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Google Pay™

Payment using Google Pay is available for both WSPayForm and WSPayAuto integrators.

Using WSPayForm

Before activating Google Pay as payment method on WSPayForm, merchant must complete WSPayForm integration.

In order to activate Google Pay as payment method on WSPayForm merchant must:

  • Accept WSPay Google Pay Terms of Service
  • Accept Google Pay API Terms of Service
  • Adhere to the Google Pay APIs Acceptable Use Policy
All these steps, like for other payment methods, are done through "Payment methods" option inside WSPay Administration.
Our customer support will get back to you as soon as possible after you apply for Google Pay.

Activating Google Pay on WSPayForm will result in Google Pay as an available payment method on WSPayForm:

Using WSPayAuto

Implementation is done through two steps:
  • Merchant must integrate directly with Google Pay
  • Merchant must integrate with WSPayAuto in order to process credit card data

Integrating with Google Pay

First part of implementation is to integrate directly with Google Pay.

Detailed instructions on how to setup Google Pay for web payments can be found here.

Detailed instructions on how implement Google Pay for web payments can be found here.

WSPay specifics

Set allowedCardNetworks
const allowedCardNetworks = ["AMEX", "DISCOVER", "MASTERCARD", "VISA"];
List of possible credit cards for specific merchant will be defined between merchant and WSPay in a Google Pay activation process.

Set tokenizationSpecification
const tokenizationSpecification = {
    type: "PAYMENT_GATEWAY",
    parameters: {
        "gateway": "wspay",
        "gatewayMerchantId": "MYSHOP"
For gateway parameter merchant will use: "wspay".
For gatewayMerchantId merchant will use ShopID that will be delivered by WSPay.

Set allowedCardAuthMethods
const allowedCardAuthMethods = ["PAN_ONLY", "CRYPTOGRAM_3DS"];
WSPay handles both "PAN_ONLY" and "CRYPTOGRAM_3DS" card authentication methods.

Successful integration

After merchant has successfully integrated with Google Pay, final step of payment processing with Google Pay will be reception of Payment Token that will be sent to WSPayAuto for further processing.
function processPayment(paymentData) {
  paymentToken = paymentData.paymentMethodData.tokenizationData.token;

Integrating with WSPayAuto

In order to process Payment Token received from Google Pay merchant must be familiar with WSPayAuto integration.

In order to activate Google Pay for WSPayAuto, merchant must:
  • Accept WSPay Google Pay Terms of Service
  • Accept Google Pay API Terms of Service
  • Adhere to the Google Pay APIs Acceptable Use Policy

All these steps are done through "Payment methods" option inside WSPay Administration.
Our customer support will get back to you as soon as possible after you apply for Google Pay.

WSPayAuto Google Pay payment processing

Google Pay payment processing is carried out by sending additional "PaymentMethod" and "PaymentToken" parameters along with the other WSPayAuto form data parameters needed for processing payment using WSPayAuto.

PaymentMethod This parameter will tell WSPayAuto which payment method will be used in transaction.

Parameter must have value: GPAY

PaymentToken This parameter will have a value of a Payment Token received from Google Pay integration.
When using Google Pay next parameters from standard WSPayAuto integration will be ignored:
  • CreditCardName
  • CreditCardNumber
  • ExpirationDate
  • CardVerificationData

After submitting this form, further processing flow is the same as with standard WSPayAuto integration as described in redirecting customer section.

SCA and PSD2 compliance

To comply with SCA and PSD2 regulations WSPay will send Google Pay transactions through 3DS process if necessary.

Payload received after decrypting Google Pay Payment Token can have one of two authentication methods values:

  • PAN_ONLY - A PAN that requires 3D Secure 2.0 authentication
  • CRYPTOGRAM_3DS - An authenticated payload that can be processed without any further step-up or challenge
Since the decryption of Google Pay payload is handled by WSPay, merchant does not have visibility of underlaying credential being "PAN_ONLY" or "CRYPTOGRAM_3DS".
Therefore merchant must expect that their customer may need to pass 3DS Secure authentication on payment processing request if it is necessary.
Note that if merchant is limiting authentication method to just CRYPTOGRAM_3DS in Google Pay API Integration then transaction will be processed without any further step-up or challenge.