Blender 4.1: User Interface
- Input Placeholders to show a hint about the expected value of an

- Cryptomatte picking can now occur between separate windows.
- The UI interface font can now be shown in any weight.

- Khmer font added to support a new translation of that Cambodian
- New icons added to represent area splitting, joining, and swapping.
- Wide Enum lists will now collapse to a single column if not enough
- Changing UI font in Preferences will now start in your OS Fonts
(d3a2673cb8, 048cece74d).
- File Browser List View removes columns and reformats as width is
- Improved Color Picker cursor indication and feedback.

- Text Object fonts now look in the fallback stack when characters are
not found.

- Animation marker drawing improvements.
- Improved corner rounding for menus and popup blocks.

- Improved quality of menu and popup block shadows.
- Improved initial display of compositor node trees.
- New Text Objects will use translated "Text" as default.

- Eyedropper can now pick colors outside the Blender window on Mac.
- Open Recent menu items now show blender version and thumbnail if available.
- Open Recent menu now includes "Clear Recent Files List" item.
- Background Images can now be shown with render color transforms applied.
- File Browser tooltips now show blender version, image dimensions, video
details, etc. (cd4328dd82).

- Some changes and corrections to the Text Object "Special Characters" menu.
- Clarify Liquid Diffusion/Viscosity Properties
- The auto-save timer is now restarted after saving manually
- Dialog to enter characters by Unicode value into Text Objects.
- Operator Properties dialogs now include "Cancel" button.
- All disclosure open/close items now using the same chevron-style icon.
- Updated general Mask icon and Grease Pencil "Invert" icons.
- Added visual toggle for Sculpt and Grease Pencil automasking options.
Image Editor
- Image Editor now allows rotating images by 90 degree increments.
- Image Vectorscope has updated look, and ability to display tinted or luma scope.

Node Editor
- The Ungroup operator now ungroups all selected group nodes instead
of just the active one
- Socket picking when creating node links has been improved to reduce
the number of mis-clicks
- Double-click on Outliner collection to select all children. (796577d76e).
- Modifiers can now be applied from the outliner (1c503c094c).
- Outliner context menu contains "Show Hierarchy" and "Expand/Collapse All".
(4793b4592b, f815484e7d).
3D Viewport
- Walk mode now supports relative up/down (using R/F keys)
- Improved Mesh Edge Highlighting.
- Improved contrast for text overlays. (a4a8683788).
- Shadowed text for Geometry Nodes Viewer attributes. (38e7b4e473).
- Gizmo button to toggle Lock Camera to View. (23faaac68b ).
- Input Method Editors (IME) now supported for Wayland