Ever since we launched the Coremob W3C Community Group and open sourced Ringmark, we've seen a flurry of activity from folks involved in Coremob and changes in the proposed specs. As a result, we've been actively making changes to Ringmark to keep it up to date.
Next week, Robin Berjon (co-chair of Coremob) will begin reviewing the tests that we've submitted, based on the criteria outlined by the group. If you would like to be a part of reviewing the tests, check out the Wiki page.
Once this assessment is finished, Ringmark will run directly off of the Coremob GitHub repository of tests.
Coremob is full of activity and feedback about the methodology, tests, and Ringmark itself. We've taken all of this feedback and baked it into Ringmark.
Some of the notable changes include adding a version number to the bottom of rng.io. When tapped, it displays a changelog. Also, there have been bug fixes, including moving tests to proper Rings. You can see the full changelog by tapping on the version number at the bottom of rng.io.
It's important that anyone viewing rng.io can immediately understand what's happening. Now when you scroll down and view the results, it's clear what tests are grouped with particular use cases. For example, there's a 2D Games category that contains tests like orientation lock. We encourage you to check this and other changes out at rng.io.
Ringmark is a work in progress and feedback is always very welcome via Coremob. We've taken all of the feedback we've been hearing and have made rng.io's goals and mission even clearer.
We're happy to announce that Ringmark is now integrated into Browserscope.org! Thanks to Lindsey Simon and Steve Souders for making this happen. Now you can go to the homepage of Browserscope and see the latest browser results from Ringmark. Each time another browser hits rng.io, these stats are updated.
If you would like to see a full dump of every test that has run on every User Agent, see this page. To see which User Agents pass particular Rings, check out this page.
Among Browserscope, we're seeing other tools integrate Ringmark, like 51degrees.mobi.
The mobile web will only get better if all of us make it happen, so here are some ways to get involved.
Coremob is actively discussing the feature set that should be in mobile web browsers. In the past couple of weeks, we've seen many companies and individuals join including Google, jQuery, Netbiscuits and many others. To participate and make your voice heard, join Coremob.
Here are some other ways to get started.
Also, if you haven't already, see what participants are saying about the Coremob group including Mozilla, Bocoup, Walmart, Qualcomm, ST-Ericsson, and Zynga.
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