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It is possible to update an extension directly using the API.

Code snippet:

curl -X POST https://extensions.blender.org/api/v1/extensions/$EXTENSION/versions/upload/ \
  -H "Authorization:bearer $BLENDER_EXTENSIONS_TOKEN" \
  -F "version_file=@$FILENAME" \
  -F "release_notes=$RELEASE_NOTES"


  • BLENDER_EXTENSION_TOKEN: Authentication Token.
  • FILENAME: the .zip package for the extension.
  • RELEASE_NOTES: markdown release notes.
  • EXTENSION: the extension id.


curl -X POST https://extensions.blender.org/api/v1/extensions/my_addon/versions/upload/ \
  -H "Authorization:bearer x_xRe91mBmlHLveA9v-xyKgPcm8Zig2EH7Uhh0vHCN8" \
  -F "version_file=@/home/user/my-addon-1.0.1.zip" \
  -F release_notes=$'* Fix crashes when opening Blender.\n* Improve performance 2x.\n* Fix parsing \\n characters.'

Authentication tokens can be generated from the user profile page on the extensions platform.