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Configuration Guide

This section provides a brief overview of configuration details specific for Fedora and is common for both the classic Sway Spin and the Atomic (OSTree) edition. Important differences will be highlighted.

If you are looking for more general resources, please check

Configuration profiles

The Sway package in Fedora defers most of the dependencies and the config file ownership to the sway-config-* subpackages. This allows us to ship different configuration profiles with different sets of runtime dependencies.

The following profile packages are currently available in Fedora:

  • sway-config-upstream - the upstream configuration as it comes with the Sway sources. The only permitted modifications to this profile’s config file are adjustments for dependencies currently unavailable in Fedora.

  • sway-config-minimal - minimal configuration with any optional dependencies excluded. The profile was created for headless servers, containers and buildroot usage. It is also suitable for building a very minimal installation from scratch.

  • sway-config-fedora - customized configuration for Fedora Sway Spin.

The packages are mutually exclusive, and one of these must be present. The one installed by default with dnf install sway is sway-config-upstream and the one that will be installed with Sway Spin/Sway Desktop Environment group is sway-config-fedora.

You can select the profile with following command:

dnf swap sway-config sway-config-upstream
dnf swap sway-config sway-config-minimal
dnf swap sway-config sway-config-fedora

The command will replace the default /etc/sway/config file and apply the new set of dependencies. Packages unused by the new profile will be autoremoved.

The corresponding incantation for Fedora Sway Atomic and other custom Sway OSTree images is

rpm-ostree override remove sway-config --install sway-config-upstream

Note, however, that it does not remove the original profile dependencies from the base layer of a deployment.

Fedora configuration

sway-config-fedora contains the default configuration for Fedora Sway Spin. It is built on top of the default Sway config with a few quality of life improvements and opinionated changes.

Most of the additions are implemented as a standalone configuration snippets stored at /usr/share/sway/config.d/ and automatically loaded from the main configuration file. Environment configuration and logging interception are implemented in the /usr/bin/start-sway wrapper script.

Environment variables

If you are using a compatible Display Manager (GDM or SDDM), you should be able to adjust the initial environment for Sway using a system-wide configuration at /etc/sway/environment or per-user config at ~/.config/sway/environment. The variables set in the user configuration overwrite matching variables set system-wide.

Please, check the comments and examples in /etc/sway/environment to learn more.


The configuration snippets we provide are grouped into the following sections:

50-59 (50-rules-*.conf)

Window rules (for_window, assign and related configuration).

60-69 (60-bindings-*.conf, 65-mode-*.conf)

Key bindings and binding modes

90-94 (90-*.conf)

System applications: bars, idle daemons and other components.

95-99 (95-*.conf)

Autostart applications

Overrides and load precedence

Fedora configuration abuses the implementation details of the Sway configuration parser (wordexp(3p)) to implement an overrides mechanism for the snippets.

The priority increases from the packaged configuration to a system-wide configuration and an user configuration directories:

  • /usr/share/sway/config.d/*.conf

  • /etc/sway/config.d/*.conf

  • $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/sway/config.d/*.conf (defaults to ~/.config/sway/config.d/*.conf)

The includes are also sorted by a file name across all the directories.

By creating a file with the same name in /etc/sway/config.d you’ll force the config preprocessor to ignore the corresponding snippet from /usr and load the one from /etc. Similarly, the configuration snippet from a home directory wins over the earlier locations.

To put it even more simple: imagine the distribution configuration file /usr/share/sway/config.d/90-bar.conf that sets waybar as a status bar. If you want to prevent waybar from starting, you could create an empty file in your home directory:

mkdir -p ~/.config/sway/config.d
touch ~/.config/sway/config.d/90-bar.conf

If you want to use another bar, you just need to add some contents to the file. For example, copy the default bar section from the upstream Sway config:

mkdir -p ~/.config/sway/config.d
cat >~/.config/sway/config.d/90-bar.conf <<EOF
# Read `man 5 sway-bar` for more information about this section.
bar {
    position top

    # When the status_command prints a new line to stdout, swaybar updates.
    # The default just shows the current date and time.
    status_command while date +'%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S %p'; do sleep 1; done

    colors {
        statusline #ffffff
        background #323232
        inactive_workspace #32323200 #32323200 #5c5c5c


Sometimes it’s useful to know how the configuration loaded by Sway actually looks. There are two ways to debug that:

  • Run sway config validation:

sway --debug --validate [--config /path/to/config]
  • Check intermediate files generated by the layered include script

less $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/sway/layered-include-*.conf