19.5.3. Add Groups to NNTP Server
To add a new newsgroup you must insert a row into the table DB.DBA.NEWS_GROUPS. Below is an example of an insert statement that you could use to do this:
insert into DB.DBA.NEWS_GROUPS (NG_NAME, NG_DESC, NG_UP_INT, NG_CLEAR_INT, NG_POST, NG_UP_TIME, NG_OUT_GROUP, NG_NUM, NG_FIRST, NG_LAST, NG_SERVER, NG_SERV_PORT, NG_CREAT, NG_UP_MESS, NG_PASS) values ('openlink.public.virtuoso', 'virtuoso news group' , update interval, clear interval, 1, now(), 'openlink.public.virtuoso', 0, 0, 0, 'news.openlinksw.com', 110, now(), 0, 0);
If the group you want to add is local, change
, change the port to 0, and the
external name
(that is, two single quotes).
See also the Newsgroups Administration section of the Visual Server Administration Interface.