{rad}}$ is the bolometric radiation luminosity. About half of the kinetic energy is converted into the thermal energy, and half of the thermal energy is released as outgoing radiation, which implies ${\epsilon }_{\gamma }\sim 1/4$ (Ofek et al. 2014b). As a result, we have ${L}_{\gamma }/{L}_{\mathrm{rad}}\approx (1/6)({\epsilon }_{{\rm{p}}}/{\epsilon }_{\gamma }){f}_{\mathrm{esc}}\sim (1/15){f}_{\mathrm{esc}}$. Our limits presented below are on the fraction of γ-ray to R-band luminosity, which is an upper bound on ${L}_{\gamma }/{L}_{\mathrm{rad}}$. In the case of SN 2010jl ${L}_{R}\sim {L}_{\mathrm{rad}}$ and thus ${L}_{\gamma }/{L}_{R}\sim 0.01$-0.1 is theoretically expected.

As an example, we consider supernova SN 2010jl (PTF 10aaxf), which is the most-likely detectable CR accelerator, because multi-wavelength observations indicate a very massive CSM of 10 M${}_{\odot }$. We present a generic flux prediction for the calorimetric limit for this source assuming a proton spectral index of ${{\rm{\Gamma }}}_{{\rm{p}}}=-2$ and a normalization of the γ-ray flux that yields $0.01\lt {L}_{\gamma }/{L}_{R}\lt 0.1$ (shown as shaded green region in Figure 7) and calculate the corresponding flux upper limit (shown in blue in Figure 7) following the procedure outlined in Ackermann et al. (2014). The bin-by-bin likelihood analysis is used to re-create a global likelihood for a given signal spectrum by tying the signal parameters across the energy bins (see Equation (3)). In this case the global signal parameter is the flux scale factor N relative to the flux that yields ${L}_{\gamma }/{L}_{R}=0.1$ (i.e., the upper bound of the uncertainty band shown in Figure 7, left). We assume that SN 2010jl is at distance 48.7 Mpc with an apparent R-band peak magnitude of 13.2. We calculate the change in log-likelihood for various values of N and find the 95% flux upper limit (given by the value of N for which the delta log-likelihood decreases by 2.71/2 compared to its minimum). The derived upper limit touches the optimistic model prediction, i.e., the upper bound of the theoretical uncertainty band. A more detailed modeling of the expected flux based on multi-wavelength observations is outside the scope of this paper and will follow in future work. Better constraints on the γ-ray escape fraction are crucial to calculate stringent limits on the proton acceleration efficiency and will be obtained in more detailed modeling.

More stringent limits are expected from the joint likelihood results.69 Generic γ-ray flux predictions for various proton spectral indices are shown in Figure 8. We calculate the 95% CL upper limit on the γ-ray luminosity

Equation (6)

where ${F}_{\gamma }^{I}$ is the integrated γ-ray flux over the energy range used in this analysis. The luminosity ${L}_{\gamma }$ is proportional to the result of the joint likelihood analysis using the weight ${w}_{d}={(10\;{\rm{Mpc}}/d)}^{2}$, assuming all sources have the same ${L}_{\gamma }$. In other words our joint likelihood results set a limit on ${F}_{\gamma }^{I}/{w}_{d}$ and thus on ${L}_{\gamma }$. The result is shown in Figure 9 (left) as a function of the proton spectral index.

In addition we calculate the 95% CL upper limit on the ratio of γ-ray to optical luminosity

Equation (7)

where ${L}_{\odot }=6\times {10}^{32}$ erg s−1 is the R-band luminosity and ${M}_{\odot }=4.7$ the absolute R-band magnitude of the Sun. The ratio is proportional to ${F}_{\gamma }/{w}_{m}$, which is constrained by the joint likelihood analysis assuming a correlation of optical and γ-ray flux, i.e., weighting with ${w}_{m}={10}^{-0.4m+5.2}$. Thus we can use the joint likelihood results to set a limit on ${L}_{\gamma }/{L}_{R}$ as a function of ${{\rm{\Gamma }}}_{{\rm{p}}}$ (see Figure 9 right).

In Figure 9 both limits discussed above are compared to the limit obtained using only one SN. The closest SN (SN 2011ht with a distance of d = 17.7 Mpc) is discussed in the case of $1/{d}^{2}$ weighting and the brightest SN (SN 2010jl with a magnitude of m = 13.2) is discussed in the case of weighting with the optical flux. In both cases the combined limit is dominated by one SN. In the case of $1/{d}^{2}$ weighting the single source limit is better than the combined limit, indicating a statistical under-fluctuation in the individual analysis of this source or an over-fluctuation in one of the sources included in the joint likelihood.


The origin of the multi-wavelength emission of SNe IIn and the onset of cosmic-ray production in supernova remnants is not fully understood. SNe IIn are expected to be host sites of particle acceleration, which could be pinpointed by transient γ-ray signals. For the first time we searched in a systematic way for γ-ray emission from a large ensemble of SNe IIn in coincidence with optical signals. No evidence for a signal was found, but our observational limits start to reach interesting parameter ranges expected by the theory. We set stringent limits on the γ-ray luminosity and the ratio of γ-ray and optical luminosity. For example, we can exclude ${L}_{\gamma }/{L}_{R}\gt 0.1$ at 95% CL for proton spectral indices of $\lt 2.7$ from the results of the combined likelihood analysis assuming that ${L}_{\gamma }/{L}_{R}$ is constant. Those constraints can be converted to limits on the proton acceleration efficiency. In the case of SN 2010jl, our limits are close to theoretically expected values. However, uncertainties in the modeling, including the γ-ray escape fraction, lead to the range of $O(10\%)$ to $O(1\%)$ for the ratio of γ-ray to optical luminosity. Model-dependent calculations based on multi-wavelength observations will be performed in a future work and will allow us to set stringent constraints on the proton acceleration efficiency.

We do not have to make this assumption in the analysis of individual SNe. The results from the optically brightest SN in our sample, SN 2010jl, alone lead to only a factor of two weaker constraints, excluding ${L}_{\gamma }/{L}_{R}\gt 0.2$. Assuming a scaling of the γ-ray flux with $1/{d}^{2}$ we can exclude ${L}_{\gamma }\gt 4\times {10}^{40}$ erg s−1 at 95% CL for all indices considered. A total γ-ray luminosity of 1050 erg emitted within 1 year (as assumed in Figure 8) is excluded. The limits presented here are based on minimal assumptions about the γ-ray production and can be used to test various models.

The Fermi-LAT Collaboration acknowledges generous ongoing support from a number of agencies and institutes that have supported both the development and the operation of the LAT as well as scientific data analysis. These include the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the Department of Energy in the United States, the Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique/Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules in France, the Agenzia Spaziale Italiana and the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare in Italy, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) in Japan, and the K.A. Wallenberg Foundation, the Swedish Research Council and the Swedish National Space Board in Sweden. Additional support for science analysis during the operations phase is gratefully acknowledged from the Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica in Italy and the Centre National d'Études Spatiales in France. This paper is based on observations obtained with the Samuel Oschin Telescope as part of the Palomar Transient Factory project, a scientific collaboration between the California Institute of Technology, Columbia University, Las Cumbres Observatory, the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center, the University of Oxford, and the Weizmann Institute of Science. Some of the data presented herein were obtained at the W.M. Keck Observatory, which is operated as a scientific partnership among the California Institute of Technology, the University of California, and NASA; the Observatory was made possible by the generous financial support of the W.M. Keck Foundation. We are grateful for excellent staff assistance at the Palomar, Lick, and Keck Observatories. E.O.O. is the incumbent of the Arye Dissentshik career development chair and is grateful for support by grants from the Willner Family Leadership Institute Ilan Gluzman (Secaucus NJ), the Israeli Ministry of Science, the Israel Science Foundation, Minerva and the I-CORE Program of the Planning and Budgeting Committee and The Israel Science Foundation. A.G.-Y. is supported by the EU/FP7 via ERC grant No. 307260, the Quantum Universe I-Core program by the Israeli Committee for Planning and Budgeting and the ISF, Minerva and ISF grants, WIS-UK "Making Connections", and Kimmel and ARCHES awards.


The following table contains all SNe included in this analysis. The column definition is similar to Table 1.

Name R.A. (°) Decl. (° ) Date z m TS (p-value)
SN 2008gm 348.55 −2.78 2008 Oct 22 0.012 17.00 3.2 (0.169)
CSS081201_103354–032125 158.47 −3.36 2008 Dec 01 0.060 18.30 0.0 (0.572)
CSS080701_234413 + 075224 356.05 7.87 2008 Dec 30 0.069 18.50 0.0 (0.572)
SN 2008ja            
SN 2008ip 194.46 36.38 2008 Dec 31 0.015 15.70 0.0 (0.572)
SN 2009au 194.94 −29.60 2009 Mar 11 0.009 16.40 0.0 (0.572)
CSS080928_160837 + 041626 242.16 4.27 2009 Mar 21 0.041 17.60 0.3 (0.458)
SN 2008iy            
SN 2009cw 226.26 48.67 2009 Mar 28 0.150 20.30 0.0 (0.572)
SN 2009eo 224.53 2.43 2009 May 13 0.044 18.10 0.0 (0.572)
SN 2009fs 274.80 42.81 2009 Jun 01 0.054 17.00 3.5 (0.154)
PTF 09ij 218.06 54.86 2009 Jun 03 0.124 20.30 0.0 (0.572)
PTF 09ge 224.26 49.61 2009 Jun 06 0.064 17.90 3.3 (0.165)
PTF 09tm 206.73 61.55 2009 Jun 25 0.034 16.80 0.0 (0.572)
PTF 09uj 215.05 53.56 2009 Jun 26 0.066 18.20 0.0 (0.572)
PTF 09uy 190.98 74.69 2009 Jul 03 0.313 19.40 0.0 (0.572)
PTF 09bcl 271.61 17.86 2009 Jul 19 0.062 20.87 0.0 (0.572)
PTF 10ujc 353.63 22.35 2009 Aug 05 0.032 16.20 0.0 (0.572)
PTF 09drs 226.63 60.59 2009 Aug 15 0.045 18.50 0.0 (0.561)
CSS090925_001259 + 144121 3.25 14.69 2009 Sep 25 0.090 18.80 0.0 (0.568)
SN 2009ma 127.24 0.59 2009 Oct 17 0.089 18.20 0.0 (0.572)
CSS091018_091109 + 195945 137.79 20.00 2009 Oct 18 0.150 19.00 0.0 (0.572)
SN 2009mb            
SN 2009kn 122.43 −17.75 2009 Oct 26 0.016 16.60 0.0 (0.572)
SN 2009kr 78.01 −15.70 2009 Nov 06 0.006 16.00 4.7 (0.104)
SN 2009nm 151.35 51.28 2009 Nov 20 0.210 18.80 0.0 (0.572)
CSS091217_110637 + 341952 166.65 34.33 2009 Dec 17 ? 18.70 0.0 (0.572)
SN 2009nj            
CSS091218_104011 + 223735 160.05 22.63 2009 Dec 18 0.140 19.40 0.0 (0.572)
SN 2009nw            
PTF 10dk 77.09 0.21 2009 Dec 18 0.074 20.14 0.0 (0.572)
PTF 10u 152.49 46.01 2010 Jan 05 0.150 19.80 0.0 (0.572)
PTF 11ner 125.58 72.83 2010 Jan 11 0.117 20.94 0.0 (0.572)
PTF 10ts 188.49 13.92 2010 Jan 12 0.046 17.66 7.9 (0.033)
SN 2009nn            
CSS100113_032138 + 263650 50.41 26.61 2010 Jan 13 0.060 18.80 0.1 (0.517)
SN 2010M            
PTF 10cwl 189.09 7.79 2010 Mar 13 0.085 19.00 0.0 (0.572)
SN 2010al 123.57 18.44 2010 Mar 13 0.017 17.80 9.7 (0.023)
PTF 10cwx 188.32 −0.05 2010 Mar 19 0.073 18.50 2.3 (0.228)
PTF 10fei 227.07 53.59 2010 Apr 04 0.090 18.55 0.0 (0.572)
PTF 10fel 246.88 51.36 2010 Apr 04 0.234 19.70 11.1 (0.016)
PTF 10ewc 210.50 33.84 2010 Apr 15 0.055 18.40 0.3 (0.476)
PTF 10fou 208.94 29.88 2010 Apr 17 0.043 20.00 0.2 (0.489)
PTF 10flx 251.74 64.45 2010 Apr 17 0.067 18.80 11.6 (0.015)
SN 2010bt 192.08 −34.95 2010 Apr 17 0.016 15.80 14.4 (0.0065)
PTF 10fjh 251.73 34.16 2010 Apr 25 0.032 17.20 0.0 (0.572)
SN 2010bq            
PTF 10gvd 253.26 67.00 2010 May 02 0.070 19.20 2.8 (0.196)
PTF 10hcr 183.00 38.53 2010 May 06 0.037 20.06 1.0 (0.359)
PTF 10hbf 193.19 −6.92 2010 May 07 0.042 18.80 0.6 (0.407)
PTF 10hif 257.45 27.26 2010 May 12 0.141 18.00 0.0 (0.572)
PTF 10gvf 168.44 53.63 2010 May 14 0.080 19.00 0.0 (0.572)
PTF 10hSN 244.40 5.04 2010 Jun 01 0.164 19.00 0.0 (0.572)
PTF 10jop 322.38 2.88 2010 Jun 11 0.089 18.60 0.0 (0.572)
PTF 10ngx 186.80 15.98 2010 Jul 03 0.067 19.40 0.0 (0.572)
PTF 10ndr 224.95 65.00 2010 Jul 26 0.075 19.60 0.0 (0.572)
PTF 10qaf 353.93 10.78 2010 Jul 31 0.284 19.00 7.5 (0.036)
SN 2010hd 340.47 −46.10 2010 Aug 07 0.033 17.60 8.8 (0.028)
PS1–1000789 310.69 15.51 2010 Aug 15 0.200 17.30 0.0 (0.572)
PTF 10oug 260.19 29.07 2010 Aug 20 0.150 19.20 0.0 (0.572)
PTF 10scc 352.04 28.64 2010 Aug 20 0.242 18.90 0.0 (0.572)
PTF 10qwu 252.79 28.30 2010 Aug 20 0.226 19.40 0.1 (0.541)
PTF 10tjr 220.38 23.01 2010 Aug 23 0.078 17.73 0.0 (0.572)
PTF 10tpz 329.63 −15.55 2010 Aug 28 0.040 17.06 0.0 (0.572)
PTF 10tel 260.38 48.13 2010 Sep 04 0.035 17.50 0.0 (0.572)
SN 2010mc            
PTF 10ttp 341.92 −10.04 2010 Sep 09 0.179 19.50 0.0 (0.572)
CSS100910_001539 + 271250 3.91 27.21 2010 Sep 10 0.024 18.10 0.0 (0.572)
PTF 10viv 331.11 -7.98 2010 Sep 12 0.060 20.13 0.0 (0.572)
SN 2010jg            
PTF 10uls 20.34 4.89 2010 Sep 19 0.044 18.60 1.4 (0.322)
PTF 10xzs 120.60 67.42 2010 Sep 22 0.036 19.33 8.2 (0.031)
PTF 10wop 327.65 −6.77 2010 Sep 23 0.090 19.55 0.0 (0.572)
PTF 10xif 48.11 −9.81 2010 Sep 27 0.029 18.42 0.0 (0.572)
PTF 10vag 326.83 18.13 2010 Sep 29 0.052 18.50 0.0 (0.572)
PTF 10xgo 328.99 1.32 2010 Oct 03 0.034 19.25 2.8 (0.193)
CSS121009_025917–141610 44.82 −14.27 2010 Oct 09 0.080 19.20 0.0 (0.572)
PTF 10tyd 257.33 27.82 2010 Oct 09 0.063 19.00 0.0 (0.572)
PTF 12kph 24.82 −7.56 2010 Oct 11 0.059 18.84 6.1 (0.063)
PTF 10uiz 258.63 21.43 2010 Oct 19 0.114 18.40 0.0 (0.572)
PTF 10wmk 132.04 55.83 2010 Oct 29 0.137 19.51 0.0 (0.572)
PTF 10yzt 2.96 26.69 2010 Oct 29 0.076 18.58 0.0 (0.572)
CSS101030_230944 + 054156 347.43 5.70 2010 Oct 30 0.042 16.50 0.0 (0.572)
SN 2010jy            
PTF 10aaes 31.79 16.21 2010 Oct 30 0.037 19.50 0.0 (0.572)
SN 2010jk 18.15 15.47 2010 Oct 31 0.280 20.20 3.6 (0.153)
PTF 10acfd 147.91 1.52 2010 Nov 03 0.192 20.34 0.0 (0.572)
SN 2010lx 71.19 −22.21 2010 Nov 03 0.100 18.70 0.0 (0.572)
SN 2010js 124.21 60.50 2010 Nov 07 0.039 18.10 1.9 (0.262)
PTF 10yyc 69.82 −0.35 2010 Nov 08 0.214 17.66 0.9 (0.367)
PTF 10weh 261.71 58.85 2010 Nov 08 0.138 18.30 6.6 (0.048)
CSS101110_082047 + 355337 125.20 35.89 2010 Nov 10 0.075 18.20 6.2 (0.059)
2010 kb            
PTF 10aazn 31.72 44.57 2010 Nov 13 0.016 16.52 5.4 (0.079)
SN 2010jj            
PTF 10aaxf 145.72 9.50 2010 Nov 18 0.011 13.20 7.1 (0.039)
SN 2010jl            
PTF 10abcl 348.90 22.81 2010 Nov 19 0.061 18.95 3.0 (0.181)
PTF 10aaxi 94.13 -21.41 2010 Nov 23 0.010 18.00 0.0 (0.572)
SN 2010jp            
PTF 10yni 2.71 14.18 2010 Nov 28 0.169 18.90 7.2 (0.039)
PTF 10abui 93.08 −22.77 2010 Dec 08 0.052 18.60 0.0 (0.572)
PTF 10abyy 79.17 6.80 2010 Dec 08 0.030 18.66 0.2 (0.503)
PTF 10achk 46.49 −10.52 2010 Dec 28 0.033 16.90 0.0 (0.572)
SN 2011A 195.25 −14.53 2011 Jan 02 0.009 16.90 0.0 (0.572)
SN 2011P 36.44 16.22 2011 Jan 05 0.080 18.60 10.8 (0.016)
SN 2011af 36.48 10.39 2011 Jan 11 0.064 16.70 0.0 (0.572)
SN 2011S 138.48 −17.01 2011 Jan 14 0.060 17.60 0.0 (0.572)
PTF 10acsq 120.39 46.76 2011 Jan 27 0.173 19.00 0.0 (0.572)
SN 2011ap 272.62 31.01 2011 Feb 21 0.024 18.30 0.0 (0.572)
SN 2011an 119.85 16.42 2011 Mar 01 0.016 18.40 0.7 (0.398)
SN 2011cc 248.46 39.26 2011 Mar 17 0.032 17.70 0.0 (0.572)
PS1–11xn 221.91 51.68 2011 Apr 26 0.040 18.60 0.0 (0.572)
SN 2011cp 118.14 21.89 2011 Apr 26 0.390 19.50 5.4 (0.081)
CSS110501_094825 + 204333 147.10 20.73 2011 May 01 0.040 18.40 0.0 (0.572)
PTF 11csc 224.68 36.60 2011 May 02 0.117 20.60 0.0 (0.572)
PTF 11dsb 244.65 32.70 2011 May 15 0.190 20.10 0.0 (0.572)
SN 2011eu 212.31 −1.18 2011 Jun 06 0.110 18.50 0.0 (0.572)
PTF 11fuu 325.12 6.33 2011 Jun 09 0.097 18.50 0.0 (0.572)
PTF 11fss 323.47 1.84 2011 Jun 11 0.125 19.42 0.0 (0.572)
CSS110623_131919–045106 199.83 −4.85 2011 Jun 23 0.070 18.40 0.0 (0.572)
PTF 11gtr 258.01 23.38 2011 Jun 25 0.029 20.94 0.0 (0.572)
PTF 11hzx 327.67 18.11 2011 Jul 24 0.229 18.90 0.0 (0.572)
PTF 11iqb 8.52 −9.70 2011 Aug 06 0.013 15.20 0.3 (0.469)
PTF 11fzz 167.69 54.11 2011 Aug 15 0.082 17.40 0.3 (0.479)
SN 2011fh 194.06 −29.50 2011 Aug 24 0.008 14.50 1.9 (0.262)
PTF 11pab 44.63 6.31 2011 Aug 30 0.022 21.08 6.1 (0.063)
SN 2011fx 4.50 24.56 2011 Aug 30 0.019 17.60 0.5 (0.428)
SN 2011fr 22.44 18.89 2011 Sep 01 0.060 18.80 0.0 (0.572)
PTF 11mpg 334.40 0.61 2011 Sep 19 0.093 19.18 0.0 (0.572)
PTF 11oey 352.73 23.18 2011 Sep 21 0.061 20.17 0.0 (0.572)
PTF 11mtq 270.08 28.70 2011 Sep 22 0.073 19.35 1.6 (0.302)
PTF 11msk 325.91 −1.69 2011 Oct 04 0.070 19.10 2.2 (0.238)
PTF 11pdt 44.63 6.31 2011 Oct 19 0.022 20.00 8.9 (0.028)
PSNJ 10081059 + 5150570 152.04 51.85 2011 Oct 29 0.004 14.50 0.0 (0.572)
SN 2011ht            
PTF 11qnf 86.23 69.15 2011 Nov 01 0.014 19.80 1.4 (0.320)
SN 2011ib 176.16 35.97 2011 Nov 15 0.037 16.80 0.0 (0.572)
SN 2011hw 336.56 34.22 2011 Nov 18 0.023 15.70 0.0 (0.572)
SN 2011jb 174.27 15.47 2011 Nov 28 0.084 17.80 0.0 (0.572)
SN 2011iw 353.70 24.75 2011 Nov 29 0.023 16.90 0.0 (0.572)
PTF 11qqj 149.51 0.72 2011 Dec 11 0.093 19.00 0.0 (0.572)
PTF 11oxu 54.64 22.55 2011 Dec 13 0.088 18.70 4.7 (0.103)
SN 2011jc            
PTF 11rlv 192.39 −9.34 2011 Dec 21 0.132 19.77 0.0 (0.572)
PTF 11rfr 25.57 29.27 2011 Dec 23 0.067 17.30 0.0 (0.572)
PTF 12th 72.62 -3.49 2012 Jan 05 0.084 19.08 0.0 (0.572)
SN 2012Y            
PTF 12xv 70.20 6.52 2012 Jan 18 0.120 19.51 0.0 (0.572)
SN 2012ab 185.70 5.61 2012 Jan 31 0.018 15.80 0.0 (0.572)
SN 2012as 231.29 37.96 2012 Feb 17 0.029 17.90 0.0 (0.572)
SN 2012al 151.55 47.29 2012 Feb 24 0.040 18.10 0.7 (0.398)
SN 2012am 163.51 46.03 2012 Feb 24 0.042 17.60 0.0 (0.572)
LSQ 12biu 214.84 −19.84 2012 Mar 21 0.136 19.40 1.1 (0.352)
CSS120327_110520–015205 166.33 −1.87 2012 Mar 27 0.090 17.80 0.0 (0.572)
CSS120330_101639–064636 154.16 -6.78 2012 Mar 28 0.042 17.30 0.0 (0.572)
LSQ 12by            
PTF 11mhr 236.51 31.94 2012 Mar 28 0.054 17.30 0.4 (0.451)
LSQ 12bqd 197.91 −16.40 2012 Mar 29 0.041 19.30 0.0 (0.572)
SN 2012bq 154.16 −6.78 2012 Mar 30 0.042 17.60 0.0 (0.572)
PTF 12cix 191.29 35.94 2012 Apr 01 0.190 19.50 0.0 (0.572)
PTF 12csy 104.64 17.26 2012 Apr 07 0.067 19.20 0.0 (0.572)
LSQ 12btwa 152.62 5.54 2012 Apr 09 0.057 19.10 0.0 (0.572)
PSNJ 18410706–4147374 280.28 -41.79 2012 Apr 25 0.019 14.50 0.0 (0.572)
SN 2012ca            
PTF 12cxj 198.16 46.49 2012 Apr 28 0.035 18.70 0.0 (0.572)


aThis source is of Type Ibn, while all other sources are of Type IIn.

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Figures 10 and 11 show the likelihood profiles in energy bins for ${\rm{\Delta }}T=1$ year and the 95% CL upper limit for the three time windows ${\rm{\Delta }}T=1$ year, $\;{\rm{\Delta }}T=6$ months, and ${\rm{\Delta }}T=3$ months for all SNe listed in Table 1.

Figure 10.

Figure 10. Similar to Figure 4. Colors represent the likelihood profile for each energy for ${\rm{\Delta }}T=1$ year. The black arrows indicate the 95% CL upper limits for ${\rm{\Delta }}T=1$ year, while the dotted–dashed and dotted lines represent the 95% CL upper limit for $\;{\rm{\Delta }}T=6$ months and ${\rm{\Delta }}T=3$ months, respectively.

Standard image High-resolution image
Figure 11.

Figure 11. Similar to Figure 4. Colors represent the likelihood profile for each energy for ${\rm{\Delta }}T=1$ year. The black arrows indicate the 95% CL upper limits for ${\rm{\Delta }}T=1$ year, while the dotted–dashed and dotted lines represent the 95% CL upper limit for $\;{\rm{\Delta }}T=6$ months and ${\rm{\Delta }}T=3$ months, respectively.

Standard image High-resolution image


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