The GLOBE research program expanded the Hofstede model of five dimensions of national cultures to 18. A re-analysis based on GLOBE's 2004 summary book produced five meta-factors. One was significantly correlated with GNP/capita and, from the Hofstede dimensions, primarily with Power Distance. Three more correlated significantly with Hofstede's Individualism, Uncertainty Avoidance and Long-Term Orientation. The fifth included the few GLOBE questions that related to Hofstede's dimension of Masculinity versus Femininity. GLOBE's respondents’ minds classified the questions in a way that the researchers’ minds did not account for and which closely resembles the original Hofstede model.
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The author thanks JIBS departmental editor Kwok Leung for negotiating access to the GLOBE country mean item scores, Robert J House and the GLOBE team for providing these scores, and Dr Frank Chau for handling my extensive requests for analysis.
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Accepted by Kwok Leung, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, 5 June, 2006. This paper has been with the author for two revisions. Copyright in the content of this paper resides with the author.
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Hofstede, G. What did GLOBE really measure? Researchers’ minds versus respondents’ minds. J Int Bus Stud 37, 882–896 (2006). https://doi.org/10.1057/palgrave.jibs.8400233
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1057/palgrave.jibs.8400233