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10th Living Knowledge Conference 2024: Plenary session. Towards "better AI" in Catalonia and beyond. Example of Inclusive Research at the UdG. Fertile soil for 'edible' cities: brifging research and action for transformative urban agriculture in Girona

Text Complet
Opening ceremony and presentation of the "10th Living Knowledge Conference 2024" by Norbert Steinhaus, moderator of the day and Joaquim Salvi, rector of the UdG. Presentation of communications: "Towards 'better AI' in Catalonia and beyond" by Albert sabater; "Example of Inclusive Research at the UdG" by Maialen Beltran i "Fertile soil for 'edible' cities: brifging research and action for transformative urban agriculture in Girona" by Joaquim Comas ​
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