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Soil assessment of apple orchards under conventional and organic management

Iris Vogeler A B , Rogerio Cichota A , Siva Sivakumaran A , Markus Deurer A and Ian McIvor A
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A HortResearch, Private Bag 11030, Palmerston North, New Zealand.

B Corresponding author. Email: ivogeler@hortresearch.co.nz

Australian Journal of Soil Research 44(8) 745-752 https://doi.org/10.1071/SR06096
Submitted: 28 July 2006  Accepted: 16 October 2006   Published: 29 November 2006


To determine the effect of wheel traffic and two different management practices on soil compaction and its consequences on physical and chemical soil properties, we measured penetration resistance, water infiltration, bulk density, macroporosity, chemical mobility, air permeability, and soil strength in a conventional orchard (integrated fruit-production program) with bare (sprayed with herbicides) rows and an organic apple orchard with grassed rows. Resistance measurements were taken both within the tree row and the wheel track, down to a depth of 0.35 to 0.40 m. The results indicate that compaction is greater in the wheel tracks under both management methods. Compaction in the wheel track was higher under organic than conventional management. Organic management resulted in a higher macroporosity in both the row and the wheel-track than conventional management. The ‘close-to-saturation’ infiltration rate was significantly greater within the row of the organic orchard (0.06 m/h) compared with the row of the conventional orchard (0.02 m/h), and compared with the wheel tracks (0.01 m/h). The precompression stress value in the top 100 mm, a measure of the soil strength, was low on all sites. The chemical mobilities were 57 and 50% in the organic orchard, and 86 and 93% in the conventional orchard, respectively, for wheel track and row. Apart from the compaction in the wheel track of the organic orchard, physical and chemical soil characteristics were in a better condition compared with the conventional orchard.

Additional keywords: penetrometer, infiltration, chemical mobility, precompression stress, wheel track.


We thank Prof. Mary-Beth Kirkham, Kansas State University, USA, for helpful discussions and enthusiastic input in the planning of the experiment.


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