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New release SOP

This document outlines procedures for new releases. Note that schedules are often generated up to three years in advance, so they are covered separately.


On or about a year before the target release date.

If a Change proposal is submitted for the release, that’s a good time to start this process.


  1. Create a tracking bug in Bugzilla

    1. Create a bug in the "Changes Tracking" component

    2. Set the summary to "Fedora Linux NN Change proposal tracker"

    3. Set the description to "This is a tracking bug for FNN Changes."

    4. Click "Submit Bug" so you can add additional information

    5. Add "Tracking" to the Keywords field

    6. Click "Show advanced fields" if they’re not already visible

    7. Click "Edit" on the Alias and set it to "FNNChanges"

    8. Click "Save Changes"

  2. Add docs to the Releases module

    1. Make an fNN directory

    2. Copy the contents from the previous release to this directory

    3. Update the :release-version: macro in each adoc file

    4. Add listings to nav.adoc under the "Upcoming Releases" header. Copy the previous release’s entries and update version numbers as appropriate.

  3. Update the schedule

    1. Create a schedule for the new release, following the ../schedule[Schedule SOP]

    2. Add the new release to the index.html page on the web view of the schedule.

  4. Update the wiki Change pages for the new release

    1. Create the Releases/NN/ChangeSet page on the wiki. Use the template below for guidance

Wiki template for ChangeSet page

{{admon/warning|DO NOT EDIT this page manually as it's generated automatically and all changes will be overwritten! If you want to change anything, change the original Changes page and it will be picked up in the next refresh. If not, ping [[User:bcotton|bcotton]].}}

[https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=FNNChanges Bugzilla tracking]



== Fedora Linux NN Accepted System-Wide Changes ==

== Fedora Linux NN Accepted Self-Contained Changes ==
  1. Add the new release to the Changes wiki page