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Notations P

Painlevé transcendents; §32.2(i)
p k ( n )
total number of partitions of n into at most k parts; §26.9(i)
P ( z ) = 1 2 erfc ( z / 2 )
alternative notation for the complementary error function; §7.1
(with erfcz: complementary error function)
p k ( n )
number of partitions of n into at most k parts; §26.9(i)
P n ( x )
Legendre polynomial; Table 18.3.1
P n ( x )
shifted Legendre polynomial; Table 18.3.1
𝖯 ν ( x ) = 𝖯 ν 0 ( x )
Ferrers function of the first kind; §14.2(ii)
(with 𝖯νμ(x): Ferrers function of the first kind)
P ν ( z ) = P ν 0 ( z )
Legendre function of the first kind; §14.2(ii)
(with Pνμ(z): associated Legendre function of the first kind)
P z ( a ) = γ ( a , z )
notation used by Batchelder (1967, p. 63); §8.1
(with γ(a,z): incomplete gamma function)
𝖯 1 2 + i τ μ ( x )
conical function; §14.20(i)
P n ( α , β ) ( x )
Jacobi polynomial; Table 18.3.1
P n ( λ ) ( x ) = C n ( λ ) ( x )
notation used by Szegő (1975, §4.7); §18.1(iii)
(with Cn(λ)(x): ultraspherical (or Gegenbauer) polynomial)
P ν ( γ , δ ) ( 𝐓 )
Jacobi function of matrix argument; (35.7.2)
P ν μ ( x ) = 𝖯 ν μ ( x )
notation used by Erdélyi et al. (1953a), Olver (1997b); §14.1
(with 𝖯νμ(x): Ferrers function of the first kind)
𝖯 ν μ ( x )
Ferrers function of the first kind; (14.3.1)
P ν μ ( x ) = 𝖯 ν μ ( x )
notation used by Magnus et al. (1966); §14.1
(with 𝖯νμ(x): Ferrers function of the first kind)
P ν μ ( z )
associated Legendre function of the first kind; §14.21(i)
𝔓 ν μ ( z ) = P ν μ ( z )
notation used by Magnus et al. (1966); §14.1
(with Pνμ(z): associated Legendre function of the first kind)
P ( a , z )
normalized incomplete gamma function; (8.2.4)
p ( condition , n )
restricted number of partitions of n; §26.10(i)
(z) (= (z|𝕃) = (z;g2,g3))
Weierstrass -function; (23.2.4)
p k ( m , n )
number of partitions of n into at most k parts, each less than or equal to m; §26.9(i)
p k ( 𝒟 , n )
number of partitions of n into at most k distinct parts; §26.10(i)
P ( ϵ , r ) = ( 2 + 1 ) ! f ( ϵ , ; r ) / 2 + 1
notation used by Curtis (1964a); item Curtis (1964a):
(with f(ϵ,;r): regular Coulomb function and !: factorial (as in n!))
H n ( x ; c )
associated Hermite polynomial; §18.30(iv)
P n ( x ; c )
associated Legendre polynomial; (18.30.6)
𝒫 n λ ( x ; ϕ , c )
associated Meixner–Pollaczek polynomial; §18.30(v)
P n ( λ ) ( x ; ϕ )
Meixner–Pollaczek polynomial; §18.19
P m , n α , β , γ ( x , y )
triangle polynomial; (18.37.7)
P n ( α , β ) ( x ; c )
associated Jacobi polynomial; (18.30.4)
Π ( n ; ϕ \ α ) = Π ( ϕ , α 2 , k )
notation used by Abramowitz and Stegun (1964, Chapter 17); §19.1
(with Π(ϕ,α2,k): Legendre’s incomplete elliptic integral of the third kind)
( z ; g 2 , g 3 )
Weierstrass -function; (23.3.8)
P n ( λ ) ( x ; a , b )
Pollaczek polynomial; (18.35.4)
p n ( x ; a , b ; q )
little q-Jacobi polynomial; (18.27.13)
P n ( α , β ) ( x ; c , d ; q )
big q-Jacobi polynomial; (18.27.6)
p n ( x ; a , b , a ¯ , b ¯ )
continuous Hahn polynomial; §18.19
P n ( x ; a , b , c ; q )
big q-Jacobi polynomial; (18.27.5)
p n ( x ; a , b , c , d | q )
Askey–Wilson polynomial; (18.28.1)
P { α β γ a 1 b 1 c 1 z a 2 b 2 c 2 }
Riemann’s P-symbol for solutions of the generalized hypergeometric differential equation; (15.11.3)
phase; (1.9.7)
ϕ ( n )
Euler’s totient; (27.2.7)
ϕ ( z )
Airy phase function; (9.8.8)
Φ ( z ) = 1 2 erfc ( z / 2 )
alternative notation for the complementary error function; §7.1
(with erfcz: complementary error function)
ϕ k ( n )
sum of powers of integers relatively prime to a number; (27.2.6)
ϕ ν ( x )
phase of derivatives of Bessel functions; (10.18.3)
ϕ λ ( α , β ) ( t )
Jacobi function; (15.9.11)
ϕ ( z , s ) = Li s ( z )
notation used by (Truesdell, 1945); §25.12(ii)
(with Lis(z): polylogarithm)
φ n , m ( z , q )
combined theta function; §20.11(v)
Φ K ( t ; 𝐱 )
cuspoid catastrophe of codimension K; (36.2.1)
Φ ( a ; b ; z ) = M ( a , b , z )
notation used by Humbert (1920); §13.1
(with M(a,b,z): =F11(a;b;z) Kummer confluent hypergeometric function)
ϕ ( ρ , β ; z )
generalized Bessel function; (10.46.1)
Φ ( z , s , a )
Lerch’s transcendent; (25.14.1)
Φ ( E ) ( s , t ; 𝐱 )
elliptic umbilic catastrophe; (36.2.2)
Φ ( H ) ( s , t ; 𝐱 )
hyperbolic umbilic catastrophe; (36.2.3)
Φ ( U ) ( s , t ; 𝐱 )
elliptic umbilic catastrophe for U=E or K; §36.2(i)
Φ ( 1 ) ( a ; b , b ; c ; q ; x , y )
first q-Appell function; (17.4.5)
Φ ( 2 ) ( a ; b , b ; c , c ; q ; x , y )
second q-Appell function; (17.4.6)
Φ ( 3 ) ( a , a ; b , b ; c ; q ; x , y )
third q-Appell function; (17.4.7)
Φ ( 4 ) ( a , b ; c , c ; q ; x , y )
fourth q-Appell function; (17.4.8)
ϕsr+1(a0,,ar;b1,,bs;q,z) or ϕsr+1(a0,,arb1,,bs;q,z)
basic hypergeometric (or q-hypergeometric) function; (17.4.1)
the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter; (3.12.1)
set of plane partitions; §26.12(i)
π ( x )
number of primes not exceeding a number; (27.2.2)
Π ( z 1 ) = Γ ( z )
notation used by Gauss; §5.1
(with Γ(z): gamma function)
Π m ( a ) = Γ m ( a + 1 2 ( m + 1 ) )
notation used by Herz (1955, p. 480); §35.1
(with Γm(a): multivariate gamma function)
Π ( α 2 , k )
Legendre’s complete elliptic integral of the third kind; (19.2.8)
Π ( n \ α ) = Π ( α 2 , k )
notation used by Abramowitz and Stegun (1964, Chapter 17); §19.1
(with Π(α2,k): Legendre’s complete elliptic integral of the third kind)
Π 1 ( ν , k ) = Π ( α 2 , k )
notation used by Erdélyi et al. (1953b, Chapter 13); §19.1
(with Π(α2,k): Legendre’s complete elliptic integral of the third kind)
Π ( ϕ , α 2 , k )
Legendre’s incomplete elliptic integral of the third kind; (19.2.7)
Π ( ϕ , ν , k ) = Π ( ϕ , α 2 , k )
notation used by Erdélyi et al. (1953b, Chapter 13); §19.1
(with Π(ϕ,α2,k): Legendre’s incomplete elliptic integral of the third kind)
pp ( n )
number of plane partitions of n; §26.12(i)
p q ( z , k )
generic Jacobian elliptic function; (22.2.10)
𝖯𝗌 n m ( x , γ 2 )
spheroidal wave function of the first kind; §30.4(i)
ps n m ( x , γ 2 ) = 𝖯𝗌 n m ( x , γ 2 )
notation used by Meixner and Schäfke (1954) for the spheroidal wave function of the first kind; §30.1
(with 𝖯𝗌nm(x,γ2): spheroidal wave function of the first kind)
Ps n m ( z , γ 2 ) = 𝑃𝑠 n m ( z , γ 2 )
notation used by Meixner and Schäfke (1954) for the spheroidal wave function of complex argument; §30.1
(with 𝑃𝑠nm(z,γ2): spheroidal wave function of complex argument)
𝑃𝑠 n m ( z , γ 2 )
spheroidal wave function of complex argument; §30.6
ψ ( x )
Chebyshev ψ-function; (25.16.1)
Ψ ( z ) = ψ ( z )
notation used by Davis (1933); §5.1
(with ψ(z): psi (or digamma) function)
Ψ ( z 1 ) = ψ ( z )
notation used by Gauss, Jahnke and Emde (1945); §5.1
(with ψ(z): psi (or digamma) function)
ψ ( z )
psi (or digamma) function; (5.2.2)
Ψ K ( 𝐱 )
canonical integral function; (36.2.4)
Ψ 2 ( 𝐱 )
Pearcey integral; (36.2.14)
Ψ ( E ) ( 𝐱 )
elliptic umbilic canonical integral function; (36.2.5)
Ψ ( H ) ( 𝐱 )
hyperbolic umbilic canonical integral function; (36.2.5)
ψ ( n ) ( z )
polygamma functions; §5.15
Ψ ( U ) ( 𝐱 )
umbilic canonical integral function; (36.2.5)
Ψ K ( 𝐱 ; k )
diffraction catastrophe; (36.2.10)
Ψ ( E ) ( 𝐱 ; k )
elliptic umbilic canonical integral function; (36.2.11)
Ψ ( H ) ( 𝐱 ; k )
hyperbolic umbilic canonical integral function; (36.2.11)
Ψ ( U ) ( 𝐱 ; k )
umbilic canonical integral function; (36.2.11)
Ψ ( a ; b ; 𝐓 )
confluent hypergeometric function of matrix argument (second kind); (35.6.2)
Ψ ( a ; b ; z ) = U ( a , b , z )
notation used by Erdélyi et al. (1953a, §6.5); §13.1
(with U(a,b,z): Kummer confluent hypergeometric function)
ψsr(a1,,ar;b1,,bs;q,z) or ψsr(a1,,arb1,,bs;q,z)
bilateral basic hypergeometric (or bilateral q-hypergeometric) function; (17.4.3)