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페도라에 오신 것을 환영합니다!

이 안내서는 페도라를 배우는 것에 흥미가 있거나, 커뮤니티에 기여하는 것에 관심이 있는 사람들을 위한 안내서입니다.

당신은 문서와 다양한 의사소통 채널(예: 페도라 질문(Ask), 매트릭스에 의해 제공된 페도라 대화와 같은)을 통해 지원을 찾는 방법에 대한 더 자세한 정보는 도움받기프로젝트 의사소통 부분을 참조 할 수 있습니다.

페도라는 무엇인가요?

As described under Mission and Foundations, the Fedora Project is a community of people working together to build a Free and Open Source software platform: the Fedora Operating System, and its various editions. You can learn more about the Project; our leadership; brand; current Community Initiatives and how we are organised using the pages linked in the left hand sidebar.

If you are looking to contribute and already have an idea of how and what to do, go ahead and get started! If you are not so sure, read on.

페도라에 공헌하기

Fedora is a massive global organisation where people with many different skills carry out different roles to keep the community ticking along. All services used by the Fedora community are linked to a central Fedora account. If you’re intending to get involved you should get one here.

There is an excellent article in Fedora Magazine covering in some detail the various ways you might get started.

Not sure where to start? Come hang out with us!

The large scale of the community can sometimes make it a little daunting for new folks to join us. There is far too much happening in Fedora all the time---even we find it hard to keep up with it all! So, if you are not sure of where to begin or have any queries at all, come hang out with the Fedora Join Special Interest Group (SIG) on any of our channels:

Here, you can speak to community members and other newcomers while we explore Fedora together. We will help you learn the systems and processes that the Fedora community uses, and as you gain a better idea of where you would like to contribute, we will also help you learn the skills that you may need.

Taking initiative is an important quality in successful contributors. So, go on, join a channel and introduce yourself to the community now!