We study configurations of n points and n lines that form \(\Theta (n^{4/3})\) incidences, when the point set is a Cartesian product. We prove structural properties of such configurations, such that there exist many families of parallel lines or many families of concurrent lines. We show that the line slopes have multiplicative structure or that many sets of y-intercepts have additive structure. We introduce the first infinite family of configurations with \(\Theta (n^{4/3})\) incidences. We also derive a new variant of a different structural point–line result of Elekes. Our techniques are based on the concept of line energy. Recently, Rudnev and Shkredov introduced this energy and showed how it is connected to point–line incidences. We also prove that their bound is tight up to sub-polynomial factors.
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The authors thank Misha Rudnev, Junxuan Shen, Ilya Shkredov, and Audie Warren for helpful conversations. We also thank Chi Hoi Yip and the anonymous referees for spotting issues and helping to improve this work.
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This research project was done as part of the 2020 NYC Discrete Math REU, supported by NSF awards DMS-1802059, DMS-1851420, DMS-1953141, and DMS-2028892. A.S. supported by NSF award DMS-1802059 and by PSCCUNY award 63580. O.S. supported by the Lynn A. Booth and Kent Kresa SURF Fellowship.
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Sheffer, A., Silier, O. A Structural Szemerédi–Trotter Theorem for Cartesian Products. Discrete Comput Geom 71, 646–666 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00454-023-00555-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00454-023-00555-4