Refraction BSDF#

The Refraction BSDF is used to add glossy refraction with sharp or microfacet distribution, used for materials that transmit light. For best results this node should be considered as a building block and not be used on its own, but rather mixed with a glossy node using a Fresnel factor. Otherwise it will give quite dark results at the edges for glossy refraction.
- Color
Color of the surface, or physically speaking, the probability that light is refracted for each wavelength.
- Roughness
Influences sharpness of the refraction; perfectly sharp at 0.0 and smoother with higher values.
- Normal
Normal used for shading; if nothing is connected the default shading normal is used.
- Distribution
Microfacet distribution to use.
- GGX:
GGX microfacet distribution.
- Beckmann:
Cycles Only Beckmann microfacet distribution.
Standard shader output.

Refraction Shader.#