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Contributing Code

When contributing code to Blender, it first ought to be reviewed. This is mandatory when you do not have the right to commit your changes directly, but even for seasoned Blender developers it can be beneficial to have an extra pair of eyes to go over their code.

This wiki page describes the process of code contribution and review. For specific steps, see the guide to creating pull requests.

Before Starting to Code

If you plan to work on bigger changes or new features, it's usually a good idea to Contact Developers in the area you plan to work in, and figure out if the feature is desired and how it should be designed, before spending time coding it. By talking to developers first, you can make sure that your work aligns with other plans, and that the approach is sound.

If you are contributing a small feature or fix, you can usually just go ahead and create a pull request directly.


Making contribution is very welcome! To make timely and proper reviews possible, we'd recommend you to check on the guidelines below.

  • Format your commit message following the style guidelines.
  • Make a separate comment or use a horizontal separator (---) in the description for additional information that is not intended to be in the commit message.
  • Follow code guidelines: no new warnings, comment your code, add documentation, follow code style of the file you are editing.
  • Try to keep everything in a pull request related to one topic. If there are two things you're fixing, e.g. adding a new hotkey and fixing a memory leak, submit two separate pull requests, one for each topic.
  • Include all the Ingredients of a Pull Request in the description (see the section below).
  • Contributions solving bugs or compiling errors need similar information as for bug reports, on how to reproduce the issue that is solved.
  • If there are bigger design question to solve, open a Design task first, so that code review can focus mostly on the implementation.
  • A review has to be done both on functional level (does this fit with Blender's design or roadmap) and technical level (does the provided code conform to our coding style, match design and planning, and is sufficiently readable and maintainable). It is fine to submit a rough PR marked as WIP: first to demonstrate the functional level, and then update it so that it is also functionally sound. Also make this clear in the description.
  • Be explicit about who should maintain the new code. For larger changes it's relevant to note if you seek one of the Blender project members to maintain it, or whether you propose to get involved as team member to maintain/improve it in the future.
  • Provide as much relevant documentation as possible. Images, screenshots, short video clips or .blend file examples do do wonders! You can attach all of this to your submitted pull request on projects.blender.org.
  • The typical reviewers with final approval should be module owners, but anyone can and is encouraged to participate.
  • Make it easy for people to review the code. That means you do not submit huge changes, but break up your work into multiple smaller pull requests and reviews.
  • Code refactoring, new features, bug fixes, etc. should generally be submitted as separate code reviews. You can have them as separate commits in the same local Git branch.
  • Code reviewers should try to either accept, request changes, or reassign to another reviewer quickly, to unblock the developers working on their features. This makes the process more inviting to new developers and more usable for existing developers.

Ingredients of a Pull Request

Before adding a new feature (even a small one), it needs to be discussed and motivated. As a minimum, the description should include the following where applicable:

  1. Description of the problem that is addressed.
  2. Description of the proposed solution, and a motivation as to why this is the best solution.
  3. List of alternative solutions, and a motivation as to why these are undesirable.
  4. Limitations of the proposed solution.
  5. Mock-up of the proposed user interface and a description of how users are going to interact with the new feature.

These ingredients don’t have to be full essays. A few well-written sentences can be very illuminating as well. An example can be found in D7533. A simpler example that still adheres to the above can be found in D6352.

The order in which these are listed is also relevant, as it helps to guide the reader towards understanding what the change is doing. To give a counter-example, starting a description with “This drop-down menu allows the artist to…” can be hard to understand at first, as the reader doesn’t know anything about the underlying problem yet.

Every day developers have to dive into Blender's history to find rationales on changes. When this results in a commit or pull request with no rationales at all, developers end up having to make guesses and assumptions, which tend to backfire and result in bugs. The alternative is to spend a significant amount of time understanding the changes and testing corner cases. By writing down some (brief) background information and rationales for a change, it helps to make better, more informed decisions later.

Finding Reviewers

To find out who exactly is responsible for some area of the code you can check the modules list or browse the code and history for each file to see who worked on similar files or who is the author of an add-on.

You can then assign these developers as reviewers for your pull request. If you are unsure who to assign, you can ask in a comment or in chat.

When working on bigger changes, we highly recommend you first contact developers and talk about your ideas. This will give you an indication if the functionality is likely to be accepted, and who is a suitable reviewer.

Doing a good review can take a lot of time, and because many Blender developers are involved in multiple project or volunteers, we cannot make a promise you'll get a quick review. But following the guidelines on this page makes the process go faster.

Help, my pull request got rejected!

Even for experienced developers, it is very common that reviewers do not accept a pull request immediately. When you send in a pull request, please expect that you'll be asked to change things around. After all, that's what reviews are for -- to find weaknesses and solve them.

We're all software developers here, and we understand code work on Blender shows a lot of commitment, and has been your time investment with all the good intentions to help us out. A rejection doesn't mean we don't like you, nor that we don't like to see actively helping out as a contributor! It's all human beings here, with personal preferences, and ideas for how to make Blender a better product.

It makes Blender as an open source project strong if we allow active developers and maintainers to make individual choices too. They're getting empowered to do development, which also implies they have get the benefit of the doubt in making tough decisions.

Nevertheless, mistakes can always happen! Here's what to do to get a contribution considered after all:

  • Contact the developer chat with a friendly request for (additional) reviews. Make sure the current maintainer of code at least is aware of this rejection.
  • If no result or consensus in the project team can be found, you can ask the Blender admins to provide a final verdict.