Laboratorium für Organische Chemie der ETH-Zürich, HCI H 335, Wolfgang Pauli Strasse 10, Zurich, Switzerland
E-mail:carreira@org.chem.ethz.ch Fax: +41 44 632 1328 Tel: +41 44 632 2830
Covering: 1955 to 2009
The preparation and biological properties of various AmB analogs and conjugates that have been studied since the introduction of AmB into the clinic over 50 years ago are reviewed. Amphotericin B (AmB) analogs prepared by semi-synthetic modifications as well as those produced via genetic modification of the AmBpolyketide synthase cluster are discussed, thereby highlighting the complementary approaches. In addition, the review includes the synthesis of AmB conjugated to biomolecules such as sterols and reactive markers such as fluorescent dyes, as well as their application to further understand the mechanism of action of the parent compound.
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