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Resolver internals


This document focuses on the internal workings of uv's resolver. For using uv, see the resolution concept documentation.


As defined in a textbook, resolution, or finding a set of version to install from a given set of requirements, is equivalent to the SAT problem and thereby NP-complete: in the worst case you have to try all possible combinations of all versions of all packages and there are no general, fast algorithms. In practice, this is misleading for a number of reasons:

  • The slowest part of resolution in uv is loading package and version metadata, even if it's cached.
  • There are many possible solutions, but some are preferable to others. For example, we generally prefer using the latest version of packages.
  • Package dependencies are complex, e.g., there are contiguous versions ranges — not arbitrary boolean inclusion/exclusions of versions, adjacent releases often have the same or similar requirements, etc.
  • For most resolutions, the resolver doesn't need to backtrack, picking versions iteratively is sufficient. If there are version preferences from a previous resolution, barely any work needs to be done.
  • When resolution fails, more information is needed than a message that there is no solution (as is seen in SAT solvers). Instead, the resolver should produce an understandable error trace that states which packages are involved in away to allows a user to remove the conflict.
  • The most important heuristic for performance and user experience is determining the order in which decisions are made through prioritization.

uv uses pubgrub-rs, the Rust implementation of PubGrub, an incremental version solver. PubGrub in uv works in the following steps:

  • Start with a partial solution that declares which packages versions have been selected and which are undecided. Initially, only a virtual root package is decided.
  • The highest priority package is selected from the undecided packages. Roughly, packages with URLs (including file, git, etc.) have the highest priority, then those with more exact specifiers (such as ==), then those with less strict specifiers. Inside each category, packages are ordered by when they were first seen (i.e. order in a file), making the resolution deterministic.
  • A version is picked for the selected package. The version must works with all specifiers from the requirements in the partial solution and must not be previously marked as incompatible. The resolver prefers versions from a lockfile (uv.lock or -o requirements.txt) and those installed in the current environment. Versions are checked from highest to lowest (unless using an alternative resolution strategy).
  • All requirements of the selected package version are added to the undecided packages. uv prefetches their metadata in the background to improve performance.
  • The process is either repeated with the next package unless a conflict is detected, in which the resolver will backtrack. For example, the partial solution contains, among other packages, a 2 then b 2 with the requirements a 2 -> c 1 and b 2 -> c 2. No compatible version of c can be found. PubGrub can determine this was caused by a 2 and b 2 and add the incompatibility {a 2, b 2}, meaning that when either is picked, the other cannot be selected. The partial solution is restored to a 2 with the tracked incompatibility and the resolver attempts to pick a new version for b.

Eventually, the resolver either picks compatible versions for all packages (a successful resolution) or there is an incompatibility including the virtual "root" package which defines the versions requested by the user. An incompatibility with the root package indicates that whatever versions of the root dependencies and their transitive dependencies are picked, there will always be a conflict. From the incompatibilities tracked in PubGrub, an error message is constructed to enumerate the involved packages.


For more details on the PubGrub algorithm, see Internals of the PubGrub algorithm.

In addition to PubGrub's base algorithm, we also use a heuristic that backtracks and switches the order of two packages if they have been conflicting too much.


Python resolvers historically didn't support backtracking, and even with backtracking, resolution was usually limited to single environment, which one specific architecture, operating system, Python version, and Python implementation. Some packages use contradictory requirements for different environments, for example:

numpy>=2,<3 ; python_version >= "3.11"
numpy>=1.16,<2 ; python_version < "3.11"

Since Python only allows one version of each package, a naive resolver would error here. Inspired by Poetry, uv uses a forking resolver: whenever there are multiple requirements for a package with different markers, the resolution is split.

In the above example, the partial solution would be split into two resolutions, one for python_version >= "3.11" and one for python_version < "3.11".

If markers overlap or are missing a part of the marker space, the resolver splits additional times — there can be many forks per package. For example, given:

flask > 1 ; sys_platform == 'darwin'
flask > 2 ; sys_platform == 'win32'

A fork would be created for sys_platform == 'darwin', for sys_platform == 'win32', and for sys_platform != 'darwin' and sys_platform != 'win32'.

Forks can be nested, e.g., each fork is dependent on any previous forks that occurred. Forks with identical packages are merged to keep the number of forks low.


Forking can be observed in the logs of uv lock -v by looking for Splitting resolution on ..., Solving split ... (requires-python: ...) and Split ... resolution took ....

One difficulty in a forking resolver is that where splits occur is dependent on the order packages are seen, which is in turn dependent on the preferences, e.g., from uv.lock. So it is possible for the resolver to solve the requirements with specific forks, write this to the lockfile, and when the resolver is invoked again, a different solution is found because the preferences result in different fork points. To avoid this, the resolution-markers of each fork and each package that diverges between forks is written to the lockfile. When performing a new resolution, the forks from the lockfile are used to ensure the resolution is stable. When requirements change, new forks may be added to the saved forks.

Wheel tags

While uv's resolution is universal with respect to environment markers, this doesn't extend to wheel tags. Wheel tags can encode the Python version, Python implementation, operating system, and architecture. For example, torch-2.4.0-cp312-cp312-manylinux2014_aarch64.whl is only compatible with CPython 3.12 on arm64 Linux with glibc>=2.17 (per the manylinux2014 policy), while tqdm-4.66.4-py3-none-any.whl works with all Python 3 versions and interpreters on any operating system and architecture. Most projects have a universally compatible source distribution that can be used when attempted to install a package that has no compatible wheel, but some packages, such as torch, don't publish a source distribution. In this case an installation on, e.g., Python 3.13, an uncommon operating system, or architecture, will fail and complain that there is no matching wheel.

Marker and wheel tag filtering

In every fork, we know what markers are possible. In non-universal resolution, we know their exact values. In universal mode, we know at least a constraint for the python requirement, e.g., requires-python = ">=3.12" means that importlib_metadata; python_version < "3.10" can be discarded because it can never be installed. If additionally tool.uv.environments is set, we can filter out requirements with markers disjoint with those environments. Inside each fork, we can additionally filter by the fork markers.

There is some redundancy in the marker expressions, where the value of one marker field implies the value of another field. Internally, we normalize python_version and python_full_version as well as known values of platform_system and sys_platform to a shared canonical representation, so they can match against each other.

When we selected a version with a local tag (e.g.,1.2.3+localtag) and the wheels don't cover support for Windows, Linux and macOS, and there is a base version without tag (e.g.,1.2.3) with support for a missing platform, we fork trying to extend the platform support by using both the version with local tag and without local tag depending on the platform. This helps with packages that use the local tag for different hardware accelerators such as torch. While there is no 1:1 mapping between wheel tags and markers, we can do a mapping for well-known platforms, including Windows, Linux and macOS.


To ensure that a resolution with requires-python = ">=3.9" can actually be installed for the included Python versions, uv requires that all dependencies have the same minimum Python version. Package versions that declare a higher minimum Python version, e.g., requires-python = ">=3.10", are rejected, because a resolution with that version can't be installed on Python 3.9. For simplicity and forward compatibility, only lower bounds in requires-python are respected. For example, if a package declares requires-python = ">=3.8,<4", the <4 marker is not propagated to the entire resolution.

This default is a problem for packages that use the version-dependent C API of CPython, such as numpy. Each numpy release support 4 Python minor versions, e.g., numpy 2.0.0 has wheels for CPython 3.9 through 3.12 and declares requires-python = ">=3.9", while numpy 2.1.0 has wheels for CPython 3.10 through 3.13 and declares requires-python = ">=3.10". The means that when we resolve a numpy>=2,<3 requirement in a project with requires-python = ">=3.9", we resolve numpy 2.0.0 and the lockfile doesn't install on Python 3.13 or newer. To alleviate this, whenever we reject a version due to a too high Python requirement, we fork on that Python version. This behavior is controlled by --fork-strategy. In the example case, upon encountering numpy 2.1.0 we fork into Python versions >=3.9,<3.10 and >=3.10 and resolve two different numpy versions:

numpy==2.0.0; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
numpy==2.1.0; python_version >= "3.10"


Prioritization is important for both performance and for better resolutions.

If we try many versions we have to later discard, resolution is slow, both because we have to read metadata we didn't need and because we have to track a lot of (conflict) information for this discarded subtree.

There are expectations about which solution uv should choose, even if the version constraints allow multiple solutions. Generally, a desirable solution prioritizes use the highest versions for direct dependencies over those for indirect dependencies, it avoids backtracking to very old versions and can be installed on a target machine.

Internally, uv represent each package with a given package name as a number of virtual packages, for example, one package for each activated extra, for dependency groups, or for having a marker. While PubGrub needs to choose a version for each virtual package, uv's prioritization works on the package name level.

Whenever we encounter a requirement on a package, we match it to a priority. The root package and URL requirements have the highest priority, then singleton requirements with the == operator, as their version can be directly determined, then highly conflicting packages (next paragraph), and finally all other packages. Inside each category, packages are sorted by when they were first encountered, creating a breadth first search that prioritizes direct dependencies including workspace dependencies over transitive dependencies.

A common problem is that we have a package A with a higher priority than package B, and B is only compatible with older versions of A. We decide the latest version for package A. Each time we decide a version for B, it is immediately discarded due to the conflict with A. We have to try all possible versions of B, until we have either exhausted the possible range (slow), pick a very old version that doesn't depend on A, but most likely isn't compatible with the project either (bad) or fail to build a very old version (bad). Once we see such conflict happen five time, we set A and B to special highly-conflicting priority levels, and set them so that B is decided before A. We then manually backtrack to a state before deciding A, in the next iteration now deciding B instead of A. See #8157 and #9843 for a more detailed description with real world examples.