# Upsun > Upsun is a PaaS to host all of your web applications. Things to remember when deploying applications on Upsun: - *Ultimate developer flexibility*: Self-service. Usage-based pricing. Customize your resources, runtimes, users, frontends, backends, APIs. All the choices are yours. Welcome to the Upsun PaaS. - *Application development your way*, 4 options to get started sync your GitHub repo with Upsun, Deploy an existing local Git repository, Kickstart a new repository, Explore Upsun with our Demo app - *Agnostic freedom*: Tight integration with external systems, stacks, and tools you already use. Choice of IaaS platform(by geo or cloud provider) and services. Choose the road you want to travel. - *Self-service*: All the control and customization you want to experiment. Flexible resources. Sensible, transparent, usage-based pricing. Choose self-empowerment. - *Composable infrastructure*: Dozens of runtimes and backend services to mix and match, Managed routing, with built-in, multiregional edge-caching, automated TLS, and WAF, Full infrastructure preview environments, isolated, but identical to production, Full abstraction from underlying cloud provider; runs precisely the same way on every major cloud - *Collaboration-oriented*: The ability to collaborate on the infrastructure just like you collaborate on code, Git-driven infrastructure with support for multiple repositories, Bi-directional Git integrations, activity scripts, and webhooks to plug into any external service, Instantly created preview environments—per branch, per PR, per team, per developer, per anything - *Scalable on every dimension*: Vertical scaling of every component, horizontal scaling of applications and workers, Fully managed, multicloud edge-caching, From a single monolith to an automated service mesh, with microservices, workers' message queues, and multiple data backends, Built-in observability tools, with infrastructure metrics, built-in APM, profiling, and tracing - *Stability, security, responsibility*: Automated high availability and failover of every infrastructure component, with automated and transparent security-patching, Fine-grained team permissions, with MFA everywhere—even on SSH, Short-lived SSH certificates, with MFA and external identity provider support, PCI DSS, SOC 2, GDPR compliance, - *Polyglot? Hyperglot? We glot you*: Upsun supports an array of cool languages and frameworks. Monoliths. Microservices. Multistack. So you can keep your options open. Flexible. And future-proof. ## Docs - Get started - [Getting started with Upsun](https://docs.upsun.com/get-started/here.md) - [Setup](https://docs.upsun.com/get-started/here/setup.md) - [Create a project](https://docs.upsun.com/get-started/here/create-project.md): All you need to know about creating a new project with Upsun - [Configure your project](https://docs.upsun.com/get-started/here/configure.md): Configure your project - [JavaScript/Node.js](https://docs.upsun.com/get-started/here/configure/nodejs.md): All you need to know about configuring a new Javascript/Node.js project with Upsun - [PHP](https://docs.upsun.com/get-started/here/configure/php.md): All you need to know about configuring a new PHP project with Upsun - [Python](https://docs.upsun.com/get-started/here/configure/python.md): All you need to know about configuring a new Python project with Upsun - [Set resources](https://docs.upsun.com/get-started/here/set-resources.md): Flexible resources on Upsun are easy to use. Find all you need to know about resources allocation there. - [Make changes to your project](https://docs.upsun.com/get-started/here/make-changes.md): How to work on a daily basis with an Upsun project? - [Local development](https://docs.upsun.com/get-started/here/local.md): All you need to know about working locally with an Upsun project. - [Tethered](https://docs.upsun.com/get-started/here/local/tethered.md): Sync your local Upsun with your remote environment to start contributing. - [Third party integrations](https://docs.upsun.com/get-started/here/third-party.md) - [Get support](https://docs.upsun.com/get-started/here/support.md) - [How to deploy](https://docs.upsun.com/get-started/stacks.md) - Javascript/Node.js - [Deploy Express on Upsun](https://docs.upsun.com/get-started/stacks/express.md): Complete the last required steps to successfully deploy Express on Upsun. - [Add a database](https://docs.upsun.com/get-started/stacks/express/add-database.md): Once your Express app has been deployed on Upsun, you might want to add a service to it. - [Deploy Next.js on Upsun](https://docs.upsun.com/get-started/stacks/nextjs.md): Complete the last required steps to successfully deploy Next.js on Upsun. - [Deploy Strapi on Upsun](https://docs.upsun.com/get-started/stacks/strapi.md): Complete the last required steps to successfully deploy Strapi on Upsun. - [Add a database](https://docs.upsun.com/get-started/stacks/strapi/add-database.md): Once Your Strapi application has been deployed on Upsun, you might want to add and configure a service to your application. - Python - [Deploy Django on Upsun](https://docs.upsun.com/get-started/stacks/django.md): Complete the last required steps to successfully deploy Django on Upsun. - [Deploy Flask on Upsun](https://docs.upsun.com/get-started/stacks/flask.md): Complete the last required steps to successfully deploy Flask on Upsun. - PHP - [Deploy Drupal on Upsun](https://docs.upsun.com/get-started/stacks/drupal.md): Complete the last required steps to successfully deploy Drupal on Upsun. - PHP - [Deploy Laravel on Upsun](https://docs.upsun.com/get-started/stacks/laravel.md): Complete the last required steps to successfully deploy Laravel on Upsun. - [Get started](https://docs.upsun.com/get-started/stacks/laravel/get-started.md): See how to get started deploying Laravel on Upsun. - [Environment variables](https://docs.upsun.com/get-started/stacks/laravel/environment-variables.md): Learn about the environment variables added by the Upsun CLI. - [Set up Redis](https://docs.upsun.com/get-started/stacks/laravel/setup-redis.md): Setting up Redis for cache, sessions & queues - [Handle queues with Horizon](https://docs.upsun.com/get-started/stacks/laravel/laravel-horizon.md): Setting up Laravel Horizon - [Cron jobs](https://docs.upsun.com/get-started/stacks/laravel/crons.md): Understand how to configure Laravel cron jobs. - [Blackfire](https://docs.upsun.com/get-started/stacks/laravel/blackfire.md): Set up a continuous observability strategy for your Laravel app with Blackfire. - [Debug with Laravel Telescope](https://docs.upsun.com/get-started/stacks/laravel/laravel-telescope.md): Setting up Laravel Telescope for debugging Laravel - [FAQ](https://docs.upsun.com/get-started/stacks/laravel/faq.md): Troubleshoot issue you might encounter using [Laravel](https://laravel.com/), a PHP framework on Upsun. - [WordPress](https://docs.upsun.com/get-started/stacks/wordpress.md) - [Composer WordPress](https://docs.upsun.com/get-started/stacks/wordpress/composer.md): Complete the last required steps to successfully deploy WordPress on Upsun. - [Bedrock WordPress](https://docs.upsun.com/get-started/stacks/wordpress/bedrock.md): Complete the last required steps to successfully deploy Bedrock-based WordPress on Upsun using Bedrock. - [Vanilla WordPress](https://docs.upsun.com/get-started/stacks/wordpress/vanilla.md): Complete the last required steps to successfully deploy Vanilla WordPress on Upsun. - [Deploy Symfony on Upsun](https://docs.upsun.com/get-started/stacks/symfony.md): Complete the last required steps to successfully deploy Symfony on Upsun. - [Get started](https://docs.upsun.com/get-started/stacks/symfony/get-started.md): See how to get started deploying Symfony on Upsun. - [Symfony integration](https://docs.upsun.com/get-started/stacks/symfony/integration.md): Learn how to use the Symfony integration for a better Upsun experience. - [Environment variables](https://docs.upsun.com/get-started/stacks/symfony/environment-variables.md): Learn about the environment variables added by the Symfony integration. - [Workers](https://docs.upsun.com/get-started/stacks/symfony/workers.md): Understand how to configure Symfony workers. - [Cron jobs](https://docs.upsun.com/get-started/stacks/symfony/crons.md): Understand how to configure Symfony cron jobs. - [Blackfire](https://docs.upsun.com/get-started/stacks/symfony/blackfire.md): Set up a continuous observability strategy for your Symfony app with Blackfire. - [Local development](https://docs.upsun.com/get-started/stacks/symfony/local.md): Sync Upsun with your local environments to start contributing. - [FAQ](https://docs.upsun.com/get-started/stacks/symfony/faq.md): Troubleshoot issue you might encounter using [Symfony](https://www.symfony.com/), a PHP framework on Upsun. - [Symfony CLI Tips](https://docs.upsun.com/get-started/stacks/symfony/symfony-cli-tips.md): Find out about the most useful commands when using the Symfony CLI. - [Pimcore PaaS](https://docs.upsun.com/get-started/stacks/pimcore.md): Learn about Pimcore's PaaS solution, powered by {{% vendor/psh_ref %}} - [Shopware PaaS](https://docs.upsun.com/get-started/stacks/shopware.md): Learn about Shopware's PaaS solution, powered by {{% vendor/psh_ref %}}. - Learn - [What is Upsun?](https://docs.upsun.com/learn/overview.md) - [Philosophy](https://docs.upsun.com/learn/overview/philosophy.md): Gain insight into the philosophy of Upsun. - [YAML](https://docs.upsun.com/learn/overview/yaml.md): An overview of YAML and its use at Upsun. - [What YAML is](https://docs.upsun.com/learn/overview/yaml/what-is-yaml.md): An introduction to what YAML is and how to create and modify YAML files. - [Upsun YAML structure](https://docs.upsun.com/learn/overview/yaml/yaml-structure.md): A description of the YAML file for Upsun. - [Upsun YAML tags](https://docs.upsun.com/learn/overview/yaml/platform-yaml-tags.md): A description of custom YAML tags available for Upsun files. - [Structure](https://docs.upsun.com/learn/overview/structure.md): Learn about how your Upsun environments are structured and which files control that structure. - [Build and deploy](https://docs.upsun.com/learn/overview/build-deploy.md): See how applications get built and deployed with Upsun. - [Get support](https://docs.upsun.com/learn/overview/get-support.md): Find out how to get help if you're experiencing issues with Upsun. - [Tutorials](https://docs.upsun.com/learn/tutorials.md) - [Migrate your site to Upsun](https://docs.upsun.com/learn/tutorials/migrating.md): How to migrate from another hosting solution to Upsun. - [From Platform.sh](https://docs.upsun.com/learn/tutorials/migrating/from-psh.md): See how to migrate your app to Upsun so it's ready to be deployed. - [Automate your code updates](https://docs.upsun.com/learn/tutorials/dependency-updates.md): Learn how to automate your dependency updates through a source operation. - [Restrict access to a service](https://docs.upsun.com/learn/tutorials/restrict-service-access.md): Learn how to restrict access to a service using a worker and additional endpoints to the service. - [Exporting data](https://docs.upsun.com/learn/tutorials/exporting.md): See how to export your code, files and service data. - [Best practices](https://docs.upsun.com/learn/bestpractices.md) - [HTTP caching](https://docs.upsun.com/learn/bestpractices/http-caching.md): See your options for HTTP caching with Upsun. - [From monoliths through headless to microservices](https://docs.upsun.com/learn/bestpractices/oneormany.md): Choose the best app topology depending on your needs. - [Keep your Git repository clean](https://docs.upsun.com/learn/bestpractices/clean-repository.md): To avoid performance issues, prevent your Git repository from becoming too large. - Reference - [Configure apps](https://docs.upsun.com/create-apps.md) - [App reference](https://docs.upsun.com/create-apps/app-reference.md): Configure your app and control how it's built and deployed on Upsun. - [Single-runtime image](https://docs.upsun.com/create-apps/app-reference/single-runtime-image.md): See all of the options for controlling your apps and how they're built and deployed on Upsun. - [Composable image](https://docs.upsun.com/create-apps/app-reference/composable-image.md): Use Upsun's composable image to build and deploy your app. - [Source operations](https://docs.upsun.com/create-apps/source-operations.md): Run automated code updates via source operations. - [Runtime operations](https://docs.upsun.com/create-apps/runtime-operations.md): Set up runtime operations to run one-off commands on your project through the Upsun CLI. - [Configure what’s served](https://docs.upsun.com/create-apps/web.md) - [PHP with front controller](https://docs.upsun.com/create-apps/web/php-basic.md): Start with a basic PHP app with a front controller for dynamic requests. - [Rewrite requests](https://docs.upsun.com/create-apps/web/rewrite-requests.md): Rewrite requests to be served by other parts of your app without directing users. - [Serve different paths](https://docs.upsun.com/create-apps/web/serve-different-directories.md): Serve directories at different places than where they are in your app. - [Static sites](https://docs.upsun.com/create-apps/web/static.md): Serve completely static sites - [Custom headers](https://docs.upsun.com/create-apps/web/custom-headers.md): Set custom headers for your static content such as custom content-types or limits to cross-origin usage. - [Set up multiple apps in a single project](https://docs.upsun.com/create-apps/multi-app.md): Create multiple apps within a single project, such as a CMS backend connected to a frontend to display it. - [Choose a project structure](https://docs.upsun.com/create-apps/multi-app/project-structure.md): Explore possible code structures you can apply to your multiple application projects. - [Define routes](https://docs.upsun.com/create-apps/multi-app/routes.md): Learn about the many ways you can define routes between your apps. - [Define relationships](https://docs.upsun.com/create-apps/multi-app/relationships.md): Find out how relationships are managed between your apps. - [Timezones](https://docs.upsun.com/create-apps/timezone.md): Learn more about the different timezones on Upsun and when you can customize them. - [Troubleshoot disks](https://docs.upsun.com/create-apps/troubleshoot-disks.md) - [Troubleshoot mounts](https://docs.upsun.com/create-apps/troubleshoot-mounts.md) - [Use build and deploy hooks](https://docs.upsun.com/create-apps/hooks.md): Add custom scripts at different stages in the build and deploy process. - [Change hooks in different environments](https://docs.upsun.com/create-apps/hooks/vary-hooks-by-environment.md): Change what runs in your hooks depending on the current environment type. - [Comparison of hooks](https://docs.upsun.com/create-apps/hooks/hooks-comparison.md): What hooks are available in the build and deploy process and how to choose which to use. - [Use hooks with dependencies](https://docs.upsun.com/create-apps/hooks/hooks-and-dependencies.md): Manage dependencies for your hooks, such as compiling Sass files as part of your build. - [Work with workers](https://docs.upsun.com/create-apps/workers.md): Interact with your worker instances to handle background tasks for your apps. - [Add services](https://docs.upsun.com/add-services.md) - [ClickHouse](https://docs.upsun.com/add-services/clickhouse.md) - [Elasticsearch (Search service)](https://docs.upsun.com/add-services/elasticsearch.md): Elasticsearch is a distributed RESTful search engine built for the cloud. - [Gotenberg](https://docs.upsun.com/add-services/gotenberg.md): Gotenberg is a user-friendly API for PDF files. - [Headless Chrome](https://docs.upsun.com/add-services/headless-chrome.md): Headless Chrome is a headless browser that can be configured on projects like any other service on Upsun. - [InfluxDB (Database service)](https://docs.upsun.com/add-services/influxdb.md): InfluxDB is a time series database optimized for high-write-volume use cases such as logs, sensor data, and real-time analytics. - [Kafka (Message queue service)](https://docs.upsun.com/add-services/kafka.md): Apache Kafka is an open-source stream-processing software platform. - [MariaDB/MySQL (database service)](https://docs.upsun.com/add-services/mysql.md): See how to configure a MariaDB/MySQL server to store your data. - [MariaDB/MySQL Replication](https://docs.upsun.com/add-services/mysql/mysql-replication.md): In rare cases, it may be useful to maintain a replica instance of your MySQL/MariaDB database outside of Upsun. - [Troubleshoot](https://docs.upsun.com/add-services/mysql/troubleshoot.md) - [Memcached (Object cache)](https://docs.upsun.com/add-services/memcached.md): Memcached is a simple in-memory object store well-suited for application level caching. - [MongoDB (Database service)](https://docs.upsun.com/add-services/mongodb.md): MongoDB is a cross-platform, document-oriented database.<br><br>For more information on using MongoDB, see <a href="https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/">MongoDB's own documentation</a>. - [Network Storage](https://docs.upsun.com/add-services/network-storage.md) - [OpenSearch (search service)](https://docs.upsun.com/add-services/opensearch.md): OpenSearch is a distributed RESTful search engine built for the cloud. - [PostgreSQL (Database service)](https://docs.upsun.com/add-services/postgresql.md) - [RabbitMQ (message queue service)](https://docs.upsun.com/add-services/rabbitmq.md): See how to configure RabbitMQ for your messaging needs. - [Redis (Object cache)](https://docs.upsun.com/add-services/redis.md) - [Solr (Search service)](https://docs.upsun.com/add-services/solr.md) - [Varnish](https://docs.upsun.com/add-services/varnish.md) - [Vault key management service](https://docs.upsun.com/add-services/vault.md) - [Define routes](https://docs.upsun.com/define-routes.md) - [Server Side Includes (SSI)](https://docs.upsun.com/define-routes/ssi.md): SSI commands enable you to include files within other pages. - [HTTP cache](https://docs.upsun.com/define-routes/cache.md): Upsun supports HTTP caching at the server level. Caching is enabled by default, but is only applied to `GET` and `HEAD` requests. - [HTTPS](https://docs.upsun.com/define-routes/https.md): Learn how to enable HTTPS for your site and configure TLS connections. - [Proxy routes](https://docs.upsun.com/define-routes/proxy.md): Pass requests to a location outside your Upsun project using proxy routes. - [Redirects](https://docs.upsun.com/define-routes/redirects.md): Managing redirection rules is a common requirement for web applications, especially in cases where you do not want to lose incoming links that have changed or been removed over time. - [Manage resources](https://docs.upsun.com/manage-resources.md) - [Resource initialization](https://docs.upsun.com/manage-resources/resource-init.md): Learn how resources are allocated by default upon first deployment, and how you can define a resource initialization strategy that better fits your needs. - [Resource configuration](https://docs.upsun.com/manage-resources/adjust-resources.md): Configure CPU, RAM, and disk storage on a per-environment basis so your apps and services can run smoothly. - [Project build resources](https://docs.upsun.com/manage-resources/build-resources.md): Configure project build resources on Upsun. - [Languages](https://docs.upsun.com/languages.md) - [C#/.NET Core](https://docs.upsun.com/languages/dotnet.md): Upsun supports deploying .NET applications by allowing developers to define a build process and pass its variables to the .NET Core build environment. - [Elixir](https://docs.upsun.com/languages/elixir.md): Upsun supports building and deploying applications written in Elixir. There is no default flavor for the build phase, but you can define it explicitly in your build hook. Upsun Elixir images support both committed dependencies and download-on-demand. The underlying Erlang version is 22.0.7. - [Go](https://docs.upsun.com/languages/go.md): Upsun supports building and deploying applications written in Go using Go modules. They're compiled during the Build hook phase, and support both committed dependencies and download-on-demand. - [Java](https://docs.upsun.com/languages/java.md): Java is a general-purpose programming language, and one of the most popular in the world today. Upsun supports Java runtimes that can be used with build management tools such as Gradle, Maven, and Ant. - [Moving to Upsun](https://docs.upsun.com/languages/java/migration.md) - [Tuning](https://docs.upsun.com/languages/java/tuning.md) - [JavaScript/Node.js](https://docs.upsun.com/languages/nodejs.md): Get started creating JavaScript apps with Node.js on Upsun. - [Debugging](https://docs.upsun.com/languages/nodejs/debug.md) - [Manage Node.js versions](https://docs.upsun.com/languages/nodejs/node-version.md): See how to manage different Node.js versions in your Upsun containers." - [Lisp](https://docs.upsun.com/languages/lisp.md): Upsun supports building and deploying applications written in Lisp using Common Lisp (the SBCL version) with ASDF and Quick Lisp support. They're compiled during the Build phase, and support both committed dependencies and download-on-demand. - [PHP](https://docs.upsun.com/languages/php.md): Deploy PHP apps on Upsun. - [Extensions](https://docs.upsun.com/languages/php/extensions.md): See what PHP extensions are available with each PHP version on Upsun. - [PHP performance tuning](https://docs.upsun.com/languages/php/tuning.md) - [PHP-FPM sizing](https://docs.upsun.com/languages/php/fpm.md): Learn how to adjust the maximum number of PHP-FPM workers for your app - [Xdebug](https://docs.upsun.com/languages/php/xdebug.md) - [Custom Redis](https://docs.upsun.com/languages/php/redis.md) - [Swoole](https://docs.upsun.com/languages/php/swoole.md) - [Authenticated Composer](https://docs.upsun.com/languages/php/composer-auth.md): Allow Composer to authenticate against a private third-party Composer repository and download PHP packages from it. - [Troubleshoot](https://docs.upsun.com/languages/php/troubleshoot.md): Learn how to troubleshoot common issues in PHP. - [Python](https://docs.upsun.com/languages/python.md): Get started creating Python apps on Upsun. - [Manage dependencies](https://docs.upsun.com/languages/python/dependencies.md): See how to manage Python dependencies with different package managers. - [Web servers](https://docs.upsun.com/languages/python/server.md): See how to start your apps as you wish with ASGI and WSGI servers. - [Python in non-Python containers](https://docs.upsun.com/languages/python/python-version.md): See how to manage different Python versions in your Upsun containers. - [Ruby](https://docs.upsun.com/languages/ruby.md): Upsun supports deploying any Ruby application. Your application can use any Ruby application server such as Puma or Unicorn and deploying a Rails or a Sinatra app is very straight forward. - [Rust](https://docs.upsun.com/languages/rust.md) - [Development](https://docs.upsun.com/development.md) - [Set up your local development environment](https://docs.upsun.com/development/local.md): Set up a local development environment to test out changes to your app's code. - [DDEV](https://docs.upsun.com/development/local/ddev.md): Use DDEV to set up local development environments. - [Tethered](https://docs.upsun.com/development/local/tethered.md) - [Untethered](https://docs.upsun.com/development/local/untethered.md) - [Variables overview](https://docs.upsun.com/development/variables.md): Variables give you control over your project's build process and runtime environment. You can set them in your code to make changes across your project or independent of the code for environment-specific settings. - [Set variables](https://docs.upsun.com/development/variables/set-variables.md): See how to set variables that you can later use to take control over your app's environment. - [Use variables](https://docs.upsun.com/development/variables/use-variables.md): See how to use variables that have already been set so you can take control over your app's environment. - [Access your site](https://docs.upsun.com/development/access-site.md): Find the URLs you can use to access your site via a web browser. - [Transfer files to and from your app](https://docs.upsun.com/development/file-transfer.md) - [HTTP Headers](https://docs.upsun.com/development/headers.md): Upsun adds a number of HTTP headers to both inbound and outbound messages. We don't modify or block existing headers on either request or response. - [Send email](https://docs.upsun.com/development/email.md): Send email from your Upsun environments. - [Pull code from a private Git repository](https://docs.upsun.com/development/private-repository.md): See how to pull code from a private Git repository into your Upsun build process. - [Use Git submodules](https://docs.upsun.com/development/submodules.md) - [Connect securely with SSH](https://docs.upsun.com/development/ssh.md): Keep your project and apps safe by connecting with SSH when you're interacting with your deployed environments or using the Upsun CLI. - [SSH keys](https://docs.upsun.com/development/ssh/ssh-keys.md): See how to authenticate your app connections using SSH keys. - [Troubleshoot SSH](https://docs.upsun.com/development/ssh/troubleshoot-ssh.md) - [Regions](https://docs.upsun.com/development/regions.md): See information about Upsun regions, including their environmental impact and IP addresses. - [Troubleshoot development](https://docs.upsun.com/development/troubleshoot.md): See some common solutions to issues you might run into in development. - [Sanitize databases](https://docs.upsun.com/development/sanitize-db.md): Remove sensitive information from databases on preview environments to control access. - [MariaDB and Drupal](https://docs.upsun.com/development/sanitize-db/mariadb.md): Sanitize MariaDB data in preview environments directly or by using Drush. - [PostgreSQL and Django](https://docs.upsun.com/development/sanitize-db/postgresql.md): Sanitize PostgreSQL data in preview environments for Django apps. - [PostgreSQL and Symfony](https://docs.upsun.com/development/sanitize-db/postgresql-symfony.md): Sanitize PostgreSQL data in preview environments for Symfony apps. - [Integrations](https://docs.upsun.com/integrations.md) - [External Integrations](https://docs.upsun.com/integrations/overview.md): Upsun can be integrated with external services. - [Activity scripts](https://docs.upsun.com/integrations/activity.md): Upsun supports custom scripts that can fire in response to any activity. These scripts allow you to take arbitrary actions in response to actions in your project, such as when it deploys, when a new branch is created, etc. - [Activity reference](https://docs.upsun.com/integrations/activity/reference.md): A reference of the properties found in various activities. - [Utility routines](https://docs.upsun.com/integrations/activity/utility.md): The following utility routines can help simplify common tasks in your activity scripts. They're free to copy, modify, bend, fold, spindle, and mutilate as needed for your own scripts. They also demonstrate some common patterns for working with the `activity` and `project` data structures. - [Example: Discord](https://docs.upsun.com/integrations/activity/discord.md) - [Example: Slack](https://docs.upsun.com/integrations/activity/slack.md) - [Webhooks](https://docs.upsun.com/integrations/activity/webhooks.md): Webhooks allow you to host a script yourself externally that receives the same payload as an activity script and responds to the same events, but can be hosted on your own server in your own language. - [Source integrations](https://docs.upsun.com/integrations/source.md): See how to maintain your code in a third-party repository that's linked to your Upsun project. - [Bitbucket](https://docs.upsun.com/integrations/source/bitbucket.md): See how to manage your Upsun environments directly from your Bitbucket repository. - [GitHub](https://docs.upsun.com/integrations/source/github.md): See how to manage your Upsun environments directly from your GitHub repository. - [GitLab](https://docs.upsun.com/integrations/source/gitlab.md): See how to manage your Upsun environments directly from your GitLab repository. - [Resolve access](https://docs.upsun.com/integrations/source/troubleshoot.md): Learn how to troubleshoot access rights for integrated repositories. - [Health notifications](https://docs.upsun.com/integrations/notifications.md): Upsun can notify you when various events happen on your project, in any environment. At this time the only notification provided is a low disk space warning, but others may be added in the future. - [Increase observability](https://docs.upsun.com/increase-observability.md) - [Infrastructure metrics](https://docs.upsun.com/increase-observability/metrics.md): See all of the live infrastructure metrics available to give you an overview of resource usage. - [HTTP metrics](https://docs.upsun.com/increase-observability/metrics/http-metrics.md): Understand HTTP metrics - [Understand metrics](https://docs.upsun.com/increase-observability/metrics/understand-metrics.md): Understand how to read metrics for Upsun environments. - [Application metrics](https://docs.upsun.com/increase-observability/application-metrics.md): See how to better understand your applications' real behavior with live and detailed insights. - [Understanding application observablity](https://docs.upsun.com/increase-observability/application-metrics/understanding.md): Understanding the differences between deterministic and probabilistic observability - [Blackfire for PHP and Python](https://docs.upsun.com/increase-observability/application-metrics/blackfire.md): A full access to Blackfire is bundled with your PHP and Python Upsun projects. - [Comparing Continuous Profiling Timeframes](https://docs.upsun.com/increase-observability/application-metrics/cont-prof-comparison.md): Comparing continuous profiling timeframes - [Continuous Profiling dashboard](https://docs.upsun.com/increase-observability/application-metrics/cont-prof.md): Understanding the Continuous Profiling dashboard - [Go continuous profiler](https://docs.upsun.com/increase-observability/application-metrics/go.md): Configure and use the Go continuous profiler. - [Java continuous profiler](https://docs.upsun.com/increase-observability/application-metrics/java.md): Configure and use the Java continuous profiler. - [Node.js continuous profiler](https://docs.upsun.com/increase-observability/application-metrics/nodejs.md): Configure and use the NodeJS continuous profiler. - [PHP continuous profiler](https://docs.upsun.com/increase-observability/application-metrics/php.md): Configure and use the PHP continuous profiler. - [Python continuous profiler](https://docs.upsun.com/increase-observability/application-metrics/python.md): Configure and use the Python continuous profiler. - [Ruby continuous profiler](https://docs.upsun.com/increase-observability/application-metrics/ruby.md): Configure and use the Ruby continuous profiler. - [Rust continuous profiler](https://docs.upsun.com/increase-observability/application-metrics/rust.md): Configure and use the Rust continuous profiler. - [Consume logs](https://docs.upsun.com/increase-observability/logs.md): See how to access or forward logs to get increased insights into your apps and services. - [Access logs](https://docs.upsun.com/increase-observability/logs/access-logs.md): Increase your knowledge of how your apps are performing by accessing their container and activity logs. - [Forward Upsun and Blackfire logs](https://docs.upsun.com/increase-observability/logs/forward-logs.md): Send your Upsun and Blackfire logs to a third-party service for further analysis. - [Manage Upsun environments](https://docs.upsun.com/environments.md) - [Back up an environment](https://docs.upsun.com/environments/backup.md): See how to protect yourself from potential data loss by backing up your environments so they can be restored later. - [Restore an environment from a backup](https://docs.upsun.com/environments/restore.md): See how to restore an environment from a previous state. - [Cancel an activity](https://docs.upsun.com/environments/cancel-activity.md): See how to cancel running or pending activities in an environment. - [Change an environment’s parent](https://docs.upsun.com/environments/change-parent.md): Learn how to change.a given environment's parent environment. - [Configure HTTP access control](https://docs.upsun.com/environments/http-access-control.md): Learn how to control access to.a given environment using HTTP methods. - [Deactivate an environment](https://docs.upsun.com/environments/deactivate-environment.md): See how to deactivate environments you aren't using. - [Rename the default environment](https://docs.upsun.com/environments/default-environment.md): See how to change the name of your default/production environment after creating a project. - [Set an environment’s visibility to search engines](https://docs.upsun.com/environments/search-engine-visibility.md): Learn how to change.a given environment's visbility to search engines. - [Manage projects](https://docs.upsun.com/projects.md) - [Change a project’s region](https://docs.upsun.com/projects/region-migration.md): See how to change the region your project is in and why you might want to do so. - [Change the project timezone](https://docs.upsun.com/projects/change-project-timezone.md): See how to change the timezone for a project and what it affects. - [Delete a project](https://docs.upsun.com/projects/delete-project.md): See how to delete projects you no longer need. - [Custom domains](https://docs.upsun.com/domains.md) - [Set up a custom domain](https://docs.upsun.com/domains/steps.md): Add a custom domain to your project once it's ready to go live. - [DNS and apex domains](https://docs.upsun.com/domains/steps/dns.md): See why `CNAME` records are used and how to handle apex domains. - [Custom TLS certificates](https://docs.upsun.com/domains/steps/tls.md) - [Handle subdomains](https://docs.upsun.com/domains/steps/subdomains.md): How to handle multiple subdomains in different projects. - [Preview environments](https://docs.upsun.com/domains/steps/custom-domains-preview-environments.md): Learn how to set up custom domains on your preview environments - [Content delivery networks (CDNs)](https://docs.upsun.com/domains/cdn.md): Improve performance for distributed end-users of your website with a content delivery network (CDN). - [Fastly setup](https://docs.upsun.com/domains/cdn/fastly.md): Learn how to configure your Fastly CDN. - [Cloudflare setup](https://docs.upsun.com/domains/cdn/cloudflare.md): Learn how to configure your Cloudflare CDN. - [Going Live - Troubleshooting](https://docs.upsun.com/domains/troubleshoot.md): If your site doesn't resolve after you've made DNS changes, check potential solutions to common issues. - [Administration](https://docs.upsun.com/administration.md) - [Command line interface (CLI)](https://docs.upsun.com/administration/cli.md): See how to use and manage your Upsun projects directly from your terminal. Anything you can do within the Console can be done with the CLI. - [API tokens](https://docs.upsun.com/administration/cli/api-tokens.md) - [Command reference](https://docs.upsun.com/administration/cli/reference.md) - [Console](https://docs.upsun.com/administration/web.md): Upsun provides a web console so you can interact with your projects and manage your environments. - [Configure a project](https://docs.upsun.com/administration/web/configure-project.md): Configure settings that apply across a project, such as the name, access, and domain. - [Configure environments](https://docs.upsun.com/administration/web/configure-environment.md): Configure your environments including their name, status, and visibility. - [Organizations](https://docs.upsun.com/administration/organizations.md): See how to manage multiple Upsun projects at once through organizations. - [Administer teams](https://docs.upsun.com/administration/teams.md): Manage team access and permissions across all your projects and organizations. - [Administer users](https://docs.upsun.com/administration/users.md): Manage user access and permissions across all your projects and organizations. - [Pricing](https://docs.upsun.com/administration/pricing.md): Understand how Upsun pricing works. - [Billing](https://docs.upsun.com/administration/billing.md): Keep your billing details up to date and optimize cost management from the Console. - [Administer your billing](https://docs.upsun.com/administration/billing/billing-admin.md): Keep your billing information up to date and redeem your vouchers from the Console. - [Monitor your billing information](https://docs.upsun.com/administration/billing/monitor-billing.md): Manage your costs efficiently by viewing monthly spend estimates and setting spend alerts. - [Subscribe to an add-on](https://docs.upsun.com/administration/billing/add-on-subscription.md): Subscribe to add-ons to enhance your user experience. - [Multifactor Authentication (MFA)](https://docs.upsun.com/administration/mfa.md): Enhance your organizations' security with Multifactor Authentication (MFA). - [Server upgrades](https://docs.upsun.com/administration/servers.md): Information about how some Upsun servers delivering features are updated. - [Security and compliance](https://docs.upsun.com/security.md) - [Upsun WAF](https://docs.upsun.com/security/waf.md): Learn how the WAF can help protect your site from distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. - [Data retention](https://docs.upsun.com/security/data-retention.md): Upsun logs and stores various types of data as a normal part of its business. This information is only retained as needed to perform relevant business functions. Retention periods vary depending on the type of data stored. If a legal obligation, law enforcement request, or ongoing business need so requires, data may be retained after the original purpose for which it was collected ceases to exist. - [Project isolation](https://docs.upsun.com/security/project-isolation.md): Learn how project isolation is handled at Upsun - [Glossary](https://docs.upsun.com/glossary.md) - [Request features](https://docs.upsun.com/request-features.md) ## API - [API Doc](https://api.upsun.com/docs): documentation of the Upsun API. ## Examples